Determined December challenge : P



  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello Everyone : > A good second day for everyone Yay!!!!!!!! Hawkeye you are my hero walking away from the fudge and wow being on the road 9 hrs thats crazy.
    SRP, 2 out of 4 is good you gave it a good try, Good for you !!!!
    DeeBear woo hooo good for you :bigsmile:
    Welcome sparkly, Look forward to seeing your posts :happy:

    I am taking my free day today :glasses: I still did pretty good though :wink:

    1. Not sure about water today didnt keep track.
    2. Excersized 30 out of 30
    3. Over calories some I made a turkey dinner and had family up.

    I will do good habit before bed .

    Goodnight everyone lets be determined in December :flowerforyou:
  • sbenskin001
    sbenskin001 Posts: 11 Member
    Day 3. I discovered that there is no way I can find to post from my mobile app into the group!!! So I stuck to my plan fairly well on Day 2 however I caved for some curly fries but I limited how many I ate :) For day three i am set to go and it is at home cardio later today no gym :( I love the gym but it is a drive to get there so on the weekends me and my gym buddy both try to just get some cardio in at home. So busy day today! Hope I can stick with my food goals but I know it is going to be a challenge with round one Christmas party tonight LOL
    Hope Everyone has a great day!!!!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello everyone Day 3 I feel great and ready for a succssesful day.

    There is no way that I know to log in from a phone, but you can post a message to me when you are not home and I will put your post on here, if that works for you, This month will be a chalenge that way people will be traveling more.

    Have an awesome day challenge friends :flowerforyou: I will check back latter :wink:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hello. I need to join a group for December. And it's easy to come up with a couple of goals, not always so easy to do the work. So here are my plans:

    1 - Log calories every day.
    2 - Eat less calories than I burn, even if only 100 less on some days.
    3 - Exercise 5 or more days each week.
    4 - Enjoy the holiday season (and participate) including my birthday next week. :wink:

    I've already exercised today - Did step aerobics and strength at home with Denise Austin on TV.

    It's snowing here. I'm looking forward to getting my snowshoes out someday soon.
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Day 3: Okay so today ended up being my cheat day, which is okay and I did not go too overboard. Did get in my exercise and water and logged in for the 3rd time. Feeling good about all of it. Still enjoying reading everyone's post. Snowed here today so that was kind of not good but it is December so what can I say.
    Hope everyone else had a good day. Will talk with you all tomorrow.
  • Bheller234
    Hey everyone,

    Well today went well except for waking up earlier. I woke up this morning and went for an hour and a half hike. Then i came home and played some x-box kinect with my family for about 3 hours. I've been doing very well with not eating a lot of food. So far so good, hopefully tomorrow will be just as good. Still trying to work on the waking up early and getting a bit of a workout in in the morning.

    Good Luck Everyone.
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    Today I was good until dinner. And it wasn't so much that dinner was unhealthy, I just had double the portion sizes of what I should have had. So, now I'm stuffed, and a little bit in the red. I'm guessing I drank about 6 glasses of water, rather than 8, but supplemented that with coffee (which dehydrates, so not really a substitute). Not bad considering its the weekend. And of course, tomorrow is another day.
  • TheAnonGit
    Hi everyone! I hope you've all had an excellent day three! My day has been a little dissappointing. I didn't make the best food choices. On the bright side, I did drink plenty of water. I was too busy to do much exercise though. I'm hoping for a better tomorrow.

    I hope everybody has a fantastic day tomorrow!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!

    Here's my results :
    So after i got of the bike trainer, I decided to try the long and lean video on the bosu-that ended up being yoga on bosu so that was my strength training for the day.

    I am so far in the red on calories it is not even funny. I was craving toasted ravioli and just decided to treat myself (horrible habit but I have not had them in months). I was good and picked up some stuff to cook tomorrow-hoping to have left overs for next week as I will be on the road everyday so need something quick when I get home late.

    hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! Keep up the good work!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Good night everyone :yawn:

    Happy saterday to you too Hawkeye , It happens, yesterday was my cheat day:wink: Good job on the Workout .

    Deebear snow !!!!!! Im want snow. I do have to say it was an awesome beautiful sunny day today in normaly rainy washington.

