Determined December challenge : P



  • PennyChallenge
    Wow! Looks like everyone is really pushing toward there goals! I love it! I reached my 10 pounds and couldn't be happier, one goal down many more to go! Now 15 total by the new year! My diet is fabulous and I am so satisfied! Tomorrow is dust and vacuum make guest bedroom inviting and diet and exercise. Adding jumping Jack's tomorrow for our mini challenge. Its amazing what 10 pounds lost does for you....can't wait to lose the other 90;0)

    Pampered my self today and it was fantastic! Have a wonderful day tomorrow!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    happy you reached you goal that is awesome penny, Happy you are doing mini too :bigsmile: Clover chose side leg lifts so that will be our friday mini for who ever is in.
    Thank you hawkeye that is interesting. I dont know about Hrms at all hope someone can help you. Yay you are doing mini, there is one for friday also side leg lifts : >
    Good job anon you burned a crazy amount of calories good job.
    Good job Brandi it will come off just be patient : >

    1.Under calories
    2. working on water
    3. excersize done 20 mins on shred and I was on my feet cleaning for 4 1/2 hrs today so we will call it good ; >

    Been doing water pic right before bed Good habit : > Have a great evening ,see you all tommorow

    Jumping jack mini tommorow 50 whos in : P These have really helped me this week.
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Elimay - thanks for the tater tot picture, mmm they look good and also bad!!!!

    Not checked in for a couple of days, sorry. I weighed myself on Sunday to find that I had put back on 3 lbs - arghhh. After taking 3 months to lose 4 lbs this is not good. I know this is because I haven't been working out and I can't really see me getting back into a workout routine until New Year. Oh well, never mind, I'm not going to get upset about it.

    4 more sleeps til Christmas - youngest daughter is getting very excited and me too :drinker:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good Morning:

    Good to see you back sammy. Hang in there with us.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Log calories - yes
    Eat less than burn - No, but just barely over
    exercise - yes - calesthenics at home in front of the TV. Hey, it's something! Progress not perfection.
    Enjoy holiday - yes - Played some Christmas music on the piano. I'm lousy, but it makes me feel good.

    I will get my jumping jacks done today. I like the mini challenge, by the way. It prompts me to add something else.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodmorning !!!!!!!

    Glad to see you back sammy sorry you are having a hard time:frown: we all go through that at times just keep working at it. Tatter tots are good and bad Im going to change that pic they make me hungry :laugh:

    Good job clover you could have been just being a couch potatoe in front of TV but no you worked out Good job :happy:

    Off to start my day, I will check back latter I think its my 4th day low carb low carb its going good.
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Good day for me today, finished under cals and just done 300 crunches. :smile:

    Plan to start tomorrow with a workout, hope I manage this as really need to get moving.

    Thanks for all the words of encouragement guys :wink:
  • nehatyagi01
    Thanks girl for making me do this.


    1. Eat salad and soup everyday
    2. Exercise 3X a week.

    Good habit:

    Watch less TV( As I am a full time mom my TV is ON most of the day, I get so involved I can't even do my daily chores. I know it bad and I want to break this habit.) So No or less TV.

    Free Day:
    I wanna give myself free Saturday.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Half way through another week thankfully...of course that means I am one day closer to having two of my consumers lose their home and I still have not found funding for them to move--stupid paperwork headaches. Since I can't get this mess straightened out I am afraid I won't be able to talk any time off. sorry for the rant but work is overwhelming.

    Outside of the office, I got time in on the bike and went for a walk (with a bit of jog thrown in)after work. I also did about 20 minutes of strength training. Oh and 100 jumping jacks.

    Squeaked under my calories for the day. Didn't cook anything outside of making an egg sandwich for supper.

    I gave in to temptation and had a 1/2 a brownie at the office. Evil coworkers left it sitting right on my stared at me for about 30 minutes before I gave in.

