Sisterhood HCP Week 2



  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    MissResa -- Holy freakin awesome idea Batman! We do netflix and I never even thought of renting a work-out video. Thanks man:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • dsangel
    dsangel Posts: 27

    I would check with your doctor. I am sure the baby is fine. It is just finding the right amount of calories for you and especially for you to lose weight. How did losing weight with your first go while BF?

    I didn't try to lose weight the first time but I was back to my pre-preggo weight 6 months after he was born. So thats not bad and if I just let it go and didn't try I'd be doing about the same since I've lost 35lbs in 3 1/2 months. brother is getting married in April and it's 3 states away. I don't have enough clothes to take on a trip for that long and I don't want to wash everyday, kwim?? I have tons of size 12, which is what I was before so thats my goal. I'm in a 16 now. If I try to lose maybe I'll even be a size 10 before then! :wink:
  • Kristihgp
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: REALLY excited.... I did 10 minutes longer than usual on cardio tonight. :glasses: Which now I can do DOUBLE :noway: the time I was able when I started!! So proud of me! Just had to share!!!! Thanks! :drinker: :drinker: :happy:

    Whoop-Whoop...way to go!!! You're getting so healthy!!! Keep up the good work!!!
  • dsangel
    dsangel Posts: 27
    Looks like there are some military families on here. We're one too. DH has been in for 13 years, started out in Marine Reserves, went to Army Reserves and is now National Guard. In 13 years he has never been deployed. Unless you count working at the border with BP. Anywho, ya'll are awesome for what you do as wives of deployed men!!
  • Kristihgp
    thompsons -- $60 wow that's expensive, for me anyway. I've heard a bunch of ladies on here talk about the 30 day shred by Jillian Micheals, they all say it's a butt-kicker and really awesome. I've thought about getting it, saw it on ebay anywhere from $5-$20. A bunch of them were free shipping too (if that would apply to Germany? maybe have someone in states be the middle man for you?) Hope that helps a little?:ohwell:
    Yeah that is what I thought also! I couldn't see spending that much on a video I had not seen before or tried out. I know a lot of people like them but I am a try it out first kinda girl. I found the 30 day shred on Target for like $8. I might have to try it. We can get stuff shipped here most of the time cause it is just like shipping to NY. We have an APO address.
    Can you get NetFlix there??? My girlfriend swears by that...she gets the videos, works out a couple times and decides if she wants to buy them!! Might check it out!!
  • Kristihgp
    SOOOO Sorry for not fully reading everyone's posts before posting about Netflix!!! DUH!!!
    Please forgive me!!! :blushing:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    SOOOO Sorry for not fully reading everyone's posts before posting about Netflix!!! DUH!!!
    Please forgive me!!! :blushing:
    No Need to apoligize! I can get netflx and I am thinking of trying it out. I have never done netflix before but a lot of people swear by it. Now that I know they have workout DVD's I might give it a try!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    MissResa -- Holy freakin awesome idea Batman! We do netflix and I never even thought of renting a work-out video. Thanks man:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Whooda thunk it!? I was worried I'd turn into more of a couch potato when we first got it; I NEVER thought it would actually help me lose weight:tongue:
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    There's no way I can eat all my calories.:grumble: I've really been having a hard time lately and I've only been scraping by at barely over 1200. I almost never get to my exercise calories. Like right now, it's almost 7 at night, I'm full still from dinner and I have over 1,000 calories to eat. Right now I'm at 760 and have no desire to eat. ahhh I don't want to go into "starvation mode" but come on, I can't possibly eat that much. I guess there's worse problems to have:ohwell:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    How many calories are you alloted to eat in a day, before exercise, and how many calories do you earn from doing your exercise? I have my days, like tonight, when I get a crazy number of calories burned from playing volleyball. If I ate all the calories added together, I'd have to eat over 3,000 calories in one day. I think it's insane to do it, so I just make sure to have a healthy snack when I come home from the gym.
  • FoxyLoxy
    FoxyLoxy Posts: 80 Member
    I have found Exercise TV On Demand with Comcast. Since it is On Demand I can just start it and stop it whenever but don't have to purchase anything. I do a different workout every day with my regular cable. There is Jillian, Bob, Biggest Loser and a bunch of people I had never heard of. Doesn't help you out in Germany but others in the states might not know like I didn't.

