

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Today is our soup kitchen fund raiser at work for a program for battered women. There must be 20 different kinds of soup and as many types of bread. It was great food. I think I did OK calorie wise (except for the small piece of apple pie). lol

    My favorite soup was a potato bacon. I only had 1/2 bowl as I know it is probably loaded with calories. I was offered the recipe and decided to turn it down and just hope they have it again next year.

    Have a great day all,

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    HI Everyone:

    Sorry, I have been so busy again that I have been posting my food and that is about it!!

    So many new faces again. Welcome to you all, you will enjoy it here, there are so many nice, interesting Ladies here to meet and get to know :wink:

    The weather here has been not to bad, considering the time of year, but they are calling for a little colder come the next few days. We are never ready for the snow, every year it comes and every year, we are never ready for it :grumble: I have to commute so far, I hate driving in it as it can sometimes add 1-2 hours to my trip, which is so frustrating; it is like everyone forgets how to drive once the snow falls :noway: The snow is falling about 1 1/2 hours from where I live, so it will soon be here :ohwell:

    Anyway, I hope you are all keeping well. I am still trying hard to stay on track. Sounds like most of you are so busy most of the time.

    Take care and I will stop in again soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • goingmodern
    goingmodern Posts: 25 Member
    Good afternoon everyone,

    I am brand new to this program and would love to join this forum -- especially after reading through some posts and seeing AMAZING results by you all. I am 63 years old (soon to be 64) and desperately need a change. I retired early and moved from Alaska to Washington to spend time with my mom while she's still in good health, but the change in lifestyle and PACE of life resulted in some very poor habits for me. Sooo ... I'm here to change all that and I need all the help I can get!

    Today is my first day, and I'm going to set a goal of 10 pounds lost by December 31. You all heard this, right? I'm guessing it's not gonna be easy with the holidays coming up, but I HAVE TO MAKE SOME CHANGES! Thanks in advance to anyone and everyone who will help and support me.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good afternoon everyone,

    I am brand new to this program and would love to join this forum -- especially after reading through some posts and seeing AMAZING results by you all. I am 63 years old (soon to be 64) and desperately need a change. I retired early and moved from Alaska to Washington to spend time with my mom while she's still in good health, but the change in lifestyle and PACE of life resulted in some very poor habits for me. Sooo ... I'm here to change all that and I need all the help I can get!

    Today is my first day, and I'm going to set a goal of 10 pounds lost by December 31. You all heard this, right? I'm guessing it's not gonna be easy with the holidays coming up, but I HAVE TO MAKE SOME CHANGES! Thanks in advance to anyone and everyone who will help and support me.

    Welcome, and come back often so that we can get to know you! Where in Alaska did you live? I think that my husband and I are going to drive up there next summer, and I am very excited about it. Mary
  • sunflowers8
    sunflowers8 Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers! We are happy to have each one of you, and hope to get to know you. June (Sunflower), just wondering from your screen name, are you by any chance from Kansas? Doobiedoo - welcome back!

    A couple of blessings that I am thankful for today:
    I think that I am finally starting to get well! I am not back to normal yet, but I think that I am improving a little every day. (A little bummed because I put on a few pounds, but I can deal with that.)
    And - my oldest daughter, who was laid off from her job the 1st of August, has found a job! She currently lives in the Fort Worth area, and the new job is in Forrest City, Arkansas, but even though they aren't relishing the moving idea, the job seems perfect for her. She will be the clinical director for a residential treatment facility for children with psychiatric problems. We already had a trip planned to Texas next week to spend Thanksgiving with her, so I guess we will spend the weekend packing. I now pray that she can find a nice place to live.

    I have to get back to work. Catch you later! Mary
  • sunflowers8
    sunflowers8 Posts: 83 Member
    I hope i pressed the right button i wanted to reply to Mary (msh0530) to to say i live in England. but i'm still trying to get the hang of things.
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Hi everyone..... just a few thoughts after 6 weeks on MFP.....

    • I'm almost noticing a difference in my clothes... they aren't quite loose but they aren't as tight as they were
    • I have surprised myself by running for longer in one stint than I have for over 30 years
    • I am sleeping better than I have for months.... not waking at 3 or 4am in a hot flush
    • in fact I think my hot flushes are slightly less than they were
    • I am really thinking about what I eat and freely making some good choices
    • I don't feel like I am on a diet or depriving myself.... I am happily choosing to have a treat or a glass of wine if I can "afford" to
    • I feel stronger, happier, more balanced
    • I am loving having this wonderful group of online friends.... who would have thought!
    • I feel like it is only a matter of time until I reach my goal .... it IS possible (I've never really BELIEVED that before)

    So there you go.... just some ramblings after coming home from the gym after my run/walk and a sauna and a dip in the wonderfully invigorating icy plunge pool.... perhaps I'm a little light-headed!!

    Good luck everyone on your own personal journey.

    Welcome to you GoingModern.... I noticed you haven't yet acquired any friends so I will send you a friend request if you would like to add me feel free.

