Safeway groceries are horrible people.



  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I believe stealing is stealing, whether it's $1, $2, or $5. Who has to pay for it in the long run when others steal? The consumer. Yes it may seem harsh because she had her children with her, but honestly, how do you conveniently forget that you ate this in the store and forget to pay for it?
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Wait, wait, wait...that Safeway is not only allowed to stop shoplifters, but the cops are willing to come and arrest them on a first-time offense? Clearly, I work for the wrong company. Seriously, though, we're not even allowed to come right out and accuse people of theft, we're lucky if the cops show up the same day, and we're really lucky if they do more than trespass the people on the first call. I think the only time my store actually got anyone arrested was when some guy shoved a manager. With this in mind, I can see the logic behind the store's decision. It sounded to me like they didn't actually expect anyone to spend any time in jail.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I sometimes "forget" to pay for things at Safeway when their advertised sales don't actually ring up correctly. I recoup my losses through future visits. Can't wait until another supermarket chain moves in town and I don't have to shop there anymore.
    So you readily admit to being a theif and think it's justified because you didn't noice that you were overcharged at some point?? Wow, just wow. SMH
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    I have walked out of the store with my kid holding a pack of gun he grabbed at the register, he was 12 months old

    You must be in Texas. ;-)

    Im assuming by "gun" she meant gum.

    Yes, I realize that. I was making a joke.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    HOWEVER this has all kinds of FAIL by the store written on it.

    Personally I think you should be arrested for your use of the word FAIL.

  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    My 2 cents...

    They should've paid inside for the sandwich. HOWEVER this has all kinds of FAIL by the store written on it.

    The loss prevention people were FOLLOWING them through the store. When they got to the register, loss prevention was STILL FOLLOWING THEM. Why not bring it up there so they could pay for it? Pregnant and with a 3 yo -- you could probably profile it and see it was likely forgotten. If the intent was stealing, why not ditch the wrapper?

    They waited til they got OUT of the store to confront them. They realized the mistake and offered to pay for the sandwich. Heck take the money and ban them if you want. But no, the manager said once they leave the store he can't take money. Um, why didn't you take it IN the store?

    Next the manager insisted on calling the cops, who took 4 hours to show up. The COPS SAID "Why don't you let them pay for it?" Manager said no he wanted them arrested. Cops offered to arrest her since she ate the sandwich and have dad take the daughter, manager said NO he wanted BOTH arrested. Cops offered to arrest one first, let them bail out and come back for the other so the daughter wouldn't go into the system. IT WAS THE SAFEWAY MANAGER that insisted they BOTH be arrested AT THE SAME TIME, which then put the little girl in CPS. BTW, anyone notice in the story that she's a former Air Force Staff Sergeant? Defends our country and this is the thanks she gets.

    As for suing, yeah, I think they should sue. The manager had a ton of options to deal with this. And yes, theft is theft, but there are DEGREES of theft. So now because he wouldn't take $5 for the sandwiches, Safeway is dealing with legal fees, bad press, possible boycotts, and the parents have been left with a kid who will probably be freaked out for some time to come.

    Regardless of how much the Safeway manager insisted that the police arrest these people, it is still within the police's discretion whether they do so or not. Safeway DOES NOT run the justice system. Safeway does not give orders to the police. And if the police thought that arresting these people for this offense was outrageous, they shouldn't have done so. If the police officer was so intimidated by the Safeway manager that he felt obligated to arrest someone he wouldn't typically arrest, he needs to grow some.

    While Safeway could civilly sue these people for the cost of the sandwiches, they have no control over criminal charges being brought against them. If the officer felt that this should not be a charge brought against them, he should have told the manager that he was not going to arrest these people. Civilians do not get to make decisions like that.
  • shelby623
    shelby623 Posts: 55 Member
    I sometimes "forget" to pay for things at Safeway when their advertised sales don't actually ring up correctly. I recoup my losses through future visits. Can't wait until another supermarket chain moves in town and I don't have to shop there anymore.
    So you readily admit to being a theif and think it's justified because you didn't noice that you were overcharged at some point?? Wow, just wow. SMH

    Again people, just learn to take a friggin joke! When you have to bag your own groceries you can't watch the screen to see the prices. Or when boxes of tissues are advertised for 1.00 each but they ring up as 2.00, good luck finding someone to fix it and letting your frozen items melt while waiting. Or the best time was when they deleted my club card after I scanned it (which had all my coupons on it) and put in someone elses, so none of my coupons went through.

