Determined December challenge : P



  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hope you feel better get some rest :flowerforyou: Ha Ha Ha Thank you I tried to figure it out :blushing: Now I need to know what HRM is hmmmmmm Good job on staying on tract I did thank you :happy:

    Woooo Hooo anon that is awesome your hard work is paying off :bigsmile:

    Good job on the cooking Hawkeye. That stinks that calorie burn is not acurate :frown:

    So glad everyone is up for mondays mini challenge :wink:

    1 .I did my shred video and 70 sit ups.
    2. im quite a bit under calories again
    3. I drank over my water amount. and will do goal soon I am really excited about my last few days :bigsmile: I made my curry vegis again they are so good and fast to make that might be good for you hawkeye if you like curry you will love it :tongue:

    Thank you everyone have a great tommorow :smile:
  • Bheller234
    Hello Everyone, :smile:

    Well this week i am going to be working really hard. Really want to feel and look the best i can this week. Lots of hard workouts with no excuses. :grumble: Thursday is my 24th birthday and a few friends and i are going to be going out for hibachi, (it is so hard to eat healthy food there though :noway: , everything is way too good. But normally i get vegetable hibachi and sweet potato rolls with hot green tea so that is pretty healthy...right?) And then to the bar for karaoke. I really don't drink and really just go to sing but i was already told i was not allowed to drive that night because me and my friend Naomi (who is turning 22 on Thursday also) will be having a lot of drinks bought for us. :drinker: And then 3 days later it is Christmas. My father is making steak, lobster tail and clam chowder for dinner that night and that is going to be hard to not want to eat a lot of but i think i can do it. I have gotten a lot better at portioning my food. :smile:

    Goals for the week:
    1. Water, water, water...lots of water
    2. Workout really hard but not over doing it.
    3. No processed food, really trying hard on this.
    4. Absolutely no junk food.
    5. Lots more fruits and Veggies

    Personal goal...
    1. Try not to come out with headaches after every karate class this week. haha! :laugh:

    Really going to push myself these last two weeks and get myself ready to be able to do so much more next month. I have about 15-20 pounds left to lose before summer and i believe i will hit my goal before then and then will just continue for my next goal.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!! :happy:
    Brandi :tongue:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodmorning Brandi, Sounds lke you have a plan good job !!!!!!

    I am cleaning my laundry room , I have been going step by step through cabnets and drawers in my home trying to organize and toss things, I find clutter weighs me down and overwelms me, so this will benifit me in many ways :happy: I just found a skirt I wore a year ago at first I couldnt believe it was mine it was huge !!!!!!!

    Have a good day everyone :flowerforyou: Mini challenge for today 50 power knees for who ever wants too!!!!! You can do more if you like :bigsmile:

    I will Check back tonight :smile:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning,

    Love the tater-tot pic elimay! I looked at the power knee exercise on Youtube. Fairly strange - We'll see. Cold here today - 20*s. I'll have to exercise inside.

    Log calories - yes
    Eat less than burn - NO! - Baking yesterday, cookies and fudge.
    Exercise - yes walk and lunges
    Enjoy holiday - Yes - Baking cookies and fudge - My daughter helped a little :happy:

    I'll have to get right back on track today so that one over-indulgent day doesn't turn into a whole week, or worse, the rest of the year.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Ha Ha Ha The tots are for sammy when I know she has seen them I will change pic. She doesnt know what tater tots are :bigsmile: Im sure they have food in England we dont know too:wink: The power knees I saw on anouther challenge they were doing 200 :noway: I did 25 each knee I feel it in my Abs :wink: You could pic a mini for wed ? :bigsmile: I did sit ups for 2 days plus my shred yesterday and my abs are a bit sore . 20s brrrrrrrr its 40s here I think.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Happy Monday gang!

    got an hour of strength training in today. Took it easy and only did 30 minutes on the elliptical. Also got in the power knees and some of the drills for my other challenges.

    Went over on calories a bit but it was with an extra bowl of cereal so at least it wasn't junk food :laugh: I ended up making turkey tacos for supper--have you noticed I can cook about 4 different dishes .

