Flab-u-less Closed Group (November Team Challenge



  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Great job Nikki! Glad you enjoyed the salad. That all sounds delicious. Confession: I went to the local chinese restaurant with a great friend after my retreat. It was great after the day we had! All and all, it was a perfect day! Now, I'm still waiting to get home. My fiance is working on his truck and I'm at my mom's.

    Enjoy your extra hour of sleep everyone! And a day off of these challenges!
  • Mememone
    Mememone Posts: 48 Member
    Just a quick message to let you know that chaleenge exerceses were done on Saturday, water was drank and weight has not changed. Talk to all of you later. :)
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Well, I just weighed-in and I lost .5. I was hoping for more but I'll take it. I'm thinking next week will be a better lost.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Hi team! A few questions or comments about the challenge so far:

    First of all, I am thankful to have you all on my team! Other teams have already lost players! So, thanks for sticking with me!

    Which brings me to the second point, Belinda, the creator of this challenge, is worried that maybe people are dropping out because the challenges are too hard. What's your feedback on the challenges? Are you enjoying them so far? Is there anything you would recommend?

    I find you all greatly motivated right now, is there anything more that I can do to keep you motivated? Or anything you would like me to stop doing?

    All feedback is important! This is your team and your challenge, you want to make sure that it meets your needs or at least that your needs are heard and considered.

    Take care team and Happy Sunday!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry I was MIA yesterday. Spent the day out of the house with my little one who I didn't get to see all week because my work sucks the life out of me :(

    I did get all of the exercises in but I completely failed at the water intake yesterday. As in NONE! I am planning on drinking a boat load today though so I don't go into rentention mode.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hi again, Lynn!

    I will give you my opinion on the challenges... I think they're easy! So far, of course, it may get tougher. I like that I can get them done in 5-15 minutes and if we were to do them similar this week I'd probaby double/triple up if time permits. I usually don't do anything on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so this is getting me moving on those days. On the days I usually DO exercise, I'm using the challenges as extra. I still run, for instance, but I'll add the daily challenge as extra exercise. Pushing a little farther is why I wanted a challenge like this... it's not supposed to be easy!!!!

    Anyway, I know it's an "off" day for the challenge, but I got in my 7 miles this morning and will drink as much water as I can, but probably not count it (unless you think I still should?) I don't have a weight loss to report, but I'll try again next time.

    Our team rocks... just sayin!!!!!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Thanks for your feedback Nikki! Continuing to drink the water today is a great idea, but don't worry about tracking how much you drank (unless that keeps you motivated). Sometimes it is nice to simply be able to have a regular glass of water without having to think... hmmm was that 8 oz? 8+12+16+8... :noway: Shucks, for today drink if you are thirsty and enjoy your day.

    I do have to tell you though, reading your post made me think that I needed to keep myself active today also... I'm not too sure what I'm going to do yet, but I'll do something. Maybe I'll try walking/running on my treadmill... although I got scared the last time I did that one... haha! (It's an old treadmill, used to be my grandma, it's probably something like 20 years old... to make it go faster you pull this lever down, I went a little too far last time, and the machine made this scary noise!!! I got off quite quickly after that... lol)
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    P.S.: I will post our team points once I've gotten everyone's weigh-in. I look forward to see where we stand at the end of this week.
  • Mememone
    Mememone Posts: 48 Member
    Hey Lynn,
    Just to let you know.... as far as the physical challenges, I have no problem and maybe could even be a little more longer or challenging. You are doing a great job to keep us posted. The only problem I have is drinking that much water. I was always told that 64 ounces per day was plenty. But if we need to do it I will keep working on it.

    I beleive our team is doing great!! :happy:
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    The challenge for tomorrow has been posted. I'm still waiting for 2 people to give in their weigh-ins. Before I can send in the points for our team this week. They have to be in before the end of the night.

    On another note, here is the challenge for tomorrow. Slowly kicking it up a notch!
    :laugh: Copy starts here:

    After having a rest day on Sunday we are going to have a hardCORE Monday.
    50 crunches/sit ups
    25 righ oblique crunches
    25 left oblique crunches
    30 bicycle crunches VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L8BIvIu5pU&feature=BFa&list=PL384172C6326E29EF&lf=rellist
    35 bridge VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUNiGFvb0qY
    30 plank intervals (by this I mean start with arms extended then lower one arm to rest on your forearm and then lower the other so you are in a lower plank. Hold for a few seconds and then raise back up one arm at a time). Each complete revolution counts as one. VIDEO: FIRST ONE SHE DOES!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwmSDIVpDuo

    Just like week one you can break these up into a circut of your choice. However, do your best to keep this as one workout. The easiest way to break it up is into 5 sets but you are free to do it as you would like.

    If you are wanting to take it up a notch then do this video BEFORE you start your workout.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Awesome. You did see I didn't lose, right? Nothing there to report, sorry. I'll try harder this week!!!!

    This workout should be more difficult... like I said, I'm up for a challenge!!!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    OOOOOOOOoooooooo sorry!!!!! 192.2 Minimal loss, but a loss none-the-less
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Thanks Nikki! Yeah I had noticed! Belinda did mention that the challenges would get harder and harder as they go. However, she'll try to keep them under the 30 minute mark... I may have copied and pasted that already, if so sorry!

    Thanks Jen! Every little bit counts! You'll get there one baby step at a time if you must!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Exercises done......... BLECK!!! Disliked todays routine. Crunches always hurt my neck and with a shoulder and wrist injury, the plank intervals killed me! I do like the idea of increased difficulty throughut the month. Definitely prefer to keep it under 30 minutes. Have a good week everyone!!!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Good job getting it all done Jenn! I hope your neck feels better throughout the day.

    I had a hard time doing the plank intervals and had to modify it so that I could do it.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Hey team!!!

    Got a message from Belinda that I just had to share!!!

    "Tell your team congrats on earning the amazing 5 point bonus for everyone doing all exercises every day. Only two teams managed to pull off getting those bonus points. So way to go and stick it! "

    Way to go team!!! Let's keep up the great work this week and earn those bonus points once again!!!!

    Have a nice day everyone! I have to get ready for work now!
  • Mememone
    Mememone Posts: 48 Member
    Okay I did the exerices and I'm sure I will feel those tomorrow in the abdomen muscles. :) Hope the exercises tomorrow are for the legs or something.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Holy COW!!! That was a killer ab workout!!!!

    Done, and done with water too... off to have my dinner!!!

    Our team ROCKS!!!!
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    Sorry I was MIA, i was crazy with dd's b-day party, and today Hubby having the day off (because he has been working straight since the storm 18 hr days overnights) threw my whole "groove" off. I missed dd's dr. appointment, we were arguing, and I did not do well today...EMOTIONAL EATING!! ARG!!! I am here though, and am going to track my food anyway.

    I weighed on wednesday, (my usual weigh day) and am using that,,,,185 down 1lb. I am nervous about this week where I was so off......hopefully the water helped.

    I did get my exercises in and my water today.

    hope you all are well.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Jill, I feel ya on the emotional eating. I do that too!!! Sorry you and hubby were fighting.. hope everything's ok. I hate fighting with my hubby, it just makes me a wrecK!!!

    Good job getting in the exercises and the water... at least you can bring some positives from a tough day!!! Sleep well!!!!