Determined December challenge : P



  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Good Job everyone !!!!!!!

    Kerry so glad things worked out for your little brother :tongue: Its stressful when things happen in our families, glad you are back .

    DeeBear you are doing awesome so proud of you :bigsmile: Happy your son is going to be there. When my daughter was ready to leave this weekend my grandson said Im not ready to go home yet :love: Love that boy !!!!!!

    You amaze me hawkeye , anouther day of passing up the goodies you are good :happy:

    My excersize was cleaning I count 1 hr I cleaned 6 1/2 hrs my feet hurt really bad tonight :frown: but it was a good day, Beautiful !!!!!I will make my profile pic from my cleaning job today its goergeous and there was a herd of elk in the yard.

    1. exersize Done
    2. calories Good
    3. water not so good

    Goodnight see you all tommorow :flowerforyou: Have a great wed. . Upload a pic of were you walk run or job if you can it would be fun to see everyones stomping grounds :bigsmile:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Good Job everyone !!!!!!!

    Kerry so glad things worked out for your little brother :tongue: Its stressful when things happen in our families, glad you are back .

    DeeBear you are doing awesome so proud of you :bigsmile: Happy your son is going to be there. When my daughter was ready to leave this weekend my grandson said Im not ready to go home yet :love: Love that boy !!!!!!

    You amaze me hawkeye , anouther day of passing up the goodies you are good :happy:

    My excersize was cleaning I count 1 hr I cleaned 6 1/2 hrs my feet hurt really bad tonight :frown: but it was a good day, Beautiful !!!!!I will make my profile pic from my cleaning job today its goergeous and there was a herd of elk in the yard.

    1. exersize Done
    2. calories Good
    3. water not so good

    Goodnight see you all tommorow :flowerforyou: Have a great wed. . Upload a pic of were you walk run or job if you can it would be fun to see everyones stomping grounds :bigsmile:
  • PennyChallenge
    Good Morning Everyone! I am super busy getting ready for my house to be invaded by the best people ever, "MY FAMILY". Just steam cleaned my entire house - talk about a workout. I have remained faithful to my challenge/diet. I find that I have to log in my spare time - with a new born, 2 other children and 1 million other things I cant log at a certain time. I still am having issues getting to 8 glasses of water a day, but have managed to get no less than 6 most of the time 7. Exercise is everyday and having no issues making sure to meet my goal - going to up it on Monday!

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    I got my wedding video done and sent off, now just waiting to see the final production. Also, We went to see Santa last night and everyone behaved!!! So I came home and ordered Christmas cards and they will be here later today!!!!

    Merry Christmas EVERYONE!!!! I love love love this time of year!

    My goals today will still have to be

    8 glasses of water
    organize two closets (always - refreshing)
    Clean my bedroom - its Santas workshop at the moment - NOT so relaxing.

    Be Strong until next time!

  • kerryannk

    That is a view from my job!

    Off to get some holiday shopping taken care of. A busy day for me, and for the first time in months I'm excited to get my fitness on! Thank you Jillian Michaels. It's very inspiring when I feel like I can see results from just one day of using her program.

    Water water water today! My days off are always the hardest with water.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi gang,

    I didn't post Monday, but all is well.

    Log calories - yes
    Eat less than burn - Mon yes, Tue no
    Exercise - yes
    Enjoy holiday - Shop, shop, shop.... Haven't felt overwhelmed, and I'm in a good mood.

    I was expecting some water weight gain today, but was suprised by a 1 pound decrease this morning. Works for me :smile:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello challenge friends !!!!!! I worked out for an hour Walk / Ran our lake my feet still hurt ouch .

    Kerry what an awesome restuarant you work in yummy :tongue: Loks like you will be burning those calories at work busy busy busy : >

    Clover good job on the WL that is awesome!!!!!

    Elisa, Cute family you are a busy mama :happy: good job everyone !!!!!

    I will check back latter have a good evening :bigsmile:
  • TheAnonGit
    Hi everyone!

    Elise, I just have to say, you sound BUSY! I don't know how you do it!

    I did mediocre today. I got all my exercise in, but I ate too much. I had a roll at lunch that definitely should not have had. With the roll came butter, and with the butter came quite a few extra calories. Ah well, I'll do better tomorrow. I should probably start getting more water as well. I'm drinking almost enough, but I keep forgetting to log it. I should do that now.

    I hope you all have a great da tomorrow!
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Passed up a roll with peanut butter frosting on it. WOW that was an amazing feeling. I felt like dancing all day. Don't know what that was about but it sure felt GREAT!!!
    You are all doing such a good job. You all amaze me all the time.
    I drank all of my water today. Stayed within calorie goals. Did not get my exercise in. Logged in here and in my diary.
    Think I had a pretty good day.
    See all you amazing people tomorrow. Hope everyone is feeling as happy as I am today.
  • Bheller234
    Hey everyone,

    Hope you all had an awesome day. Mine was AWESOME! I got all my water in and had a pretty good workout today. Besides the fact that i got elbowed and kneed in the head pretty hard i received my green belt today.:happy: It was one of the hardest trainings i've done in a long time but i am so glad i did it. Next goal is to get to sparring and slowly work my way to fighting in competitions. But first still need to work on getting in shape. One goal at a time! :)

    Hope everyone has a great night.

    Brandi :wink:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Checking in:

    Log calories - yes
    Eat less than burn - just barely, but that's good enough
    exercise - yes - step aerobics at home
    Enjoy holiday - shipped packages, only locals are left on my list.

