Black Team Challenge week 6



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Sorry I have been mia today. Hubs took me on a mini vaca to chattanooga Tn. and I think we are going to move here I absolutely love it here! We walked from our hotel to the aquarium about ten blocks all around the aquarium then back. We ate at this place this morning called Aretha Frenkenstiens OH EM GEE it was so so so so so so so so so GOOD!!! Hubs had this waffle the size of the plate with ice cream and pecans and maple syrup. MMMMMMMMMM!!!! it was delish!!! if you ever visit chattanooga you have to go here. tonight is dinner on a choo choo train and tomorrow we are exploring the caverns and lookout mountain. FUN stuff tomorrow night is dinner on the southern belle river boat.


    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

    So happy for your lovely time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Sam, so glad you are having a great time. It sounds wonderful.

    I got my walk / run in and it felt great. I was so irritated when I left for it that I needed to spend some energy. The doctor's office called and while they were extremely nice about it, they told me they didn't draw enough blood yesterday out of my 4 year old's arm and we need to redraw. They wanted here to come in today but I didn't know the exact time I gave her her meds this morning and they don't want to do it on Saturday with just one staff member so now it will be next week to find out if she is over-mediated. She seems spacey but she is still having her seizures so I just don't know. I told her the bad news and while she is completely non-verbal and we are not sure how much she understands she seemed pretty ticked off. They wanted to know why I didn't know the time the meds were given and I told them because she wakes up for the day anytime between 4 am and 5:15 am and they were given with breakfast. It was sometime between 6:30 and 8 and that wasn't good enough for a time frame. :noway: The blood draw is also for a CVC and it just ticks me off, she is my baby. :heart:

    I am still feeling really bad though, this cold has kicked my butt and I am sick of it. It needs to go away and not return for a long time, like never come back again.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Good saturday morning black team!!!! I hope everyone is having a good day. Sounds like Sam is having fun lol. Back home now and the scale is moving so that is good. But I leave again next week and I will be in a hotel for 13 straight nights. THAT is going to be a challenge. Anyway gonna go play with the kids. see you all later :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Wow, everyone is doing well! GREAT!! I was so motivated by Andrews thread about excuses that I joined a gym! It all fell together.......just like it was pre planned. I recvd a rnwl notice for $9 a month in the mail, read andrews post out loud to my daughter. As I was finished reading the post, the gyms commercial came on "HEY DO YOU WANT TO BE MORE FIT IN 2009???"

    Well YES as a matter of fact I DO!

    So I took Andrews can do attitude and went for the 1st time last night and I might say, I kicked a little butt (mine!!). When I would usually say....ok that is enough you dont want to hurt yourself, I pushed a bit harder for a bit longer and guess what.....I didnt hurt myself!! :laugh:

    The new me in 2009 is the "Can Do Jeannie"

    Thanks for all the encouragement from all my friends!! You guys ROCK as does the Black Team!:glasses:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Awesome Jeannie! I'm so glad you got something out of experience! It has been a good day for both of us. I pulled the last pair of pants out of the "Andrew's too small clothes" bin. My only pair of size 42 waist. And well I'll be darned they fit super comfortable. not tight in the least! woohoo! I am OUT of small clothes. That means I am as small as I have been in the last 13 years and from now on I am shopping for new clothes because I dont have anything smaller! Woohooo!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Andrew and Jeannie-- you rock. I'm going to keep focused. Just for kicks I got on the scale yesterday to see if I'd lost any-- nutting. Just for kicks I got on the scale today to see if I lost anything-- up 2-- I'm going to kick something-- this is with slimfast, faithful water and calories and 4 straight days of different exercise to confuse my muscles-- seems the only thing that's confused is the scale. Down, you blasted needle, DOWN!!!!!!!!

    Oh well-- I know the scale is not the be all and end all, so as ticked as I am, I'm not losing the focus-- but, man this is peeving me!!!!

    Grrrrrrr-- :grumble:

    Busy day-- off to work, then birthday shopping, basketball game, birthday dinner and party-- later!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Marla, hang in there eventually the scale will get sick of that number and move!!!!!! (HUGS) :flowerforyou:
  • Vanessa414
    Hey all!!

    Jeannie - I joined a gym yesterday too!!! I"m SO EXCITED!! I'm going to go this after noon after Owen goes down for his nap. woo!!

    Sam - Wow! That sounds awesome! I'm glad you're having a great time!!!

    Marla - I can only imagine how peeved you must be but the great thing is that you're not losing focus!

    So like I said up there ^ I joined a gym last night and I'm so psyched. Just waiting for Owen to finish lunch so I can put him down.

    Oh, also... our friggin TV broke yesterday. No. Seriously. It just broke. So we're going to go get a new one today. Thank god I got my profit sharing check from work on Thursday or we'd be screwed. i think we're going to get like a 32" flat screen HDTV. Our budget is $500 so we'll see. I'm excited though.

    Anyway, hope everyones having a great weekend!

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Vanessa, hope you enjoy the gym. Have a great work-out!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    OOPS!!! Double Post! :tongue:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Amanda-- by the way, I meant to thank you for your kind words the other day regarding my posts. I've been made to feel self conscious somewhat lately about my posts, but am fighting through it. I am what I am, and I think my posts reflect it-- for better or worse, love it or hate it-- but, thanks for the encouragement. It meant a lot.

