Determined December challenge : P



  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Hi all

    stayed under cals today but still no exercise.

    Had a great night out last night, bowling was fun even though we were all so bad at it. Tapas at my friend's restaurant was absolutely gorgeous and I ate way too much. In fact my tummy was so full there was no room left for beer and so came home fairly sober, great for today as no hangover, yay.

    Not weighed myself for a few weeks, might give it a try tomorrow but I don't think I'm gonna like what I see!!

    Hawkeyegal - thanks for telling me what hamburger casserole is, now I just need to know what tater tots are!! We may speak the same language but so many things are different across the water.

    Deebear - hope you got all your shopping done. I've just a few more bits to get tomorrow and then I'm done apart from the food shop.
  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    Well, I went a little over on my calories today, but did do my workout so I feel good about that. I will do my 50 situps before I go to bed :) I love the mini challenge!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello everyone :bigsmile: Ive been gone all day but I have hardly eaten anything wooooo hoooo so today will be good. Im maing vegi curry 1 serving dish if it is good I will share it sounds great.

    Sammy ,Ha Ha Ha tatter tots are potatoes that are kind of in the french fry catagore I uploaded a pic its my profile :laugh: Good job on calories :happy:

    Glad everyone likes the mini challenge if someone wants to add one once in a while that would be great :wink:

    Good job jipsy on working out .

    great clover you dont have to do them but if you want :happy:

    DeeBear thank you, you too have a good weekend !!!!

    Istnlondry thank you for the challenge, awwww I dont walk my dogs we live in the country I have 1 inside dog a chiquaua to little the others are outside dogs. sounds fun Good job on trying the mini chalenge I havent did mine yet need to get on that : > I like that idea there is a guy on my friend list he has you doing huge amounts 200 so for us wimpy girls I thought 50 if you want to do more great :bigsmile:

    I will check back latter : >
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Okay so got my Christmas shopping done today. Shopped for 5 hours and basically have it all done, plus bought a new tree. Getting it up tomorrow. Presents will be wrapped tomorrow.
    Went over my calories but did a ton of walking today.
    Now if my hubby would give me some ideas so I could get it all done.
    Hope everyone is having an AWESOME weekend. Will be baking cookies tomorrow for my cookie exchange at work. And will try not to eat TOO MANY! As you can see I did not say I will not eat any at all.
    2 days and my son will be home for 2 weeks for Christmas. Cannot wait to give him a BIG hug.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Ok so that is the BEST thing I have cooked in my life, I will want it everynight. It is a bit spicey a touch hot ,but yummy

    1 C cubbed butternut sqaush you can buy fresh at wallmart allready cubbed : >
    1 C Broccoli
    1/2 Zuccinie thick sliced
    1/3 C low sodium veg broth
    1/4 t salt I used sea salt
    2 t sliced almonds
    1 t canola oil
    1 t curry paste
    3 T light cocunut milk I used reg I couldnt find light
    1 T chopped cilantro

    cook vegis in broth in microwave . brown almonds in oil, remove them from pan add curry cook 30 sec add vegis and cocunut milk . cover cook 10 mins top with almonds 1 serving {a large one } 183 cal : P I added crumbled turkey sausage for an extra 80 cal. be careful with the curry DONT add more . I love it !!!!!! My new fav food :tongue:
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Checking in for Saturday and it Looks like everyone had a great day!

    I picked up a HRM on ebay that came today so I will be curious to see how close my calorie burn is to what MFP says. Hoping that it will help to get things back on track. So for my work out today I got time on the trainer and went out for a walk. I also did one strength training video. Also....did 150 sit ups and 75 push ups for another challenge.

    Went over on my calories-hadn't been hungry all day and then it hit me tonight and I went overboard.

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday! the little mini challenges! Thanks
  • TheAnonGit
    Today went pretty well. I went over on my calories, but only because I had a hot chocolate from McDonalds. I think I deserved it though. I stood outside for five hours ringing bells for Salvation Army. It was freezing! I tried drinking a lot of water, but I was having some trouble. I'm not really sure why, it was just hard to drink it. I didn't get to run like I expected, because hunters decided that they wanted to go hunting on my property. I did manage to get in a great workout though. I think I'll definitely feel it tomorrow. I also did the 50 sit ups, plus some!

    Everyone have a great day!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Good Job Anon wooo hooo on the excersize and doing the mini challenge :bigsmile:

    Good Job on your workout too Hawkeye. I went crazy at night lastnight too. Thats my most difficult time !!!!!

