Do Guys Like Skinny Women?



  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    My life would be so much friggan easier if men only like skinny women. For reals. **double bang head on thread....(for good measure)**
  • CastleMadeOfSand
    CastleMadeOfSand Posts: 432 Member
    My life would be so much friggan easier if men only like skinny women. For reals. **double bang head on thread....(for good measure)**

  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    Not all of them do. Generalizing the collective preferences of billions of men in the world is unrealistic. As a big girl I have personally never had any problems attracting men. I know lots of skinny, beautiful women who have absolutely no luck with men. It all depends on the man and the woman.

    Like someone else said - I wouldn't starve myself for any man on Earth anyway. I'd rather have a fun chunky guy over a super skinny conceited jerk who only wants me for my body.

    Who can live up to the pressure of having to look like a model for their significant other?
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I'll just say the OP's profile statement doesn't really help her case here.
  • Mingyming
    No one that has a life would be checking for grammatical errors... I am in my junior year of college and 18, I graduated high school at 16 years old and just finished an internship for the cleark of Palm Beach County, I am heading to UCLA to become a lawyer... Stick to the post please and not your ignorance.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't know why we have to hate on men for their preferences. Some like thinner women and some like bigger women. Just because some like thinner women doesn't make them "shallow". Can you blame anyone for their innate preferences? I have my preferences too! I can tell you however that I get more looks now, after having lost 20 lbs even though it's getting colder and I'm wearing my boring office pants and covered with a trench coat v. the summer dresses I used to wear in the summer.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    No one that has a life would be checking for grammatical errors... I am in my junior year of college and 18, I graduated high school at 16 years old and just finished an internship for the cleark of Palm Beach County, I am heading to UCLA to become a lawyer... Stick to the post please and not your ignorance.

    You sound sweet and well meaning, but you are very young. Just watch out that you don't starve your brain in your quest to be super skinny. Your brain needs fuel to work at it's best and to be a lawyer you need to to be working at your best.

    Good Luck!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I'll just say the OP's profile statement doesn't really help her case here.
    But she is an 18-year-old lawyer.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Hon, proper grammar and writing skills count for a lot when it comes to lawyering so I wouldn't be so quick to write off people's suggestions for improvement in these areas.
  • Mingyming
    You dont think I know that?
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    bump for later
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    No one that has a life would be checking for grammatical errors... I am in my junior year of college and 18, I graduated high school at 16 years old and just finished an internship for the cleark of Palm Beach County, I am heading to UCLA to become a lawyer... Stick to the post please and not your ignorance. professors at UCLA may check for grammatical errors that my 7 year old cousin doesn't even make....Just sayin.
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    Im thin now and there is no hope for me looking like JLo... even though I wold loooooooove to.Woman try to be that all the time, do men actually like skinny, aneroxic woman?
    Everyone thinks it just nobody says it.

    Note- Thanks guys:) But I think the main question is Why does America see unhealthy or sick as pretty, when we dont. Look at the fashion world as an example.

    the way women are protrayed on tv as the normal "sexy" (eg victoria secret models, maxim models....) then yes, the try to show that is the "ideal" woman to wear the binkinis and lingerie BUT i dont think all men like skinny, they just like HOT and their opinion of HOT is different.

    i think women nowadays rack their brains trying to look like a VS model or Maxim model or try to be "model" thin so we have become so insecure with our bodys and how the media portrays women, we think that all men must think this is sexy so i have to get this bathing suit, this dress, wear my makeup like this, etc. and every women has their insecurity so that just makes them more paranoid when a guy isnt into them that they like, they think its that one part, or more, of them they hate that makes them go away. BUT if looked like Heidi Klum in her day, they'd still pine for me.

