Friends on MFP with poor food diaries?



  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member

    I have a simple rule. I don't take advice from people who don't know how to spell the word "lose".

    Aww Mr Brett don't be mean. I thought all MFP members were nice & supportive. :(

    The OP is so hot to call people out for food mistakes, I figured someone should let them know they can't spell a four letter word. Consider it more "helpful advice". If they don't like it when someone points out mistakes they're making..well....

    And this is one of the many reasons that I love having you on my friends list :laugh:

    As for the original question, talk is cheap because the supply is more than the demand. If they don't ask for advice, don't give it.
  • Jeanetta10
    Jeanetta10 Posts: 74 Member
    I vote for the vodka for breakfast! Ha ha ha
  • danstvguy
    Yes ... And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad
    so I had one more for dessert.
  • Tyler4846
    the only thing I dont really like seeing is people that'll change their cal's so that they are under everyday. Then when they post
    they have a bunch of people giving them positive feedback on being under.
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    I think everyone makes the best decision for them. Yes maybe ten candy bars for breakfast and a coke is not the best. But for all you know they might of been eating 45 candy bars and having two cokes before they decided to change. So on paper it doesn't look the best but it is an improvement from where they started
  • jplucheck
    jplucheck Posts: 275 Member
    It may be snarky to notice, but neither the OP nor the "get over it! / what are you hiding?" lady have public diaries.

    My diary is private to the public, I don't know them
    My diary is open to friends, I trust their responses and have goals to set with them. I get to know them. Everyones MFP experience is different, and hey, MAYBE you friend people for different reasons.

    I think people here just took it way out of proportion. I wanted to HELP this person, not by monitoring what they eat. I can understand a cheat day here and there but this is constant bad food.

    There are a couple of reason I wanted to approach them (which I did regardless of the responses on this thread because honestly some people made this out to be nip-picking on a few items). There were reasons that I did.

    1 - Benefits of a Balanced Diet
    Eating unhealthy food for breakfast such as high carbs and high fat meals will leave you hungry faster than having high protein meals. All i suggested was instead of cookies were to boil, or pan fry (no oil) some eggs and lean bacon or some packet ham instead of cookies + cake for breakfast. They aren't lifestyle choices and eating those types of food will just leave you more hungry and make it harder to stay within calorie intake because hey...if you are more hungry you're going to want more calories in a day.

    2- Health problems from eating fatty foods.
    Higher blood pressure, higher cholesterol, higher blood sugar levels, arterial inflammation. All lead to problems such as kidney, liver and heart problems and can make exercise 10x harder (clogged + inflamed arteries make pumping blood harder)

    3- I'm not talking about some random stranger I've developed a relationship with this person. I think people assumed that I had no idea about this person, I know about her kids, about her family and her daily life and struggles and in return she knows mine >_>

    This was an honest question in regards to your health but everyone just jumped to the conclusion that I was snooping. I felt that the MFP community in general were just looking at it in the wrong way...but I don't know if I'll be coming here for advice anymore :P

    This was an honest question in regards to your health but everyone just jumped to the conclusion that I was snooping. I felt that the MFP community in general were just looking at it in the wrong way...but I don't know if I'll be coming here for advice anymore :P

    Exactly this< I myself have posted threads just to get some support and advice, because let’s face it that is why I am here and my diary is open is for support and motivation, but instead have found most comments to be rude and hurtful some just flat out call you names. Seriously if you have nothing nice to say then keep it to yourself, why would you want to bad mouth someone, does it truly make you feel better. Keep your head up and continue to look for advice not everyone is negitive!
  • jplucheck
    jplucheck Posts: 275 Member
    I am flattered that you are so interested in my diary. Yes, I did eat cheerios, and I explained this to my friends. If you look at my diary you will see that it went on for a few weeks and I AM now trying to stop it because it is unhealthy.

    As far as the 100 calories, I am following MY Doctors order which none of you are.

    I am NOT trolling just participating. I closed my diary because NO ONe was suggesting anything positive. I felt that a lot of people were making of me. However my responses have increased my friends. Many people agreed and friended me.

    My intent was not to upset anyone here just offer my opinion, and since I AM NEW AND NOT COMPUTER SAVVY I AM NOT ABLE TO DO THE QUOTE. I was not aware that there were rules. So Sorry.

    What doctor would tell you to eat under 1000cal (assuming your meant that and not 100) that is not enough fuel to keep you going, which will put in a starvation mode. 1200 is too low if you ask me but I am not YOUR QUACK!