

  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    My weight today was 156.4 - no loss since last weigh in :(

    My goal is to not eat my emotions this week!
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    nonafat - no worries for starting with Tuesday Struggles - it is Tuesday here in Australia too. I'm so sorry to hear about your ex - to be blunt he sounds like a it of an a-hole. I'm glad that you are now on a path to a better and healthier life - you are doing an awesome job so far - 25kg is a fantastic loss!

    Hai Alicia...its not nonafat rather nonafit....hahaha...:laugh:

    I have losed 5 kgs to date. 25kgs is the weight loss to go. I would rather I need to do than what had already happened. trying to physco my thinking. Anyway did you notice I think MFP had removed the signature totally. They only allowing the MFP ticker. That to you need to add it on at the 'settings'
  • hannahmayr30
    hannahmayr30 Posts: 93 Member
    Quick challenge check-in:Did 30 minutes on the elliptical and logged all my food for the day...Off to a great start! How is everyone else doing today?
  • Kristyz26
    Kristyz26 Posts: 33 Member
    starting weight is 185.8....up 1.8lbs from when I signed up for MFP...wtf?!? Anyways, not going to dwell on it, it could be because I have been chugging water like crazy...who knows.

    I feel great and that is what is important!

    I took before pics but will have to post them later cause I don't know how to do it yet and my husband is waiting for me to watch The Walking Dead and Dexter. I night full of romance I know :tongue:
  • aliciazak
    aliciazak Posts: 18 Member
    nonafit - can I blame baby brain??? :embarassed:

    hannahmayr30 - Great work - I have been logging everything and did the 30 day shred level 1 plus 10 minutes on the exercise bike :bigsmile:

    Kristyz26 - The Walking Dead and Dexter are my favourite shows!!

    OKAY IMPORTANT NEWS people - Sexy Mamas Unite now have a group on MFP - so please head over to http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/70-sexy-mamas-unite and join in the fun over there!!! I think it will probably be easier if we keep all of our discussion over there in one place, so please make sure you come on over :wink:
  • KOlmert
    KOlmert Posts: 50 Member

    My weight loss journey has been difficult due to my belly. I got some stretch marks when I was pregnant with my daughter, she was 8.5 lbs and I gained almost 100lbs. I didn't loose all of the weight after I had her but almost all of it. Then when I got pregnant with my son, I was instantly a balloon!!! I had to take the three hour glucose test, but it still came back that I didnt have gestational diabetes. Well, I kept getting bigger and was having issues, so they did the test again one month before my due date and sure enough, I did have it the whole time, probably with my daughter too! Anywho, Jacob arrived at a wapping 10lbs 2oz!!! Needless to say, I have strech marks galore and when I do drop weight, its everywhere but my belly. I feel like I will always have the extra skin! I will never be able to get a tummy tuck to get rid of it. But this is my biggest struggle!!!!! It is VERY VERY discourageing when I cant but cute bathing suits or jeans because the extra skin or stretch marks show (thus the tank top in my start picture).
  • KOlmert
    KOlmert Posts: 50 Member

    My weight loss journey has been difficult due to my belly. I got some stretch marks when I was pregnant with my daughter, she was 8.5 lbs and I gained almost 100lbs. I didn't loose all of the weight after I had her but almost all of it. Then when I got pregnant with my son, I was instantly a balloon!!! I had to take the three hour glucose test, but it still came back that I didnt have gestational diabetes. Well, I kept getting bigger and was having issues, so they did the test again one month before my due date and sure enough, I did have it the whole time, probably with my daughter too! Anywho, Jacob arrived at a wapping 10lbs 2oz!!! Needless to say, I have strech marks galore and when I do drop weight, its everywhere but my belly. I feel like I will always have the extra skin! I will never be able to get a tummy tuck to get rid of it. But this is my biggest struggle!!!!! It is VERY VERY discourageing when I cant but cute bathing suits or jeans because the extra skin or stretch marks show (thus the tank top in my start picture).
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    nonafit - can I blame baby brain??? :embarassed:

    hannahmayr30 - Great work - I have been logging everything and did the 30 day shred level 1 plus 10 minutes on the exercise bike :bigsmile:

    Kristyz26 - The Walking Dead and Dexter are my favourite shows!!

    OKAY IMPORTANT NEWS people - Sexy Mamas Unite now have a group on MFP - so please head over to http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/70-sexy-mamas-unite and join in the fun over there!!! I think it will probably be easier if we keep all of our discussion over there in one place, so please make sure you come on over :wink:

    thanks for the link I just joined :)
  • marmar1977
    marmar1977 Posts: 7 Member
    Tuesday : Struggles
    My main struggle this week is with exhaustion and mother nature. My 5 month old son Theo has started teething and caught a cold which means no sleep for anyone. I feel like a zombie which makes going to the gym very hard but even more important than usual because it gives me the energy to make it through the day.
    However, mother nature decided to visit for thethird time in six weeks adding to my already annoying iron deficiency. So I am exhausted,cranky, bloated and did I mention exhausted.
    I have been able to secure a babysitter for my drooling monkey for 3 days this week so at least 3 days I will not be falling asleep while talking :-)
  • RMitchell1186
    RMitchell1186 Posts: 11 Member
    My struggles are:
    -Having confidence in myself. I've ALWAYS had an issue with this for as long as I can remember. I truely don't think I've ever said anything good about myself! I just am way to hard on myself. Most days I feel like I'm stupid and I look like crap. I've never felt like I've been good at anything or had any talents. I know I shouldn't feel this way and sometimes I feel guilty about feelng this way because I know there are a ton of people out there who have it worse than I do but I just never loved myself lol.
    -Not having will power as far as food goes. I've been doing ok since I started my diet which was Halloween lol. But I can't help but give into temptation sometimes especially when I am around other people who are eating what they want. Also when the food I eat on my diet is so boring and I just crave good (and by good I mean BAD!) food lol. I know there are plenty of delicious healthy foods out there but truthfully I don't have time or $ to spend on cooking them. And especially with the holidays coming up it's gonna be really really hard for me!! I also love egg nog and hot chocolate so I know those will be my two temptations throughout the winter! lol
    -Actually losing weight. Every diet I've ever done and exercise program I've ever done, I never lose weight! I always seem to put on the pounds but I feel I gain muscle. The only time I ever lost weight in my adult life was when my ex-boyfriend and I broke up and I didn't eat much for about a month and half lol. I know that is obviously not going to happen this time so I don't really know what to do. I know I've only been on this diet for about a week but I haven't lost anything and I can feel myself already starting to get frustrated! I really don't want to stay this size and just turn into muslce. Yes I eventually want to tone up whatever flab I have left, but I want to lose weight first! I wish I had the $ to talk to a nutritionist and a personal trainer about it but I don't.
    -Finding time to exercise. Right now I can find the time because I am still on maternity leave and haven't started school yet. But I know when I go back to work and start nursing school I am going to struggle to work out. I know I just have to carve out the time somewhere just like I have to carve it out for studying but I know it will be difficult and I'll probably drop exercise down to the bottom of my priority list like usual. But I know there are moms out there who are way way busier than I am and if they can do it then so can I!!

    So those are mostly my biggest struggles. I know it's a long post sorry!
  • RMitchell1186
    RMitchell1186 Posts: 11 Member
    Opps I didn't really tailor my struggles to just this week. They are my usual struggles but next time I just do it for the week. This week it's mostly the will power with the food because I have people coming in my out of town and I know they are going to go out to eat and I'm going to want to eat what they are eating!! Also lack of sleep this week and I'm sure for the months to come will be a struggle for me as well. I have a month old baby so I know I have a long way to go before I get normal sleep again lol!
  • aliciazak
    aliciazak Posts: 18 Member
    IMPORTANT NEWS people - Sexy Mamas Unite now have a group on MFP - so please head over to http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/70-sexy-mamas-unite and join in the fun over there!!! I think it will probably be easier if we keep all of our discussion over there in one place, so please make sure you come on over :wink:
  • VTGolden
    VTGolden Posts: 24 Member
    My struggles are:
    -Having confidence in myself. I've ALWAYS had an issue with this for as long as I can remember. I truely don't think I've ever said anything good about myself! I just am way to hard on myself. Most days I feel like I'm stupid and I look like crap. I've never felt like I've been good at anything or had any talents. I know I shouldn't feel this way and sometimes I feel guilty about feelng this way because I know there are a ton of people out there who have it worse than I do but I just never loved myself lol.
    -Not having will power as far as food goes. I've been doing ok since I started my diet which was Halloween lol. But I can't help but give into temptation sometimes especially when I am around other people who are eating what they want. Also when the food I eat on my diet is so boring and I just crave good (and by good I mean BAD!) food lol. I know there are plenty of delicious healthy foods out there but truthfully I don't have time or $ to spend on cooking them. And especially with the holidays coming up it's gonna be really really hard for me!! I also love egg nog and hot chocolate so I know those will be my two temptations throughout the winter! lol
    -Actually losing weight. Every diet I've ever done and exercise program I've ever done, I never lose weight! I always seem to put on the pounds but I feel I gain muscle. The only time I ever lost weight in my adult life was when my ex-boyfriend and I broke up and I didn't eat much for about a month and half lol. I know that is obviously not going to happen this time so I don't really know what to do. I know I've only been on this diet for about a week but I haven't lost anything and I can feel myself already starting to get frustrated! I really don't want to stay this size and just turn into muslce. Yes I eventually want to tone up whatever flab I have left, but I want to lose weight first! I wish I had the $ to talk to a nutritionist and a personal trainer about it but I don't.
    -Finding time to exercise. Right now I can find the time because I am still on maternity leave and haven't started school yet. But I know when I go back to work and start nursing school I am going to struggle to work out. I know I just have to carve out the time somewhere just like I have to carve it out for studying but I know it will be difficult and I'll probably drop exercise down to the bottom of my priority list like usual. But I know there are moms out there who are way way busier than I am and if they can do it then so can I!!

