November Weight Loss Challenge (CLOSED)



  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 155.8
    Today's Date - 11/4/11
    Today's weight - 154.8
    Goal weight for challenge - 150 lbs.
    Your personal goal - Drink more water, eat better in general.
    How you are doing on your personal goal - I'm drinking tons of water and I can already tell that it makes me feel better. I've eaten pretty good...even yesterday when it was my bday:)
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    okay, I have set it so that you guys can edit this yourself, so you can do it if you want, but if you don't want to that is fine. I'll be updating it too for those of you who don't want to do it yourselves. :-)

    The link is still the same:

    To do it yourself, just go find your name and find the right "week" to put it under (by date) and put your weight in there. You do not have to weigh in on a certain day. YOU choose when you weigh in as long as you weigh in weekly.
  • Cheri06
    Cheri06 Posts: 49 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 227
    Today's Date - 11/4/11
    Today's weight - 227
    Goal weight for challenge - 220
    Your personal goal - Walk 100 miles this month, 3,000 jumping jacks, and introduce pilates 3x/wk.
    How you are doing on your personal goal - I'm doing okay. I had to change my walking goals from minutes to miles, that way I can focus more on distance (3.3 miles + a day) and be able to decrease my time. I was bitten by my dog yesterday :brokenheart: so I have to make up for that fiasco. Funny thing is, today is his birthday....I refuse to celebrate lol.
  • shebauer
    shebauer Posts: 11 Member
    My weigh in is in the morning, and I'm pretty nervous. It's been a tough week
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 212
    Today's Date - 11/04/11
    Today's weight - 212
    Goal weight for challenge - 206
    Your personal goal - Complete Ripped in 30
    How you are doing on your personal goal - I started Ripped in 30 on 10/31 and haven't missed a day yet! I am doing one rest day per week, so tomorrow is my rest day, and back on it on Sunday!
  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    Checking in today so it's added to My Topics. Weigh-in and progress report tomorrow!
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Original MFP starting weight - 220
    Starting weight for challenge - 185
    Today's Date - 11/5/11
    Today's weight -
    Goal weight for challenge - 179
    Your personal goal - Exercise at least 1000 minutes in November
    How you are doing on your personal goal - 165/1000

    Yesterday turned out to be a struggle with food choices, and I didn't make all of the best choices, however I did get up and exercise last night to burn off some of the choices I made. I guess I am okay with that.
  • mamapaints
    mamapaints Posts: 206 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 161
    Today's Date - 11/4/11
    Today's weight -161
    Goal weight for challenge - 156
    Your personal goal - to be under my calories at least 6 out of 7 days
    How you are doing on your personal goal - this past week was terrific; I was UNDER all week. the weight not budging is a mystery. Hopefully I have not hit my first plateau! I think that the extra workouts I did this week actually are to account for the scale not budging; it's happened in the past to me too.
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    Weigh In Day!

    Starting weight for challenge - 155 lbs.
    Today's Date - 11/5/11
    Today's weight - 154 lbs.
    Goal weight for challenge - 150 lbs.

    Your personal goal - Exercise at least 30 minutes - 6 days per week. Eat cleaner, less carbs, less sugar & more water!

    How you are doing on your personal goal - Doing good! Lost 1 lb. since last weigh in. Am exercising at least 30 minutes 6 nights a week as planned. Still working on eating A LOT better.....that is ever on-going!

    Hope everyone had a great week! Congratulations to all those who are meeting their challenge! :flowerforyou:
  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 200.6
    Today's Date - 11/5/11
    Today's weight - 202.3 (7.3 lb to go)
    Goal weight for challenge - 195.0
    Your personal goal - 700 minutes of exercise
    How you are doing on your personal goal - 148 minutes completed (21%)

    I knew last week's drastic loss was too good to be true :( It had to have been water weight.

    On the brighter side, it has been 4 weeks since I started and I have lost 4 lb since then, so I am progressing at my target rate of 1 lb/week. And I've come a long way on the treadmill since I started, so I should be be proud!
  • wamaverick
    wamaverick Posts: 68 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 217
    Today's Date - 11/05/11
    Today's weight - 216
    Goal weight for challenge - 214
    Your personal goal - Completed 92 minutes of 600 minutes of exercise.

    @Mandi I will let you update my weight on the spread sheet, given this opportunity I'd probably cheat. I am off on the "weigh ins" so I will weigh in again on Tuesday so I can be on track with the group. Thank You!
  • wamaverick
    wamaverick Posts: 68 Member
    Several people have asked if there is a "simpler" way to keep track of this log.

    When you click on the message boards you have several options "Home, Recent Posts, My topics, Signature, and search"
    if you click on "My topics" it lists all the topics you have commented on and the ones you did the most appear at the top of the list.

    Or you could bookmark it and refresh it each day when you arrive.

    Hope this helps.
  • KimR87
    KimR87 Posts: 295 Member
    Updated my weight on the spreadsheet

    Starting weight for challenge - 248.5 as of 10/31
    Today's Date - 11/2
    Today's weight - 247.2
    Goal weight for challenge - 238
    Your personal goal - Get some kind of workout in every day
    How you are doing on your personal goal - So Far so good
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 252
    Today's Date - 11/5
    Today's weight - 252
    Goal weight for challenge - 245
    Your personal goal - run 4x, exercise 6x wkly and 80 oz of water a day
    How you are doing on your personal goal - tomorrow will be my 4th run and my 6th work out this week. And I did okay with my water. Hit my goal most days. Got close on the others. Wish I had a loss though.
  • melmck2011
    Starting weight for challenge - 153
    Today's Date - november 5
    Today's weight - 153.4
    Goal weight for challenge - 148
    Your personal goal - 30 day shed
    How you are doing on your personal goal - I did it 4 days this week then took 2 days off.
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member

    All weigh ins up to here have been posted on the spreadsheet.

    Would you guys rather update the spreadsheet yourselves or do you prefer it this way, where I do it for you all? Totally up to you guys!

    I went ahead and updated my weight today when I went to look at the spreadsheet..... hope you don't mind! If you'd rather me not, let me know.
  • ag1232
    ag1232 Posts: 16
    Starting weight for challenge - 226
    Today's Date - 11/5/11
    Today's weight - 226
    Goal weight for challenge - 220
    Your personal goal - run 3 times/week, Just Dance 3 "just sweat" for 50 mins 3 times/week
    How you are doing on your personal goal - Slacking a little as I'm (still =\ ) recovering from a sinus infection. Tomorrow is a new day and a new week.
  • littlemisspinup
    SW- 143
    Today's Date - 6/11/11
    CW - 141
    GW - 132
    PG - 1hr of workout daily
    PG Progress - I did 30' of workout (5/7 days)
  • Peachy_T
    Peachy_T Posts: 138 Member
    Weigh Day!

    MFP starting weight ~ 228.8
    Starting weight for challenge ~ 225.6
    Today's Date ~ 11/6/2011
    Today's weight ~ 223
    Goal weight for challenge ~ 218.0
    Your personal goal ~ 30 minutes of exercise 4 days a week
    How you are doing on your personal goal ~ Not good!
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Original MFP starting weight - 220
    Starting weight for challenge - 185
    Today's Date - 11/5/11
    Today's weight - 184
    Goal weight for challenge - 179
    Your personal goal - Exercise at least 1000 minutes in November
    How you are doing on your personal goal - 210/1000

    Yesterday I went shopping with coupons in hand I bought a pair of pants like some of my favorite pairs I already have except I bought size 14s instead of the size 18s I bought 1 1/2 years ago. That was an exciting moment of my day. :bigsmile: :blushing: :bigsmile: