boobies !



  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I've lost 39lbs and went from a 36D to a 34C and they are becoming big in areas.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    That would be the dream. I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and only lost 1 inch. I'm a DDD and would love for them to go away!!!
  • jsteinberg87
    jsteinberg87 Posts: 146 Member
    First of all ladies, we should all get professionally sized as 90% of women don't wear the correct size bra anyways. Second of all, I've noticed mine have shrunk a bit, and I'm happy because at my heaviest I was a 42 H. The band is shrinking, and the cup is not filled all the way, so I really don't know what my *newest* size is. Sometimes the band size needs to be smaller (fitting at the middle lower part of your back, not up high) and the cup needs to get bigger. Right now I'm fitting very comfortably into an old bra which was a 38 G. I know the cup size went down one cup *yay for me*, and the band size went down 3 sizes. Everyone go get fitted for free at Nordstroms or Macy's!!!

    And I'm just curious, out of all you ladies, are you happier or more sad when your cup sizes shrink or when your band size does?
  • judykritikos
    Probably gonna say bubbye to the girls. Women gain from the bottom up, and loose from the top down. that's why the face looks thinner, half of the girls leave before the waist and butt can be force out of camp. On the bright side, boobs are mostly fatty tissue anyway - so wear those little girls with pride!
  • peecolay
    I have been fitted professionally. And the woman was like "holy crap these are giant." lol I was wearing a 34G before I got pregant. But I know I'm bigger. I've got my fingers crossed that they get smaller. I've been a G since I was 13 so who knows. I never really put on weight til after baby. All the women in my family have giant boobies so I may be screwed =( lol
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    i like all sizes and shapes. :flowerforyou:
  • carriann2012
    carriann2012 Posts: 180 Member
    Yep :grumble: this is the part I hate, but when I reach my goal I am making a trip to the plastic surgeon for implants!!! lol...:bigsmile:
  • Mrrwmoo
    Mrrwmoo Posts: 44
    Woah, C and D are huge @.@ . . . then again, I'm Asian, I can only hope to be a high A even if I gain weight again :laugh:
  • Mrrwmoo
    Mrrwmoo Posts: 44
    Double post, sorry @.@;;
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Your Bs will probably stay... I've lost a tiny bit on my Ds... What I wouldn't give to be a C cup again... My husband on the other hand always gets sad when I bring it up that my girls be shrinking.

    I can relate!

    I would love to be a B again. I think I am between a C and D right now. I think I'll be a C when I'm done. No more B's for me. Oh well!
  • jsteinberg87
    jsteinberg87 Posts: 146 Member
    Yep :grumble: this is the part I hate, but when I reach my goal I am making a trip to the plastic surgeon for implants!!! lol...:bigsmile:

    Screw implants, take some of mine!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Yep :grumble: this is the part I hate, but when I reach my goal I am making a trip to the plastic surgeon for implants!!! lol...:bigsmile:

    Screw implants, take some of mine!
    No, take MINE! At least half of them!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Right before I started watching my calories I measured my chest at 41 inches. Just measured again 3 months later and it's down to 37 inches. I've lost almost 21 lbs in that time period BUT I've also cut way back on breastfeeding (only like once a day now, usually, whereas before it was still multiple times per day), which accounts for a part of the decrease since I'm not producing as much milk as I was 3 months ago. But I'm still bigger than a DD so whatever. LOL (rib cage 30 inches) They'll fill back out nicely the next time I get pregnant, though, and will stay ridonkulous for a good 12-18 months after the baby is born while still nursing. Fun times. LOL
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    Mine went from a big C to a small B, which really upset me at first, but when I look at old pictures I had fat person boobs and now I don't. lol not sure how to explain that but the shape and the way they sit is more attractive now even though they are smaller.

    I wish my *kitten* would take a hint and shrink too!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Yep :grumble: this is the part I hate, but when I reach my goal I am making a trip to the plastic surgeon for implants!!! lol...:bigsmile:

    And when I lose the weight I'm going to make the same trip.....for a reduction!!!!! (and maybe a tummy tuck!!!)
  • Chatah
    Chatah Posts: 3
    I hope mine shrink. I have always hated my DD. Boyfriend loves them, but would love to get to a B. I have always hated them. I look forward to them shrinking.
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    not this :sick:

  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    Well, I initially lost about 65 lbs years ago. I did have a tummy tuck and a breast reduction. I went from a 48DDD down to a very comfortable 42 D. I'm happy with the results. But even if I was smaller, I would never want to have implants done. But, all women have choices to make, all I know is that I wouldn't have that done.
    I wish you luck in the decision that you make, is right for you......
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I can't help but notice that this thread attracting alot of men.

    *Looks around*

    I clicked this thread by accident.
  • azzacca
    azzacca Posts: 126 Member
    I've lost 40lbs and my boobs are still the same size

    Down 22 pounds, went from 42C to 40D to 38DD. Boobs are the same size, but the rest of me is shrinking... Stupid boobs.