Skipping Breakfast



  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    I have tried it both ways and I have found for me personally that I need a big breakfast early in the morning to stave off hunger and keep my blood sugar and insulin levels in check. When I skip I tend to feel a bit weaker working out and tired more often.
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    Some may say that it doesn’t affect your weight loss, but it is an unhealthy choice to make overall. It’s your fuel for the day. Would you drive your car on an empty tank?
    Do you have to put gas in your car every morning or can you use what you put in it the previous day?

    This.^^ :happy:
    I was always a: "eat a big breakfast or you will be fat" person, till one day I started NOT eating breakfast - and presto! I started losing! Was it eating/not eating breakfast? Probably not. Probably just my way of controlling my calories. Anyways - works for me. :smile:
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Everyday!:drinker: Oh and I eat before bed, Everynight!:bigsmile:
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    let's say you eat 1 ginormous meal a day vs breaking it up into 3. As far as weight loss/metabolism it might be a wash but how would one just eat one meal (no matter how large that one meal is)?
    With a fork?

    This made me LMAO. Love it.

    I didn't quite understand the question either... How would you eat one meal a day?
    You just don't eat until later in the day, then eat a big meal and go to bed. It's called Intermittent Fasting, AKA EatStopEat.
    (and yes, with a fork.)

    If I didn't eat my one meal until later in the day (ie.. dinner), my work and workout performance would suffer. I'm pretty sure of that. I've tried to workout when I've skipped lunch and my lifts and cardio suffered noticably.

    it doesn't work for everybody. you either love it or hate it.

    There is that time frame of "this sucks, and I want to give up and eat", which for me comes about 8-12 hours into the 24 hour fast, but after that point (you can have all the zero cal liquids you want, I drink green tea), there is a WONDERFUL release of all hunger and a burst of energy and clarity of mind. I just feel FREE and amazing for a few hours. It is during this period (which comes at a different point for everyone) that I choose to lift (no cardio for me on fasting days, and you only do it once or twice a week, not daily), and my lifts do not suffer when done during this time.

    But like I said, it is a love-it-or-hate-it thing.
    Google Eat Stop Eat and read some testimony from others who do it...
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I don't want to feel great AFTER my workouts. They are taxing enough already. I want to be as prepared as possible when I'm lifting/working out.

    Trying to grind out a 225lb free weight squat for the 10th rep or trying to hype up for a 315 lb deadlift is not the time to fasting or not have eaten all day. That's just me. Apparently not you. And that's okay. I just wanted to state my side here.

    I'll also state that being extremely full during a workout doesn't work for me either.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Ok we totally hijacked the original post but whatever.

    I just don't really care to get up early and eat breakfast - I don't always totally fast but some coffee or tea and with some nonfat milk in it is good enough for me, keeps me going all morning and staves off hunger. I found out about leangains LOOONG after I was already eating on a 16/8 schedule.

    Then I eat a big tasty lunch and then I work out at about 5;30 -- depending on how I ate and how its sticking with me I might have a small snack before working out or not. Then dinner. Not really the IF schedule (couldn't train fasted since some of us have to work a 9-5 and I prefer 2 big meals to 1 big and 2 small) but it works well for me and I lost weight very quickly and easily in the beginning with absolutely no feelings of deprivation.

    Eating breakfast means I have to deprive myself of something I enjoy for either lunch or dinner. I do it some days because I'm HUNGRY some days. BUt otherwise I prefer not to.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Ok we totally hijacked the original post but whatever.

    I just don't really care to get up early and eat breakfast - I don't always totally fast but some coffee or tea and with some nonfat milk in it is good enough for me, keeps me going all morning and staves off hunger. I found out about leangains LOOONG after I was already eating on a 16/8 schedule.

    Then I eat a big tasty lunch and then I work out at about 5;30 -- depending on how I ate and how its sticking with me I might have a small snack before working out or not. Then dinner. Not really the IF schedule (couldn't train fasted since some of us have to work a 9-5 and I prefer 2 big meals to 1 big and 2 small) but it works well for me and I lost weight very quickly and easily in the beginning with absolutely no feelings of deprivation.

    Eating breakfast means I have to deprive myself of something I enjoy for either lunch or dinner. I do it some days because I'm HUNGRY some days. BUt otherwise I prefer not to.
  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    I am very envious of the OP being able to lie in in the mornings