

  • jeqrosen
    jeqrosen Posts: 26 Member
    Bump to mark my spot so I can get back on track. November has to be better than October! Will catch up on posts and get back into the swing of things--that's the goal for now.
  • jeqrosen
    jeqrosen Posts: 26 Member
    Bump to mark my spot so I can get back on track. November has to be better than October! Will catch up on posts and get back into the swing of things--that's the goal for now.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I was trying to be efficient with my time so I stopped at the store on my way home from line dance. while I was getting almond milk out of the cooler there was an announcement about whole roasted chickens for $5.00 and it suddenly seemed like a great idea to get one (to eat all by myself ?????:noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :tongue: :tongue: ). After choosing some bags of frozen veggies from the freezer case, I started thinking about buying a lot of the stuff in the neighboring areas (fried potatoes, chicken nuggets, ice cream) and then I realized that it was lunch time and I was hungry and everything sounded good. so I rushed to the checkout line, paid for my purchases and went straight home to my pre-planned healthy lunch and was completely satisfied.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we have had rain and wind today. This afternoon a big branch broke off a tree and fell on the garage roof. I thought I could get it down so I put on my coat and got the step ladder to climb up and pull the branch down. When I got to the top of the step ladder and was just starting to pull on the branch, my cell phone rang. Since I had my cell phone and blue-tooth I answered the phone and it was a friend who wanted to drive by and show her visiting 30 something son my house. When they got there the son offered to take care of the branch for me. he climbed the ladder, climbed up on the roof, got the branch and all the small pieces off the roof and helped my carry the stuff to the back of the house. Besides my thank you, he was rewarded by a deer that appeared behind the house and stood there a long time staring at us. :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh: the dogs really miss Jake, so they entertain themselves by begging to go out. Bernie misses Jake so he's been climbing into my lap whenever I sit down. Jake called this morning and I put the phone up to the ear of each pet so he could talk to them.

    :flowerforyou: I made more applesauce today and probably have one more day before I finish with all the apples---then I'll start baking and freezing the squash and pumpkins. I bought a Kosher turkey today and Jake went fishing two weeks ago and caught salmon and I froze a lot of turkey broth so my freezer has never been this full. :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: dippystick, thanks for sharing your goals. Learning to eat a new way is a daunting task. I found that it could be accomplished by taking baby steps. Best wishes to you.

    ieqrosen, getting back on track is a great goal.

    Barbie from NW Washington


    November goal----walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning in spite of dark, rain, cold, wind, etc.

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Welcome dippysitck! So glad to have ya

    Well, Vince is away right now at a gun club board meeting, so I've just popped myself a bowl of popcorn and intend to watch some TV.

    Did an hour of deep water aerobics today. They're replacing the boiler so the pool isn't heated right now. Hindsight is 20/20 but I wish they'd done this in July. Hope the boiler gets replaced soon. The temp was 87 today. But you know something? It really isn't that bad once you get in the pool. Tomorrow...yoga

    barbie - what wonderful friends (and their families) you have! How scary to have a branch fall on your garage roof, tho

    Exercised, then went food shopping a bit, came home to put the groceries away and get some tea for myself, went to a healthy cooking demo, then went to the Eye MD to stay with a friend whose hubby was having day surgery, then did some practice bowling, came home to make a waffle for dinner. Since the bowling alley doesn't sell hot tea (don't really know why), they don't have a problem with me bringing in my own.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • qofsheba
    Ladies: happy weekend. It is cool and crisp here and I'm working to talk myself into a long walk. I work out in the early morning dark all week and am trying to add some outdoor exercise by walking at lunch (ok I only did it once) and weekend walking.

    Am loving Zumba on the WII fit. Have also tried the Exercise Channel available through FIOS--lots of things to chose from. One was a "sexy yoga stretch" from LA Crunch--highly recommended if you are sore and worn out!

    But with all of that, and being under every day, I still went up 3 lbs. I think I am eating too little, although I am not hungry. So I'm going to try to add 50 calories a day back in and see what happens. Goal is to make the 50 all protein.

    The balancing of the carbs-fat-protein is a challenge for me. No problem with the fats, but carbs are my drug of choice.