    Take the sticks out of your a$$es! Laugh, it will burn some calories!!!!!!!!!!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member

    Take the sticks out of your a$$es! Laugh, it will burn some calories!!!!!!!!!!

    Typically people laugh at jokes that actually are funny.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member

    The loss prevention people were FOLLOWING them through the store. When they got to the register, loss prevention was STILL FOLLOWING THEM. Why not bring it up there so they could pay for it? Pregnant and with a 3 yo -- you could probably profile it and see it was likely forgotten. If the intent was stealing, why not ditch the wrapper?

    They waited til they got OUT of the store to confront them. They realized the mistake and offered to pay for the sandwich. Heck take the money and ban them if you want. But no, the manager said once they leave the store he can't take money. Um, why didn't you take it IN the store?

    In my state (not sure what law in Hawaii states) you cannot confront someone with theft until they physically leave the store without paying. That gives them EVERY opportunity to pay for forgotten merchandise. And no the manager cannot take the money afterwards for their "mistake".

    Safeway has dropped all charges against the pair. We don't know what happened in the store other than the couple's side of the story...

    Stop using pregnancy as an excuse! I have 3 children from 4 pregnancies so yeah I do know what the hormones do to your body.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member

    Take the sticks out of your a$$es! Laugh, it will burn some calories!!!!!!!!!!

    Typically people laugh at jokes that actually are funny.
    Exactly. Maybe it's just me but I don't find theft to be funny.

    Also, Safeway, IME, has been really good about correcting their errors when things ring up incorrectly. If I have had ice cream in my cart and ddin't have time to go to customer service I bring the receipt back the next time and they correct it. I still fail to see what was supposed to be funny about your OP. You admitted to stealing. How is that even remotely funny? If not being a crook means I have a stick up my @$$ then I'll gladly keep it there. Honesty and law abiding doesn't = uptight aymore than being a thief = funny IMO. I guess I'm just weird that way though.
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    I just read that news article, yeah she ate a sandwich in the store and forgot to pay for it at the checkout. They arrested her and her husband, then the child welfare people took her little girl away for 18 hours. This was ridiculous! I say boycott Safeway, shop somewhere else!

    Whether or not you forget to pay for it or if it was intentional has no bearing on the law. It should have bearing on how it's handled, but nonetheless, it's hard to convince someone after you've been caught in the act. It IS stealing the moment you exit the bldg. The store reported the theft and the authorities are the ones who take it from there. The store didn't accuse the husband of being an accomplice or have child welfare involved, the police did. Those are the repercussions of being involved in a matter how petty it seems.

    Personally, if it were me .. I would have allowed them to pay, and leave it at that. That's why they have security people and cameras. To catch people in the act of thievery. There is the occasional 'forgotten' item .. I don't know I anyone can say without a doubt that they haven't had this exact same thing happen .. innocently. But, when you realize what you've done, the "honest' thing to do would be to go back and pay. I'm thinking, the majority would not bother.

    Where does it end? .. When would it be ok to take something without paying for it? Under $10 or $5? One incidence is not the problem .. if you multiply that by 100's a week .. that adds up. Taking something that doesn't belong to you is stealing...intention is irrelevant.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I have to wonder what they did with the wrapper that they "forgot" to pay for it. I've gotten donuts for the kids when they were little and would keep the bag in the cart with the rest of the groceries. When we'd get to the checkout the bag was right there. I'd let the cashier know that she needed to ring up 2 donuts and she would. Never any problem. These people had a sandwich so they had a wrapper for it. Did they throw it away?
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I sometimes "forget" to pay for things at Safeway when their advertised sales don't actually ring up correctly. I recoup my losses through future visits. Can't wait until another supermarket chain moves in town and I don't have to shop there anymore.

    Stop! Thief!

    Alternatively you could be honest, tell the cashier that something didn't ring up correct, and pay the correct price. I've done it more than once. That way they know they have a problem and perhaps get it corrected for the next shopper.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    My 2 cents...

    They should've paid inside for the sandwich. HOWEVER this has all kinds of FAIL by the store written on it.

