Safeway groceries are horrible people.



  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    There was no criminal intent here.

    Again. How do you know? Were you there? I don't see how a biased newspaper article could lead you to KNOW that there was no criminal intent. The people *may* have deliberately not paid for the item and claimed to have forgotten it.

    You don't know.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    I really don't have the time to read the actual story or all the pages in this thread.

    I would need to read the actual story to comment on whether the store manager overreacted. That being said, I come across empty wrappers of all types of foods on store shelves just about every time I shop. If I see them in the 15 to 20 minutes I shop twice a week, imagine what the store employees find on a daily basis. A store employee shouldn't have to follow around someone eating to make sure they pay for it at the register.

    The closest thing I would do that is similar is open a bottle of water/diet soda from the mini-fridge located at the check out aisle. Technically still considered theft but if I immediately put it in my cart or on the belt then I don't see any harm.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    Look at the cold hard facts: she stole.

    Everybody is getting worked up into a frenzy over the value of the item and the fact that she was pregnant.

    If the report simply said "women arrested for stealing from Safeway" nobody would think twice about it.

    Or even "woman arrested for stealing."
  • RyanDanielle5101
    There was no criminal intent here.

    Again. How do you know? Were you there? I don't see how a biased newspaper article could lead you to KNOW that there was no criminal intent. The people *may* have deliberately not paid for the item and claimed to have forgotten it.

    You don't know.

    You don't know if they intentionally stole it either, because you were not there. I don't see how a biased newspaper article could lead you to KNOW there WAS criminal intent. The people *may* have unintentionally not paid for the item and forgotten it.
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    i always drink something im buying while in the store...hell, ill open up food if im hungry. And no one, NO going to grief me over it.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I'm pretty sure that there is another side to this story that we're not hearing. I used to work as a case manager and had to work closely with Children's Services. They don't exactly go around taking people's children away just for the heck of it. Honestly, it was awful trying to get them to pay attention to situations where children did need to be taken away. I can't imagine that the woman's child was taken from her because of one incident in a grocery store.
    Where was the child supposed to go while the parents where in jail?

    The article I read stated she walked to the store, she is in Hawaii as well, it is pretty reasonable thing to be hungry.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    i always drink something im buying while in the store...hell, ill open up food if im hungry. And no one, NO going to grief me over it.

    That is because everyone is too depressed thinking about those Colts to care.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm pretty sure that there is another side to this story that we're not hearing. I used to work as a case manager and had to work closely with Children's Services. They don't exactly go around taking people's children away just for the heck of it. Honestly, it was awful trying to get them to pay attention to situations where children did need to be taken away. I can't imagine that the woman's child was taken from her because of one incident in a grocery store.
    Where was the child supposed to go while the parents where in jail?

    The article I read stated she walked to the store, she is in Hawaii as well, it is pretty reasonable thing to be hungry.

    They didn't TAKE the child from the parents. They took her into custody until the parents were able to take her back. That is very different from being put into the foster care system. It was temporary so that the child wasn't left alone while the parents were posting bail. And they didn't spend the night in jail, either. They were out by midnight.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    There was no criminal intent here.

    Again. How do you know? Were you there? I don't see how a biased newspaper article could lead you to KNOW that there was no criminal intent. The people *may* have deliberately not paid for the item and claimed to have forgotten it.

    You don't know.

    You don't know if they intentionally stole it either, because you were not there. I don't see how a biased newspaper article could lead you to KNOW there WAS criminal intent. The people *may* have unintentionally not paid for the item and forgotten it.

    I am not claiming they did intentionally steal it. I am saying that everyone who is saying "it was an accident" or "it was an honest mistake" does not know that it was. Since we can't tell the actual intent without being the people in question, the store did what it does - carried out its own policies.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    There was no criminal intent here.

    Again. How do you know? Were you there? I don't see how a biased newspaper article could lead you to KNOW that there was no criminal intent. The people *may* have deliberately not paid for the item and claimed to have forgotten it.

    You don't know.

    You don't know if they intentionally stole it either, because you were not there. I don't see how a biased newspaper article could lead you to KNOW there WAS criminal intent. The people *may* have unintentionally not paid for the item and forgotten it.

  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    I wonder if the OP expected this reaction. Seems to have disappeared.
  • RyanDanielle5101
    When I was 13 I used a stick of deodorant after a soccer game and put it back on the shelf.
    I wasn't pregnant though.

    I think I bought that stick, I wondered why it smelled like a 13 year olds soccer game sweat:)
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    I think we have all forgotten to pay for something in the store before. When it was brought to her attention she was embarrassed and wanted to pay. They refused and arrested her and took her child away. I believe it went way too far.

    i agree and she kept the wrapper sto pay that is the only reason they knew she ate it. Its not like she left it in the aisle after she ate it.
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    I am not here to debate if it is wrong or right to eat in a grocery store, I just feel that the actions taken by the safeway manager were a bit extreme.

    They bought 50 dollars worth of grogeries so I don't think that they were trying to get away with $5 sandwiches for free. They offered to pay for it, I know being pregnant leaves you or at least me absent minded, also just moving there can make you tired. I honestly feel they forgot, but that is just me. right or wrong? I don't know, but I understand.

    I have walked out of the store with my kid holding a pack of gun he grabbed at the register, he was 12 months old so he didn't know and I was paying so i didn't see him grab it. Once I got in the pakring lot I seen him chewing on it and ran inside and offered to pay. We all make mistakes, but arresting both parents, actually arresting them at all is a bit extreme.

    I have seen many adults that shoplifted, but they weren't all arrested, they did get charged and convicted with shoplifting, it's not a felony though. It is not right to try to steal anytihng, but having a criminal record because they forgot to pay for $5 sandwiches? I am not sure it was intentional so I don't agree.

    I am boycotting safeway, i may be alone, but until this mess gets straightened out, I am done with safeway.
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    I think we have all forgotten to pay for something in the store before. When it was brought to her attention she was embarrassed and wanted to pay. They refused and arrested her and took her child away. I believe it went way too far.

    i agree and she kept the wrapper sto pay that is the only reason they knew she ate it. Its not like she left it in the aisle after she ate it.

    agreed, why didn't she try to ditch the wrapper!!! This was very extreme, I feel so bad for what they went through
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    I have walked out of the store with my kid holding a pack of gun he grabbed at the register, he was 12 months old

    You must be in Texas. ;-)
  • RyanDanielle5101
    Today lesson - Wait the damn 15 mins until you're out of the store and in your own car with all the food you paid for at the register and then eat to your hearts desire, if you do not abide by these rules whether intentionally or unintentionally you will risk being arrested and possibly have poo flung on you.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    All the "Safeway defenders" should go to Safeway's Facebook page. They are taking a beating over there. :laugh:
    Yeah, the couple should have paid for the sandwiches or eaten b4 shopping. But to be arrested & separated from their child? Seems harsh. But hey, look at all the free publicity they are getting!!! They must SO HAPPY 'bout that!!! :tongue:
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    i always drink something im buying while in the store...hell, ill open up food if im hungry. And no one, NO going to grief me over it.

    That is because everyone is too depressed thinking about those Colts to care.

    damn! that was