Determined December challenge : P



  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello everyone :bigsmile:
    We have anouther great group this month :wink: Istnlondry So glad you are Baaack it wouldnt be the same without your support and encouragment :happy: I especially like #3 goal :happy:
    Good job everyone it is a great start we are very determined :smile: We are worth it Marcia !!!!!!!! SRP 6:45 is great proud of you and 70 mins thats great . Babyfat Di you reach your other goals ? If not you checked in so good job.

    My son graduated Got his GED so we went to dinner, I didnt do to bad Im going to have to excersize so I will do my stationary bike.

    1 Excersize 30 mins goal 30 , more before bed : >
    2. working on water
    3 . my calories will be good before bed.

    Good habbit is right before bed so I will do it then .

    Good job everyone you are all doing awesome :bigsmile: see you tommorow !!!!!!!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    I would love to be apart of this. I am just joining this site and I need all the motivation I can get. Im super excited to get this challenge under my belt. I just had a child 10 weeks ago and Im back on my feet and ready to LOSE THIS WEIGHT. My Husband and I have started the 17 day diet and have made personal goals and we are comparing % to get the winner. Im in this for the long hall of my baby's first birthday....I want to reach this goal and feel great along the day.

    My goals for the month:

    1. 8 glasses of water
    2. 3 glasses of green tea
    3. exercise everyday
    4. only take christmas day off!
    5. lose at least 6 pounds

    Everyday is one day closer to our goals. Good Luck everyone!

    Bless you all!


    Congrats on the new little one how exciting . Have a great month :flowerforyou:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    So far had a GREAT day!
    1. Drank 2 liters of water. Trying to get another one in.
    2. Exercised 30 minutes.
    3. Stayed under 1,200 calories.
    4. Almost had a Pepsi and bag of peanut butter M&Ms and realized I really did not want them, I was just having a stressful moment. Made me smile because it felt pretty good to realize this. Now if I can just keep it up.
    This is such a GREAT group of people to share everything with. Hope you all had a great day also. Will check in again tomorrow. Have a GREAT night.

    Thank you DeeBear so glad you are here, I miss seeing your posts :bigsmile:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Made fairly healthy food choices today. Realized lunch was missing a fruit or vegetable, but had it covered at breakfast and dinner. I know I didn't drink enough, especially with my dry hands and lips. Tomorrow will have to keep better track of it. Tomorrow, if all goes according to plan, then I'll get in some time at the gym. Night all!

    You had a good day :happy: Happy to have you back !!!!!! Goodnight :yawn:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hey All!

    So here's how I did for Day 1:

    1-strength training class tonight. Also had spin class this morning.
    2-Didn't keep my calories in the green and really don't feel like going to work out extra to turn it around....feeling lazy.
    3-Kind of cooked - found some fish in the freezer so I baked that in the oven. One small step-I used the oven (the tator tots that went along with it were a bad choice).
    4-skipped the candy canes. Also begged my coworker to reconsider bringing in fudge tomorrow.

    Hope everyone kicked off December on a good note!

    Hawkeye Good job on day 1 and trying to avoid the fudge :tongue: So glad to have you back :happy:
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    I just have to say this. Elimay YOU ARE AWESOME!!! You make everyone feel special. No matter how busy you are you always make sure to comment on everyone's posts. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!!! Hope you have a GREAT day!
  • PennyChallenge
    Good Morning! On this cold morning I have managed to get my lemon water down and now working on my green tea, then small bite to eat and off to the treadmill I go. I did great yesterday, but just couldnt get that 8th glass of water down I felt like I was floating. Going to push a little harder today and see if I can make my 8 for the day! I managed the green tea although with no sugar is pretty bland, but not horrible. Im going to try and over come my strong dislike of yogurt because its so good for you. Wish me luck. This is going to be very challenging for me. My friend who is a dietician said that everyone should have two probiotic foods a day...Here I go. Going to finish cleaning house today and complete my "winter wonderland" decorating. I love Christmas!

    I love how supportive everyone is and know that we are all going to have a awesome month!
  • FuerImmerStark
    I WILL stay motivated through this weekend. I can do this, I can do this..

