20 children



  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I can't help but wonder about the consequences of 20 pregnancies on a woman's body!

    I agree! I wouldn't so much worry about the physical appearance of it myself, because I think saggy skin, stretch marks, etc. are battle wounds that prove I created life, but can you imagine how her body feels? It must be tired.

    I wasn't really thinking of saggy skin and stretch marks but rather of what a baby does to your pelvic area. I hope she did her postnatal exercises... everytime!
    I'm pretty sure that her 18 previous pregnancies and her age directly contributed to the fact that she went into labor with #19 after only 25 weeks.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    ... this makes me think of how LUCKY the rest of us are to live in an era where there IS birth control.

    Even 100 years ago, a woman had no options. 10 or more pregnancies were normal. How many of them died after childbirth...how many babies died their first year.

    I respect this family's right to choose...and I appreciate all those women before us who gave US the same rights.

  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    They are very religious and do not use birth control. They did when they were first married and Michelle had three miscarriages because of it.
    Actually, she had ONE miscarriage. Given that as many as one in five known pregnancies end in miscarriage (and the number is probably closer to one in three if you account for miscarriages that happen before the woman even knows she's pregnant) it wasn't the birth control's fault - there is no conclusive proof that birth control causes miscarriage or increases the chance of a future miscarriage.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I'm pro-choice... Her body, her choice!
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    I think the Duggars are a wonderful, loving family. That said, there is NO way you can give individualized attention to TWENTY people. It's just not possible. A friend of mine comes from a family of 10 and her siblings have often voiced frustration with not getting any 1-on-1 time with their parents.

    Also it surprises me that with the near loss of baby Josie, they would try again.

    I wish Michelle and baby #20 a healthy pregnancy & I truly hope this one is the last!!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i respect her decision to have 20 kids and hope this pregnancy goes well for her. i wouldn't want that many (although i'd be content with 7 instead of just 2), but her children seem really happy and well-adjusted. i do not find it to be child abuse to have another child help raising younger siblings. i think it gives them a healthy sense of work ethic. perhaps helping to raise their siblings will prepare them for their own or make them realize they don't want their own kids. it used to be a very common way of growing up and i think some of that family closeness is missing in our culture today.
  • Katefab26
    I don't like to judge people for the decisions (not often anyway - I am human) BUT!!! 20 children now-a-days is just disgusting if you ask me. I know they can support them, but my gosh, why oh why would you do that to yourself? Having 20 children 200 years ago made sense because not many of them would make it into adulthood, but in 2011 .. well... 2012 I guess?! Ugh

    I had a look at their website and they are deeply religious so I guess that is a factor. I have a friend who is not allowed to use protection and she is about to have a second child and her first is not even 2. She didn't really want kids but she had pre marital sex, got married to they guy, so in order to have sex, she will most likely just keep getting pregnant.

    I believe in God. I use condoms and birth control.

    Yes, that is you, I am talking about their faith and my friends faith.

    But of course! If we're talking specifics though, I believe it is Catholicism that speaks out against the use of birth control, and the Duggars are not Catholic.

    A lot of fundamentalist religions don't allow their women to use birth control, not just Catholics. I believe in a lot of cases (not 100% sure) that they see it as a form of abortion and also as going against God's will. If God wants you to get pregnant and have 20 kids over your lifetime, it's your duty to do so.

    I wouldn't say a lot of fundamentalist religions do. I was raised in a fundamentalist church, and those kinds of people are definitely the far right. It's not mainstream at all.
  • niste_ketlin
    I don't like to judge people for the decisions (not often anyway - I am human) BUT!!! 20 children now-a-days is just disgusting if you ask me. I know they can support them, but my gosh, why oh why would you do that to yourself? Having 20 children 200 years ago made sense because not many of them would make it into adulthood, but in 2011 .. well... 2012 I guess?! Ugh

    I had a look at their website and they are deeply religious so I guess that is a factor. I have a friend who is not allowed to use protection and she is about to have a second child and her first is not even 2. She didn't really want kids but she had pre marital sex, got married to they guy, so in order to have sex, she will most likely just keep getting pregnant.

    I believe in God. I use condoms and birth control.

    Yes, that is you, I am talking about their faith and my friends faith.

    But of course! If we're talking specifics though, I believe it is Catholicism that speaks out against the use of birth control, and the Duggars are not Catholic.

    I will admit I think this is pretty ridiculous. I doubt the kids get proper attention. But just an FYI, their choice of not using birth control does not have much to do with their religion. The reason is, when they were first married they used it and she still got pregnant.. She ended up miscarrying because she had been on birth control. So they feel that that is not what God wants, nor do they like the idea of possibly killing a child with birth control.
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    The Duggars aren't the only large family.... well the only large family that has their own TV show...