    The loss prevention people were FOLLOWING them through the store. When they got to the register, loss prevention was STILL FOLLOWING THEM. Why not bring it up there so they could pay for it? Pregnant and with a 3 yo -- you could probably profile it and see it was likely forgotten. If the intent was stealing, why not ditch the wrapper?

    They waited til they got OUT of the store to confront them. They realized the mistake and offered to pay for the sandwich. Heck take the money and ban them if you want. But no, the manager said once they leave the store he can't take money. Um, why didn't you take it IN the store?

    Next the manager insisted on calling the cops, who took 4 hours to show up. The COPS SAID "Why don't you let them pay for it?" Manager said no he wanted them arrested. Cops offered to arrest her since she ate the sandwich and have dad take the daughter, manager said NO he wanted BOTH arrested. Cops offered to arrest one first, let them bail out and come back for the other so the daughter wouldn't go into the system. IT WAS THE SAFEWAY MANAGER that insisted they BOTH be arrested AT THE SAME TIME, which then put the little girl in CPS. BTW, anyone notice in the story that she's a former Air Force Staff Sergeant? Defends our country and this is the thanks she gets.

    As for suing, yeah, I think they should sue. The manager had a ton of options to deal with this. And yes, theft is theft, but there are DEGREES of theft. So now because he wouldn't take $5 for the sandwiches, Safeway is dealing with legal fees, bad press, possible boycotts, and the parents have been left with a kid who will probably be freaked out for some time to come.

    Where did you get all the information from? The only part of what you have said that I saw in the article was the she used to be in the air force. :huh:

    And why should the fact that she was previously in the air force mean she shouldn't have been arrested? Does that mean that if a former member of the armed forces commits any crime then they should be exempt from prosecution? is not stealing until the suspect exits the store.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    I have to wonder what they did with the wrapper that they "forgot" to pay for it. I've gotten donuts for the kids when they were little and would keep the bag in the cart with the rest of the groceries. When we'd get to the checkout the bag was right there. I'd let the cashier know that she needed to ring up 2 donuts and she would. Never any problem. These people had a sandwich so they had a wrapper for it. Did they throw it away?

    That is the piece of the story I want to know. My uninformed mental picture is that she put it in her pocket. If she would have put the wrapper in the basket/cart with the $50 of groceries, she would have remembered to pay for it. One bad decision after another will lead to trouble.

    It is definitely unfortunate that her child was taken away from her, but I would not boycot Safeway over this incident if I shopped there.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I eat stuff in stores all the time, sometimes its the only way to quiet our little one. Sometimes the store says "don't worry about it".. quite often Shane eats a banana while we shop and I always hand in the peel and they rarely charge...
    I would just like you to know that the store employees hate you. They don't say it to your face, but seriously, you are stealing bananas and it's not OK. They just don't want to go to the trouble of calling the police and having you pitch a fit and call the newspaper.

    If someone is so hungry they have to eat RIGHT NOW then they should pay for that item and then finish shopping. Do you know how many times people get up to the register and then don't have their wallet with them? Then whatever they've eaten or opened is loss because you know they aren't going to come back and pay for it.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I sometimes "forget" to pay for things at Safeway when their advertised sales don't actually ring up correctly. I recoup my losses through future visits. Can't wait until another supermarket chain moves in town and I don't have to shop there anymore.
    So you readily admit to being a theif and think it's justified because you didn't noice that you were overcharged at some point?? Wow, just wow. SMH

    Again people, just learn to take a friggin joke! When you have to bag your own groceries you can't watch the screen to see the prices. Or when boxes of tissues are advertised for 1.00 each but they ring up as 2.00, good luck finding someone to fix it and letting your frozen items melt while waiting. Or the best time was when they deleted my club card after I scanned it (which had all my coupons on it) and put in someone elses, so none of my coupons went through.

    Take the sticks out of your a$$es! Laugh, it will burn some calories!!!!!!!!!!

    You're still a thief. You are intentionally taking things from a store without paying. End of story.
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    My 2 cents...

    They should've paid inside for the sandwich. HOWEVER this has all kinds of FAIL by the store written on it.

    The loss prevention people were FOLLOWING them through the store. When they got to the register, loss prevention was STILL FOLLOWING THEM. Why not bring it up there so they could pay for it? Pregnant and with a 3 yo -- you could probably profile it and see it was likely forgotten. If the intent was stealing, why not ditch the wrapper?

