Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed) - Week #15



  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 172 Member
    It's something about the start of the month that just really motivates me. Now I just need to keep that going throughout the month and I'lll be good Lol. I am looking foreward to this weeks challenge and start knocking off those 25 more pounds before Christmas :happy:
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Hey Kristin.....Wanta race????:wink: We are in about the same place with the same goal. You have gotten much fast results than I might be setting my self up :huh: It could be fun :drinker:

    I want to make my goal in our time frame but I think once I get there I feel like I can go further :bigsmile: With the help of MFP and you guys :heart:

    That sounds like fun!! Aaaannnddd it would help me think twice when I am looking at a dessert spread at a holiday party or banquet. I may be setting myself up since I just had a big loss. I'm not sure how long that run will last. I can hardly way to become friends with the 170s. btw -- I really like your new photo
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Congrats to everyone and a special thanks to Jenn for keeping us organized and on track!

    As I mentioned in our last thread, I won't be weighing in this week as I'll be in Disneyland for 3 days! Flight is tomorrow. I'm excited but nervous, even though I know I'll be walking A LOT! I'm taking some healthy snacks with me to have on hand, and I'm going to keep you all in mind as I do my best to make healthy eating decisions while in the parks!

    Hope you all have a wonderful week!!! :smile:
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Happy November! Jenn Thanks for the wonderful update!!!! Yes it is time to keep going for the prize! My goal is to be feeling so good at the first of the year that my resolution is not to lose weight!!! I want it to be to keeping it off!

    So let's step it up and make some weight loss records!!! We have to try to focus on our cheat days being Thanksgiving and Christmas Day or what ever holiday you celebrate...maybe throw in a party here and there but that's it!!!! The holidays don't mean everyday is a cheat day. We can do this...we have to stick together and share our struggles and successes.

    What helps me is to tell you guys what my plan is when going to a party or with exercise. If I tell you what I am doing I want to do everything I can to be able to report back that I did the right thing. Figure out what will help you follow through with "Making Good Choices" and do it...we are all in this together!

    We can and WILL make this a successful holiday and still have fun!!!!!!

    OK I am off my soap box :tongue: Have a Great Day

    I'm with you Positive Power!!!
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Ok I have been stuck for three weeks and ready to start loosing again. I have been doing more exercise and am ready to throw in some jumping jacks with kicks. Thanks Jenn for coming up with the challenges. I really do appreciate all of your work.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Had a reallyyyy low cal day yesterday (by accident... just SO busy with no food around where I was), so now I'm starving and hope I don't eat the whole house today!

    Annnndddd... I still don't have power. Or heat. ::frown:

    Oh My! I would go crazy! Maybe go hang out at a mall or something? Hope you have a good day today, don't eat the whole house, you can do it : )

    Haha, So far, I have not eaten the whole house... I have like 200 cals left and really want something sweet, but I'm trying to resist because if I start... I probably won't stop!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Thanks Jen for all your hard work again! I am up for this challenge. I think I better start now, I usually end up falling off track otherwise.

    I always eat breakfast, but don't always have time to eat like a king... more like a prince I guess (bowl of cereal), but anything is better then nothing!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Thanks again Jen for running this, and letting me back in. (I was one of those who dropped off the planet for like 4 weeks, and she was nice enough to fit me right back in. :flowerforyou: )

    Can I double dip? I'm thinking of doing my jumping jack front kicks with my 30 day shred (I already have to do like 25 jumping jacks, so I'll just add in front kicks?).

    I'm really bad about eating breakfast, I usually don't eat for about 4-5 hours after I wake up. Today I did eat though...but it was a weird one...all I had was onions, mushrooms and garlic cooked up in a frying pan. Was pretty tasty...but weird for breakfast, and alone...more like something I'd usually eat with steak or something.

    I just wanted to show off my daughters costume, it turned out really cool looking. :smile: She was a punk rock zombie.


    I'm thinking of counting the 75 jumping jacks I have to do for another challenge in with this one... I will also add a front kick at the end. Hope that's ok with everyone
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    P.S.: Your daughter's costume looks awesome!!!!
  • shelly650
    Thank you so much! Im not going to give up!! These nest two months im going to work it!!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am ahead of the game with my jumping jack kicks challenge! I have completed 75! I joined another challenge for the month of November and surprisingly enough, with that I found lost motivation... Have you lost your motivation? How do you need to challenge yourself to find it?

    Have a great day! I must say completing my exercise, gives me a sense of pride!
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    I added a banana to my usual cereal this morning to step up the royalty level of my breakfast.