    Oooh...I discovered this the other day too - isn't it awesome? I did the 30 Day Shred one the other day. I thought it was really, really boring but it sure did work out my legs. They still hurt and that was 2 days ago!
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    How many calories are you alloted to eat in a day, before exercise, and how many calories do you earn from doing your exercise? I have my days, like tonight, when I get a crazy number of calories burned from playing volleyball. If I ate all the calories added together, I'd have to eat over 3,000 calories in one day. I think it's insane to do it, so I just make sure to have a healthy snack when I come home from the gym.
    I'm supposed to get in a little over 1300 and I earn anywhere from 350-660 depending on how long I exercise for. At the very least 350, yesterday was 460 I think. Last night after posting I did have a snack, but, that was only about 170 calories. Then I was done, went to bed perfectly full. I think most of it is because we live in the boonies and have been snowed in on this mountain for about a week and a half now. So I don't have to worry about the temptation of eating out or bad food out of necessiity of grab and go to work. I cook everything. And when all you have in the freezer is elk, deer and boneless/skinless chicken, I'm not exactly rackin up the calories. It's good because I haven't had to alter my eating habits all that much, but now with burnin so many calories, I just don't wanna go into starvation mode. :grumble:
    Here's my menu from yesterday:
    Breakfast -- Red beans and rice (1 1/2cups) with an egg (sounds weird, but yummy leftovers), 3 cups of coffee with creamer -- 350 cals
    Lunch -- salad with turkey and dressing -- 135 cal
    Dinner -- Chicken breast, broccoli, and twice baked potato (with sour cream) -- 251
    Snack -- eating right chips -- 110
    toast with honey -- 170
    Total for the day -- 1016 plus my 460 exercise calories
    maybe that gives you a little insight? I ate plenty, and I don't think that force feeding myself is good neither is eating junk food just to fill calories? Any other opinions?:ohwell:
  • bigbird0930
    Keep searching because you'll find something you like. There are so many different workouts and personalities. I have a couple I do and turn off the sound and crank the radio because I can't stand to listen to them but I get a great workout with them. I've done 3 or 4 of the 10 minute workouts in a morning with different people teaching each one...shake it up! I have adult ADD and am worried I'll get bored since I've never excerised in my life and struggle with it every day.
  • Kristihgp
    How many calories are you alloted to eat in a day, before exercise, and how many calories do you earn from doing your exercise? I have my days, like tonight, when I get a crazy number of calories burned from playing volleyball. If I ate all the calories added together, I'd have to eat over 3,000 calories in one day. I think it's insane to do it, so I just make sure to have a healthy snack when I come home from the gym.
    I'm supposed to get in a little over 1300 and I earn anywhere from 350-660 depending on how long I exercise for. At the very least 350, yesterday was 460 I think. Last night after posting I did have a snack, but, that was only about 170 calories. Then I was done, went to bed perfectly full. I think most of it is because we live in the boonies and have been snowed in on this mountain for about a week and a half now. So I don't have to worry about the temptation of eating out or bad food out of necessiity of grab and go to work. I cook everything. And when all you have in the freezer is elk, deer and boneless/skinless chicken, I'm not exactly rackin up the calories. It's good because I haven't had to alter my eating habits all that much, but now with burnin so many calories, I just don't wanna go into starvation mode. :grumble:
    Here's my menu from yesterday:
    Breakfast -- Red beans and rice (1 1/2cups) with an egg (sounds weird, but yummy leftovers), 3 cups of coffee with creamer -- 350 cals
    Lunch -- salad with turkey and dressing -- 135 cal
    Dinner -- Chicken breast, broccoli, and twice baked potato (with sour cream) -- 251
    Snack -- eating right chips -- 110
    toast with honey -- 170
    Total for the day -- 1016 plus my 460 exercise calories
    maybe that gives you a little insight? I ate plenty, and I don't think that force feeding myself is good neither is eating junk food just to fill calories? Any other opinions?:ohwell:
    Have you gotten that pkt I sent you?? With those fooe ideas, you can see which ones are higher in calories, but still have great nutritional value (as opposed to just drowning your elk in a vat of butter!!) which may help. Maybe eating a lunch that isn't just negative calories (like lettuce) would help too.
    Maybe use that chicken in a pita, with a yogurt, and a piece of fruit or raw carrots would keep a balanced, lighter lunch, but be more than 135 calories. Just a thought. You're doing a great job eating healithier...but you're right about the starvation mode and if you look at other threads, other people are saying the same thing. You gotta put "fuel in your tank" in order for it to run right!!
    Love ya can do it!!
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Kristi- well we both know how much I don't get to go grocery shopping and our monthly income. So sometimes, $1 head of lettuce is more feasable than $5 yogurt. And no, I haven't gotten the packet yet, because stupid lazy Fred :explode: won't plow so we haven't gotten mail for a week now.:grumble: :grumble: Sorry to rant, but when mail (3 times a week) is the highlight of your day, you tend to get a little pissy when you don't get it due to others people's neglect. Sorry everyone for the negativity.:flowerforyou:
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Well shut my mouth and slap me silly, Fred just went by in the plow. We might get mail tomorrow. yeah:bigsmile: It's the little things in life......:laugh:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Kristi- well we both know how much I don't get to go grocery shopping and our monthly income. So sometimes, $1 head of lettuce is more feasable than $5 yogurt. And no, I haven't gotten the packet yet, because stupid lazy Fred :explode: won't plow so we haven't gotten mail for a week now.:grumble: :grumble: Sorry to rant, but when mail (3 times a week) is the highlight of your day, you tend to get a little pissy when you don't get it due to others people's neglect. Sorry everyone for the negativity.:flowerforyou:

