Do Guys Like Skinny Women?



  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    All guys have different tastes. Most don't like women that are extremely sick-looking, nor do they like extremely obese, but of course there are exceptions to that as well.

    My weight has fluctuated back and forth from a BMI of 18 (underweight) to 24 (almost overweight) in the time that I have been with my husband, and he has said that I'm "beautiful" at every weight I've been, ranging from 115-145.

    I was actually underweight when we first met and "fell in love" (that sounds so cheesy, haha, but it's true!), so clearly he was attracted to my skinny self... lol! But his feelings didn't change when I gained weight either.

    Now I'm just focused on being healthy, and I'm not concerned about what he will think of my weight, because I already know he finds me attractive. :bigsmile:
  • dreilingda
    dreilingda Posts: 122 Member
    My wife actually looks like a Victoria's seceret model and I wouldn't want it any other way. Don't kid yourself that a lot of guys don't want that as well.
  • Mingyming
    ^Thanks for making me better understand, that is what this topic was about^ :)
  • Mingyming
    Men like confident women who are secure in their bodies. You can be a size 18 and sexy as hell if you dress right and carry yourself with confidence and class. You can have the body of a Victoria's Secret runway model and be really unattractive with unkept hair, frumpy clothes, craptastic attitude about life and everyone around you, etc.

    It's all in the way you carry yourself.
    That is soooooo true! :)
  • BicepsBrachii
    No one that has a life would be checking for grammatical errors... I am in my junior year of college and 18, I graduated high school at 16 years old and just finished an internship for the cleark of Palm Beach County, I am heading to UCLA to become a lawyer... Stick to the post please and not your ignorance.

    I don't know who you are trying to fool here. You are obviously lying. If you are a junior in college at 18 you should be able to put together a paragraph. They teach you that in what, fourth grade?
  • BicepsBrachii
    And to answer your original question. No, skinny is not attractive. I prefer fit women. I want to be able to play sports and be active with my girl. Not be scared of breaking her in to pieces.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    No one that has a life would be checking for grammatical errors... I am in my junior year of college and 18, I graduated high school at 16 years old and just finished an internship for the cleark of Palm Beach County, I am heading to UCLA to become a lawyer... Stick to the post please and not your ignorance.

    I don't know who you are trying to fool here. You are obviously lying. If you are a junior in college at 18 you should be able to put together a paragraph. They teach you that in what, fourth grade?

    She was home schooled so didn't do the grade thing.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Im thin now and there is no hope for me looking like JLo... even though I wold loooooooove to.Woman try to be that all the time, do men actually like skinny, aneroxic woman?
    Everyone thinks it just nobody says it.

    Note- Thanks guys:) But I think the main question is Why does America see unhealthy or sick as pretty, when we dont. Look at the fashion world as an example.

    why does it matter what men think? Why not what you think, instead? Oh, and for the record I have never and wold never want to look like JLo. I am me. I love me. Forget anyone and anything else.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    What I don't understand about this question, is so many lump us ladies into two categories: anorexic or curvy. Well, there are about a hundred things in between. women can be extremely petite and still be healthy and have curves, we can be extremely muscular, we can be athletic looking, we can be soft and feminine, we can be fat, we can be chubby, we can be mushy, we can be firm, and many other things. In my experience, some men like skinny girls, this does not mean they like a bag-of-bones barely eats 500 calories a day skeletor look. In fact, very few men like emaciated (although I have seen it...). My point is, all men are different. The best thing we can do as women is take the body we are given and treat it like it deserves to be treated, learn to love an accept its flaws, be happy and confident with ourselves, and I guarantee we will find a man, (or woman) who loves us exactly the way we are. Confidence will always catch someone's eye, and there will always be someone who thinks your body is sexy as it is right now, and as it will be in the future.
  • CastleMadeOfSand
    CastleMadeOfSand Posts: 432 Member
    No one that has a life would be checking for grammatical errors... I am in my junior year of college and 18, I graduated high school at 16 years old and just finished an internship for the cleark of Palm Beach County, I am heading to UCLA to become a lawyer... Stick to the post please and not your ignorance.

    I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Nobody that has DIGNITY would ever forget to use correct English. If you have not the respect for your countrymen to not fit into the stereotype that America is getting dumber and dumber, perhaps you should realize when you can't form proper sentences, nobody should take the "substance" in your statements seriously.
  • CharlieOverby
    CharlieOverby Posts: 82 Member
    I love them all !!!!:bigsmile:
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Im thin now and there is no hope for me looking like JLo... even though I wold loooooooove to.Woman try to be that all the time, do men actually like skinny, aneroxic woman?
    Everyone thinks it just nobody says it.

    Note- Thanks guys:) But I think the main question is Why does America see unhealthy or sick as pretty, when we dont. Look at the fashion world as an example.

    why does it matter what men think? Why not what you think, instead?

    From her bio, it seems she's against the "myth" that men all seem to want ultra model women. But at the same time, she's has a pertty deep desire to be exactly that.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    As long as they have nice boobs, I do.
  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    Haha, what a great answer! I like booty too though. Seriously though, I don't really like the extreme of either end (Skinny or Obese).... I'm more into fit, pretty much what I want to be myself... fit:)
    As long as they have nice boobs, I do.
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    As long as they have nice boobs, I do.

    so, say if she looked like Mimi from the Drew Carey show and had a nice rack, you like her? :P
  • complete_tease
    complete_tease Posts: 214 Member
    like everything it depends on the guy....
  • haley_b_87
    This is a perennial topic on here! :)

    I think men are like women, some like this, some like that. In my experience, if I had to make a generalization, it'd be that men like healthy-looking women. Not too skinny, but love handles & cellulite aren't a turn-on, either. As long as a person looks pretty healthy, I think that's enough to catch eyes, and it's personality from then on out. Also the healthy confidence (not over confidence) feeling good about yourself gives-- so get your body where YOU want it, and you will find someone who loves it (& you). That's my advice.

  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    so hott.

  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    LOL oh this thread absolutely made my day. :flowerforyou:
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    a b or c? I'd like b for 400
