Sisterhood HCP Week 2



  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Sorry I am behind everyone. I lost 4 lbs last week! I have been doing cardio every day and sometimes 2 times a day. I will try and look at everyone's updates later.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I am so impressed by everyone!!! And LuckyLeprechaun, I know you can do it!!! A friend of mine lost a bunch of weight over the last few years, and she started running marathons. At the beginning, she finished with times she was happy with, because she actually FINISHED, but now she's doing triathalons and finishing marathons in the top 30. I know you are going to do great, because you're taking that first big step!!!
  • s_dimples, zoepane, and thompsons81702 Yeah:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Lucky Leprechaun -- You can do it! God knows I couldn't.:noway: Who cares if you're half dead crossing the finish line?:laugh: At least you're crossing right? I'd be so proud of myself to cross I'd jump for joy (after passing out of course:wink: ). Just think, when you cross that line, it's more than what you thought you could do a few months ago, right? Everybody starts somewhere. This race is your "where", that doesn't mean you have to stay there. You'll move on to bigger and better before you know it.:wink:
  • saran
    saran Posts: 13
    Ok, so this week I gained 2 lbs! I'm looking at the overall picture since I started on Jan. 5th. You are all amazing! I wanted to post a picture of myself instead of our dog but after looking through my pictures I barely have any. I'm avoiding the camera! This is my turning point because I want my kids to remember good times with me and how much we laugh together.

    Stats: Beginning 193
    Was: 187
    Now: 189
    Goal: 180 for now so I can get out of the obese BMI
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I'm the same way when it comes to pictures-that's why the ones I've posted are so out of date. It kind of makes me mad at myself, because we lived in Hawaii for three years and I'm basically non-existent in some of the best moments of our lives. That's why family portraits I can be proud of is one of my long-term goals for next Christmas!!!
  • mom2one
    mom2one Posts: 24
    I think I'm going to just stand outside today for my workout. Between the wind howling and me trying to stay upright and the below zero temps my body might start to eat the fat off my *kitten* to survive:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    that is the funniest thing I have read all day... thanks for the laugh :laugh:
  • mom2one
    mom2one Posts: 24
    Okay Sisters (and Mister), I need some serious cheering section. I am going to run my first ever 5K on Sunday and I am scared! I have been training for it since Thanksgiving, doing better some weeks, doing crappy some weeks, but I have drastically increased the length of time that I can run. But I am still sooo scared that I will be dragging across the finish line! I KNOW I will finish, I just don't want to kill myself doing it:laugh:

    I'll be in Golden Gate Park Sunday Morning at about 8:45 (hopefully that's when I will be crossing the finish line) just in case there are any local friends who wanna come see!!

    Cross your fingers for me!

    Best of luck!! With your positive attitude, you will definately finish!!! :smile:
  • Annika
    Annika Posts: 55
    I don't officially weigh in at my gym until Friday, but my guesstimate is that I'm down by 1 lb, based on my not as accurate scale at home.
  • Phoenix69
    Phoenix69 Posts: 34 Member
    Congratulations to everyone! It sounds like everyone is doing well.

    Good luck to everyone with all that you are trying and doing. I am amazed to hear what some doing. e.g. 5k etc. As I am just starting on the downward scale, walking 5 steps is good enough for me.

    I went to the doctor today and I am officially down 10lbs. As today was my weight in day, I have today as my treat day, so I think I going to have 2 glasses of wine this evening with dinner or maybe some ice cream. No wine. :drinker: I fixed my ticker tape to show my real start weight. So I can put on my 10lbs and not seem like I am lying.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Okay Sisters (and Mister), I need some serious cheering section. I am going to run my first ever 5K on Sunday and I am scared! I have been training for it since Thanksgiving, doing better some weeks, doing crappy some weeks, but I have drastically increased the length of time that I can run. But I am still sooo scared that I will be dragging across the finish line! I KNOW I will finish, I just don't want to kill myself doing it:laugh:

    I'll be in Golden Gate Park Sunday Morning at about 8:45 (hopefully that's when I will be crossing the finish line) just in case there are any local friends who wanna come see!!

    Cross your fingers for me!

    Go can do it!! We're all here rooting for ya (and some of us are wishing we are where you at...but we all be one day!!) and can't wait to see your post on how well you did!! Whoo-hoo!!
    All things really ARE possible!! :wink:
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    Okay, so I was really afraid to step on the scale today since I'm expecting a visit from "Aunt Flo" ANYTIME NOW! I feel so bloated and disgusting, I was sure I had gained a lot! BUT...

    officially I've only gained one pound and I haven't gained anything in inches except for half an inch on my boobs and I'll take that!:laugh: I really thought with how bloated I feel I would have gone up a couple of inches in my belly but I haven't. Now I'm extra excited for next week's results! Whodda thought I'd be happy to gain/stay the same?
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Okay, so I was really afraid to step on the scale today since I'm expecting a visit from "Aunt Flo" ANYTIME NOW! I feel so bloated and disgusting, I was sure I had gained a lot! BUT...

    officially I've only gained one pound and I haven't gained anything in inches except for half an inch on my boobs and I'll take that!:laugh: I really thought with how bloated I feel I would have gone up a couple of inches in my belly but I haven't. Now I'm extra excited for next week's results! Whodda thought I'd be happy to gain/stay the same?