    Yay everyone !!!!!!! It was a great day for me!!!!!! so yay i feel really good I am way under calories today, I am close to having my water for the day, I( did 30 mins on bike and mini challenge done wooooooo hoooooo I did 70 sit ups 7 sets of 19. today was a good day.

    Goodnight everyone !!!!!!!! mini challenge went so well how about 50 power knees for monday who is in.?....... You can see how to do them on u tube . Glad everyone was excited about mini challenges someone want to pick one for wed. first suggestion : >
  • PennyChallenge
    I did it - Sit ups that is!!! I am going to add that EOD with my routine.
    Had a great day and realized my steam cleaner stair attachment is not working...Booooo. So i tiik it all apart and my husband tried to fix it LUCK. So I am taking that to get fixed Monday.

    Diet went well and water the last went down at 11.58pm LOL but I got it in

    Tomorrow I will

    WATER - keep it on till I can get it in with out thinking about it every sec.

    Workout - 45 mins total

    Have a Family Fun DAY!!!! RAVENS game 8PM :O)
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Good job on sit ups and good day :happy: What is EOD ? Sorry about your cleaner :frown: I hate when things like that happen.

    Have a great tommorow.
  • Bheller234
    Good morning everyone,

    It's 6:30 am and I'm up and out I'm delivering papers. It's 22 degrees out and dark. Blah! Hoping to get a little of a work out in this morning. post more later since my phone is freaking out.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning,

    Goals check:
    Log calories - yes
    Eat less than burn - yes - just barely
    exercise - yes - walk
    sit-ups - 20 full sit-ups, 30 crunches - My ol' gut isn't as strong as it used to be, but I'm counting this as a goal reached.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Yay clover you had an awesome day :wink: You made all your goals and your mini yay for you !!!!!!

    Good morning everyone I have a busy day but I feel really good . Yesterday it came up in red that I didnt eat enough calories, but I felt good about it, I wasnt hungry. Im trying really hard to do kind of southbeach eating program. I do so much better when I have fewer carbs ,Im addicted to carbs :frown: so if im carefull with the kind of carbs its easier for me.

    Have an awesome day everyone :flowerforyou: Im going to do my sit ups again today :happy:
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Hi December Challengers

    under on cals today, although what I've eaten wasn't really very healthy. Must get back on track, I'm sure its the lack of fruit and veg that is causing my low energy levels. Cleaned the whole house today so that was my exercise, going to do some abdominal crunches now instead of your sit ups Elimay if thats ok? I prefer them and will aim to do around 300.

    2 days left at work and then off for 8 - yippee!!!!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    :smile: Forgot to say - I'm in for power knees tomorrow
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    good job sammy of course crunches are ok . 300 wow you are good : > Power knees tomorow will be good ,I saw a girl do them on u tube it was a good worout : > I now I feel aweful when I eat bad, but good for you staying under calorie. Did you notice the potatoe tots on my profile pic :tongue: I put it on there just for you :bigsmile:

    8 days off, that is great happy for you !!!!!!!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey Gang:

    Started using my HRM today.....was really surprised as I burned a lot less calories than MFP listed. That might explain why I have been stuck for so long as I have been eating back my exercise calories. Going to start using the HRM instead for the calories burned. For today, I did the bike trainer and went out for a walk (can't beat the nice weather-it was in the 40s) and did a strength training dvd.

    Went over on my calories today-made pasta. So good on one goal not so good on the other :smile: I have got to do better at planning my meals as I had about 300 fewer calories to work with.

    I finally finished up my xmas cards--woo hoo. Nothing like waiting till the last minute.

    I'm in for the challenge tomorrow!

    Hope everyone had a great week!
  • TheAnonGit
    Hi everyone! I am ecstatic today. I managed to exercise as much as I planned, stayed well within my calories, and got my daily dose of water! Finally, I was able to do all three! I weighed in today and lost six pounds since the last time I weighed myself. I'm so glad, only one more pound lost and I'll be out of the overweight range!

    I'll be game for the power knees challenge! It sounds like fun!

    Everyone have a great day tomorrow!
  • PennyChallenge
    Good job on sit ups and good day :happy: What is EOD ? Sorry about your cleaner :frown: I hate when things like that happen.

    Have a great tommorow.

    Thanks! EOD=EVERY OTHER DAY. ;0)

  • PennyChallenge
    Not feeling well but managed to stay on track and get exercise in. Going to bed after game so hopefully I can sleep off this bug! I'm in for Mondays challenge!