    They waited til they got OUT of the store to confront them. They realized the mistake and offered to pay for the sandwich. Heck take the money and ban them if you want. But no, the manager said once they leave the store he can't take money. Um, why didn't you take it IN the store?

    Next the manager insisted on calling the cops, who took 4 hours to show up. The COPS SAID "Why don't you let them pay for it?" Manager said no he wanted them arrested. Cops offered to arrest her since she ate the sandwich and have dad take the daughter, manager said NO he wanted BOTH arrested. Cops offered to arrest one first, let them bail out and come back for the other so the daughter wouldn't go into the system. IT WAS THE SAFEWAY MANAGER that insisted they BOTH be arrested AT THE SAME TIME, which then put the little girl in CPS. BTW, anyone notice in the story that she's a former Air Force Staff Sergeant? Defends our country and this is the thanks she gets.

    As for suing, yeah, I think they should sue. The manager had a ton of options to deal with this. And yes, theft is theft, but there are DEGREES of theft. So now because he wouldn't take $5 for the sandwiches, Safeway is dealing with legal fees, bad press, possible boycotts, and the parents have been left with a kid who will probably be freaked out for some time to come.

    Where did you get all the information from? The only part of what you have said that I saw in the article was the she used to be in the air force. :huh:

    And why should the fact that she was previously in the air force mean she shouldn't have been arrested? Does that mean that if a former member of the armed forces commits any crime then they should be exempt from prosecution?

    I think it's fairly obvious that someone was watching them at some point. Whether it was a store employee or another customer I don't know but someone saw this happen. If no one had seen it happen then the store would not have been able to stop them since they would have had no idea that they didn't pay for a sandwhich. I know when I worked in retail we were actually told to watch people who come in with kids, especially younger kids, more closely for shoplifting than other customers. It would honestly not surprise me in the least if this happened here as well (NOT saying that it did just that it wouldn't surprise me). I also think she has a point that if they had intended to steal the sandwhich then they could have ditched the wrapper somewhere in the store and would not have gone to the register with it. The rest of the post I can't comment on because I haven't seen that information contained in any article but I would like to hear how they know this information.
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    I eat stuff in stores all the time, sometimes its the only way to quiet our little one. Sometimes the store says "don't worry about it".. quite often Shane eats a banana while we shop and I always hand in the peel and they rarely charge...
    I would just like you to know that the store employees hate you. They don't say it to your face, but seriously, you are stealing bananas and it's not OK. They just don't want to go to the trouble of calling the police and having you pitch a fit and call the newspaper.

    If someone is so hungry they have to eat RIGHT NOW then they should pay for that item and then finish shopping. Do you know how many times people get up to the register and then don't have their wallet with them? Then whatever they've eaten or opened is loss because you know they aren't going to come back and pay for it.

    Poster 2) I wouldn't necessarily suggest anyone "hates' over an issue like this .. I would think perturbed would be more appropriate or irritated. THEY can't consume anything without paying first .. why should a customer?

    Poster 1) "They rarely charge?" .. like you do that often? You mean the store employee rarely charges you, I am assuming. Someone who has no authority to give merchandise away. And you think THAT is ok? That is still stealing something that doesn't belong to you, and NOW you have an accomplice.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I eat stuff in stores all the time, sometimes its the only way to quiet our little one. Sometimes the store says "don't worry about it".. quite often Shane eats a banana while we shop and I always hand in the peel and they rarely charge...
    I would just like you to know that the store employees hate you. They don't say it to your face, but seriously, you are stealing bananas and it's not OK. They just don't want to go to the trouble of calling the police and having you pitch a fit and call the newspaper.

    If someone is so hungry they have to eat RIGHT NOW then they should pay for that item and then finish shopping. Do you know how many times people get up to the register and then don't have their wallet with them? Then whatever they've eaten or opened is loss because you know they aren't going to come back and pay for it.

    Poster 2) I wouldn't necessarily suggest anyone "hates' over an issue like this .. I would think perturbed would be more appropriate or irritated. THEY can't consume anything without paying first .. why should a customer?

    Poster 1) "They rarely charge?" .. like you do that often? You mean the store employee rarely charges you, I am assuming. Someone who has no authority to give merchandise away. And you think THAT is ok? That is still stealing something that doesn't belong to you, and NOW you have an accomplice.

    Also, of course they rarely charge. Produce is sold by the weight. When you hand them the freaking peel what are they supposed to weigh?