Those with daughter: HPV Vaccination



  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I am part of the programme that is delivering this to the year 6 girls in the UK, an excellent vaccination, with a good safety record, we have only had mild side effects, some slight pain and stiffness post vaccination, like almost all vaccinations, some specific site swelling or redness, again like all vaccinations, and some girls complain of feeling faint, but they are usually very anxious pre jab and this is the more likely cause, we have had no serious side effects in the thousands of jabs given here in our area. I would love that both my girls had been young enough to receive the jab, but only my youngest was. We go into schools to administer the three jabs, we have a very high uptake, almost 97% in this area, and its free obviously, so don't understand the money making thing people keep mentioning.

    I think that its a great vaccine and a fabulous programme.
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Absolutely not. I don't have daughters yet but I absolutely will not have my daughters get it. I have my reasons...they are medically backed. I am not going to elaborate. :smile:

    I totally agree
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    still on the fence about this. not enough information to sell me on it.

    however, it should not be mandatory. keep the govt out of it.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Definitely not.

    Nothing but bad things associated with that vaccine. and I am very pro vax

    Please post links of the real world side effects, problems, or other issues you have come across. I am unfamiliar with anything beyond what is on the label, which is the normal laundry list of everything that could go wrong, every potential side effect and allergy that could result, even in the tiniest percentage of the population.
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    Haha personally...stop having damn sex all the time and you wouldn't have to worry about it all the time.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I got the shot

    I haven't heard that bad side of it tho o.O
    I never had myself either. Of course it came out after I was of that age, and my daughter is still quite young.

    So now off to google I go!

    This was me also. It came out after I hit the age limit suggestion. I haven't heard/read of bad side effects of it tho. I don't have a daughter, but a son. From experiences of myself and from friends/people I know, I would want my children to get the vaccine. But it's something I'd feel need to look into fully. Maybe by the time my kids are old enough, they'll have the vaccine more studied/figured out, as it's still fairly new from my understanding.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Haha personally...stop having damn sex all the time and you wouldn't have to worry about it all the time.

    That's a really ignorant statement. I mean really ignorant.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    It doesn't protect against many of the strains of HPV.

    I was starting college when the vac was really popular, I opted out, I did my research and I didn't like what I read.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Haha personally...stop having damn sex all the time and you wouldn't have to worry about it all the time.

    That's a really ignorant statement. I mean really ignorant.

    It made me giggle.....
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    I have 3 boys and when the time comes, I WILL have them get the HPV vaccine. I am glad that I have time before they're old enough to get it but IF i had to make the decision now, I wouldn't hesitate to get them vaccinated. Its a huge misconception that it only affects females. From what I understand, while it only protects against a few strains, they're the most high-risk strains.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    My 16 year old son got his HPV vaccinations.
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    There has not yet been any evidence that the vaccine ISN'T safe and/or effective.
    And yet, there hasn't been enough time or evidence to prove that it IS safe and/or effective in the long run. They openly admit that it's only partially effective for *some* of the strains.
    People have died after receiving it, but they had co-morbidities such as diabetes, heart disease, etc. For the average healthy individual, the risk of HPV and possible cervical cancer is much, much higher than the risk of possible serious side effects.
    Not true, check your stats again (make sure to check the unbiased ones as well...not just the ones fed to you by the government).
    The rigorous testing the FDA does before approving a vaccine wouldn't allow a seriously dangerous vaccine loose on our children. I'm a nurse, and I have faith in the FDA to help protect my children.
    I'd expect more from a nurse. All their "rigorous" testing amounts to practically nothing until it is administered to the population. Look back at the history of recalls on rigorously tested vaccines, and they still have no data on the long term effects across a large population. I personally don't have faith in them. Doctors have done some amazing things, with some incredible f*ckups along the way. As they learn more, they are constantly changing their recommendations/procedures to better reflect their new information. Some would say that's great, but to me, that proves they didn't know what they were doing in the first place. If they were so all knowing, maybe they should just cure the cancer.
    And yes, I do think parents who choose not to vaccinate (especially the vaccines that have been around for decades, like pertussis, polio, etc) are irresponsible.
    There are very few vaccines that have been around for "decades" (in their original formula). Do you really think that the vaccine you get for pertussis or polio is the one that they gave out from the beginning? No, they've added preservatives, modified and tweaked it (thereby nullifying any data collected in regards to long term affects of the vaccine). I would consider it irresponsible to allow the government to make my children their science experiment.
    Not only are they putting THEIR children at risk, they're also putting other children at risk who are too young to receive the vaccine or who haven't completed the series.
    That's your opinion, and you are entitled to it (even if I disagree with you). As I said before, I'd expect all parents to take in the information that is available to them, review it, and make an informed decision for themselves what is best for them and their children (that's being responsible, no matter which way you choose). Don't let the government or others who may benefit from the decision bully you into doing something you don't believe in. Far too many people fall into the herd mentality; don't be a lemming.
    I have a colleague who recently experienced a needle stick incident with a patient who has hepatitis B. The colleague is 8 months pregnant. She received the hep B vaccine in nursing school. I think it was responsible of her to get it, based on the nature of our job, and look how much more stress and anxiety she'd be dealing with if she wasn't immune to the virus.
    I'm glad she is ok, and that she wasn't overly stressed/anxious, but I feel that the vaccine gave her a false sense of security. If I were in that line of work, I might be willing to take the risk of getting all the vaccinations as well (luckily I'm not, and consider the risks of the vaccine more costly than the chance of me getting hep B).
    And yes, I know advances in plumbing, etc. contributed, but I know someone who's barely in her 50s who had a severe case of polio when she was a child and has suffered from mobility issues her entire life since. I'm thinking 40-50 years ago, we had sewer systems, etc., so the polio vaccine would have been the most beneficial prevention for her.
    That's terrible, I'm sorry that anyone would have to go through that. Getting the vaccine wouldn't necessarily have guaranteed her safety though either. I didn't say that advances in waste management, water purification, etc deserves all the credit, I simply said that many people forget that there were other factors at play with eradicating these diseases.
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    Haha personally...stop having damn sex all the time and you wouldn't have to worry about it all the time.