    Poor Mister Sister... He must really feel out of the loop right now. :smile: I am a little nervous about my upcoming visit from that unwanted "Aunt", but even more than that I'm nervous about my husband coming home from training. He's been gone for a couple of weeks, and has a couple more to go. I'm so scared that when he gets back my old habits will resurface!!! HE doesn't need to worry about losing any weight, so having him home can make meals a little more difficult. I miss HIM, though!!!
  • rosabella
    rosabella Posts: 194 Member
    Hello Sisters (and Mister Sister!) I hope you are all having a splendid Tuesday! I weigh the same as last week, but I've eaten so much healthier and I feel great!

    Leprechan, speaking as a cross country runner, you WILL want to die at the end of the race, because you will have pushed yourself to the limit - it happens every single race. But I promise, the feeling you will have even just 5 minutes afterwards will make you completely forget what the "want to die" feeling is like. I can't quite describe it, but you'll know what I mean. Keep us posted!! :laugh:
  • congrats on the weight loss!
  • My beloved PITA DD told me to copy and paste what I wrote onto this thread..but thanks for welcoming me on the first thread...sistahs and mistah.

    OK..deep breath..I am pepamint's mom and we vowed not to divulge our weight to each I won't post my weight..but I am 25lbs heavier than I would like to be....I promise all of you that pepmint and I will keep each other honest though.... LOL..she's been nagging me to join this group so with your permission...may I climb on board? I did weigh myself last week and again today.

    I joined the same day she did..I've lost a whopping 2lbs..weighed myself today and... dag nab it...I didn't lose a darn thing..I haven't been cheating and have been forcing myself to eat...long story..bad eating habits for years...and I've been doing strength training and walking at 3.6-3.7MPH uphill on the treadmill with 3-1 minute sprints at least 5 days a week for a minimum of 30 minutes....but..(no pun intended).I am not discouraged and I noticed my jeans are beginning to fit me better. I would like to fit into the jeans I bought 8 years ago (which I kept) by June, hopefully, so I won't give up.

    Pepamint and the rest of you .........whoo hoo....:drinker: congrats on your respective weight losses..and even if you didn't lose.... way to doesn't matter if it's .5 or 5lb or even 0 lbs....just keep on truckin'...and are so right..I think maybe...nope...I KNOW..... that I do need support even though I'm so used to flying solo.
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Yea I can't wait until Summer gets here! I bought an awesome new Diamondback Mountain bike last summer and I got on 10-15 mile rides on it about twice a week. Most is on trails so you are constantly peddling. That's a heck of a workout! I'm getting excited thinking about it! My two old roomates are going to start joining me so I'm hoping that together we might get a couple of 20 mile rides in this summer! Down in alabama a 4 hour ride in 100 degree weather is no joke!

    i know i cant wait to (till the summer) i mean i have a friend who commited to going with me but even if she doesnt i am commiting to going by myself and theres this great trail where i live with lots of hill and there is also a park omg im getting excited about it.....

    thanks for the encouragment eveyone yes i embrace my 2 pounds lost this week and my 4 pounds lost total and they wont be the last :drinker:

    and welcome my mother iwanttostayhealthy i am so happy she finally came on here i really think that the motivation and support is what is going to make the difference for both of us...:bigsmile:
  • :bigsmile: :bigsmile: REALLY excited.... I did 10 minutes longer than usual on cardio tonight. :glasses: Which now I can do DOUBLE :noway: the time I was able when I started!! So proud of me! Just had to share!!!! Thanks! :drinker: :drinker: :happy:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Okay Sisters (and Mister), I need some serious cheering section. I am going to run my first ever 5K on Sunday and I am scared! I have been training for it since Thanksgiving, doing better some weeks, doing crappy some weeks, but I have drastically increased the length of time that I can run. But I am still sooo scared that I will be dragging across the finish line! I KNOW I will finish, I just don't want to kill myself doing it:laugh:

    I'll be in Golden Gate Park Sunday Morning at about 8:45 (hopefully that's when I will be crossing the finish line) just in case there are any local friends who wanna come see!!

    Cross your fingers for me!

    You can do it!!!!!! OK so fill me in what did you do to train for a 5k run? I always do 5K runs but I just walk and average about 50 min. I am not good at running at all. When I am on the tredmil I get so out of breath I am lucky if I can run 1/4 mile. I can't imagine 3.1 miles. So if you don't mind sharing I would love to hear. I think our post is having a 5k Run in March. Maybe I could start getting ready.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    I'm going to let this one slide.......hey what kind of cardio are you gals doing? Anyone do Yoga on a regular basis?
    So my cardio is so mixed up depending on the day and what I have planned. Life is so crazy when my husband is gone. So usually I try to get to the gym M,W,F. I have to bring my daughter so I do 15 min on the Stair climber and 15 min on the Eliptical or I sometimes switch that up and do 30 of one. On those days in the evening after both my girls are asleep I do a dvd called Walk away the pounds. I usually walk 1 or 2 miles. Then I do my sit ups and push ups for the challenges? Did you start? On T, and TH I can get daycare at the gym for one hour so I try and do 30 min or tredmil, stair climber or Eliptical then 30 min or weights. I still do a walking dvd at night usually. It just makes me feel better before I go to bed. I am going to try this circuit class that our gym just started offering. It is free and I love free! I just have to get daycare. That would be on T, TH. Hey so if you have a bike I think they sell a stand that you can ride it in your house while the weather is not so great. I know it isn't as much fun but hey it is cardio!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    The summer time makes up for the horrible winter here. We literally get around 23 hours of "sunlight" during the summer, so we make up for being cooped up as much as we can. :smile:
    So our you stationed in Alaska? Also what workout DVD's do you do? I have been looking for some new ones but I hate spending so much money on them in case I hate them.
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