Do u live where it snows?



  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    No snow, well in the local mountains yes..but at my house or
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm from just outside of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and I love snow and the cold. The sky is so blue during truly cold (-35 degrees C to -40) and clouds can't form, it's just so beautiful with the sunlight sparkling on the snow (appropriate clothing is essential :smile: ). Mind you, the mass amnesia suffered by drivers resulting lack of winter driving skills after the first couple of snowfalls can be annoying :huh:
    The only thing I don't like is the slush from salting the roads. Blech. What a mess.
    I love having 4 seasons.

    you know you live in Alberta when you wear long johns under your dress pants lol. I wear my winter boots constantly, and I have a scarf for every outfit.

    be prepared for SADS too...get some florescent lights in your house or go tanning for a few minutes a week...vitamin deficiency is horrid in winter.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    East-Central Iowa. Yes, we have "winter" here and snow is part of that...and colder weather. Seems the weather is more extreme the last few years or so. Not just here, but everywhere. Flooding, droughts, etc. It's like anything can be expected anymore. Mother nature has a mind of her own. We have had a good 4 years of lots of snowy-winters. We've had a foot or so on the ground for 3+ mos in the past. This year. Nothing. I am 45 and have lived here my entire life. I STILL enjoy the snow. I've been a school bus driver for over 15 yrs, so driving in it is necessary. I'd rather see white when I look outside then brown. I enjoy walking outdoors in cooler weather too. It's a personal choice. I enjoy all the season's here. But then again I don't like hot and say, maybe Florida.
  • likeaphoenix28
    Shout out to my Michigan peeps! I'm in Michigan too. I hate the winter weather. I'm tired of being cold all the time and I hate driving in the bad weather. I'm ready for spring :grumble:
  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member
    I grew up in Massachusetts, moved to south Florida when I was 14 and lived there until I was 31. I HATED south Florida. Hated not having seasons, hated hot Christmas's. Hated sweating all year round, so when I had the chance to move back to Massachusetts I jumped on it. I love living here. I love the snow, I love Fall and Spring...that being said, I hate being cold in the morning, driving to work and home in snow storms, and trying to walk on black ice. It has it's pros and cons. I don't have kids, but if/when I do, I'm glad I'm here because I loved my childhood with the snow, the sledding, the making snowmen, waking up on Christmas morning cold, drinking hot cocoa and opening gifts. All those memories are dear to me, and I feel all kids should have that experience! lol If you move, one thing I wish I had, that everyone who lives in a snowy area should have....automatic car starter! I hate going out in the morning to start my car. Believe me, it will make living in the snow much easier. Everyone is different of course, but you couldn't pay me to move back to Florida! Good luck with whatever you decide!!
  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member
    Didn't read the whole thread... my apoloiges... just came off 11 days, yes 11 days, without power due to 20 inch October 29 snow storm...I love snow, just not in October when the leaves are still on the trees=catastrophic limb/tree loss and power failure.

    We had 8 days no power from that same storm here in Massachusetts. However, when I lived in Florida we had over 2 weeks of no power from the hurricanes, NO A/C, for two weeks...sweating, no shower, having to work....the worst thing ever. I'll take cold no power over hot no power any day!!! LOL

    Edit: forgot the quote! :blushing:
  • SharadaRose
    I love and Hate the snow. Live in Northeast Ohio in the snowbelt so yeah we get allot. You however will get more than us. Its pretty to look at its so much fun to play in and I can deal with the cold. I hate driving in it. The County I live in sucks at keeping up on the roads and they never never never salt. I drive an Hour to work in good weather so its like 3 hours in winter. That I hate.

    I have been to NY during winter. I will say they do a good job on the roads!

    If only someone could come up with heated roads.
  • FitterZone
    FitterZone Posts: 8 Member
    Have you decided yet? It is a personal decision. I have been living in Syracuse since 1999. The snow here is usually for light and fluffy and we get a lot of it - except this year. School is rarely canceled since we are very good at removing the snow - a lot of practice.

    When spring arrives Syracuse is one of the best places to live. There are many beautiful parks, the Erie Canal is a great place to run and bike. Syracuse has more festivals then anywhere I've lived - blues, jazz, beer, Irish, Italian, Polish, balloon, .... you name it, we have that festival. There is always something to do.

