Safeway groceries are horrible people.



  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    This has to do more with the fact that police are spending county resources on arresting someone for this than Safeway for protecting their property.

    With that being said, in some jurisdictions it is illegal to eat the food in the store without paying and is considered theft, even if you intend to pay for it later. I would hardly say that Safeway cracking down on theft is an overreaction. It sucks for her and hopefully she gets a good attorney who can help her with this, but it isn't Safeway's fault.

    You didn't read any of the comments did you? That's not what happened.

    I did read the comments.
    She left without paying.
    In some places even NOT leaving without paying constitutes theft.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    My point was Safeway does not arrest criminals. The police do. If the OP is going to place blame on someone for this woman being arrested, Safeway is the wrong place to look because they do not make the arrests or have the power to determine which individual is actually going to be arrested.
    This is an excellent point. Thank you.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I honestly have trouble believing that the store would do this without good reason to believe they did it on purpose. Something just sounds fishy about this whole thing.

    Two people, one of whom can not use the "pregnant forgetty brain" excuse, both "forgot" to pay for the food. That sounds like a damn good reason to be suspicious to me.

    Agreed. I believe the store had the right to press charges either way, but I really highly doubt the side of the story we are hearing is not the whole truth.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    It's OK, people. She was just in her PREGNANCY mind. She didn't know any better..... :flowerforyou:
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Holy crap some of you need to pull the high and mighty stick out of your @#$!
    I hope none of you forget something in the bottom of your cart or underneath another item in your cart....

    Did they ditch the sandwich wrappers somewhere or take it to the register? Took it to the register but forgot about it!
    Did they make an honest mistake? Seems like it.
    Did they offer to pay the $5? Yep.
    5 dollars they got arrested and their kid taken away for 5 dollars......for 5 dollars.

    Celebrities like Lindsay Lohan get away with #$%^ all the time, the common people FORGET to pay for two sammiches
    and they get arrested and some of you are applauding it. Unreal.
    Ask them to pay the $5 which is what they wanted and be done with it. Now this Safeway store made the situation FUBAR.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Technically the store had the right to press charges. She was wrong. They were right. I think there is some meat missing from this story.

    That being said I will have to make sure to be careful as I tend to do this sometimes when I'm really thirsty while shopping...
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    This one time.. I went to Mcdonalds and spilled hot coffee on myself. Then sued them!! Because it was hot! They should have told me it was hot and to be careful not to spill it on myself. Its not my fault it was hot. I blame McDonalds.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    This one time.. I went to Mcdonalds and spilled hot coffee on myself. Then sued them!! Because it was hot! They should have told me it was hot and to be careful not to spill it on myself. Its not my fault it was hot. I blame McDonalds.

    We're you pregnant? Because when you're pregnant people think you can just do whatever you want.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    Celebrities like Lindsay Lohan get away with #$%^ all the time, the common people FORGET to pay for two sammiches
    and they get arrested and some of you are applauding it. Unreal.

    Technically, Lindsay Lohan does get arrested.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    This one time.. I went to Mcdonalds and spilled hot coffee on myself. Then sued them!! Because it was hot! They should have told me it was hot and to be careful not to spill it on myself. Its not my fault it was hot. I blame McDonalds.

    You need to actually learn about that case before you try to use it as an example of anything. The woman had severe burns on herself. There is no way that McDonald's should have been serving coffee that hot to anyone. Additionally, McDonald's KNEW the coffee was too hot and continued to serve it anyway.

    People always use the McDonald's coffee case to prove we live in a litigious society, but it is really a poor example. All it really proves is McDonald's had their coffee WAY too hot and the court ruled correctly, finding her partially responsible for spilling it and finding McDonald's partially responsible for the temperature.

    If I go to a restaurant and receive third degree burns because I am served something at least 40 degrees over the acceptable serving temperature, I hardly think that is not placing the blame in the correct place.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    This one time.. I went to Mcdonalds and spilled hot coffee on myself. Then sued them!! Because it was hot! They should have told me it was hot and to be careful not to spill it on myself. Its not my fault it was hot. I blame McDonalds.

