20 children



  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I have to admit that I am fascinated with the Duggars... the kids all seem to be genuinely happy and well-adjusted people, which is saying a lot for ANY family these days... let alone a family with 20 kids, rather than one or two! lol!!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    its ridiculous and selfish to have so many children you cant even bring them up yourself and have to use your older children to parent the younger ones. I dont see how the childrens needs could be being met.
    Fundamentalist nutters

    exactly! thats what bothers me most about it. And how does one even find time to get it on with 20 kids in the house. Its hard enough with one.
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member

    B/c the Duggars are EXACTLY like a car wreck you can't stop rubbernecking....
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I'm not going to read through all of your comments because there are 4 pages of it and you all are ignorant and rude.

    Michelle and Jim Bob are loving parents, they give each child one on one time.
    The older kids are not called "mom" by the younger ones, they are called "Jana, John David, Jessa, Jinger" and so on.
    They choose to make LOVE. They do not TRY for them. In their eyes each pregnancy is the will of god.
    They are very religious and do not use birth control. They did when they were first married and Michelle had three miscarriages because of it.
    They have no debts, even before they had the show. They do not use any assistance from the government, they own their own businesses. They buy used and save the difference, something hundreds of thousands of mothers and fathers do everyday to keep their children comfortable!
    They are happy, healthy, and caring. If more of the earth was like that we'd have less war. Not saying we all should have 20 children, I personally only want one, but we should learn to be nice to one another, even those we do not know.

    And for anyone who said "The world is over populated!" Know that you and the rest of the whole world could move into the state of Texas and have room to spare. The world is not over populated. 7 babies are born every minute.

    THERE, now I suggest we get back to eating right and exercising and STOP worrying about other people's families, uterus, or children who don't need anyone to worry about them. They are fine without your criticism.

    Turn off your t.v., it's full of sh%t.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    I have to admit that I am fascinated with the Duggars... the kids all seem to be genuinely happy and well-adjusted people, which is saying a lot for ANY family these days... let alone a family with 20 kids, rather than one or two! lol!!

    I agree
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I'm not going to read through all of your comments because there are 4 pages of it and you all are ignorant and rude.

    Michelle and Jim Bob are loving parents, they give each child one on one time.
    The older kids are not called "mom" by the younger ones, they are called "Jana, John David, Jessa, Jinger" and so on.
    They choose to make LOVE. They do not TRY for them. In their eyes each pregnancy is the will of god.
    They are very religious and do not use birth control. They did when they were first married and Michelle had three miscarriages because of it.
    They have no debts, even before they had the show. They do not use any assistance from the government, they own their own businesses. They buy used and save the difference, something hundreds of thousands of mothers and fathers do everyday to keep their children comfortable!
    They are happy, healthy, and caring. If more of the earth was like that we'd have less war. Not saying we all should have 20 children, I personally only want one, but we should learn to be nice to one another, even those we do not know.

    And for anyone who said "The world is over populated!" Know that you and the rest of the whole world could move into the state of Texas and have room to spare. The world is not over populated. 7 babies are born every minute.

    THERE, now I suggest we get back to eating right and exercising and STOP worrying about other people's families, uterus, or children who don't need anyone to worry about them. They are fine without your criticism.
    Geeeze! LOL The other posters of MFP are "fine without your criticism," too.

    I don't know, I'm torn about the Duggars. They seem like great people, but I just can't get past how the older kids practically raise the younger ones. And just like I think God's OK with my husband taking the medication that he would die without, I think God would be OK with stopping procreating sometime before your uterus actually falls out of your body- but then, I'm a big believer in Free Will. OTOH, I do think they seem like good people, and I think the older kids seem (anti-intuitively) like well-adjusted, good kids.
    And I don't think I'm ignorant or rude for having an opinion, because God gave me a brain in order to use it. The Duggars put themselves into a reality TV show which invites a look at their lives-- don't cry that people looked.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I'm not going to read through all of your comments because there are 4 pages of it and you all are ignorant and rude.

    Michelle and Jim Bob are loving parents, they give each child one on one time.
    The older kids are not called "mom" by the younger ones, they are called "Jana, John David, Jessa, Jinger" and so on.
    They choose to make LOVE. They do not TRY for them. In their eyes each pregnancy is the will of god.
    They are very religious and do not use birth control. They did when they were first married and Michelle had three miscarriages because of it.
    They have no debts, even before they had the show. They do not use any assistance from the government, they own their own businesses. They buy used and save the difference, something hundreds of thousands of mothers and fathers do everyday to keep their children comfortable!
    They are happy, healthy, and caring. If more of the earth was like that we'd have less war. Not saying we all should have 20 children, I personally only want one, but we should learn to be nice to one another, even those we do not know.

