[GROUP FULL] SPARTANS: No Excuses November Chat - Wk 1



  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    For today's challenge, the review... Well, I'm controlling portions but eating badly (past few days). Too much saturated fat, and not enough water. So for this week, I'm going to watch my fat and sat fat, and stay under 1200 calories.

    I originally wanted to walk my dogs daily, but that hasn't happened due to maniac schedules last week. This week, I'm traveling to DC on Weds and Thurs for work. Tonight after work and tomorrow at lunch I will attempt to walk them. They need the practice anyway. lol.
  • HeyGrlHey
    Hey Everyone! :happy:

    For my review of this week:

    I wasn't as "active" on this thread as I would have liked (just been busy with school and everything else in between). My food choices were doing great, until the dreaded weekend :grumble: BUT I am not going to let it affect me mentally. Going to keep my head up and focus on going forward, because all that is for me when I go back is 20lbs of weight I never want again! My mini goal for next week is going to be more active on the thread. Also, today is L1D1 for the 30DS! :bigsmile:

  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 259 Member
    Review of the week:

    This week was TOUGH. I started out the week eating about a day's worth of calories over 4 days. Along with TOM. And a super busy week at school. Finally went and bought my 100-pound loss outfit - I'm now in a size 16 jeans, something I haven't been able to say in 7+ years. Pics are on my profile for anyone whose interested :) When my appetite returned I did well. No crazy binging, besides yesterday when man friend & I sat down to a delta sonic brick oven cheese pizza and ate THE WHOLE THING. But I'm fine with that. Took a spontaneous ride out to the summer camp I used to work at and we walked a mile or two through the woods - it was beautiful. Today class doesn't start til 930 for me (usually 830 monday-friday) and I'm enjoying relaxing before school, already 24oz of water down. Just packed up some gym clothes to put in my car, hopefully going to hit the gym for a bit after school to get in some weight training & maybe even a little cardio :) I'm starting this week off with a whole new attitude ready to bring it! My goals for this week are:

    16 cups of water a day (a whole gallon but this IS a challenge right?!)
    Gym after school twice (no school Friday so that only gives me 4 days of opportunity)
    Under calories 6/7 days (goal just dropped to 1490 the other day)
    No beer on weekdays, only drink on the weekend if I have met my 16 cups of water and have at least 600 calories left for the day

    Fight on, Spartans =]
  • bdmom3
    bdmom3 Posts: 21
    My first week was rough, I did manage to workout everyday for at least a half hour, and I did eat my veggies everyday. I stayed within my calorie goals but I was eating too many fats and bad carbs. This week I will try and eat better foods and keep up with my workouts. I want to also add more cardio exercises to my regimen.

  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member

    My first week went well, I stayed focused with the food and active.

    I will step it up with the exercise this week. In addition to completing week 9 of C25K, I need to start working on strength training.

    Here's to a GREAT week everyone!!
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Good luck with 30DS hzminda - I am on Day 22 and just started Level 3. It's a killer but my stamina and strength has definitely improved in the last three weeks. Stick with it!!

    As for me, this last week was pretty good. I did all the challenges but struggled with a couple of them, those push-ups and tricep dips are no joke for me. I am moving forward with C25K today and will review my diary today for my sugar intake, because I want to be better about monitoring that and get it lower.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I know I don't talk here at all, but I hope I'm still welcome!

    I remembered we do our weigh ins every 7 days and today is Nov 7th so my weigh in Today was 167.6!
    I strongly believe I'll be reaching my November goal of hitting 165 this month.

    Tonight I start Jillians Banish fat boost metabolism.. I really hope I stick to this because I've been lacking on my exercise lately.
  • mobetta2012
    **** SPARTANS! ****


    Review of my week 1. I think i did pretty good with the workout part but Im still struggling w/ eating right. Some days I do good with my intake of food but others was just bad choices and emotional eating. I burned a total of 3209 cal week1 but i had 3 days i was over my daily calorie intake. I need to do much better on my intake of food and continue to workout like i have been doing. more veggies & less sugar, sodium, fat intake!
  • ycc1964
    ycc1964 Posts: 699 Member
    **** SPARTANS! ****


    Hello team,

    My week was ok, I workout 6 out of 7 days,:explode: I drank at least 64oz of water 6 out of 7 days:drinker: and I stayed under my calories 6 out of 7 days.:bigsmile: What I noticed is that I eat very late and I eat almost all of my calories each day, so I think I need to eat more small frequent meal.:blushing: It's difficult to get the water down so I try to get most of it in in the am, but I need to increase to at least 1 gallon. I want to stick to the challenges, so I am going on the blog to get caught up, I still need to do the extra 60 minutes, I plan to do this one tonight after my husband goes to bed.

