Where were you exactly 1yr ago in your journey? I was..



  • jaci34
    jaci34 Posts: 225 Member
    A year ago....I was unhappy, overweight, barely fitting into my pants, resisting to go up a size, and needing a change!!!!

  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    A year ago, I was on here.
    I was 7 pounds heavier and doing 30ds for the first time, not eating exercise calories back and then I let Thanksgiving derail me. After that I stopped logging consistently until March of this year.. I've had ups and downs since then, but I'm back on track (mostly) now.
    I'm determined not to let the hoildays derail me this year. I might over-eat, I'm going to try my best to not gain, but if i do - tomorrow is another day!
  • One more try:
    Year ago

    And now:
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    1 year ago I was a Whopping 312lbs and today I am Weighing in at 156lbs.. Man what an Amazing year this has been for me.. So life changing for the better.. I am down 156lbs as of yesturday and I am 11lbs from my goal.. I have done this souly thru exercise and 1200-1300 calorie diet.. No Fad Diets or Surgeries.. Nothing But Blood, Sweat & Tears..

    "Not Sweat you see on me that's Awesome Sauce Baby!!!!"

    wow! You are amazing! You have done an amazing job! I am so encouraged by your testimony, Especially the fact that no surgery or fads were used. It gives me hope. Now if I can just convince my body to work that hard! The food is not as big a problem as forcing myself to push harder. I tend to wimp out easily when I start feeling tired! Thanks for sharing.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    1 year ago I was a Whopping 312lbs and today I am Weighing in at 156lbs.. Man what an Amazing year this has been for me.. So life changing for the better.. I am down 156lbs as of yesturday and I am 11lbs from my goal.. I have done this souly thru exercise and 1200-1300 calorie diet.. No Fad Diets or Surgeries.. Nothing But Blood, Sweat & Tears..

    "Not Sweat you see on me that's Awesome Sauce Baby!!!!"

    wow! You are amazing! You have done an amazing job! I am so encouraged by your testimony, Especially the fact that no surgery or fads were used. It gives me hope. Now if I can just convince my body to work that hard! The food is not as big a problem as forcing myself to push harder. I tend to wimp out easily when I start feeling tired! Thanks for sharing.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    I can't exacly remember what I weighed 1 yr ago but I know that when I joined this site in Feb of this yr I weighed 321 and I had been on my journey for a while so I would have weighed more than that in Nov. But as of last week I weighed 242.6 and have lost a total of 148 lbs I too have come a long way in a year. I would say that I have lost about 100 lbs in the last year.

    Ditto my reply to Carolinamama! Wonderful job! Hope I'll have a testimony similar to yours next year, Good luck on your journey.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    I was about 2 months into my journey and about 85 pounds heavier than I am now. I think I started doing Zumba for the first time almost exactly a year ago. I might have gotten one or two comments on my weight loss, but most people didn't notice yet. Now they don't even recognize me.

    awesome accomplishment! Thanks for the encouragement!
  • Victoriav99
    Victoriav99 Posts: 260 Member
    I was probably pushing 140 a year ago and now Im 125
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Well a year ago, I was roughly 65 lbs heavier. Looking somewhat like this:


    But currently I am looking like this:

  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    One year ago, I was recently engaged and 30 lbs. heavier. I could barely run 1/4 of a mile.

    Now, I'm still engaged, getting married in August, 30 lbs. lighter, and can run 2 miles straight. And I'm much happier. ;D
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    I was 6 - 10 lbs heavier I am so glad I found this site I hope to say next year at this time I am 100lbs lighter that is my goal 100lbs in a year which is about half way to where I need to be but I want to lose that in a year!! I can't wait to see where I am!
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    One year ago, I wasnt even on this Journey yet. I was weighing roughly 220lbs and disgusted with myself. I started my journey in March of this year. I have lost 35lbs so far and have about another 50lbs to go until I reach my goal.
  • One year ago I thought I had gained 10 pounds because I was stressed at grad school...turns out it was because I was still very much engulfed in a major eating disorder that had effed with my metabolism. When I joined MFP I logged my daily calories without changing anything and was only eating about 600-800 calories a day. MFP has opened my eyes to eating ENOUGH and being conscious of the food I am putting in my body. Right now I'm about the same weight, but so much happier and healthier. :)
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I was 13 lbs heavier, in a stressful job and wondering if I could run. Today I'm still on a weight loss journey but running at least 3 miles 3x/week, and have multiple 5K races under my belt as well as a 10K. Next year this time I hope to be 15 lbs lighter from now, and have a half marathon under my belt!
  • Fatchickslim
    Fatchickslim Posts: 396 Member
    One more try:
    Year ago

    And now:

    Do it like this but change both the IMG to img (lower case) I've done it for you.
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    I was 2 months pregnant pigging out on Ben and Jerry's and crab rangoons .
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    A year ago today I was just starting my journey to lose weight and get fit. I was 32 pounds heavier andI was struggling with health issues due to poor circulation. I was always in pain and in and out of the doctors office. Finally I decided that I had to make a lifestyle change. I needed to exercise daily and make healthier food choices. Looking back now I picked the hardest time of year to start my journey but I did what I had to. I was miserable having to watch what I ate at Thanksgiving and Christmas while everyone else stuffed their faces LOL . But I stuck to my goal and didn't even have a slice of pumpkin pie :-( This year in celebration my sister is making her special homemade pumpkin pie and you bet I'm having a slice =-)

    I am happy to say that today I no longer suffer from any of my old health issues, I am in the best shape of my life and I am a much happier person!!! :-)
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    It's very possible I was sitting on the couch eating potato chips and drinking Dr Pepper. I was about 212lbs and had not even thought I'd be on this lifestyle change in a year. I can't wait to see where I'll be in a year from now. Thanks MFP!
  • NPetrakis
    NPetrakis Posts: 164 Member
    38 lbs heavier
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I was 5 lbs thinner :( I had a rough year with my dad becoming very ill and then passing in June.
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