Making the Cut---Jillian Michaels



  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    Sorry you're having a tough time Mickie.

    What keeps me on my program is that I know how far I've come & that I don't want to go back to where I was in Oct 2007. I also still have my trainer who checks my menu once a week, though latley its been once every 2 weeks, since she knows that I am usually pretty strict, and if I slipped during the week I have already told her. It does help me anyway to have someone to answer to.

    I have gotten into the habit of eating pretty much the same thing everyday, sometimes with a few variations. That helps me. I am pretty strict 90% of the time. Yes I do slip, and if I do, I just let it go and do my best to get back into the groove the next day. I also still go out to eat at least once a week, sometimes using up a 'free' meal, which I try to limit to once a week on different days. If I do eat out and trying not to use a 'free' meal, I will stick to salads with Dressing on the side, or grilled chicken with steamed veggies.

    Good luck and don't be too hard on yourself. I know you can get back into the game. :flowerforyou:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    You are an inspiration!:flowerforyou: Although my daily nutrition does not leave me feeling un-satisfied, I do occasionally have a need to relax and indulge a little. I decided to give myself one "unrestricted" day on Monday. Now, it's not what it used to be!!!:happy: In the past, I probably ate 3000-4000 cals and truly "binged". Monday was about 2300. I would actually have been fine, but I let myself eat too many potato chips!! Tues and Wed I ate all my exercise calories- 600 on Tues, 800 yesterday. I usually under-eat the exercise cals by 100-300. That really feels like plenty of food!:smile: I'm hoping to bump up my metabolism!

    I'm really starting to feel P90X!:happy: I can feel muscles I didn't know I had!!!

    Mickie- you can do it, girl!!! Just get re-focused!!:grumble:

  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Shari & April---You both are so motivating!!! Thank you so much!!! I did have a much better "healthy day" today. So maybe I'm back on the right track now!!!:smile:

    I also heard that Jillian is coming out with a new endeavor on boosting metabolism...I think it comes out next month. :happy: Have you heard anythiing about it yet???
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member

    No, I haven't heard anything about it. Keep me up to date!!:smile:

  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    I haven't heard anything about it either.

    Well, I finished the 30day program. My weight went down, but my bodyfat stayed the same, though my friends say I look leaner. I did enjoy it though, and I will probably do a day here and there to mix up my regurlar trainings, though I don't think I need to do the total 30 day again as a whole.

    Good luck with your routines. Keep on track. :bigsmile:

    Shari :glasses:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Congrats for making it through, Shari! I admire your commitment!:flowerforyou: I'm at the end of week 2 P90X and still love it!!!

    Mickie- how's it going?

  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Hey there!

    It sounds like you both are doing great, April & Shari! I found out that Jillian's next book is supposed to be released on April 7th...I'm thinking about pre-ordering it.

    Shari...what are you doing now for your routine?

    April...are you still loving the P90x?

    I'm getting ready to go to Tahoe and ski, so that's exciting. I'm almost up to a half day My husn=band and I have been sharng a pass the past couple of weekends. The weather is beautiful right now...but we need some more snow!

    How are you doing??
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    It's amazing what a little vacation can do for the soul! I feel renewed and eager to get back on my mission to lose weight, get in shape and to be HEALTHY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I went to B&Noble today and checked out Jillian's new book on metabolism. It looks great, but I can get it cheaper on-line, so I plan to order it tonight.

    Well, I'm off to go do a little bike work!!!! I hope all is well with all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member

    Glad to hear you're re-committed!!! I just got back from vacation in FL and start week 5- phase 2- tomorrow! Yep- still love P90X!!!


    P.S. How was the skiing? We didn't get much in this winter.:angry:

    Shari- how's it going? What routine are you doing now?

  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Hi April!

    We had FABULOUS snow!!! It was a rough start here, this season, but while we were in Tahoe, a storm came in...we ended up extending our stay a little because the snow was just too good to pass up! (we've only really been abke to ski the past month...actually the boys all went up during the Winter Break for a few days...but it wasn't that great). My knee held up pretty well too. We had planed to ski today, but one of my sons is under the weather. Poor thing....but we are going back next weekend to take advantage of the last ski weekend of the season.

    Where do you ski? We have good aquaintences that live in Exton..are you anywhere close to that area?

    So...where did you go in FL? Was the weather incredible? I hope so!

    Hope to hear from you soon! :smile:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hey, Mickie!

    We're relatively close to Exton. We're NW of Philly. We usually ski in the Poconos, but this winter we went to VT- Stratton- for Pres. weekend. That was really nice- of course nothing compared to what you get!!! I'd love to get out west to ski one of these years!!!

    FL was warm, which home was not!! We went to the Tampa area- FIL- and to Orlando and theme parks. Eating properly was very difficult!!:grumble: I did make better choices than in vacations past- less alcohol, for one. However, I exercised every day!!! I even got up early to run! This was my first rest week with P90X, so I didn't have to do any heavy duty restistance work. I did 2 of the routines and did cardio the rest of the time.

    You should check out P90X!! My dh is so impressed with my results in the 1st month that he decided to do it, too!!! Also, I think his ego doesn't want to let his wife be able to do more push-ups!!!!LOL:bigsmile:

    Have a happy Easter!

  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Hey there! Sounds like a great vacation!!!! Let me know if you ever come out my way..Tahoe is beautiful, and only an hour and a half from here. I'd love to get back to your neck of the woods again too! It's gorgeous country!!! I LOVE the fireflies in the mystical!!! :smile:

    I'm thinking about the much does that cost, about?

    Oh...speaking of the alcohol thing...I think I'm going back on the wagon...during vacation, I started breakig out in hives everytime I drank wine. :frown: What's up with that? I'm wondering if I now have developed an allergy to wine? Weird, huh? I have a"cellar" full of it too...and I LOVE it!!! Ahhhh....I guess i should go see an allergist. Have you ever heard of anyone doing that?
  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member

    Glad you're both doing well.

    I'm doing good. I'm not doing a structured routine at this time. I'm still working out 5-6 days a week, 2 of strict cardio and the other 3 or 4 of some sort of a weight routine. Sometimes I use one of Jillian's days, sometimes I switch it up and combine some of the exercises she uses. I might have to break down & get the P90x and check it out.

    I'm thinking of trying a spin class. Has either of you tried one? I've heard its a great workout.

    Well, talk to you both later.

    Shari :glasses:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member

    P90X costs about $120. The only equipment you need is a pull-up bar (Iron Gym, $30- removeable over-door) and weights or resistance bands. I prefer free weights, but now have to go buy heavier weights. Also, my dh has decided to start, so I need to buy much heavier weights for him.

    As for the alcohol thing, you can develop an allergy to alcohol, or more specifically the things in it. I have a friend who can't drink red wine due to the tannins. Guess you'll have to switch to vodka!!!:laugh:


    Based on your fitness and commitment, I think you'll love P90X! And I used to spin a lot! I love it! It's a great workout! The main reason I don't any more is the inconvenience of the gym and that I've started to run.

    Good luck!:flowerforyou:

  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member

    As for the alcohol thing, you can develop an allergy to alcohol, or more specifically the things in it. I have a friend who can't drink red wine due to the tannins. Guess you'll have to switch to vodka!!!:laugh: the red wine seems so be the worst for me. I break out in a rash all over my abdomen. What happens to your friend?