    And for anyone who said "The world is over populated!" Know that you and the rest of the whole world could move into the state of Texas and have room to spare. The world is not over populated. 7 babies are born every minute.

    THERE, now I suggest we get back to eating right and exercising and STOP worrying about other people's families, uterus, or children who don't need anyone to worry about them. They are fine without your criticism.

    Turn off your t.v., it's full of sh%t.

    Agreed. Keep in mind that a TV show can skew anyone to appear any way they want. Think logically. Are you a parent? Do you really think you could give individual attention and love to 20 children to the level that they actually need it?
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I have to admit that I am fascinated with the Duggars... the kids all seem to be genuinely happy and well-adjusted people, which is saying a lot for ANY family these days... let alone a family with 20 kids, rather than one or two! lol!!

    Probably because they are being filmed. I mean it's a circus enough with 19 kids, I doubt they want to portray chaos, out of control children and no control on the parents part. I mean come on, those of you who are parents, would you be able to control 19 kids? Seriously? I wouldn't be able to, like ever.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I can't help but wonder about the consequences of 20 pregnancies on a woman's body!

    I agree! I wouldn't so much worry about the physical appearance of it myself, because I think saggy skin, stretch marks, etc. are battle wounds that prove I created life, but can you imagine how her body feels? It must be tired.

    I wasn't really thinking of saggy skin and stretch marks but rather of what a baby does to your pelvic area. I hope she did her postnatal exercises... everytime!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I have to admit that I am fascinated with the Duggars... the kids all seem to be genuinely happy and well-adjusted people, which is saying a lot for ANY family these days... let alone a family with 20 kids, rather than one or two! lol!!

    Probably because they are being filmed. I mean it's a circus enough with 19 kids, I doubt they want to portray chaos, out of control children and no control on the parents part. I mean come on, those of you who are parents, would you be able to control 19 kids? Seriously?

    Some days, I'm not even able to control one.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I don't know that the kids would be motivated to behave due to TV cameras. That's absolutely motivation for the parents, but the kids wouldn't feel obligated to do that. The reason all of those kids can be controlled is because the mom takes care of the infant-of-the-moment which the older daughters do the child-rearing of the younger ones.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I don't know that the kids would be motivated to behave due to TV cameras. That's absolutely motivation for the parents, but the kids wouldn't feel obligated to do that. The reason all of those kids can be controlled is because the mom takes care of the infant-of-the-moment which the older daughters do the child-rearing of the younger ones.

    That's terrible. Way to spend your childhood, watching other children.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I have to admit that I am fascinated with the Duggars... the kids all seem to be genuinely happy and well-adjusted people, which is saying a lot for ANY family these days... let alone a family with 20 kids, rather than one or two! lol!!

    Probably because they are being filmed. I mean it's a circus enough with 19 kids, I doubt they want to portray chaos, out of control children and no control on the parents part. I mean come on, those of you who are parents, would you be able to control 19 kids? Seriously? I wouldn't be able to, like ever.

    I don't know, they've been doing this show for years, and I've yet to see any indications that it's all a facade... there's only so long you can play nice for the cameras! I mean, it is chaotic sometimes with all the little ones running around, but they seem happy... and the older ones who can clearly articulate their thoughts and feelings seem just as happy.

    That's what I mean... chaos happens sometimes, but the kids of all ages seem to be genuinely happy.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I have to admit that I am fascinated with the Duggars... the kids all seem to be genuinely happy and well-adjusted people, which is saying a lot for ANY family these days... let alone a family with 20 kids, rather than one or two! lol!!

    Probably because they are being filmed. I mean it's a circus enough with 19 kids, I doubt they want to portray chaos, out of control children and no control on the parents part. I mean come on, those of you who are parents, would you be able to control 19 kids? Seriously? I wouldn't be able to, like ever.

    I don't know, they've been doing this for years, and I've yet to see any indications that it's all a facade... there's only so long you can play nice for the cameras! I mean, it is chaotic sometimes with all the little ones running around, but they seem happy... and the older ones who can clearly articulate their thoughts and feelings seem just as happy.