    No problems avoiding holiday food at the office since I was on the road again today. Tomorrow I am actually supposed to be in the office all day-I think it will be the 3rd day all month. I am so far behind on paperwork it is not even funny!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Happy day everyone. Just got all of my Christmas presents wrapped. Last batch of cookies made. My son's bedding washed and on his bed. SHEESH after working all day, I am POOPED!!!!!.
    Did okay with calories. Did not get any exercise in today. Drank all of my water and again logging in.
    WOOHOO! My sons plane just landed and he will be home tomorrow. Spending the night in Omaha. CANNOT WAIT TO SEE HIM!!!
    Hope all of you are having a GREAT day also.
    See you all tomorrow my friends. Excuse me for rambling on but I am just so excited!!!
  • Bheller234
    Hope everyone is having a great night,

    I had an off day at work today but had an amazing workout! I did 45 minute workout at karate and then 45 minutes on P90X. Then i made an amazing diner with scrambled eggs, teriyaki chicken, colby cheese, and spinach! Yummy! I have had tons of water today and am feeling great!

    Going to keep working hard and drinking more water!

    Have a good night everyone!

  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    just checking in to remind you all how much of a mess I am!! It's as if I am walking uphill and keep tripping! I know I need to give in here & there in order to maintain some sanity. (enough to keep me out of an institution!) So here I am. I did okay with calories because I know what I was thinking of eating for no good reason! I got at least a walk in so we will see what tomorrow brings. I am TOO chicken to get on the scale!
  • TheAnonGit
    Hi everybody!

    Istnlondry, don't be too chicken! It'll be alright.

    I did well today. Those Christmas treats are getting harder and harder to reject. I can do it though!

    I did 50 of the power knee things on each side. I'll feel that tomorrow.
  • PennyChallenge
    Good evening! Feeling much better! Had a great day. Tomorrow I'm getting my hair and nails done :9) did my 50 power knees each side and situps oh that's going to hurt tomorrow. Diet went well!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Haven't been able to check in for a few days - I was out of town, and had a really tough time even trying to meet any of my goals. Today was a bit better, got in half the veggies/fruits and water, but no time for a real workout - my mother is coming in town so I'm scrambling trying to clean and finish up with work... crazy... but I know this time of year is crazy for everyone, and it is so inspiring to see so many other MFPers giving it their all and doing the best they can - I'd like to think that even if we're not perfect, we're probably all doing a lot better than we have in past years because at least we're making some kind of effort :-)
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    I am proud of everyone Its a hard time of year but everyone is hanging in there, I agree srp at least we are making an effort. Have fun with your mama :smile:
    Good job Penny {Elise I think] Power knees are crazy good job :wink:
    You did great anon, good for you in rejecting goodies and doing power knees :tongue:
    Istnlondry you are not a mess!!!! You just got back from vacation its hard getting back on tract ,just keep trying ,even if we do part of our goals its better than none :happy: I finaly got on the scale this morning I was scared too, but It wasnt that bad at all, It will be ok you are very active. At least you keep going up the hill and you dont just lay there when you trip ,you keep getting back up :smile: good job !!!!
    Thats quite the interesting mix of food Brandi :laugh: Its healthy good job . and nice work out too :bigsmile:
    Ok so no one chose a mini goal so I say wed. 50 jumping jacks you dont have to do them at once whos in ?:wink:
    DeeBear I love your chatter!!!!!! so happy for you to see your son :smile: have an awesome time with him. I love when my girls visit it is the best happiest time ,next would be time spent with my mama if she was still here.
    Hawkeye I love your posts you are funny ,I always smile about your cooking stories and you are such an inspiration :happy: You had a good day wooo hooo and power nees to boot. Good job on only having cereal.