    Today: hour and a half work-out tonight, mostly cardio with some weight lifting and then basketball.
    Tomorrow: hour cardio
    Sunday: hour cardio, then weekly weigh-in (crosses fingers!)
  • Bheller234
    Good Morning Everyone,

    Well, Monday through Friday i'm pretty inactive because i work from 8-5 and i work in an office where i sit at a desk all day. I do randomly just get up and go walk around the office just so i am not sitting anymore. I am really trying to stay away from the junk food that is all around my office, like today we have a guest in our office and my boss goes out and buys a dozen donuts. I have been good both today and yesterday because we the guest was here yesterday too. I won't even look at the donuts because i know i will want one. So, today i did start off pretty well, I had a pretty healthy breakfast and some Sunny D and now i am having a cup of herbal tea with very very little sugar (which is hard because i always had very very sweet tea). Fridays are a pretty bland day for me because Monday through Thursday i have Karate and get a really good hour work out but Fridays i don't really do anything. So now i am going to have to really try to push myself with a long wii workout or a x-box 360 kinect workout. But on an up note for working out on the weekend (which i normally tend to slack off a bit on) i always have workouts planned. Tomorrow morning i am going out for a long hike for a few hours in the freezing cold but it should be good. Then on Sunday i am going bowling with my areas AHL Hockey Team (Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins) And that should be a fun workout. Not that i will only do the bowling on Sunday as my workout, i will probably do some more wii workouts. :smile: I've been trying to do better with eating veggies lately, I really like veggies it just that we don't have them in our house very often but when we do i like to pig out on them. Last night for dinner i just had carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower and now i am going to be having them for lunch too. Gotta get those yummy veggies in! :happy: One other thing i am going to start trying to work on is that I want to try to start waking up earlier and getting a work out in in the morning because i have noticed that no matter how tired i am before i go to karate once i am done with it i am so energized and ready to go. If i can get that way in the morning that would be great because i am normally dead in the falling asleep at my desk, so if i can get that little bit of energy in in the morning i will be great. Well i guess that is about it for now. But there is still a long day ahead of me. Best of luck to everyone!!! :smile:

    Have a great day!
    Brandi :wink:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodmorning everyone :flowerforyou:

    Brandy you are a busy girl, but that is a very good thing. I hate when I cant stay awake its one of the worst things, Just an idea I heard ,when you get sleepy driving eat a popsycle at work that would be hard but why wouldnt like ice chips or ice water help, just a thought.

    Star you can do this!!!!!! Me too I can I can I can :laugh: I love your new profile pic. you look great :happy:

    Good job Penny , You have a plan sounds good . Yogurt maybe try different kinds to find one you like ,I really like greek yogurt .
    I love how suportive our group is too and you will be a good addition :happy:

    Awwww DeeBear you are awesome too !!!!!! thank you :tongue: Im going to have a good day, I am making a turkey and my Boys and wife and grandkids and sis and bro in law are coming for dinner and game night :bigsmile: You have a great day too hope you have something fun planned for the weekend !!!!!!!!!

    One of MFP friends did reto friday pics. fun , If you have time it would be fun to see all of yours :wink:

    Have an awesome day friends :bigsmile:
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    1. Get at least 30 minutes of cardio 2-3 times per week
    2. Watch portion sizes (and limit the chips to once a week)
    3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day

    Healthy Habit: Make sure to get one non-starchy vegetable or fruit at each meal

    Free Day: date night

    So its only Day 2, but I think I'm going to add a goal. One of my friends posted on FB how she is now the weight on her license again. That put the thought in my head that it would also be a good goal. As of this morning, I am 8.6 lbs heavier than what is on my license (shhh, don't tell the DMV). Anyhow, with holidays and life, I know that isn't a realistic one month goal. So I'll break it up, and aim to lose 4 lbs this month.

    Its a little bit early in the day for me to otherwise check-in, but since I'm here now, I'll update. I got in 35 minutes of cardio this morning, am more than 3/4 through my water (so should exceed it for the day). Food choices and quanitites so far have been good. I just have to make it through the evening with my husband (and not fall prey to watching him snack). Hope everyone else is having a good day too.
  • kerryannk
    Im going to try and over come my strong dislike of yogurt because its so good for you. Wish me luck.