    The holidays will come and go regardless of what we eat or don't eat, do or don't do.
  • PennyChallenge
    Good Morning! I hope everyone is having an excellent day. I accomplished all my goals yesterday besides the water I will not go to sleep until I drink all 8. You all are my witnesses. I have to re steam clean the stairs as my daughter "forgot" she had mudd on her "feet". We do not wear shoes and her and her friend came running through the door to see what I was making for dinner and YUP you guessed it the muddy back yard came with them both. Oh well, at least it will clean.

    I have to my other daughter to the doctors, I think she has a ear infection brewing. :O(

    Then home to dust and straighten the basement, oh and complete Mount Saint Laundry. (Does it ever end?)

    My goals for today are to complete the basement, WATER x8, and plan out dinner for the next week. (that in it self is a challenge)

    Best to you ALL


    Oh and am pushing for the 10 pound mark for this week!!!!!!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Passed up a roll with peanut butter frosting on it. WOW that was an amazing feeling. I felt like dancing all day. Don't know what that was about but it sure felt GREAT!!!
    You are all doing such a good job. You all amaze me all the time.
    I drank all of my water today. Stayed within calorie goals. Did not get my exercise in. Logged in here and in my diary.
    Think I had a pretty good day.
    See all you amazing people tomorrow. Hope everyone is feeling as happy as I am today.

    Soooooo Happy for you DeeBear that is awesome !!!!!!!!! You are pretty amazing too :bigsmile: Thank you.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodmorning :smile: I ended up taking a free day yesterday, I went way over in calories :grumble: Oh wll today is a new day. I will check back tonight loos like everyone is doing well :happy:
  • TheAnonGit
    Hey everyone,

    Hope you all had an awesome day. Mine was AWESOME! I got all my water in and had a pretty good workout today. Besides the fact that i got elbowed and kneed in the head pretty hard i received my green belt today.:happy: It was one of the hardest trainings i've done in a long time but i am so glad i did it. Next goal is to get to sparring and slowly work my way to fighting in competitions. But first still need to work on getting in shape. One goal at a time! :)

    Hope everyone has a great night.

    Brandi :wink:

    Great job on advancing! What martial art do you practice?

    My day was okay. I didn't get a nutritious of a dinner a I hoped for, but oh well. What's done is done. I didn't get to exercise much either. But, I did do great on my water intake! One of these days I'll do great in those three areas.

    I hope everyone has a great Friday!
  • Bheller234
    Hey everyone,

    Hope you all had an awesome day. Mine was AWESOME! I got all my water in and had a pretty good workout today. Besides the fact that i got elbowed and kneed in the head pretty hard i received my green belt today.:happy: It was one of the hardest trainings i've done in a long time but i am so glad i did it. Next goal is to get to sparring and slowly work my way to fighting in competitions. But first still need to work on getting in shape. One goal at a time! :)

    Hope everyone has a great night.

    Brandi :wink:

    Great job on advancing! What martial art do you practice?

    My day was okay. I didn't get a nutritious of a dinner a I hoped for, but oh well. What's done is done. I didn't get to exercise much either. But, I did do great on my water intake! One of these days I'll do great in those three areas.

    I hope everyone has a great Friday!

    Hey everyone,

    Well we different styles different days. Monday and Thursdays we do mainly JuJitsu. Also on Tuesdays and later on Thursday nights we do a more of mixed martial arts (kick boxing, boxing and defense). Tuesdays are Kick boxing. Wednesdays are just conditioning classes.

    We had an awesome class tonight. The first class was at 5:45 and it was not too intense but then my 7:15 was my first sparring class and that was crazily intense. I worked so hard and loved it! :happy:

    Anyway all and all i had a great work out and feel amazing! :tongue:

    Hope everyone has an awesome night!!! :wink:
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey All:

    Well today was not great for me.....

    Missed strength training class due to work and then the probation officer at the staffing handed us two bags of treats.So now I have goodies at home!

    Went over on calories today as my parents stopped off and made hamburger casserole which is a favorite of mine. Oh well...nice treat as I didn't want to have to cook after my long day (like i ever wanna cook).

    Hope everyone has a great Friday!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey All:

    Well today was not great for me.....

    Missed strength training class due to work and then the probation officer at the staffing handed us two bags of treats.So now I have goodies at home!

    Went over on calories today as my parents stopped off and made hamburger casserole which is a favorite of mine. Oh well...nice treat as I didn't want to have to cook after my long day (like i ever wanna cook).

    Hope everyone has a great Friday!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    GOOf.....stupid double post.

    Guess I could say that Wednesday was an okay day/

    Went to a class on weight loss.....may try a few ideas in the new year.
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Hi there, my MFP friends. Sorry i've missed posting all week (no prizes for me this time Elimay). Still not doing too well, the only exercise I'm getting at the moment is when I'm walking round the shops (my bank account is certainly getting enough exercise!).

    Had a Xmas meal out with my work team on Wednesday - an all you can buffet - hmm enough said. Next Xmas do is tonight, bowling and then Tapas and definitely lots of beer and wine - poorly head tomorrow I fear. It's a good job it's only once a year.

    Hawkeyegal - what is hamburger casserole?? I am intrigued.

    Take care all, Sam x
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Happy Friday all! I have been away but yesterday was my realtiy check what with doing laundry for everyone who was asked to do their own over the past 6 days. Today I am taking back and it is all about ME. I am far behind with any goals so today I will begin by:

    having 1 gallon of water
    take 2 dogwalks with any gym visit being icing on the cake
    mentally getting back to the "I am fabulously fit" mode. (Hey a girl can dream!)

    Wishing you all a great day with lots of strength!!