  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Rough couple of days...not bad, just crazy...work and home. It sounds like quite a few of us are keeping the same kind of schedule! My diet's been good but I haven't been logging my food. When i finally get to sit at the end of the day....I just want to sleep! The scale's not moving, but my clothes are fitting better so I can live with that. :drinker:

    Tomorrow's another day. I plan to get back on track w/my posting and checking in. This should be a regular part of my day...like drinking coffee and breathing!

    Welcome to all the new ladies! This is a fun, supportive group.

    Everyone enjoy your Friday!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Did 1 hr of Jari Love Get Ripped to the Core DVD today. Tomorrow, I'll do some HIIT. At first I was going to do some walking on the treadmill backwards, but HIIT burns more calories and with the holidays coming, I sure can use more calories burned. Made some butter cookies today. Yes, I did have some of the raw cookie dough. But one thing I did find was that if I have some of those Starlight mints in my mouth, my mouth is busy enough not to have as much of the dough as I would have had had I not had those mints. Wish I'd have had some unwrapped so I could keep eating them. I know they aren't the best...but they do beat the cookie dough.

    barbie - that was wonderful that you brought yams without butter and sugar! I remember one time we went to a restaurant and I was told that they put butter and sugar on the sweet potatoes. Hello! They're called "sweet" potatoes for a reason. Why would you need added sugar? I asked for no butter or sugar. Boy, were they waaaaayyyy overcooked. I guess the cook didn't know how to make them without sugar and butter. How sad!

    Welcome bloofrog. If it's support you're looking for, you've come to the right place. Just jump right in! You, too, goingmodern

    Jess is coming here tonight, then tomorrow a.m. we're taking her and her friend to the airport where they're going to fly to Tennessee to see a friend of theirs. It's his birthday and his father is in bad shape so they're going to surprise him. Then she'll fly back Sun, get her car from here and drive back to VA.

    I need to take my car for the 75,000 mile check and also for the annual inspection. Might as well get it all done at one time, even if the credit card wishes I didn't.

    Welcome Desiree. so glad to have you with us

    Birdie - I usually do the (oh, what is it called?) body test in the a.m., more out of curiosity, some habit. Then I use the Wii like on Sundays when the Y doesn't open until late. This way I can get a workout in earlier in the day. It's also good to change things up. I try the training games, some of the balance games. Something a bit different.

    Mary - what wonderful news for your daughter. Bet she's very relieved.

    Jeannie - that soup fundraiser sounds very interesting. Never heard of that, but it WOULD be something a bit different, different soups. I, too, would have turned down the recipe for the potato bacon soup. Actually, I'm not real crazy about bacon so I probably would have had just a small taste and that's IT.

    Cathy - around here I don't have the problem that people forget how to drive in the snow. People around here just never knew how to drive in snow to begin with....lol

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :sad: :sad: there is snow predicted here tomorrow and I have to drive an hour to pick up friends who are flying in from California. I don't have to go all the way to the airport---they take a shuttle but the shuttle doesn't come all the way out to the boonies where we live. Hubby is going to a meditation retreat so he's not available to do the driving. :cry:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: welcome to all the new members.....please keep coming back and participate.......joining this thread was a major help to me along my weight loss journey and I feel like I have great friends here.

    :bigsmile: there's a line dance party tomorrow afternoon----food, margaritas, and dancing
    I'll skip the food and margaritas and just dance all afternoon :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: until I buy my new extra warm gloves, I figured out that I can put my knitted wool fingerless gloves over my regular gloves for some extra warmth.......I've also added a second wool hat under the heavy knitted wool hat with ear flaps.

    Barbie from NW Washington
    November goal
    walk for at least an hour every day with the frisky poodles no matter how cold, wet, windy, or snowy
    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • goingmodern
    goingmodern Posts: 25 Member
    MSH: Thank you for the warm welcome. My last place of residence in Alaska was Wasilla for 13 years. I also spent 3 years in Anchorage when I first moved up there in 1975, then 2 years in Homer, 8 years in Sitka and 5 years in Fairbanks. Sitka was my most favorite place. It rained a lot but sparkled like a jewel when the sun shone. I hope you enjoy your trip up there.
  • qofsheba
    I've been "gone" this week. My show is 16 days out and we're in the crazy place. I may be facing unemployment by the new year so am trying to get ready for that.

    I am STILL STUCK and can't even get back to 187.5...got to 188 finally this morning. This despite the fact that I am under calories every day, have moved to a low carb diet (just this past week though), am drinking most of the water and am exercising a minimum of 5 days a week, 30 minutes of cardio or zumba.

    I've been at this since August and "normally" by this time I'd be another 5-8 lbs down. I feel great, I look much better, I've moved down a size or so in clothes---so no negatives. I need to get out of the 180s. Oh and I've tried adding some calories back in which seems to help but I honestly have a hard time doing it and staying under in carbs.