    That's a really ignorant statement. I mean really ignorant.

    Yeah your would know.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Nope. I was diagnosed with a high-risk strain of HPV in 2003, too. I have to get paps and colposcopies all the time (although my HPV tests come back as negative now). My doc suggested I get the vaccine and when I got the first shot, I passed out and had a tennis ball size welt on my arm for more than three months. I have tingling/numb feelings in my left arm now, and I still have pain in the injection site. I never got the second or third shots, either.

    I'll teach my daughter how to have safe sex so that she may protect herself. The reaction I had (and still have) was absolutely awful.

    The only was your daughter can be sure she won't get HPV will be no sex at all.....Condoms do not offer any protection at all.....I know because when I was told that I had cervical cancer caused by HPV, I did my research......
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    "Nope. I was diagnosed with a high-risk strain of HPV in 2003, too. I have to get paps and colposcopies all the time (although my HPV tests come back as negative now). My doc suggested I get the vaccine and when I got the first shot, I passed out and had a tennis ball size welt on my arm for more than three months. I have tingling/numb feelings in my left arm now, and I still have pain in the injection site. I never got the second or third shots, either.

    I'll teach my daughter how to have safe sex so that she may protect herself. The reaction I had (and still have) was absolutely awful. "

    I'm pretty sure the vaccine can't help guard you against something you already have....

    Untrue. In fact, I was skeptical to receive the vaccine after already being diagnosed, but was informed by my doc that there are something like 37 strains that Gardasil protects against when I only had one. So, in theory, it was protecting me from the other 36 strains.

    Please teach your daughter that the only safe sex is abstinence. Total abstinence. That's intercourse, outercourse, and round-about-course. And when she decides to become sexually active, to make sure her partner is safe by being tested. That is the only safe way to prevent her from being exposed. Those who got the vaccine and still came out positive may have already been exposed before the vaccine, or had a strain that the vaccine didn't cover.

    The is no test to see if a man has HPV..I did my research when I was diagnosed with cervical cancer caused by HVP...

    Also, if a couple have only been with each other, then the woman can still get HVP.....
  • mnbakk
    mnbakk Posts: 42 Member
    As a healthcare provider who has worked in womens health and oncology (including watching a 16 year old die of cervical cancer) I absolutely will be getting my daughter the vaccine.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    Please Please PLEASE, EVERYONE should watch this award-winning film... it's showing for FREE until November 8th! Know what could happen to your kids and yourself if YOU make the decision to have them vaccinated!! :flowerforyou:
  • amybluefish
    amybluefish Posts: 82 Member
    No, I have daughters and I say no to this vaccination. Who the hell knows what it might do in 10-15 years. There is just not a track record yet. TALK to your daughter so she is comfortable coming to you for anything and above all teach safe sex even if you are totally uncomfortable.
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    Definitely not.

    Nothing but bad things associated with that vaccine. and I am very pro vax

    Agreed, but I'm a selective/delayed vaccination person. I haven't read very good research about this vaccine and I don't completely trust it.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i don't have any kids, but i did get the vaccination. it's true that there are no real long term studies yet (or i have just missed them in my googling) but i find that the benefits (for me) outweighed the consequences. i had no ill side effects save from pain and redness at the injection site and that went away within a day.