Sisterhood HCP Week 2



  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Thats great! I'm trying to cut out most of fast food too. We had Popeyes for supper last night though. :( I was suprised that the calories weren't that much though.
    Yeah well we are trying to save money and eat healthy so the two go well together. It was just so easy to eat fastfood since I am always running around and I am only cooking for myself and my 7 year old who would like to eat out everyday. She has done well with it and I was very excited. Two weeks is a long time for us.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey everybody... Just wanted to give you some more details so that you're not thinking that I'm in danger of being the next city of Pompey... The last time that Mt. Redoubt went off was 20 years ago-my neighbor lived here then and said that it looked like a big mushroom cloud in the sky. We don't have to worry about lava, it's the ash that's going to be an issue if it goes off. It's supposed to be pretty bad for you, so we all went out and bought dust masks in case we do have to go somewhere. I guess that another thing I should have bought is an air filter for my car, because it can get clogged up and make your vehicle not run anymore. Thanks for all the concern... And all your prayers will be much appreciated.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    By the way, I added a few pics to my profile. I put up my motivation to lose weight. Before Christmas my daughter came home with a Christmas Card she had made in spanish class. Inside the card it had a picture of me, my husband and my youngest daughter. In the picture is had me looking like a big fat orange. I looked the word up that she used to describe me and it said "My Momma is Fat". I cried but not in front of her. I knew she did not mean harm but I was so hurt that is how she sees me. I told my husband that as soon as he left I was going to get on track and lose weight. I also put some pictures of me the day I started. I have only been at this for 3.5 weeks and I can see a huge difference already. I am not taking after pics until April that is when I set my goal to reach. So anyone else motivated for a certain reason?

    I know what you mean. I'm so afraid of my boys seeing me as fat. I'm motivated because of 1. my boys. I want to be able to play with them and not get tired! and 2. for my husband. He's a cop and I know what kind of women he comes across everyday. Not that I'm worried about him! I just want him to be able to be proud of how I look.

    I know how both of you feel... My 8 year old was showing a friend of hers all the pictures we have hanging up in our house... One was of me when she was around 21/2, at my almost fittest. She was saying things like "This is me in Georgia, this is my dog Peek when he was a puppy, and this is my mom when she was...." And then she didn't finish her sentence. I know what she was trying to do... She is always very aware of other people's feelings, and I'm sure that she knew she could hurt my feelings by saying something about my weight. I really want to be a good role model for my girls-they are both healthy and we keep them active, and I want our entire family to stay that way.

    My husband is in the Air National Guard, and he goes to drill up in Anchorage, a three hour drive away. I haven't been able to meet anyone in his unit yet, and am kind of thankful for it since no one knows what I look like yet. :blushing: They have a family organizational day every year, and if I had the opportunity to go to it, I want to be healthy again for it!!! My husband always tells me how proud he is that I'm his wife, whether I'm at my lightest or my heaviest, but I want to live up to what I know I can be.
  • FoxyLoxy
    FoxyLoxy Posts: 80 Member
    By the way, I added a few pics to my profile. I put up my motivation to lose weight. Before Christmas my daughter came home with a Christmas Card she had made in spanish class. Inside the card it had a picture of me, my husband and my youngest daughter. In the picture is had me looking like a big fat orange. I looked the word up that she used to describe me and it said "My Momma is Fat". I cried but not in front of her. I knew she did not mean harm but I was so hurt that is how she sees me. I told my husband that as soon as he left I was going to get on track and lose weight. I also put some pictures of me the day I started. I have only been at this for 3.5 weeks and I can see a huge difference already. I am not taking after pics until April that is when I set my goal to reach. So anyone else motivated for a certain reason?

    You've lost 15 lbs. in 3.5 weeks?! That is awesome! Good on ya :o) I'll think that your fantastic progress will be a new motivation for me :wink: I've been at this for 3 weeks or so and have only lost about 6 lbs. I've been giving into my weanesses :o( (i.e. frosted donuts and coke...:grumble: )

    My kids have motivated me too - I've heard the fat word but they are so small that they aren't being malicious, they are just stating what they see. I feel your pain :brokenheart: I have noticed though that they are now very excited about exercise everyday so I am happy to see that I am having a positive impact on my kids and that is giving me new motivation.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    By the way, I added a few pics to my profile. I put up my motivation to lose weight. Before Christmas my daughter came home with a Christmas Card she had made in spanish class. Inside the card it had a picture of me, my husband and my youngest daughter. In the picture is had me looking like a big fat orange. I looked the word up that she used to describe me and it said "My Momma is Fat". I cried but not in front of her. I knew she did not mean harm but I was so hurt that is how she sees me. I told my husband that as soon as he left I was going to get on track and lose weight. I also put some pictures of me the day I started. I have only been at this for 3.5 weeks and I can see a huge difference already. I am not taking after pics until April that is when I set my goal to reach. So anyone else motivated for a certain reason?