    Everyone is so determined that is awesome :happy:

    I am going to change my calorie goal to stay under what MFP says I can have then if I do less bonus I will set myself up for failure if I dont give myself some room to eat if I need to.

    1. Water I was a bit under
    2. under calories .
    3. excercize 60 min goal 30 wooo hooo

    good habbit on my way :wink: Thank you everyone for being a part of our challenge you are all awesome :bigsmile:

    See you tommorow!!!!!!
  • mkath4
    mkath4 Posts: 85 Member
    Exercise at least 50 min. 5 days a week YEP, DID THIS!
    Continue with good eating habits during the week. YEP, DO WELL DURING THE WEEK.
    Improve eating habits on the weekend: More fruits, veggies and water NEED TO IMPROVE ON THIS.
    +++Use MFP to record weekend food+++ Hope it will help me not to make unhealthy choices
    Log on to this group daily. If I don't please feel free to remind me.


  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning.

    Here's how yesterday worked out - Log calories - yes! Eat less than burn - yes, by 150 calories. Exercise - yes aerobics and strength at home. Enjoy holiday - yes. drank my coffee from a Christmas mug.

    We'll see what today brings. I just got myself off the couch. Time to get busy doing something.

    It's cold again, in the teens with more snow coming this afternoon. Last week it was in the 60s.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Good morning :drinker: drinking my coffee just got up :smile: Hope everyone has an awesome sunday ! see you tonight :flowerforyou:

    Good job girls !!!!!!!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Hi everyone. I didn't get to check in here yesterday as I had such a busy day, still managed to get my food logged though (and what a lot of that there was). I was so way over on cals by several hundred, this was mainly because I went on a boozy Xmas shopping trip. Great day, so I'm not beating myself up about it, will just count that as my day off.

    Today has been much more sensible, hard 45 min workout this morning and a few hours fast cleaning which I've logged a little of. Made healthy food choices and ended under cals. Bed soon for me, night all x
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm in...goals are below and i would love a remindr if i dont check in.

    My goals

    1 : stay within my mfp calorie goals
    2 : drink 64 ounces of water
    3 : do 30 mins of cardio a day monday through friday...and get strength training in at least three day
    4 : cook dinner and enjoy sitting at the table with my family to eat
    5 : free days are weekends...still try to watch but with hubby at home dont always make the best choices
  • jenergy_20
    Hi Group havent been around since November's Challenge. I stopped... It wasnt doing me any good posting my goal failures. But think I have my head on straight now and ready to give it another go. If thats ok?

    Thanks Elimay for continuing the challenge!

    I will post this weeks goals tomorrow.
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Didn't do so well again today but tomorrow is a new day. I have all of my food packed for tomorrow so hopefully nothing bad will go into my mouth. I am not going to beat myself up as that doesn't do me any good either. Hoping everyone else had a GREAT weekend.
    Will check in again tomorrow. Day 4 is in the books.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member

    1-strength training-only did some sit ups and push ups. Spent 2 hours going between the bike trainer and the elliptical so that was plenty of work.

    2-calories are in the green - helps to burn about 1000 calories.

    3--I COOKED-dusted off the crock pot (which I have never used but had for years) to make chicken and rice. Left overs for the next 4 nights. It was edible but nothing great-need to find a way to kick up the favor though.

    4-I picked up sandwich meat/cheese so I can eat a sandwich tomorrow while I am driving. My schedule is so tight that I won't have time to run in anywhere to grab food.

    Had a pretty lazy day today-cleaned a bit and started to tackle my holiday cards.

    Hope everyone has a great week and keep up the good work!!
  • TheAnonGit
    I'm fairly pleased with how I did today. I meant to go for a nice long run, though that disn't happen. I left my house to go for a jog only to find out that landlord leased out my 80 acre backyard to hunters for the hunting season. I'm not too pleased about that. The road I live on is too busy to run on, so I was forced to give up that idea. I did go inside and exercise though, so I'm very pleased with myself for not getting deterred. I stayed under my calorie goal, though I disn't eat very healthy. I will have to do better at that tomorrow. I'm also getting more used to drinking lots of water.

    I hope everyone has had a great weekend and has a great tomorrow!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Hey there! Just checking in to say Hello. I have been out all weekend and tomorrow morning I will be back in the game! I want to wish you all a great week!! I'm leaving for Mexico on Friday and it will be challenge in itself just to prepare!