    Goal for the weekend: eat right and see if Monday weigh in won't return to normal.

    Did much better with water this week but still not 8 every day.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I promise to read the posts and catch up tomorrow.

    To make a very, very long story very short.....my teenage son and his girlfriend ran away Thursday, but are back home safely. Now, today I feel like I can get back on track emotionally which leads to healthy eating and getting exercise.

    Hopefully, everyone is doing well and good luck this weekend.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Ladies: happy weekend. It is cool and crisp here and I'm working to talk myself into a long walk. I work out in the early morning dark all week and am trying to add some outdoor exercise by walking at lunch (ok I only did it once) and weekend walking.

    Am loving Zumba on the WII fit. Have also tried the Exercise Channel available through FIOS--lots of things to chose from. One was a "sexy yoga stretch" from LA Crunch--highly recommended if you are sore and worn out!

    But with all of that, and being under every day, I still went up 3 lbs. I think I am eating too little, although I am not hungry. So I'm going to try to add 50 calories a day back in and see what happens. Goal is to make the 50 all protein.

    The balancing of the carbs-fat-protein is a challenge for me. No problem with the fats, but carbs are my drug of choice.

    Goal for the weekend: eat right and see if Monday weigh in won't return to normal.

    Did much better with water this week but still not 8 every day.

    Remember that when you start new exercises and your muscles are sore you retain a lot of water that could be part of your gain. that is why it is really important to drink a lot of water. Especially when you increase your activity. the more you drink the less your body holds onto.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I promise to read the posts and catch up tomorrow.

    To make a very, very long story very short.....my teenage son and his girlfriend ran away Thursday, but are back home safely. Now, today I feel like I can get back on track emotionally which leads to healthy eating and getting exercise.

    Hopefully, everyone is doing well and good luck this weekend.



    sorry about your son ...glad he is back home....:flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Welcome dippysitck! So glad to have ya

    Well, Vince is away right now at a gun club board meeting, so I've just popped myself a bowl of popcorn and intend to watch some TV.

    Did an hour of deep water aerobics today. They're replacing the boiler so the pool isn't heated right now. Hindsight is 20/20 but I wish they'd done this in July. Hope the boiler gets replaced soon. The temp was 97 today. But you know something? It really isn't that bad once you get in the pool. Tomorrow...yoga

    Jeannie - I'm so sorry you had to go thru that with your son and his gf. Sometimes kids can give us such heartache (I know, I know only too well) but you are strong and your love for your son is strong. Things WILL work out.

    Went to yoga today. Since I wasn't feeling well last weekend so I didn't do any, boy was I tight today! I keep saying that I really need to do more during the week, and I do, but I just haven't been able to find the time.

    Think I'll probably do some of the training games on the Wii tomorrow.

    Boy, people must really be busy, this board is so quiet!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: just another quick hello---where does the time go (oh yes, it goes to walking dogs :laugh: :laugh: ) I went to another gratitude dinner tonight. Ate healthy but a few too many calories---turkey, stuffing, cornbread, salad, pineapple but stayed away from all the desserts.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: the wind blew all sorts of needles and stuff off the trees and covered the driveway and after i saw my over eighty year old neighbors clearing off their driveways I decided to teach myself how to use the leaf blower and clear off our driveway. I was successful :bigsmile:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies!

    I had a nice Birthday overnight trip with DH to Savannah. The weather was just perfect...cool, sunny fresh fall air...great for walking the city. Lots going on in town with the Telfair Art Museum's "Arty Party" taking over several of the squares in town and some live music to enjoy. We mostly walked and I think I logged about 9 miles on Friday afternoon...about 5 yesterday morning. Still, I just made a guess at calories from food Friday night because it was appetizers and wine. And last night was our neighborhood potluck, so that was a guess also! I was over for sure but Friday and Saturday are done and I am back to my house and looking forward to a great week of healthy eating!

    Dippystick: Welcome! This is a great place for support and friendship. Look forward to getting to know you!