    That's what I mean... chaos happens sometimes, but the kids of all ages seem to be genuinely happy.
    That's what's crazy-- you're absolutely right about the older kids.
    My kids are given chores, and I'm NOT a believer in total-kid-freedom, I'm really not. But I don't think kids should be responsible for almost everything a younger sibling needs, I just don't think that's reasonable. BUT, the older kids seem really together, responsible, and like they'll be great members of society (assuming they don't add 50 kids each to the already taxed Earth, I guess LOL).
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I'm not going to read through all of your comments because there are 4 pages of it and you all are ignorant and rude.

    Michelle and Jim Bob are loving parents, they give each child one on one time.
    The older kids are not called "mom" by the younger ones, they are called "Jana, John David, Jessa, Jinger" and so on.
    They choose to make LOVE. They do not TRY for them. In their eyes each pregnancy is the will of god.
    They are very religious and do not use birth control. They did when they were first married and Michelle had three miscarriages because of it.
    They have no debts, even before they had the show. They do not use any assistance from the government, they own their own businesses. They buy used and save the difference, something hundreds of thousands of mothers and fathers do everyday to keep their children comfortable!
    They are happy, healthy, and caring. If more of the earth was like that we'd have less war. Not saying we all should have 20 children, I personally only want one, but we should learn to be nice to one another, even those we do not know.

    And for anyone who said "The world is over populated!" Know that you and the rest of the whole world could move into the state of Texas and have room to spare. The world is not over populated. 7 babies are born every minute.

    THERE, now I suggest we get back to eating right and exercising and STOP worrying about other people's families, uterus, or children who don't need anyone to worry about them. They are fine without your criticism.

    Do you know them personally, or are you going off what you see on a "reality" television show? Look, they've put themselves in the media, so don't judge anyone for having an opinion of the way they live their lives. If they want privacy, they can tell the cameras to go home. I don't watch this show, and I know little about them. However, I do know that even if birth control is "against your religion", there are other ways not to get pregnant. If the couple is as religious as you claim they are, they know about NFP and abstinence. Do you not think it is irresponsible of parents to knowingly risk their own lives when they have children? For example, I have 5 children, so I believe it would be irresponsible of me to engage in extreme sports, smoke cigarrettes or behave in a way that could potentially cost me my life. Why is that irresponsible? Because I have children who need me. It is my repsonsibility to care for myself for them. So, if this mother knows her life could be in jeapardy because of another pregnancy, she should have acted responsibly and kept it from happening. Life is a gift from God. Free will is also a gift from God. With freedom comes repsonsibility.
  • AccordingtoTodd
    AccordingtoTodd Posts: 197 Member
    nice, this post now includes the attibutes of Free Will versus predestination!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    nice, this post now includes the attibutes of Free Will versus predestination!

    I think we can only continue this in our group! :smile:
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    it would be hard to remember all of their names

    Only 6 more and they can just name each one a letter of the alphabet :D

    They actually name all of them with names beginning with J...lol so I guess that makes it a little easier to remember.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I am one of six kids and Mom put my oldest sister to work helping with the rest of us before Sis started 1st grade. As each child was born, we learned to help with the younger ones. And we daughters each learned how to clean our rooms, clean the house, clean the kitchen, and how to cook. Our only brother learned how to take out the garbage and mow the lawn, and rake it. He and Dad also worked on any broken parts of our house and car. We had our own set of friends (siblings) each time we moved to different parts of the country and world. Dad made enough money to keep us clothed, fed, and housed, with simple family birthdays and annual trips back to the grandparents homes almost every year. Life was pretty good.

    If the "20 child" family has the money to house, clothe, feed, and love all their children, then all power to them. But, if Mom's health falters, they may want to reconsider more children.

    Have fun today! :drinker: (lots of water)
    I agree! Maybe hold off on the lovin till mom hits menopause if she is going to have complications with her being pregnant all the time. Still they seem happy and well adjusted as a family. Have any of the children gone off the deep end into drugs and booze? If not, than just let them be.

    Also while they are baptists, she used birth control before, but when they tried to have their first child she miscarried. They made the personal choice to stop using it, so it wasn't a religious choice, but a personal one.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Man, I didn't realise this family were so well known. Makes me glad I don;t watch tv. I can't stand people putting themselves in the limelight like that, especially when they involvd their kids who have no choice.