    NOT ALL WOMEN but i want to say a majority of them, THANK YOU American fashion industry!!!
  • Mingyming
    No one that has a life would be checking for grammatical errors... I am in my junior year of college and 18, I graduated high school at 16 years old and just finished an internship for the cleark of Palm Beach County, I am heading to UCLA to become a lawyer... Stick to the post please and not your ignorance. professors at UCLA may check for grammatical errors that my 7 year old cousin doesn't even make....Just sayin.
    Stick to the topic.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    No one that has a life would be checking for grammatical errors... I am in my junior year of college and 18, I graduated high school at 16 years old and just finished an internship for the cleark of Palm Beach County, I am heading to UCLA to become a lawyer... Stick to the post please and not your ignorance. professors at UCLA may check for grammatical errors that my 7 year old cousin doesn't even make....Just sayin.
    Stick to the topic.

    *LMFAO* You're just a big ball of FUN!
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    LOL wait a you run down all your useless babble about going to be a lawyer and being a little miss snotbag? Ohh hunny you have a lot of growing up to do and seriously....knowing how to write and spell is ABSOLUTELY important to becoming a lawyer.
  • mauryr
    mauryr Posts: 385
    Warning - politically incorrect stuff to follow.

    I think that it is safe to say that although men _say_ that they like "this that or the other thing", if you go to a (bar, gym, coffee house, supermarket, beach, dog park, etc etc etc) thinner women get more male attention - if they are not "unhealthy" looking. I would like to add "statistically speaking" - but I have no stats on the subject, just lots of experience seeing this in action.

    Yes, there are men who like slightly thicker or slightly thinner women, there are men who like "anorexic" women, there are men who like really large women... but I think that there's plenty of evidence that the distribution of male preferences of women, by BMI (or some such measurement) is in the shape of a bell curve, with the center of the bell showing preference for thin but healthy, and falling off towards the extremes in both directions. I have no proof, but it seems pretty clear to me that this is the case.

    Anecdotally, look how people "vote" with their dollars: In the media, "trim but healthy" women are the biggest draw at the box office and the small screen. Of course, in fashion, the thin thing seems to be taken to extremes... and strangely, it seems to me that fashion photography's audience is skewed significantly towards the female population (look at the size of the women's clothing section vs men's at any department store, or just the sheer number of stand-alone women's clothing stores)

    Personally, I weigh intelligence and personality very highly, but all other things equal, I'd prefer a trim and healthy looking woman, allowing for quite a bit of variation in that range.
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    Every guy is different, just like every woman is different. People in general prefer all sorts of shapes, sizes, hair colour, ethnicities on and on.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Warning - politically incorrect stuff to follow.

    I think that it is safe to say that although men _say_ that they like "this that or the other thing", if you go to a (bar, gym, coffee house, supermarket, beach, dog park, etc etc etc) thinner women get more male attention - if they are not "unhealthy" looking. I would like to add "statistically speaking" - but I have no stats on the subject, just lots of experience seeing this in action.

    Yes, there are men who like slightly thicker or slightly thinner women, there are men who like "anorexic" women, there are men who like really large women... but I think that there's plenty of evidence that the distribution of male preferences of women, by BMI (or some such measurement) is in the shape of a bell curve, with the center of the bell showing preference for thin but healthy, and falling off towards the extremes in both directions. I have no proof, but it seems pretty clear to me that this is the case.

    Anecdotally, look how people "vote" with their dollars: In the media, "trim but healthy" women are the biggest draw at the box office and the small screen. Of course, in fashion, the thin thing seems to be taken to extremes... and strangely, it seems to me that fashion photography's audience is skewed significantly towards the female population (look at the size of the women's clothing section vs men's at any department store, or just the sheer number of stand-alone women's clothing stores)

    Personally, I weigh intelligence and personality very highly, but all other things equal, I'd prefer a trim and healthy looking woman, allowing for quite a bit of variation in that range.

    I don't think that's politically incorrect, I think you are spot on.
  • Mingyming
    LOL wait a you run down all your useless babble about going to be a lawyer and being a little miss snotbag? Ohh hunny you have a lot of growing up to do and seriously....knowing how to write and spell is ABSOLUTELY important to becoming a lawyer.
    TO make your useless day you will have the last word