    Better finish my oatmeal and get out the door. Take care, all. Kackie:heart:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    What a busy few days I've had. Watched the start of the Remembrance Day service on the television, but then had to leave to pick up a couple of War Brides to take them to the British High Commission for a curry lunch. For those who don't know there was recently a fire at the High Commissioner's home, Earnscliffe, which had been the home of Canada's first Prime Minister. As a result the Chief Military Attache opened his home for the event. This is an annual event and is mostly the British military and other staff who are in Ottawa, but also military people from other Commonwealth countries and a small contingent of War Brides are invited each year. My aunt was a war bride but is now no longer able to do all the secretarial stuff that she took care of for many years, so I do it and get invited to the events. We had a lovely lunch (I'm allergic to curry and had to take a pill before eating) but the High Commissioner came to sit next to me and remarked that I didn't have much food - when I told him that I have allergies he said that if I go next year then I should let them know and they would make me something separately. I laughed and said that when you are cooking for 100 people, you really don't want to worry about the 1, but he said I should let them know next year.

    After the event, I drove the ladies home, did my grocery shopping and then went out to supper with my DBF and a girl friend.

    Saturday I went to a friend's house in the morning. One of my students was there and was just leaving, and another of my students arrived just as I was leaving. In the afternoon I met up with two ladies that I met through a group on WW. We had a nice visit and swore that we wouldn't leave it so long before we got together again.

    Last evening DBF and I went to see "Puss in Boots" in 3-D. It was fun and I would recommend it.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    Just posting to get back in the habit of posting everyday. DD's 17th birthday party was yesterday. It was fun. Today was the "long talk" with my DS. He has some tough choices to make on how he is going to finish High School.

    My eating has been very irregular since 10/26 when everything started going wrong for my son. Hopefully, things will calm down now and we can all get back on track.

    Thanks for the well wishes.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I hope everyone is doing well. We had a lovely party yesterday for the babies. Great fun, but exhausting! Forty children (thirty of them were one or under) plus thirty-five adults. Phew.

    I've been getting weird pains in my tummy lately, so I have to go for a scan before I have my colonoscopy - hopefully it will all be fine.

    DH is taking me for a walk by the river (even though it's pitch black outside), so I'll make this brief and just try to post a pic from the twins birthday - it was taken at the multiples group where they get to play with lots of other twins and triplets.

    Catch up with you all soon. Love to everyone.


    Not sure why the picture isn't showing, will try again later x
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Hello to you all.... I haven't posted here for a little bit.... I'm still getting the hang of how this site works best for me.... I have been reading all the posts on this thread but find it a bit hard to keep up and reply with so many people on it to keep track of so haven't actually posted.... but I love reading it all as we all have so much in common yet all lead such different lives as well.

    I have just had a massive NSV (now that I know what that acronym means).... I RAN 20 MINUTES IN ONE GO!!!!!

    Sorry to shout but I am just so amazed...... I am doing the C25K program and have just finished week 5 ......I was supposed to run 20 minutes 2 days ago but after only getting to 15 min I was determined to redo it..... actually I was really struggling even before 10 minutes....hanging out for that voice to come on and say "you are halfway there".... but it was taking forever and i thought I might stop .... but then my sons words rang in my ears about just getting past the 10 min mark.... halfway there came and then I was in the zone.... next time i looked it was at 19 mins.... no way was I going to stop then....did the full 5k in 45:08.... shaving 22 seconds off my total (gotta take small victories).......yeah!!!!

    Just 5 weeks ago I would never have thought that I was capable of running..... this is the most I have run for over 30 years..... and I am discovering that a huge part of it is the mental challenge.... that's why it took me 2 times to do it..... only another 4 weeks till I am supposed to be running 5km.... actually I think it will take me longer as I am running very very slowly..... but if I can at least get to run for 30 mins straight i can then improve my speed over time

    The scales are still not moving at any great rate but at least it is in the right direction and considering i really feel like I am living and eating normally.... not on a diet or being unsustainably strict..... with some good days and some days not so good..... then i am more than happy..... I really love tracking my calories and exercise on MFP as it is so easy and I love all the wonderful friendly and supportive and interesting people....

    So best wishes to all of you.... new faces and regulars.... my thoughts are with you all.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    This weekend just flew by! It was a great weekend. I got my exercise in and I have been staying on track with the 17 Day Diet. It really makes me think that, for me, it seems easier when my food choices are very restricted. I am glad there are cycles to this program and I think that is good. I find when I stay on one program for a period of time, I get creative and that usually means trouble for me!