    Good luck! I never liked yogurt because it was just too... soupy... but I tried greek yogurt. Once I got over the slight sourness of it, I started to like it, because it was more like pudding, but fruity!
  • kerryannk
    Today is one of my low cal days for my zig zag cycle I'm testing out. I realized that it doesn't have to be the day I eat a lot less, it's just the day I need to put in a killer workout. So I know for next week, Tuesday & Friday Super Workouts and Wednesday Eat Day.

    I hate to feel so lazy, but I really don't have much physical energy to do anything these past few days. Bad headache behind my eyes and feeling achy. Tis the season. Also, I have the first-of-the-month, my-mood-reflects-my-bank-account blues. At least I get some walking done at work, and I'm not over eating when I am a little more sedentary.

    I have gotten some holiday things taken care of today. My ideas are in their final stages, and soon it's going to be a matter of completing them! I have many projects and have set due dates for all of them. I work better with deadlines (hence, how my racing career began). So I feel good I got that accomplished today!

    Hope you all have a great day. I'm hoping we can help lift each other up as the month goes on! I'll need you guys come day 17, I know it!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Day 2 - started my day with a good half hour workout, feels goood to be back on track. Then I spent all day with my eldest daughter, she had a couple of medical appointments and then we went clothes shopping for her birthday, it was lovely to spoil her. Only thing was we went to MacDonalds for lunch, oh well!!! The rest of my day has been pretty healthy and I've ended under cals.

    Hope everyone is keeping to their goals so far :smile:
  • TheAnonGit
    My day two didn't go at all as planned. I've been eating a little extra all this week because I was planning on donating blood today. I ate quite a bit before I thought I was going to donate, so that I wouldn't get lightheaded. I went to donate, only to have them I'm one inch too short. So calorie wise, I did terrible. On the bright side though, I still got to do some exercise because I didn't end up donating and I drank plenty of water because I thought I would be giving blood. I've always known there was a weight requirement, but a height requirement? Really?

    Ah well, I hope everyone else has had a great day!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Day 2:

    1-did the bike trainer for an hour and 35 minutes on the elliptical. For strength training I did just some basics-sit ups, dips, push ups, plank, etc.

    2-was on the road for 9 hours today and took single serving snacks along-didn't eat them all. Oh and I walked away from the fudge and chocolate chip cookies that coworkers brought in.

    3-in the green today for my calories

    4-no cooking today.

    Good habit:
    Talked myself out of buying new work out clothes last night that were on sale on the Clymb site (boy it was sure tempting).

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! Keep up the good work and positive vibes!
  • sparklyball
    sparklyball Posts: 93 Member


    set goals tomorrow, late here now
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Day 2 was FANTASTIC! I went out to lunch with the Friday Lunch Bunch and had a grilled chicken salad. I then had a grilled chicken sandwich for supper and took the bun off and threw it away. Drank all of my water. Got my shopping done after work which I counted as my exercise. Tomorrow we are to get up to 6 inches of snow. Weekends terrify me!!!! I am going to try to keep busy. I am going to take it one second at a time. I felt really pumped today. I had no flour and no sugar for the second day.
    Hope you all had a GREAT day also. Oh yeah and I logged in for the second day of the Determined December Challenge. So I reached all of my goals today.
    Looks like everyone is doing a GREAT job also. We can do this.
    Headed to bed. Hope everyone has a GREAT night.
    See you tomorrow!!!!!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Ugh, today didn't go at all as planned. Overslept and didn't get up til 7:15, so that threw things off, and then work has been crazy and I'm behind on several deadlines, so I have an overwhelming urge to eat all day... but I did get to the gym - 75 minutes total today, and I got at least 6 glasses of water, and 2/4 fruits/veggies but no decluttering, so 2 out of 4 goals for the day, and struck out on the habit. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day...

    Glad to see so many other people are doing great and sticking with it - keep up the good work :drinker:
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    i had a good day i guess! :)