    I can not imagine. I live for my mail. I go everyday at 3:00 to check and when I am expecting something it pisses me off if I don't get it. Not to get to personal but I am a huge coupon clipper! I save so much money about $25 every other week. Don't know who usually does your shopping but I would try clipping coupons and go to stores with double coupons and check the sale ads for grocery stores. You can always go for store brand and save a ton of money. Don't know if you have an Aldi grocery store. I did not know what they were for the longest time but they sell no name brands and they are so cheap. Or Sam's club, I miss buying in bulk. Although it is more upfront it lasts so long it saves money. Anyway just some ideas. Also how much chicken were you eating? I was just curious cause when I figure it on here is counts as like 240 calories.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Looks like there are some military families on here. We're one too. DH has been in for 13 years, started out in Marine Reserves, went to Army Reserves and is now National Guard. In 13 years he has never been deployed. Unless you count working at the border with BP. Anywho, ya'll are awesome for what you do as wives of deployed men!!
    Wow he had sure tried out all the branches. Thanks! It is hard during deployments but I will tell you I eat so much healthier when he is gone. I hope this time I can keep the weight off. Last time I lost 60 lbs and then gained back 10 when he got home and then I got pregnant. Well today on the computer he was talking about having another baby, I was thinking that I was not sure if I get my body back if I really want to get prego again. I guess I would just try to eat really healthy next time.
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Really? The chicken I had was like 100 Cals or something like that. Hmmm I guess I need to investigate further.....Oh and no, not too personal. I do clip as many coupons as possible. We only have one grocery store to choose from. The nearest Wal-Mart is 2 1/2 hours away if that gives you a clue as to how far in the boonies we are.:laugh:
  • Kristihgp
    Really? The chicken I had was like 100 Cals or something like that. Hmmm I guess I need to investigate further.....Oh and no, not too personal. I do clip as many coupons as possible. We only have one grocery store to choose from. The nearest Wal-Mart is 2 1/2 hours away if that gives you a clue as to how far in the boonies we are.:laugh:

    OK ya'all....she aint a kiddin' when she says she's in the boonies!! LOL!! It's drop-dead gorgeous God's country...but it is IN THE BOONIES!!! So...any tips on helping her use limited funds for groceries and maximizing calories would be appreciated I'm sure....right sis???