    Have a great day!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Awesome Jeannie! I'm so glad you got something out of experience! It has been a good day for both of us. I pulled the last pair of pants out of the "Andrew's too small clothes" bin. My only pair of size 42 waist. And well I'll be darned they fit super comfortable. not tight in the least! woohoo! I am OUT of small clothes. That means I am as small as I have been in the last 13 years and from now on I am shopping for new clothes because I dont have anything smaller! Woohooo!!!!:bigsmile:

    You ROCK:glasses:

    Tell DW she needs to take ya shopping for Valentines Day!:heart:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    today was fun we went to the caverns and ruby falls. we did about 6 hours of walking then came back and went to the art museum for another 2 hours so all together about 8 hours of walking. Everyone seems to be doing great!!

    Talk to you in a couple days.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    How's everyone doing on the challenge?! so far so good here. It's been a quiet week with Sam on vacation and Sarah's PC being in the shop. I hope everyone is doing great! As for me I have to get to the gym and get my normal work out in....and yes my jumpin jacks. Get jumping people!

    Lets do this people....
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Andrew, you crack me up.. The clips are very inspiring.. gave me a boost.

    I looked at all of them - mostly because I had to get that image of David Lee Roth out of my head. Comparing him then to now is just too scary..

    Sam - glad you are having such a great vacation..

    Nicky - keep us posted on how you are doing and what the doc says (only what you are willing to share). I'm worried about you hon... :wink: :wink:

    Jeannie and Vanessa - great job joining the gym. I'd be lost without mine now, but it took me a while to take the step - definitely moving in the right direction.

    Marla - hang in there - you are due for some positive scale changes (which of course involves negative numbers). I always appreciate your posts - you have a great perspective and I respect the fact that you still have sanity even raising 9 children. Sometimes I think my 2 will drive me over the edge.

    everyone - great to see the good posts - seems like everyone is doing pretty well.

    I just got a polar F6 this weekend and the 30 Day Shred DVD. I am actually more prepared for this weeks challenge now than I was earlier this week.

    I'm afraid I have to admit defeat on this challenge, as I spent the last 2 days just eating and not working out. Will get back to it with a vengance today, but some damage may already be done. I stepped on the scale today (I know another challenge lost). I was actually thinking of it in 2 ways: 1. I wanted to get a scale reading before the extra food showed up - silly I know, it is already there. 2. I wanted to punish myself for being foolish..

    Oddly enough, I was down just a bit - but enough to move my ticker to 10 lbs lost!!

    I really, really needed this, as I was beginning to enter into a more emotional phase (as the women can relate to) and felt I wasn't getting there quickly enough.. This was just the boost I needed to kick it up a gear.

    So I am planning on strapping on my HRM, strapping up my bad knee, and trying the 30 day shred. I will do whatever I can that doesn't make my knee scream and then balance with cardio machines in the gym and swimming when I can get there..

    GO TEAM!!! Sending hopes for big loses to all my teammates..:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Good morning fellow team members! Today is Sunday and the week is half over until we "officially" weigh-in again. I hope everybody has a great day and gets some wonderful exercise in. I am going for a nice long walk / run after church and hopefully get my butt on my exercise bike before although I really don't want to. I am not motivated today at all. :indifferent:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have to admit I have not done the jumping jacks. I am afraid for my neck with all that jarring.

    I did work out 3 days and still have 3 more to go-so I will be getting my high HR work out..........and added 15 addl minutes to make up for the Jax! (sorry sam:ohwell: )

    Oh shes off haveing 'alone time' with her hubby...............she dont care:laugh: :laugh:

    I have liked having this challenge because each day I only have 7 days to get in 5 workouts!

    The scale is not moving, but I YEAH ME!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    hey all-- gorgeous here today-- I have some typing to get to, then I'm heading out for a run and then some Shred tonight. Until I have time to get to the stinkin' post office to mail this blasted thing to Mrs. Beans, I'm going to use it (Shred) to shake up this body. Preliminary scale reports aren't good. Needle still going in the wrong direction, so I don't know WTH is going on. But, I'm still hanging in.

    Sodium is my nemesis, and I avoid it at all costs. When I have anything with it I used to blow up for days, now it seems it takes weeks for my body to recover. The ol' bod is just rebelling against something and I'm not sure what's up. I truly have done everything "right" and am not at all getting rewarded, unless of course if you consider the test of patience a reward....NOT.

    Bitttching about it does no good, so off I go to work--

  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895
    Hey Black Team...just popping in for a bit! Im still going strong with this challenge...and my eating! Feels good!

    GO BLACK TEAM!:drinker:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Oh my goodness, I went shopping today for me and that is the first time in a L_O_N_G time! I got a new pair of tennis shoes (desperately needed these), got my HRM (it is a Reebox brand, on sale for $39.99 from $119.99) and a new work-out outfit. It is with a 70% coupon off coupon, but it was shopping and it felt wonderful!!!!!!! :smile:

    Off to ride my bike to see how my HRM works. Hope that the number of calories burnt is not way lower than I have been entering in. We will see.