    I have had a good day i have 15 calories left its 10:15pm but I havent excercized today I will ride my stationary bike in just a bit, Im still having foot problems it moved to the other foot ,glad its only 1 at a time. I had a few cravings today but I didnt give into them so im happy about that. I ate my curry vegi dish for the 3rd day I love it so much and its low calorie Yay . Still working on water. So I am happy with my day. Goodnight everyone :yawn: Have a great tommorow. We can do it girls, we can, I know we can.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    I did 30 mins bike 70 situps and 50 power knees Yay !!!!!!!! The months of being on here my hugest accomplishment is I have made excersize my habit ,I no longer think will I do it , Its when will I do excersize , I rarely miss a day , So it may seem like we are making any progress but we are little by little we are making life changes. :flowerforyou:

    My keyboard is sticking so If I make a mistake its my keyboard ,not me :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I can handle Jumping Jacks. Next time maybe side leg lifts.

    Log - no
    Eat less than burn - no
    exercise - no
    Holiday - It wasn't in my heart yesterday, but today is a new day. All will be well.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    I can handle Jumping Jacks. Next time maybe side leg lifts.

    Log - no
    Eat less than burn - no
    exercise - no
    Holiday - It wasn't in my heart yesterday, but today is a new day. All will be well.

    We all have those days : > You are here today good job !!!!! Friday will be side leg lifts 50 Thank you clover :happy:
  • Bheller234
    Good evening everyone!

    Today was a pretty good day. I worked really hard at my karate class today and drink more than the recommended amount of water. Weighed in today but didn't lose any weight since last week but not giving up yet. Still two weeks left this month and kicking it up a notch and working extremely hard.

    Let's keep the energy up and keep working really hard.

    Have a great night everyone!!! :happy:
    Brandi :wink:
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Happy least I think it is still Tuesday.

    So I would like everyone's thoughts.....I am using the HRM and the calories I get are a lot lower than on MFP. Today I had 50 minutes of spin class-my legs are still sore tonight. I kept checking my watch and was 80-90% of my max heart rate throughout the ride. That only burned 330 here's my question-am I in better shape than I thought and that is why I am not burning as many calories or am I dogging it and need to find ways to step up the pace more. I know I am at least getting an accurate number but it is disheartening to see my calories cut almost in half from what I was recording. No strength training outside of some push ups.

    Cooking... well, I had ripe bananas so I made up smoothies to snack on. Outside of was a cereal kind of night for supper.

    On the road again tomorrow for work so no worries about treats. I'm being mean and taking in my gifts to my coworkers--it includes chocolate. Oh well...they are not trying to get in shape!

    I'm game for jumping jacks tomorrow's tomorrows challenge.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Here's the information from my weight loss class last week in case anyone is interested:

    The gist of the class was that because of our diet we are sugar burners instead of fat burners. In order to turn our body into fat burners we need to cleanse our systems on a cellular level by following these 5 rules:
    1-No grains-not even whole “healthy grains”;
    2-No sugars-including hidden sugars;
    3-No fruits outside of berries, grapefruit, lemons, limes, apples, tomato, and avedcado;
    4-Monitor protein intake-15 g per meal average;
    5-increase you intake of good fats/healthy fats.

    Don’t have to eliminate these foods forever but it was a way to get things moving fast. Personally I cannot see myself giving up fruits and grains.

    They also suggested that a surge type of work out – 4 sets of 20 seconds full out work and then 20 seconds off followed by a 2 minute rest period (repeat up to 3 times) is more effective than long duration low intensity work outs.

    Also to doctor who taught the class felt that we live a very toxic lifestyle from things such as cleaning produces, medications, additives, etc and that they contribute to our nervous system being off kilter.

    They sent out the power point after the class so I could pass it along if anyone is interested in seeing it.

    I may try some of these things but I am those rules would wipe out the majority of my diet.
  • TheAnonGit
    Wow hawkeyegal! That seems crazy! I don't think I could ever cut even half that food out of my diet unless I gave up eating altogether! I can understand the short bursts of exercise opposed to a longer duration, but whenever I try that I just don't feel as accomplished. As for your HRM, if your legs are still sore, I doubt you're dogging it at all. Do you feel as though you are putting in your all? Don't be upset! It's a good thing if you're in better shape! I don't know much about HRM's though, so I'm sorry I couldn't be much of a help.

    Today went well for me. I made good food choices and drank enough water. I also got in a ton of exercise! I think my net calories only ended up being about 200 some calories.

    I hope you all have a great day tomorrow!