    Any ideas are welcome. I've got my physical in 3 weeks and am going to ask for a nutritionist. I'm eating at 1200 calories baseline and then more with the exercise). I should be losing a lb a week. And the stupid Myfitnesspal computer has been telling me I'll be at 178 in 5 weeks since early October!

    That is my self-indulgent rant for the day and the week.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning everyone:

    I took my Mom for her CT scan yesterday. It is as I suspected, she does have cancer. We will meet with her Dr. the day after Thanksgiving. I really can't see us doing anything more than arranging for Hospice care and giving her lots of love. My sister is going to give her the news today. She says she isn't in any pain and we are very thankful for that. She just doesn't want to eat.

    My tears come and then I'm okay for a little while.

    Mama will get to see almost all of her family over Thanksgiving. We had a cousin (whom we hadn't seen in years) stop by unexpectedly last Saturday. She really enjoyed his visit. Keeping her surrounded by her family and other loved ones, I know, will help her and all of us go through this painful time.

    My heart isn't much into keeping up with MFP but I will try and make good choices in the midst of this trying time.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning (or afternoon or evening), Dear Ladies,

    It is great to read your posts and hear how all of you are doing.

    Cindy: My heart breaks for you and your family. Take care and I am thinking of you all.

    Lisa: It's great to read your thoughts after 6 weeks. It is good to dwell on the good changes and not just focus on the scale. (Easier said than done, for sure!)

    Barbie & Michelle: Sweet Potatoes. Yum! I love them and for so long tried not to eat them because I felt they were too high in calories. They are SO good for you and especially your skin. Same with avacados. And they are so filling. All by themselves. I eat them often now, or roast slices of them. Good dish to take to an event for sure...need to remember that!

    Sheba: Sounds like you are doing a great job...hang in there. Sometimes if I just change one little thing it makes the scale move . Maybe add a quick walk after dinner...or go up and down some stairs. Good luck and keep us posted!

    Going Modern: Welcome! Glad to have you here!

    Mary: So glad to hear about your daughter. Our son is still looking. Hope he finds something soon too.

    Everyone have a great day. DH and I are heading out for an adventure day in the car since it is so windy here today. Will hopefully go for a long walk somewhere new.

    Take care! Kackie
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning.
    Cindy,I`m so sorry for you and your family.Prayers for all of you.
    Take care of yourself.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Cindy ~ I am thinking of you today, and hoping that you find the strength that you need to get through this trying time. Cherish your days with your mother, and worry about other things later. :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morning everyone:

    I took my Mom for her CT scan yesterday. It is as I suspected, she does have cancer. We will meet with her Dr. the day after Thanksgiving. I really can't see us doing anything more than arranging for Hospice care and giving her lots of love. My sister is going to give her the news today. She says she isn't in any pain and we are very thankful for that. She just doesn't want to eat.


    So sorry for what you are going through.:cry: I will wrap you and your family in prayers.:heart:

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just caught up with the posts - boy are we a chatty lot!

    Welcome to all the newcomers - you will find this a very helpful group. Any question and someone will have the answer.

    Cindy - so sorry to hear about your mum. Can you tempt her to eat little and often. I know when one isn't feeling on top of the world that a full plate just puts you off eating anything.

    When my mum was in hospital the meals were soooo large, even though she always requested 'small portion'. One day when I was there, I went and got a side plate and put on one little slice of meat, a teaspoon full of potato and the same of vegetables and she ate it all and enjoyed it. When faced with the full dinner plate she said she wasn't hungry and couldn't eat anything. I think a grown man would have had a job to get through her "small portion". There were 4 slices of roast beef, yorkshire pudding, 3-4 potatoes and the same amount of veggies. The plate was enormous.

    Michelle (Topaz), I wondered how your carpal tunnel was progressing. I know it is a slow thing to cure, but I hope the exercises are working for you.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Good morning everyone:

    I took my Mom for her CT scan yesterday. It is as I suspected, she does have cancer. We will meet with her Dr. the day after Thanksgiving. I really can't see us doing anything more than arranging for Hospice care and giving her lots of love. My sister is going to give her the news today. She says she isn't in any pain and we are very thankful for that. She just doesn't want to eat


    i will pray for your mom....take care of yourself as well
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Morning All!

    While I'm happy my clothes are fitting better...I've been totally annoyed at my scale. I subscribe to a site called "Daily Om" and get emails daily w/words of wisdom.

    Here's a link to the one I received today....timing couldn't have been better and I thought I'd share it w/all my favorite people! It's titled "Redefining Health".


    Cindy...I am so sorry to hear about your mom's illness. I've experienced trying times like this myself. Know that lots of prayers and well wishes are headed to you and your family.

    Genealace...Carpal tunnel is improving as long as I remember to do the exercises. I try to remember to do them in the shower...the hot water feels so good w/all the stretching. Thanks for asking!

    I looooove sweet potatoes, too....cooked anyway you can think of. One way I like them is with just cinnamon. mmmmm...and no guilt!

    Hope everyone's enjoying their Friday...another weekend!!! YYEEAAAAA (I love weekends!):drinker:
