Determined December challenge : P



  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodmorning everyone !!!!!!!

    Thats a beautiful place Jenergy, That works, we can upload pics on our profile, I just thought it would be fun when we say we walked jogged rode our bike , If we share what our place looks like :happy: You had an awesome week Jenergy went over your goals in almost everything .

    Corkey glad you had a good rest day we all need that :yawn:

    Dream glad you figured it out :smile:

    Ok I am up early, going to clean house today, but I may go for a jog first :bigsmile: I am loving that I can jog . I am having a problem with my foot the pad hurts and then my toes cramp I have tried 4 different things in my shoes, they were spendy running shoes but not enough padding. I have shape up sandals that I love ,Im going to try them, People thought I was crazy when I wore them for 5k but they are awesome, they are like shock absorbers so I hope they work. I have flat feet which is part of the problem :angry: Ok enough whining off to start my day :wink:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi gang, checking in.
    Log calories - yes
    Eat less than burn - yes
    Exercise - yes - walk 45 minutes
    Enjoy holiday - yes - We went to see the local symphony holiday performance.

    Elimay - the pain in the forward part of your foot is due to the "metatarsal arch." I have had problems on and off with this area for many years. Good shoes help, but look for shoes with a soft support pad just behind the ball of the foot. Also, drug stores carry a support for this in the Dr Scholl products. Sometimes I get one of those gel pads with adhesive on the back and just cut it to size and stick it in my shoe. Do a search on metatarsal arch and you will find out all about it. It's not a big problem if you know what to do about it.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Thank you clover!!!!!! I definaltly dont have enough padding in my shoes. The jell ones so far seem like they only are for the heel area but I will check the drug store. I jogged in my sandles today but they are not going to work they dont hurt my feet but not light enough for running to clunky. I will research that though . Thank you again !!!!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Thank you clover!!!!!! I definaltly dont have enough padding in my shoes. The jell ones so far seem like they only are for the heel area but I will check the drug store. I jogged in my sandles today but they are not going to work they dont hurt my feet but not light enough for running to clunky. I will research that though . Thank you again !!!! Good job on reaching your goals :happy:
  • jenergy_20
    Goodmorning everyone !!!!!!!

    Thats a beautiful place Jenergy, That works, we can upload pics on our profile, I just thought it would be fun when we say we walked jogged rode our bike , If we share what our place looks like :happy: You had an awesome week Jenergy went over your goals in almost everything .

    Corkey glad you had a good rest day we all need that :yawn:

    Dream glad you figured it out :smile:

    Ok I am up early, going to clean house today, but I may go for a jog first :bigsmile: I am loving that I can jog . I am having a problem with my foot the pad hurts and then my toes cramp I have tried 4 different things in my shoes, they were spendy running shoes but not enough padding. I have shape up sandals that I love ,Im going to try them, People thought I was crazy when I wore them for 5k but they are awesome, they are like shock absorbers so I hope they work. I have flat feet which is part of the problem :angry: Ok enough whining off to start my day :wink:

    Thanks elimay... this were I do most of my activity in and outdoors. I have a pair of Sketchers tone ups their super cushioned, but I cant imagine walking in them for a long while. Sound like you need new shoes or maybe Dr Scholls inserts would help pad them?
  • jenergy_20
    Just saw clover had the same advice to you :smile:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Thank you Jenergy, I ran in my shape ups for an hour and I walked a 5k in them but they didnt feel right for running but I was ready try anything :wink:

    They are new shoes , My daughters said you need to get a bigger size for running shoes, And there is places where they have you run and determine what kind of shoes you need, I will do that before summer but for now I will get more inserts till I find one that helps .

    Thank you Jenergy !!!!!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    So here are my goals for today:

    1-had strength training class as well as 50 minutes on the elliptical. Plus my typical walk to/from work which I no longer log as exercise.

    2-stayed in the green with a few hundred calories left over.

    3-cook. Kinda of. I made smoothies so I had some snacks for the week. Outside of that it was day 1 of the left overs.

    4-skipped over all the treats that were brought in today-banana bread, carmel/chocolate pretzels and chocolate fudge.

    Elimay--I'm jealous of you getting out and running. I just can't get the feel for that-plus 5 knee surgeries makes it kind of painful. I keep hoping though as I would love to do duathlons.
  • TheAnonGit
    Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great start to the week! For some reason I was feeling really low on energy today. I'm not sure hat exactly caused it. I did well exercise and calorie wise, but as far as water goes, I'n failing miserably. I can't bring myself to drink warm water, which is all I have access to during most of the day. I need to buck up though. I'm getting a little dehydrated.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Happy Monday!

    So, today was so-so - I didn't get up as early as I would have liked, and water wasn't the greatest, but I did get all my fruits and veggies (helps when you actually have them in the house!), and exercised for an hour. I did something to my foot, though (or more precisely, made something that was already bothering it worse), so I'll have to find something to do tomorrow that won't bother it - hoping the elliptical will be okay, without the impact. Thanks for those who posted about the metatarsal arch problem - that isn't the current problem, but I think I have that too, so will look into cushioning.