    So those are mostly my biggest struggles. I know it's a long post sorry!

    We could be twins! Our struggles are very, very similar. Glad there is someone out there that can relate!
  • VTGolden
    VTGolden Posts: 24 Member
    Struggles this week seem to be eating the sunlight I am not getting! When it gets dark out so early, I turn to comfort food. But its still dark out when I finish eating, so I look for more comfort food.

    Although I celebrate my sons 17th birthday today, I can't help yearn for the past when he was a baby. It seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating his first birthday. It seems that my children's birthdays get more bittersweet as they get older. Birthday cake and lasagna don't help the matter at all!
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 245 Member
    My weight today was 156.4 - no loss since last weigh in :(

    My goal is to not eat my emotions this week!

    I have to agree- I struggle with getting upset and letting my emotions send me downward spiral of cake, pizaa fries and anything else that's bad for me but tastes so good.... so I am learning how to still eat right when I feel like crap.. This is a struggle I just learned about myself... I never ever thought that i would 1) ever have to lose weight and 2) be an emotional eater..I always died to have curves and was always the skinniest chic in my group of friends.. So now that I have the curves I DON'T want to lose them.. I want to lose the fat off of my c-section belly and tone tone tone so that I fit comfortably in a size 10!! Right now I bounce between 12 and 14 in some stores...
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Thank you for sharing your struggles and thats whats awesome about this site and this thread is that we are here to encourage you, support you, challenge you, empathize, and persevere thru this journey together. I can definitely relate to some of your struggles, and what I can say is I think the change comes when you really decide. While I still have a while to go to get to my goal, I know this time is different. I have truly decided in my head and my heart that I am ready to change. I know it won't be easy, I know it won't be quick but it will happen. I have decided that no matter how I feel, I am going to try my best. If I only work out when I feel like it I will stay this way. I have learned the value of telling myself no in 2 short months. Thats not to say I don't get frustrated because I do. Some days I think can I really do this? Will I do this? Some days I take off, but those struggles won't define me. I pick right back up and press forward. Sometimes I eat the wrong thing and feel crappy. The next day, I'm right back on it.

    I hope this site and thread will be as motivating and encouraging to you as it has been to me. I read some success stories everyday to motivate myself as well. I close with a quote from my pastor: "We will only change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change."