    We're you pregnant? Because when you're pregnant people think you can just do whatever you want.

    Yep.. with TWINS!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Go ahead and drinking yourself a pot of 180 degree coffee and tell me how your mouth feels.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Well, she shoplifted. I suppose they could have taken her at her word and let her go back and pay for the sandwiches, but she did actually break the law.

    I need a new camera. I wonder if next time I spend a good deal of money in a store and "forget" to pay for the camera, if they would let me go?
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    This was clearly an innocent mistake, and shoplifting was obviously not the intention. I mean, 5 dollars for a sandwich? Sure, Safeway should have stopped them and made them pay, but I think the manager probably is overpcompensating for his little penis and was overzealous in how he handled it. He should have just made them pay after talking with them and realizing it was an honest mistake.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I sometimes "forget" to pay for things at Safeway when their advertised sales don't actually ring up correctly. I recoup my losses through future visits. Can't wait until another supermarket chain moves in town and I don't have to shop there anymore.
    Why don't you just point out the error and let them fix it?
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    You know what? I love Safeway!

    Not only is it a local company that's done well and successfully grown outside of the San Francisco Bay Area, it also has a really cool customer card that makes me feel like I am saving an effing MINT in exchange for my shopping demographics.

    The fact that they are throwing the book at thieving breeders just advances them up another rung in my view!

    But really let's not be ridiculous. She shoplifted. She chose to do so in the presence of her child. Offering to pay after you've been caught does not negate your thievery. Every time Safeway nabs a shoplifter they continue to pass on more juicy savings to me - who has never not paid for anything in her life and would never consider eating something before I paid for it.

    Once that ONE Safeway manager, acting on his own and not on behalf of the entire corporation, reported the brazen baby baker to protect MY low prices - it was out of their hands. What the police decided to do (call CPS) is not the concern of that manager OR the store.

    So, in summary, I don't care what you say - Safeway rules.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I'm sorry this happened to that family but as far as I'm concerned if you eat food at a grocery store before you pay for it, that's stealing! (I'm not referring to the samples stores pass out or cookies they give to kids). I don't care if your intent is to pay for it at the check out. Pay for it first then eat it. It just amazes me that so many people think it's perfectly acceptable to eat the gorceries first then pay for them. My mother would have never allowed me or my siblings to eat something at the store before paying for it and I never allowed my kids to either. I'm sorry but if you're really that hungry, pay for the item first then eat it while you return to grocery shopping.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    This was clearly an innocent mistake, and shoplifting was obviously not the intention. I mean, 5 dollars for a sandwich? Sure, Safeway should have stopped them and made them pay, but I think the manager probably is overpcompensating for his little penis and was overzealous in how he handled it. He should have just made them pay after talking with them and realizing it was an honest mistake.

    How would he have known? People shoplift candy bars and grapes and olives and whatever. How would you (or the manager, more to the point) know that it was an honest mistake?
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    and would never consider eating something before I paid for it.
    I kind of said the same thing. If you're that desperate to eat or drink something, go pay for it first. Then resume your shopping.
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    This was clearly an innocent mistake, and shoplifting was obviously not the intention. I mean, 5 dollars for a sandwich? Sure, Safeway should have stopped them and made them pay, but I think the manager probably is overpcompensating for his little penis and was overzealous in how he handled it. He should have just made them pay after talking with them and realizing it was an honest mistake.

    How would he have known? People shoplift candy bars and grapes and olives and whatever. How would you (or the manager, more to the point) know that it was an honest mistake?

    After questioning, it's not exactly difficult to tell if they were intending on it or not. It's a sandwich for f*cks sake. I don't think you're going to have the highest class of thieves who have perfected the art of lying trying to wiggle their way out of stealing a sandwich, especially when they were willing to pay for it because it was a mistake. This was clearly a case of poor judgement on the manager's end. He should have just made them pay for the sandwich. Now, this $5 sandwich wasted a lot of time, tax payer dollars, and made Safeway look bad in the long run with negative publicity.