    You've lost 15 lbs. in 3.5 weeks?! That is awesome! Good on ya :o) I'll think that your fantastic progress will be a new motivation for me :wink: I've been at this for 3 weeks or so and have only lost about 6 lbs. I've been giving into my weanesses :o( (i.e. frosted donuts and coke...:grumble: )

    My kids have motivated me too - I've heard the fat word but they are so small that they aren't being malicious, they are just stating what they see. I feel your pain :brokenheart: I have noticed though that they are now very excited about exercise everyday so I am happy to see that I am having a positive impact on my kids and that is giving me new motivation.
    Yeah I started on the 5th of January. I am sure I will hit a plato(SP?) soon. I am always able to lose fast as soon as I start excercising and eating right. I have given into my temptation a few times but always stay with in my calorie limit. I went from probably eating 4000 calories a day to 1500 and exercicing 7 days a week. You can do it to. You will probably catch up to me soon.
    Yeah I don't think that she meant it. When I asked her what it meant she said big. It just made me realize how she see's me. So I have the picture hung by my desk as motivation. She just thinks I like it a lot, lol.
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    HAPPY FRIDAY!! I am so glad its almost the weekend... 4.5 more hours...
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I am sooooo upset!!!:explode: I just heard from my sister (her husband is in the same unit as my husband) that the group in Guam might be delayed in Japan because of the volcano... All of the single soldiers are excited, but for those with family at home, staying for an extra week or two is not their idea of fun. I should be thankful that it's not another deployment... But even a month is hard to go without.
  • FoxyLoxy
    FoxyLoxy Posts: 80 Member
    By the way, I added a few pics to my profile. I put up my motivation to lose weight. Before Christmas my daughter came home with a Christmas Card she had made in spanish class. Inside the card it had a picture of me, my husband and my youngest daughter. In the picture is had me looking like a big fat orange. I looked the word up that she used to describe me and it said "My Momma is Fat". I cried but not in front of her. I knew she did not mean harm but I was so hurt that is how she sees me. I told my husband that as soon as he left I was going to get on track and lose weight. I also put some pictures of me the day I started. I have only been at this for 3.5 weeks and I can see a huge difference already. I am not taking after pics until April that is when I set my goal to reach. So anyone else motivated for a certain reason?

    You've lost 15 lbs. in 3.5 weeks?! That is awesome! Good on ya :o) I'll think that your fantastic progress will be a new motivation for me :wink: I've been at this for 3 weeks or so and have only lost about 6 lbs. I've been giving into my weanesses :o( (i.e. frosted donuts and coke...:grumble: )

    My kids have motivated me too - I've heard the fat word but they are so small that they aren't being malicious, they are just stating what they see. I feel your pain :brokenheart: I have noticed though that they are now very excited about exercise everyday so I am happy to see that I am having a positive impact on my kids and that is giving me new motivation.
    Yeah I started on the 5th of January. I am sure I will hit a plato(SP?) soon. I am always able to lose fast as soon as I start excercising and eating right. I have given into my temptation a few times but always stay with in my calorie limit. I went from probably eating 4000 calories a day to 1500 and exercicing 7 days a week. You can do it to. You will probably catch up to me soon.
    Yeah I don't think that she meant it. When I asked her what it meant she said big. It just made me realize how she see's me. So I have the picture hung by my desk as motivation. She just thinks I like it a lot, lol.

    I don't usually drop the pounds fast - its the inches that seem to go faster for me so I tend to like to do measurements better. I measured myself probably about a week ago or more and had lost 1 1/2 inches off my waist - YAY! And today I tried on some pants that I couldn't button before and now I can button them :bigsmile: I'm still a little muffin-toppy in them but I'm definately psyched to get them on :happy:
  • dsangel
    dsangel Posts: 27
    I am sooooo upset!!!:explode: I just heard from my sister (her husband is in the same unit as my husband) that the group in Guam might be delayed in Japan because of the volcano... All of the single soldiers are excited, but for those with family at home, staying for an extra week or two is not their idea of fun. I should be thankful that it's not another deployment... But even a month is hard to go without.

    Aww I'm so sorry! And Japan of all places...

    Maybe it'll work out and they won't be delayed.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I don't usually drop the pounds fast - its the inches that seem to go faster for me so I tend to like to do measurements better. I measured myself probably about a week ago or more and had lost 1 1/2 inches off my waist - YAY! And today I tried on some pants that I couldn't button before and now I can button them :bigsmile: I'm still a little muffin-toppy in them but I'm definately psyched to get them on :happy:

    Congratulations on your recent success!!! I have quite a few pairs in my dresser that I won't wear-I'm afraid I'll be like one of those people from the Subway commercials... You know, the one where the people's buttons are flying off and breaking stuff, ricochetting off of street signs, etc. I don't want to maim anyone standing in the same room as me!!:laugh:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I am sooooo upset!!!:explode: I just heard from my sister (her husband is in the same unit as my husband) that the group in Guam might be delayed in Japan because of the volcano... All of the single soldiers are excited, but for those with family at home, staying for an extra week or two is not their idea of fun. I should be thankful that it's not another deployment... But even a month is hard to go without.