    Hope everyone had a great day!!
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Sorry I was AWOL for a day. Was enjoying some fun time with my son. Looks like everyone is doing well.
    I stayed under calories today. Drank all of my water. Logged in.
    I really miss when I don't get on and read how everyone is doing.
    Have at least been getting in my exercise everyday also.
    Will check in with you all again tomorrow night.
    Love you all.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello Everyone !!!!! Welcome nehatyag nicegoals !!!!!!
    DeeBear Imso glad you are having a nice visit, Im impressed you are still making your goals good job :happy:
    Hawkeye sorry you are having a hard time its sad they will lose there housing:frown: Hang in there !!!! good job on the excersize and doing the mini :smile:

    I am doing ok I am grouchy and craving something really bad urrrrrrrgh I have been off sugar for about 4 days Probably not the night to bake cookies :glasses: check in latter
  • TheAnonGit
    Hi everyone! I've had a bad day. I cracked and had three no bake cookies. One I would be able to live with but three? I'm rather ashamed of myself. Tomorrow is a new day, though. Hopefully it will be better! Have a great day everyone!
  • PennyChallenge
    Oh 2 days 23 hours and 50 minutes till Christmas! I had an awesome day! Got a surprise visit from my nieces and they could see my weight loss. So awesome! I was under calorie goal, met my water did my mini challenge, and put together some gifts for my sister on laws children. Was a ton of fun! Now I'm getting sleepy! Oh and had a fabulous walk today!
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Good morning all. Checking in early because I don't know if I will get a chance to check in tonight. I have a Christmas party with my Friday Lunch Bunch girls. It should be a BLAST. Plan on having a couple of margaritas so probably will not do all that well today.
    Hope all is safe and having an AWESOME day.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodmorning :bigsmile: I cracked last night too Anon, today will be better I dont know what was going on with me I was cranky and craving really bad probably hormones Oh well I feel better today :wink:

    Sounds like you are going to have a fun day DeeBear mmmmmmm margaritas :tongue:

    I will check back latter.

    Have a great day everyone :flowerforyou:
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Yay, I exercised this morning!!!!! Only a short 20 minute cardio workout, but at least I managed it after no proper cardio for about 3 weeks. Have to admit I found it quite hard and was getting out of breath easily, but I think I can build again from here and soon be back to my 45 minute sessions.

    Food has been fairly healthy today (just a few cookies, ssh, don't tell anyone will you), with grilled chicken and broccoli planned for dinner.

    3 more sleeps til the big guy calls, hope I am on his 'good' list :wink:
  • kerryannk
    Hello hello! One day closer everyone!

    Work and holidays has kept me very very busy. My sleep schedule is now totally flipped upside down. Went on an organizational tear last night and didn't fall asleep until almost 6am! Oh well.

    I weighed in yesterday, and that went well. I know my scale isn't very accurate, but it's what's going to have to do.

    I work tonight and tomorrow so I get to make some holiday cash moneys, and I know I'll get my water intake when I'm there.
  • Bheller234
    Hello everyone,

    Hope we are all doing well today. It's going to be a long day for me. Been at work since 8 and not leaving until 5. Then straight to Karate class. Going to be working extra hard today because some friends and i are going out for my 24th Birthday and my friends 22nd Birthday and i want to be able to eat some yummy food tonight! So finishing karate at about 6:30 then home to get cleaned up and changed to go to dinner at the hibachi bar and then to karaoke. WOOO for singing! But still going to be portioning my food tonight and anything left over is lunch for tomorrow! :smile: So far today i think i have done a pretty good job trying to eat healthy. Had some special k cereal with the strawberries with almond milk (yummy!) then for lunch had a pineapple spinach salad with lemon poppy seed dressing and a small bowl of spinach and feta cheese! Trying to eat light so i can eat yummy tonight! :happy:

    Goals for today:
    1) water...getting better with it but still need more!
    2) work out hard
    3) no junk food
    4) Try not to eat too much hibachi! :laugh:

    Personal goal:
    1) Make sure to have fun only get one birthday a year! :drinker:

    Have an amazing day everyone!:wink:
    Brandi :tongue:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Don't beat yourselves up Anon and Elimay. Today is a new day.

    Checking in:
    log - yes
    eat less than burn - yes
    exercise - yes
    Enjoy holiday - yes
    Jumping jacks - yes
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello everyone :smile:

    Thank you clover. Good job on the JJ :happy:
    Yay you did your excersize 20 mins is good Sammy :wink:
    Brandi you are doing awesome :bigsmile:
    Kerry good job on the WL:bigsmile:

    Today is good I am still crabby
    I. worked all day so excersize is done I may do something more later.
    2 Way under calories so far its 7:20 Pm
    3.water not so good I will work on it tonight

    Have a great evening !!!!! REMEMBER mini for tommorow is side leg lifts shoot for 50 and do more if you like :happy:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Happy Birthday Brandi. I vaguely remember being 24, and equally busy and active.

    Good work Sammy.

    I indulged in a few cookies this evening. I only had soup for lunch so calories are not as bad as I feared.