    This is the Bates family...they live in Knoxville, TN... not far from me...

  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    The Duggars aren't the only large family.... well the only large family that has their own TV show...

    This is the Bates family...they live in Knoxville, TN... not far from me...


    The Bates and the Duggars are friends actually... the Bates family shows up on the Duggar show from time to time!
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    ... this makes me think of how LUCKY the rest of us are to live in an era where there IS birth control.

    Even 100 years ago, a woman had no options. 10 or more pregnancies were normal. How many of them died after childbirth...how many babies died their first year.

    I respect this family's right to choose...and I appreciate all those women before us who gave US the same rights.


    Actually, women have been using birth control long before that, medieval and even ancient times. Though it wasn't a pill or anything medical (or usually healthy or effective) women have been at least attempting to control their fertility and family size all through history. Many herbs were were used as well as some interesting ideas such as diaphram-like devices made from animal poop or fruit rinds and reusable condoms as early as the 16th century.

    Not that it has much to do with this thread, it is just a really interesting topic :wink:
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    So why doesn't JimBob just get snipped? It's an outpatient procedure these days.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    As far the kids being well adjusted and happy-- a friend of mine grew up in what I thought was an extremely strict church of Christ household (no hair cutting, no dancing, no make-up, no music in church, arranged marriages etc.) and I thought for sure at least one of those kids would rebel, but wouldn't you know they all turned out as devout believers. So to each their own, I guess. It definitely wouldn't be for me.
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    My sons dads aunt has 18 kids..i didnt totally believe it since he has a tendency to exaggerate but I went to her birthday party a few months ago and there is defenitly 18 kids. Her license plate is 18 kids
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    Haha yesterday at work i had 23 kids to watch for 3 hours...i barely made it out alive. Ages 2-7.....but 20 kids all day every day...dayum!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    My mom had 8, I'm the youngest. Apparently once you get past 3 or 4 kids it's a lot easier because they entertain themselves and the older kids help out with the younger kids.
    That being said, I am done with 2, because we decided we want to have the house to ourselves before we are in our 70's. And we have family scattered across the country and plane tickets are expensive.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Haha yesterday at work i had 23 kids to watch for 3 hours...i barely made it out alive. Ages 2-7.....but 20 kids all day every day...dayum!

    She doesn't have 20 kids all day, every day. The older ones are adults, a couple are married with kids of their own already (well, at least one is. I assume at least the second one has gotten married by now).

    I couldn't do it and I don't want to do it, but I would bet the things I want to do and can do are not things everyone else wants to do or can do. I'd hate for someone to criticize me for my personal life choices just because my choices aren't theirs.

    But then, the Duggars did put themselves in the spotlight, so I guess they kind of asked for judgment.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    i respect her decision to have 20 kids and hope this pregnancy goes well for her. i wouldn't want that many (although i'd be content with 7 instead of just 2), but her children seem really happy and well-adjusted. i do not find it to be child abuse to have another child help raising younger siblings. i think it gives them a healthy sense of work ethic. perhaps helping to raise their siblings will prepare them for their own or make them realize they don't want their own kids. it used to be a very common way of growing up and i think some of that family closeness is missing in our culture today.

    But wouldn't you agree that if getting pregnant is life threatening, she should be more responsible since she has other children to care for? I mean, come on. We all know how NOT to get pregnant (and I'm not talking about birth control).
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    But wouldn't you agree that if getting pregnant is life threatening, she should be more responsible since she has other children to care for? I mean, come on. We all know how NOT to get pregnant (and I'm not talking about birth control).
    I not only agree with this, but would extend it to also say that her last baby barely made it to viability (25 weeks - weighed only 22oz at birth), which is almost certainly due to her advanced maternal age and high number of previous pregnancies. Preemies have significantly more medical problems, not only in the months after birth but later on in life. And yet she decided to have another baby, which will more likely than not have the exact same issues IF it even makes it to viability?
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I grew up with 7 siblings - could have been 8 (or more!), but Mom had a miscarriage between my older brother and I, and Dad was killed in a car accident when she was pregnant with #8.

    We grew up in a devout Catholic home................Mom later talked about being pregnant every year, and how hard that was. Maybe it was a blessing that my father died when he did - who knows? I could have many more siblings!

    Whatever the Duggars do is their business - what I don't care for is the exploitation of this family for a "reality" TV series. Ugggh.....I'm sure it helps with their finances, but really????? Is this what Jesus would do? lol.

    And seriously - JIMBOB from Arkansas? How much more clichéd can you get than that?