    So my plan for this week is to work out 7 out of 7 day, drink at least 1 gallon of water each day, focus on eating frequent meals and staying under my calories and also checking in and staying accountable to the team. :wink:

    In my best cheerleaders voice (CAN WE DO THIS TEAM? YES WE CAN):flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • julsmarshall
    julsmarshall Posts: 129 Member
    **** SPARTANS! ****


    Well, for my review I'm pretty pleased with myself. I stayed under my calories (just slightly) most days and did the 30 day shred everyday as per my goal :) I'm feeling really good, lots of energy even though the scale isn't moving and it was a tough week scheduling wise for me. If I wasn't working out first thing in the morning, it would have been hard for me to fit it in last week.

    that may be the key to excercising for me--get it done first thing!

    this week, going to continue with the shred, hope to do the C25K a couple more times and just survive a week of school, work and family.

    Keep it up everyone! Yes, we have one week down but 3 more to become a healthier version of ourselves!
  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member
    MENTAL. How did your first week go? Assess your nutrition and exercise. What did you do really well? What will you change this week?

    The first week I was inconsistent. I cooked for myself and did okay with my calorie intake throughout the week but the weekend went down the crapper. I was staying with friends so I did not cook for myself and they do not care about health and eat anything and everything they want. I am not blaming them because I could have made better choices and I just need to find it in myself to say no instead of appeasing them as I dont want to offend anyone. I also had alcohol this weekend which I do not usually have which definitely added to my excessive calorie intake.

    Working out was really good. I did not complete all of the challenges as I found out I had a pt test on sunday (which I passed!) and did not want to be to sore. I do have the challenges that I missed on my list of things to do this week. I was able to run 3 days last week which felt great.

    What I will change this week is I will be more vigilant of what is going in my body as well as continuing with the 100 oz of water a day.

    Today I did not run as I am a klutz and twisted mt ankle getting out of the car at the track BUT I walked 3.75 miles as well as did some ankle strengthening exercises that a 72 year old women showed me after she watched my almost bust my face on the pavement. (It was rather comical!!!!!!!!!) Onward and upward for this new week of challenges. Good luck to everyone!!!!!
  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member

    that may be the key to excercising for me--get it done first thing!

    I have found that working out in the morning makes my day SSSOOO much better. I feel that I have more energy and that I make better food choices. Good luck this week.
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    Wow...its nice to see that so many of you did so well last week. Gets me motivated to get back on this thing. After 7 months of healthy living, I went back home for the past 10 days (vacation and a family wedding) and it wasn't so pretty...didn't eat so well, didn't have too much time to workout...but now i am back and getting back in focus. The goal for this week is go back to basis...Start logging in my food intake, stay under my calories, start moving again and drink at least 8 cups of water per day.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead.
  • ahaar1
    ahaar1 Posts: 80 Member
    MENTAL. How did your first week go? Assess your nutrition and exercise. What did you do really well? What will you change this week?

    My first week went well. I stayed with my daily cals and workout goals during the week. My weekend was a little tough because I was out of town. I didn't get a chance to track my food and missed out on my workouts. I did eat light and watched my portions though. Hopefully the scale will reflect that tomorrow. I am back on track today and very excited find out whats next with the daily challenges!!
  • MzGrinch9250
    MzGrinch9250 Posts: 376 Member
    My first week went well. I did struggle this week with eating enough calories. I'm finding it harder to reach 1200 calories for the day. Not sure what's causing this but I guess I'm just not hungry. I did my regular 6 workouts this week and even did some strength training on Sunday. Water went well, but didn't quite make the 100oz mark.

    This week I plan on increasing my water intake and to pay closer attention to my calorie intake. I'm going to have to force myself to eat more often.
  • Dclem1206
    Hello, doing weekly weigh in of 275 :-)
  • char2009
    review of first week: did really good first couple of days, then thursday my daughter got sick and took me off course :( going to catch up with the challenges today...back on track fully as of tomorrow...hard to get back on.... I'm trying! haven't been getting my full amount of water (I did today though) and haven't been eating that great, haven't been eating that bad either though. I don't see my weight going down this week, will see tomorrow but I highly doubt it. Btw, my legs still hurt from wednesday!! :)
  • Nicholec2003
    Nicholec2003 Posts: 158 Member
    Week one wasn't the best, but it wasn't terrible either. Thanks to TOM I was in pain most of the weekend and not able to do much extra anything and do not expect there to be any change for check in tomorrow. My eating was not the geatest, but today I ate the last piece of peanut cake a friend made for me so it should get better . =) I am behind in the extra 60 minutes of cardio, but did an extra 30 mins on the tredmill today and hopefully will be able to that again tomorrow. I have only done a few push ups. =( My arms are really my weak point and I have a very hard time with push ups especially. I am going to try to do a least 10 a day and see if that helps. I love the core work outs, the jack knife sit ups were my favorite. I need to drink more water this week and try to keep my eating down a little. Looking forward to week two!
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member