    Time to get ready for the week!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lisa, when I started on MFP, I posted every day on two threads and responded to everyone individually:bigsmile: Now that I am more active I spend much less time at the computer and it took me awhile to get over the guilt at not responding to everyone. Now I respond to something if it really grabs me, otherwise I write a bit about what's going on or an insight or victory or challenge to my eating or exercise.

    :bigsmile: someone said that a perfectionist was someone who had to do it perfectly or else do nothing at all.......now I am learning to do my best or what I can and not suffer over how it's not perfect or how someone else can do it better.

    :bigsmile: today is my Isagenix cleanse day. i haven't done this in awhile and it feels good after too much excessive eating in the last month and four more turkey dinners coming up in the next two weeks.:bigsmile:

    :drinker: :drinker:Amanda, I think I have a headache just thinking about all the babies at the party
    I hope everything turns out fine with your tummy scan.

    :bigsmile: Jeannie, you continue to show up for your kids:bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am so impressed by your parenting and your ability to bounce back.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: now it's time to take the dogs for a quick walk and head to bed early:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Well, I went in for my annual physical last week. Cholesterol way too high so he gave me 3 months to get it down or either go on meds. So here I go again with renewed motivation.

    My 87 yr old mother is having health issues so I'm having quite a bit of stress over that. My sister will be taking her into the drs office today and hopefully we will get some answers.


  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hello to you all.... I haven't posted here for a little bit.... I'm still getting the hang of how this site works best for me.... I have been reading all the posts on this thread but find it a bit hard to keep up and reply with so many people on it to keep track of so haven't actually posted.... but I love reading it all as we all have so much in common yet all lead such different lives as well.

    I have just had a massive NSV (now that I know what that acronym means).... I RAN 20 MINUTES IN ONE GO!!!!!

    Sorry to shout but I am just so amazed...... I am doing the C25K program and have just finished week 5 ......I was supposed to run 20 minutes 2 days ago but after only getting to 15 min I was determined to redo it..... actually I was really struggling even before 10 minutes....hanging out for that voice to come on and say "you are halfway there".... but it was taking forever and i thought I might stop .... but then my sons words rang in my ears about just getting past the 10 min mark.... halfway there came and then I was in the zone.... next time i looked it was at 19 mins.... no way was I going to stop then....did the full 5k in 45:08.... shaving 22 seconds off my total (gotta take small victories).......yeah!!!!

    Just 5 weeks ago I would never have thought that I was capable of running..... this is the most I have run for over 30 years..... and I am discovering that a huge part of it is the mental challenge.... that's why it took me 2 times to do it..... only another 4 weeks till I am supposed to be running 5km.... actually I think it will take me longer as I am running very very slowly..... but if I can at least get to run for 30 mins straight i can then improve my speed over time

    The scales are still not moving at any great rate but at least it is in the right direction and considering i really feel like I am living and eating normally.... not on a diet or being unsustainably strict..... with some good days and some days not so good..... then i am more than happy..... I really love tracking my calories and exercise on MFP as it is so easy and I love all the wonderful friendly and supportive and interesting people....

    So best wishes to all of you.... new faces and regulars.... my thoughts are with you all.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


    lisa, CONGRATS...what an accomplishment.....keep it up...i agree with barbie, sometimes i cant respond to all either......but i love reading the posts and they are helpful to me.....

    this past week i was not good in food choices(finally got all the halloween candies in cookies dough)though i kept within range(by eating back in exercise calories), but i didnt lose weight and no surprise!!!!...i will sabotage myself every time i start to see the scale moving downward...i need to firgure out WHY i do this!!!so this week i will DO well,....we will be having Thanksgiving on saturday, since my oldest is traveling and middle son is working....i have the menu ready and will shopping today ....i will bake on friday, (cookies, cake, and cornbread stuffing) so the oven can be freed up for the turkey and whatever else...my sons will be preparing a dish each(roasted veggies, sweet potato caserol and homemade gravy)it pleases me so much to have my sons in the kitchen with me:blushing: :love:

    welcome all newcomers....and healthy days to all...have a great day, lovely ladies