    You can do it sexy mama!
    My struggles are:
    -Having confidence in myself. I've ALWAYS had an issue with this for as long as I can remember. I truely don't think I've ever said anything good about myself! I just am way to hard on myself. Most days I feel like I'm stupid and I look like crap. I've never felt like I've been good at anything or had any talents. I know I shouldn't feel this way and sometimes I feel guilty about feelng this way because I know there are a ton of people out there who have it worse than I do but I just never loved myself lol.
    -Not having will power as far as food goes. I've been doing ok since I started my diet which was Halloween lol. But I can't help but give into temptation sometimes especially when I am around other people who are eating what they want. Also when the food I eat on my diet is so boring and I just crave good (and by good I mean BAD!) food lol. I know there are plenty of delicious healthy foods out there but truthfully I don't have time or $ to spend on cooking them. And especially with the holidays coming up it's gonna be really really hard for me!! I also love egg nog and hot chocolate so I know those will be my two temptations throughout the winter! lol
    -Actually losing weight. Every diet I've ever done and exercise program I've ever done, I never lose weight! I always seem to put on the pounds but I feel I gain muscle. The only time I ever lost weight in my adult life was when my ex-boyfriend and I broke up and I didn't eat much for about a month and half lol. I know that is obviously not going to happen this time so I don't really know what to do. I know I've only been on this diet for about a week but I haven't lost anything and I can feel myself already starting to get frustrated! I really don't want to stay this size and just turn into muslce. Yes I eventually want to tone up whatever flab I have left, but I want to lose weight first! I wish I had the $ to talk to a nutritionist and a personal trainer about it but I don't.
    -Finding time to exercise. Right now I can find the time because I am still on maternity leave and haven't started school yet. But I know when I go back to work and start nursing school I am going to struggle to work out. I know I just have to carve out the time somewhere just like I have to carve it out for studying but I know it will be difficult and I'll probably drop exercise down to the bottom of my priority list like usual. But I know there are moms out there who are way way busier than I am and if they can do it then so can I!!

    So those are mostly my biggest struggles. I know it's a long post sorry!
  • maceycarey
    maceycarey Posts: 143 Member

    My weight loss journey has been difficult due to my belly. I got some stretch marks when I was pregnant with my daughter, she was 8.5 lbs and I gained almost 100lbs. I didn't loose all of the weight after I had her but almost all of it. Then when I got pregnant with my son, I was instantly a balloon!!! I had to take the three hour glucose test, but it still came back that I didnt have gestational diabetes. Well, I kept getting bigger and was having issues, so they did the test again one month before my due date and sure enough, I did have it the whole time, probably with my daughter too! Anywho, Jacob arrived at a wapping 10lbs 2oz!!! Needless to say, I have strech marks galore and when I do drop weight, its everywhere but my belly. I feel like I will always have the extra skin! I will never be able to get a tummy tuck to get rid of it. But this is my biggest struggle!!!!! It is VERY VERY discourageing when I cant but cute bathing suits or jeans because the extra skin or stretch marks show (thus the tank top in my start picture).

    to KOlmert: i understand did you see my pic a couple of pages back im never going to be a super model but i will always be a super mom there are things you can do once you lose the weight to get rid of some of that (check out skin tyte) my first son was 9.6 and my second was 10lbs TWO WEEKS EARLY! ... but remember you have to love yourself before you can love others... your beautiful and keep telling yourself that

    tuesdays struggles: IM SOOO HUNGRY i want all the old food i used to eat every day like i would love to load the kids up and take this to a big mexican resturant eat a ton of chips with cheese dip rice beans fajita the whole nine yards!... i tried brocolli raw last night and i felt like i was eating a leaf... im a really picky eater so it is really hard for me to like all this healthy stuff but im trying really hard to do so... i think im going to have stir fry tonight...the thing that is really troubleing me is that with my husbands work he gets laid off alot because thats just how pipeline works but its comeing to the holiday season and we always get laid off and that makes it really hard because he dosent get much for unemployment and it will be the first lay off with two babys ahhh i wonder when we will get to have a good and relaxed christmas...but i have to have faith it turns out ok every year and i always get stressed for nothing...here i come bowl of cereal
  • Tiffany517
    Tiffany517 Posts: 117 Member
    Tuesday Struggles:

    This week TOM is visting and yesterday i didn't feel good AT ALL so instead of cooking i ordered PIZZA!!! And today though i ate grapes i also hit the vending machine up (not a good thing.) One day i see and feel a difference in weight and how far i have came then the next it's like WOW i still need to lose sooo much more! Also mornings have been tough with my six about to be seven yr old daughter, crying for an hour becasue she doesn't what to wear her clothes or i didn't answer her the first time she said mom? It makes the day longer on all of us and then i feel 'bad' once i get to work that i wish i had someone to help so that she can have more attention that she needs, and then i start to fall back into old patterns and look for my "comfort foods"!
    Looks like an work extra hard at the gym day today....
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    Hello Sexy Mamas!
    Tuesday check-in.

    My struggle this week is going to be not eating junk after class Wed. night. I'm in grad school and have class from 4pm to 8:30pm on Wednesdays. I'm usually so hungry by the time I get out that I eat fast food because I don't care by that time. I'm going to pack something healthy and filling to eat during my 10 min. break.
  • maceycarey
    maceycarey Posts: 143 Member
    hey we are supposed to be posting on a TOPIC called tuesdays struggles !!!