    Aww I'm so sorry! And Japan of all places...

    Maybe it'll work out and they won't be delayed.

    Things always work out in the end; I'm just frustrated about how this trip went so far... He wasn't even supposed to go, and they scheduled him in last minute... And we've missed so many holidays, I was looking forward to him being here for Valentine's Day:brokenheart:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    So sorry MissResa, I sure hope your hubby gets to come home. It is so frustrating when then change things at the last min. Last deployment my hubby was supposed to be home in 2 weeks and we got extended 4 more months. That meant he was gone 16 months in Afghanistan. Totally suck so I know what your going through.

    So where is everyone? I know it is Saturday but come on we need to be accountable every day! I am especially bed on the weekends. I have to work out today but I have not motivation.
  • FoxyLoxy
    FoxyLoxy Posts: 80 Member
    I actually have 2 days off in a row! Yesturday & today so I have been trying to get my house in order. Right now I am knee deep in clothes that I have had boxed up & trying to figure out what might fit now & what I'll be able to wear again real soon - so excited! I know what you mean about the weekend. For me it is just any day that I have to be at home w/o something to do. That's when I seem to become preoccupied with food - I hate it. What I need to do is go buy myself a pack of gum but that means leaving the house....
  • Good Morning! I can't imagine having to wait extra to see hubby. Sorry:frown: . I used to think it was bad when my hubby was working 28days on 14days off (he was on the other side of the state, so couldn't commute). Maybe it was just cuz I was prego and hormonal:ohwell: :laugh: Anyway, hope he doesn't get delayed:wink: .
    I get to go to town today:bigsmile: :bigsmile: Yeah for the first time in 2 weeks! I know I get excited over the grocery store, but it's the little things in life:bigsmile: Hope everyone has a great day!
  • FoxyLoxy
    FoxyLoxy Posts: 80 Member
    I don't usually drop the pounds fast - its the inches that seem to go faster for me so I tend to like to do measurements better. I measured myself probably about a week ago or more and had lost 1 1/2 inches off my waist - YAY! And today I tried on some pants that I couldn't button before and now I can button them :bigsmile: I'm still a little muffin-toppy in them but I'm definately psyched to get them on :happy:

    Congratulations on your recent success!!! I have quite a few pairs in my dresser that I won't wear-I'm afraid I'll be like one of those people from the Subway commercials... You know, the one where the people's buttons are flying off and breaking stuff, ricochetting off of street signs, etc. I don't want to maim anyone standing in the same room as me!!:laugh:

  • dsangel
    dsangel Posts: 27
    Good news today! I measured and have lost 1 inch from my bust (not so good, haha), 1/2 inch from my hips, 2 inches from my thighs and lost 6lbs!! I'm very excited to see progress! I'm one of those who tends to give up if results don't come immediately but I've been going strong for a couple of weeks and am seeing results! Yay!
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    Happy Saturday everyone! I'm having a Me Day without my boys today. Plan on getting a bunch of housework done and it's nice outside so I'll probably go for a long walk with the dog. I finally had my little visit from Aunt Flo yesterday (7 days late :grumble: ) so I'm hoping the bloating and whatnot will be gone within a day or two. I weighed myself yesterday for fun (even though it was day one and I felt awful) and I was already down another pound. :smile: I don't want to put it on my ticker though because Tuesdays are my official weigh in and check in days so I'll wait. Maybe I will be able to put more than just one pound down!

    Here's to not sabotaging my efforts on this Superbowl weekend!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Good morning, all!!! I was actually able to talk to my husband yesterday, and he said he didn't think that they were going to be delayed... I feel so petty complaining about him being gone, especially with people who are in tougher situations(certain people who are in Germany:wink: ), but things are getting kinda hectic right now. You would think that a couple deployments would make this seem like a breeze, but it still stinks having him gone. Congrats to Missmez for her recent loss, and thank you everyone for letting me vent a little. I hope that everyone has a great day!!!!
  • dsangel
    dsangel Posts: 27
    Good morning, all!!! I was actually able to talk to my husband yesterday, and he said he didn't think that they were going to be delayed... I feel so petty complaining about him being gone, especially with people who are in tougher situations(certain people who are in Germany:wink: ), but things are getting kinda hectic right now. You would think that a couple deployments would make this seem like a breeze, but it still stinks having him gone. Congrats to Missmez for her recent loss, and thank you everyone for letting me vent a little. I hope that everyone has a great day!!!!

    Yay, thats awesome news!!
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