To the ladies who are 5'4"....



  • alliegeorge
    alliegeorge Posts: 114
    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    - what is your goal weight and why?
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )

    Medium @ least I think I am
    176lbs - UK 16 in dresses a 14
    125 - 130lbs; I was this weight about 2 years ago, it was the weight I felt most comfortable with my body
    No kids.
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    I'm 5'3, 18 with a small build -- My ankles, feet, hands and wrists are TINY, and I have quite a nice hourglassy figure, but If i gain as little as 2 or three pounds I can totally tell.

    Right now I'm 117lb, UK size 8, US 4. I'm not as toned as I'd like to be, and I'd ideally like to get down to 110 where i'd feel thin, but it's not really happening at the moment.
  • janemem
    janemem Posts: 575 Member
    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    - what is your goal weight and why?
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )

    I'd say I have a large frame.
    I weigh 110lb. I wear a UK ladies size 6 or girls age 10/11.
    My goal is just to lose another 2/3lb and then maintain, because I think I'll be happy at that weight.
    I just turned 44 last May.
    I have one child, he's 15 next month.
  • dawnblu
    dawnblu Posts: 95 Member
    what kind of build are you? I'm medium build but large boned
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear? currently weigh 167.8 and wear size 12
    - what is your goal weight and why? goal is around 145-150 to be in a normal healthy BMI range - not looking to get super skinny
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing) just turned 43 last week
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) ) no children, but a 10 mo old puppy (does that count?) :happy:
  • Rachael235
    Rachael235 Posts: 35 Member
    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    - what is your goal weight and why?
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )

    mediun build
    current weight 145 size uk 12/14
    goal 133 (with muscle)
    have 2 girls age 4 and 7
    Name: rachael
  • Rachael235
    Rachael235 Posts: 35 Member
    I was 5" 4 1/2". I lost 1/4 of an inch. So, I am now just a bit over 5" 4"

    what kind of build are you? I am medium.
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear? I weight about 148 and wear a size 6 in pants
    - what is your goal weight and why? I want to reach 140 or lower. This is the weight where I feel and look the best
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing) I am 61
    - and have you had any kids? I have eight children

    Oh my 8 children!!! I take my hat off to you amazing!!
  • janemem
    janemem Posts: 575 Member
    I'm 5'3.5"
    Small build
    Size 0, sometimes smaller but I have curves too
    Goal weight of 88
    I'm 20
    One son, he's 15 months.

    If you don;t mind me asking, why do you want to get down to 88lb? That is way too tiny for your height. I've been your current weight when I was around your age and that looked much too thin for me and I'm only 0.5" taller than you. Go easy on yourself sweety. :flowerforyou:
  • elysiaday
    elysiaday Posts: 1
    - I would say small build.
    - I currently weigh 133lbs and wear a UK size 10.
    - I would like to reach 115 pounds I feel comfortable, fit and healthy at this weight.
    - I am 24 years old.
    - I have 2 step-chidren but no biological children.
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    I'm 5'4"...

    I'm medium build.
    I currently weigh 150 (my highest weight was 252) and I wear size 6-8.
    My current goal weight is 146 but I think once I hit that I will try for 140.
    I am 39.
    I have two kids (Owen is 14 and Nolan is 9), both vaginal deliveries.

    Having once weighed in the 250s, I can honestly say that I would be fine to stay at my current weight forever, but I'm too competitive and I like the challenge of setting new goals. :)
  • chantalb20
    chantalb20 Posts: 132
    Because I have an eating disorder and BDD and if I don't set myself a limit, I won't stop. So 88 is my limit, no matter how fat I still feel at that weight. My lowest weight was 93. I still felt huge. That's life I guess.
  • I'm 5'4" I believe I have a large frame and the reason for that is because when I weight 120, I wear a size 00 and everyone thinks I weigh only 90 pounds!
    I currently weigh 135, and started on mfp about 2 months ago at my highest non baby weight of 151..

    My goal weight is 119, just because I feel that now that I am older I probably would look a little more normal at that weight, I have no curves--I'm straight up and down no hips no butt B- sized chest, I wear around 7 or 9 in pants like I said, my waist barely curves in at all I have the same waist size as my bff who weighs 209, I just don't have the hips that match!!!

    I have 2 daughters ages 9 & 10, (both vaginal deliveries) and I was at my lightest adult weight after they were born, not before.
    I had liposuction and a full tummy tuck when my youngest daughter was 7 months old, and it was about 2 years after that that I hit my lowest weight.

    Oh, & I will be 32 next month :)
  • concavity
    concavity Posts: 143 Member
    Medium build, pear shaped.
    I wear a size 4/6 in pants from h&m,
    I wasnt to lose 10 pounds so I can get to a weight where I was comfortable with myself.
    18 and only a fur baby.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    I think I'm medium build. The wrist test thing tells me I have a large frame. I dunno. Most shirts I wear are a medium. Large if it's a button down because of the girls.