    I have a question about the JJKicks. -- Is one JJKick counted when I do a jumping jack with a kick or is one counted when I do a full set jumping jack kicks on on both legs? When I got started this morning I wasn't sure how to count it.
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    double post - sorry - It looked like it didn't post for some reason ????
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    :heart: Gooooooood morning everyone!!!! :heart:

    Well it's morning here in Jersey and I am up and about to get moving. I hope you all have a super day and get jumping!!!

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi Everyone!!! I should be on the road! Hope to be home by mid PM... I am going to try to exercise later but not sure there is time for that. I have Bunko tonight...which means food drink and late night! I am going to eat a big salad before I go so I wont be hungry and try to skip the drinks:drinker:

    I am feeling calm so far but have been very nervous about tomorrow. I posted this at the end of a thread a few weeks ago. My son is in the Every 15 Minutes program tomorrow. Without rambling, hopefully :laugh: is a drunk driving program where an accident is staged in front of the school he will be made up to be a dead in the car and he will be taken away with some others in the corinors van, we will not see him until the assembly on Friday AM. We will get a visit from the sheriff announcing his death then go to the court house to see the drunk driver be on trial!!! He along with 23 other classmates will learn what parents would have to go through if this was real as they visit a cemetary and learn what arrangements need to be made. They have no cell phones so they can't talk to friends or family. It is a GREAT program and sooooo INTENSE! I'm freakin...oh I had to right his obituary too:sad: They will announce his death along with the others every 15 mins and read their obit!!!!

    I hope you all have a great day full of GOOD CHOICES!!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Oh yes and that is my little baby in my profile pic :laugh:
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    CW: at 220.0! So I lost 2.8 last week!! Sorry so late Jenn!!, Northeast storm so I have had no power until yesterday!! I have been a prisoner without internet access except on my phone and the phone app doesn't allow for the message boards so :-(. Happy to be back at work and away from my children!!! I ate like crap these last few days as I couldn't cook and had to rely on the kindness of others, and one does not complain about food choice when the choice is eat or starve! Halloween was cancelled here until Thursday, so I have not been able to get into my kids halloween bags - Yay!!! Tomorrow night though will be hard! Hopefully some of my neighbors will not be giving candy this year.

    Catch you gals later!!

  • johanna_elaine
    Judy- wow that does sound intense!! Even though it's fake idk if I could handle that. Seeing my kid "dead" and then not seeing them agin for a few days... Wow! And righting an obit. Gosh you are a strong woman! I dint even have kids yet and It freaks me out to think of that ! Lol

    So I had a "kings" breakfast this morning. I woke up very hungry so I had leftovers... A small price of steak a bbqed hot dog and a little bit of macaroni ... I know it's not your typical breakfast but it was big enough so I wont be hungry for a while.

    Going to do my jjkicks at some point today, bit I have a question... How do we log them?

    My body is fussing at me. When we started this challenge I was doing amazing water wise but as we kept going I started drinking less and less. Well now nothing is quenching my thirst and all I can think of is water. So I'm jumping back on that wagon today!!
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    A BIG HUGGLE for Jenn :flowerforyou:
    Thank you for taking an extra interest and sending me a message.That meant alot!

    current weight is 319 (again) lack of movement.
    Today begins alittle walking and PT starts next week.I know that will help. Changing my CCC goal weight to 299.

    Breakfast I always do.Some times not the best choices but breakfast non the less.
    Money=done.Though DD has hit it a few times she put it back :happy:

    Jumping jacks I actually tried I got 3 done.

    personal challenge=to learn to live with pain .

    love to all :heart:
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Hi Everyone!!! I should be on the road! Hope to be home by mid PM... I am going to try to exercise later but not sure there is time for that. I have Bunko tonight...which means food drink and late night! I am going to eat a big salad before I go so I wont be hungry and try to skip the drinks:drinker:

    I am feeling calm so far but have been very nervous about tomorrow. I posted this at the end of a thread a few weeks ago. My son is in the Every 15 Minutes program tomorrow. Without rambling, hopefully :laugh: is a drunk driving program where an accident is staged in front of the school he will be made up to be a dead in the car and he will be taken away with some others in the corinors van, we will not see him until the assembly on Friday AM. We will get a visit from the sheriff announcing his death then go to the court house to see the drunk driver be on trial!!! He along with 23 other classmates will learn what parents would have to go through if this was real as they visit a cemetary and learn what arrangements need to be made. They have no cell phones so they can't talk to friends or family. It is a GREAT program and sooooo INTENSE! I'm freakin...oh I had to right his obituary too:sad: They will announce his death along with the others every 15 mins and read their obit!!!!

    I hope you all have a great day full of GOOD CHOICES!!
    Wow! that has to be hard on you! However, hopefully it will be a great learning opportunity for your son and his friend. Good luck until he comes back to you!