    If you love the ocean, go often and would really miss it, then Syracuse is not the place to go

    Good Luck
  • SharadaRose

    "be prepared for SADS too...get some florescent lights in your house or go tanning for a few minutes a week...vitamin deficiency is horrid in winter."

    Talk with your Doctor about starting a Vitamin D3 supplement. It is available over the counter. People who tan are increasing there risk of Melanoma by over 75% As for SAD ( Seasonal Affective disorder) Its a special Blue light that they have people use. Regular florescent light is not the same. It is very expensive.
  • amybell68
    amybell68 Posts: 275 Member
    I just went sledding with my family (my daughter loves snow) and I burnt allot of calories!!! Sometimes I hate the snow, but that's usually in late winter, when I am ready for it to go away, but right now its nice to look at!! I've lived in Northern Indiana my whole life so I'm used to it!! I do like the changing of the seasons!!
  • MountainMamaMarissa
    I live in a very rural, curvy highway, mountain area, so when it snows - the highways are horrible...snow is pretty to look at, but I dread it every year because life practically stops here...give me warm days with sunshine and no snow anyday! :)
  • FatGirlSlim899
    FatGirlSlim899 Posts: 37 Member
    I live in rural Scotland and we get snow every year without fail. Last year we got 6ft of snow. This was from November- early Feb. I worked from home for a month because I couldn't get to work. I love snow if it's on a slope, high up, as I'm a snowboarder, but I don't need it at my house and the surrounding area! The thing you need to ask is more 'How well does the area I'm thinking of moving to *deal* with snow'. For us we don't get our roads plowed, and a lot of the time the gritter isn't out. The roads are covered and your stranded at home as it's too dangerous to drive. That is not fun. However if you've seen that the roads are always cleared and it's dealt with well it's not too bad. Last year my other half and I had to drive home on a motorway in a snowstorm, which is scary. The snow is so deep here we are actually in the process of selling our regular cars to afford a Land Rover so we won't have to be so worried at winter!

    Just be prepared for constant cold, getting up 1/2 an hour early to scrape and de-ice your car, and paying insane heating bills if you don't want burst pipes or a frozen house! Oh and if it's very cold I'm guessing you're thinking of somewhere quite northern, be prepared for dark to come in winter earlier, here it gets dark at 3 in the afternoon! I understand I'm an extreme case probably, but I would hate for someone to move somewhere like where I live unaware!
  • sportsforfun
    I live in Colorado and the snow is great as long as you get a 4-wheel drive vehicle and can deal with slow drivers on the road. Getting into snow activities makes the snow so much more enjoyable. Skiing, snowmobiling, tubing are all great activities that make the snow much better and you will even start to look forward to it so you can do these fun activities.
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    Love the snow...I'm in Denver and love the snow and sun that is perfectly balanced here... Let's take this outside!!!
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I live in Colorado as well, and I always have. I love it here, and the snow is nothing to worry about!
  • amybluefish
    amybluefish Posts: 82 Member
    I super ♥love♥ the winter and snow, it is my favorite season ♥. I think it totally depends on your personalty and tastes. I grew up in Colorado and now live in Utah.
  • minnesota
    minnesota Posts: 204 Member
    I live in MINNESNOWTA and I hate snow! I have always hated the winters here so I moved out west to get away from snow and I loved it, but my husband brought me back to this awful state :( There is really nothing good about snow. It's cold, the bottem of your jeans are always wet, the roads are slick, you get stuck all the flippin time, can't find the mailbox or driveway, can't go up hills and so on. I hate and would never tell a anyone to live where it snows. No matter how cute my boots are, warm my jacket is and insulated my gloves are I'm still always cold!

    So stay down south where it is warm! You will hate it up north.
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    I live near Rochester and my husband travels to Syracuse daily. This winter has been very mild... First snow flow that stuck was yesterday and almost gone today. It is very cold. What I hate most about the snow is the driving. The key is if you are going to live here you need to find something to do or winter is very long... Skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, snow shoeing, hiking gym time etc. I love the summers here winter is tough but we get thru it :)
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    I live near Rochester and my husband travels to Syracuse daily. This winter has been very mild... First snow flow that stuck was yesterday and almost gone today. It is very cold. What I hate most about the snow is the driving. The key is if you are going to live here you need to find something to do or winter is very long... Skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, snow shoeing, hiking gym time etc. I love the summers here winter is tough but we get thru it :)