    168 pounds currently - in a tight 10 / loose-ish 12.

    Goal weight is 135-140. I think it puts me in a healthy place, and hopefully back into a size 6/8. I'm pretty curvy, so I'm cool with that size/weight. I don't care if I'm not a hardbody.

    37 years old, two kids ages 5 & 7. Finally working on losing the baby weight!
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    Hiya. :)

    Small, I think. Maybe medium. I have large breasts, small waist and fat *kitten*. Typical hourglass shape, I think?
    168lbs. I wear a UK size 14/16.
    120lbs. Healthy BMI for my height and I will still retain my curves, hopefully.
    I am almost 24.
    No kids.
  • To you ladies who are 5'4", some questions :)

    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    - what is your goal weight and why?
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )

    I'll answer my own questions too :)
    - I am medium build
    - I am 153 and in size 12 pants
    - right now my goal weight is 140 mainly because I have no clue last time I was below 150 (my pre-babies weight) and its considered a healthy weight whereas I am considered overweight currently
    - I am 30
    - I have had 2 kids, both by c section, so have the below the belly button pooch and clothes that fit me at this weight pre kids don't fit me or don't fit the same, kids have defintely changed my body, especially in the hips/belly area

    (and anyone that wants to add me as a friend, feel free to :) )

    I'm small build
    I'm 128 and in size 4 pants
    Weight loss goal is to get to 115 pounds
    I'm 30 and have 2 kids
    I had pre-eclampsia with both so I have a lot of stretched out skin from that.
  • czenny
    czenny Posts: 20 Member
    To you ladies who are 5'4", some questions :)

    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    - what is your goal weight and why?
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )

    I'll answer my own questions too :)
    - I am medium build
    - I am 153 and in size 12 pants
    - right now my goal weight is 140 mainly because I have no clue last time I was below 150 (my pre-babies weight) and its considered a healthy weight whereas I am considered overweight currently
    - I am 30
    - I have had 2 kids, both by c section, so have the below the belly button pooch and clothes that fit me at this weight pre kids don't fit me or don't fit the same, kids have defintely changed my body, especially in the hips/belly area

    (and anyone that wants to add me as a friend, feel free to :) )

    -small build
    - CW: 131 - pretty heavy for a small frame Asian
    - Goal: 110
    - 23 yrs old
    - no kids

    I'll send a FR to you. :)
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    To you ladies who are 5'4", some questions :)

    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    - what is your goal weight and why?
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )

    -OK, I'm 5'3. I feel like a blimp.
    -I'm somewhere around 190- been at this for a week and am afraid to weigh myself -- I'm wearing size 14 pants
    -Forget the 115 size 4 pre-prego body. Lets start with 150 and see where we go from there.
    -6 kids. Was a waitress with the first three and dropped the pounds almost as soon as I got home from the hospital. Gained 70lbs with the twins and havent been able to lose anything after the 3mo old was born.
    -I need easy snacks I can grab on the go at work.
  • Hiya. :)

    Small, I think. Maybe medium. I have large breasts, small waist and fat *kitten*. Typical hourglass shape, I think?
    168lbs. I wear a UK size 14/16.
    120lbs. Healthy BMI for my height and I will still retain my curves, hopefully.
    I am almost 24.
    No kids.

    5'2... Small/Medium Frame
    Shaped like Kim Kardashian but shorter haha
    CW:150# I'm between a size 6-10 depending on brand
    GW:125#...or back to fitting in my size 5 skinny jeans, and looking good in shorts,/flat belly
    UGW:110#...I loved being that small. But 125 is awesome too hahah
    I'm 28... Ugh
    No human children just one 25# kitty who turned 6 today =]
  • Hola!

    I'm guess I'm a medium build, wear size 6-10 depending on the clothing
    I weigh 157
    Goal weight for now is 145 because I think that will be a healthy weight for me (and really I don't want to lose my boobies. With my weight gain I finally got them and I don't want to lose them! =P)
    I'm 32, going to be 33 this year
    And nope - no kids for me.

    Also, I just joined up again and am looking for buddies - if any of you ladies has similar goals. Please feel free to add me. =)

  • the_great_unknown
    the_great_unknown Posts: 194 Member
    To you ladies who are 5'4", some questions :)

    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    - what is your goal weight and why?
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )

    I'm a medium build
    Current weight 210 (down about 10 since this photo)
    Pants size 16, sometimes 14 now. Depends on the cut, because I have thick thighs.
    Goal weight - currently 165. I set it about 35 lbs ago. Not sure how I arrived at that number.
    I'm 35. No kids that I know of.