    Congrats to everyone on their progress!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodnight everyone, And thank you for the encouraging words :happy:

    Hawkeye good on passing up those goodies you are awesome !!!!!!! I didnt think I could jog either, I am really really slow. I have only had one knee surgery Though ,4 ouch :noway:

    1. in my calories
    2. exercized 30 min
    3.water getting closer

    Good habbit before bed : > Goodnight have an awesome tommorow :bigsmile: I clean a house 6 hrs tommorow so I will be beat.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    My profile pic. is where I jog at our lake ,There is a fountain in the background ,if you look at my profile page you can see it better I will try to get a better one without me in it. That was 60lbs ago so aweful pic of me : /
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hi gang, checking in.
    Log calories - yes
    Eat less than burn - yes
    Exercise - yes - walk 45 minutes
    Enjoy holiday - yes - We went to see the local symphony holiday performance.

    Elimay - the pain in the forward part of your foot is due to the "metatarsal arch." I have had problems on and off with this area for many years. Good shoes help, but look for shoes with a soft support pad just behind the ball of the foot. Also, drug stores carry a support for this in the Dr Scholl products. Sometimes I get one of those gel pads with adhesive on the back and just cut it to size and stick it in my shoe. Do a search on metatarsal arch and you will find out all about it. It's not a big problem if you know what to do about it.
    My hubby found the gel ones for the ball of my foot hope it works : >
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodmorning !!!!!! Im off to work . Have an awesome tuesday :bigsmile: we can do it .
  • Bheller234
    Hello everyone,

    Well i actually reached 8 cups of water yesterday, i believe that i actually had more but at least i finally made it to the goal amount! :) I really believe i am starting to see improvement, lately when putting my belt on in the morning (and i have one that is kind of like a boyscout belt that you can really play with how long or short you want it to be) and i have noticed that i am having to make it tighter. :happy: Not really noticing a change in how my pants fit but they must be getting looser because i'm pretty sure my belt isn't getting longer! :laugh:

    Today is my last practice before my belt test at karate tomorrow. I am extremely excited about that. It seemed like i was never going to get a test after being there for so long and i came into class last monday and my karate master pulls me aside and says we are going to start you testing process. I'm been working on it really hard trying to make sure that i get everything right. :smile:

    Today's goals:
    1) still water, water, water...Lot's of water!
    2) work really hard today to make sure i know what i am doing for tomorrows belt test.
    3) Stay positive about test!
    4) work out really hard in general at karate.

    Have a great day everyone!!! :wink:
  • kerryannk
    Hello!!! I just caught up over the past few days, and I'm happy to see that every one is still doing well. We all have little hiccups, but we're trying, and we deserve a pat on the back!

    elimay, I'm so excited to hear about your new adventures in running!

    I am happy to say that all of my concerns with my family have balanced out and smoothed themselves over. I have a happy, healthy little brother who has such a good head on his shoulders and wants to pass on positive energy. He gets really upset when he's surrounded by negative, and hes such a caring and sympathetic young man, that he has a tendency to let it take precedent over his own priorities sometimes. He's my sunshine and this rough patch we have gone through has just made me see the best of things.

    In other news, my wonderful boyfriend put the tree up. Which made me feel like I total jerk because the day before I was saying to a friend that he wouldn't put it up on his own, it's just not something I would think that he would have any desire to do. Low and behold, I have learned that I cannot sell that man short. For one, he's 6'5". For two, he is constantly surprising me.

    I've been spreading the gospel of 8 glasses of water a day at work. I have gotten at least 3 girls on the wagon with me. One was upset about her dry scalp and skin, talking about all these shampoos she's tried. I said. "How bout you try drinking two of those quart glasses of water a day?" She says, "Water? That's it? No one told me water." :)

    Speaking of work!! The restaurant I work at was featured on Food Network's "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives" last night. If you happen to catch the re-run, its the Kid Rock's Detroit Tour episode. The restaurant I work at is the Union Woodshop, featured second on the program. We had a fun celebrating while the show aired last night, and we're all really excited. Maybe you'll all get a chance to see why I'm on MFP once you see what they feature there ;)

    Next 2 days off and I'm gonna tie up these holiday loose ends. Finish the cards I'm going to send out, and get the package ready for my beautiful neices in Boise.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day. You all bring such a smile to my face!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone!!!

    So here's my goals/results for today:
    1-45 minutes of spinning. Took advantage of the warm weather (high 40s) and went out for an hour walk around town and then came home and did 15 minutes of strength training.
    2-calories-just squeaked under the mark for the day (stupid bowl of ice cream after dinner)
    3-cooking-nope another night of left overs
    4-skip the goodies at work....yep. I swear my coworkers just baking as a way to destress. Today it was a plate of different cookies.

    Last month, I had a goal to up my water and did great...since I have stopped recording it here I have stopped drinking. Talk about how much being accountable helps.

    I'm going to a class tomorrow on weight loss so hopefully they will have some good ideas.

    Hope everyone had a great day!
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Just got done on the treadmill. Drank all of my water today. Stayed under calories.
    Hope everyone is doing well. Trying so hard to keep at it and not just give up until the new year. Anxious for my son to be home next week for 2 weeks. He seems to fill the house when he comes home.
    Will see you all tomorrow friends. Keep up the good work.
  • TheAnonGit
    I've had a busy day, so I didn't get much time to exercise. I'm doing well. I hope everyone else is as well!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Today was a better day - got up early, got 5 glasses of water in, got the exercise in, and even did a little decluttering. It's great to see everyone else doing so well too - kudos to Hawkeyegal for all that exercise and passing up the baked goods - you have more willpower than I :smile: