P90X Grouop to Finish the Year Strong



  • pmcder10
    Thanks. I will give it a shot next time around. I just get bored with the video. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am stationary (aside from the arms of course) for the most part. It's a mental thing that I will have to overcome.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 4 - Yoga

    Not a great yoga session today. I felt a little off balance. Prayer twists, which I usually handle with ease, got me tipping. Tree was fine, but Royal Dancer and those Leg Extensions had me very wobbly. I ate enough yesterday and didn't do a double, so I don't don't know the cause. I guess my mind wasn't clear enough.

    For many of you, this will be your first yoga session. Try not to get frustrated. Yoga can be difficult at first, but you can make strides quickly with it. You may not be able to do all the poses, but eventually you will.

    If you feel the time is too much or you just refuse to do yoga, then please do Cardio X on Thursdays. It won't be as beneficial as yoga, but it will give you a workout so you don't end u taking a day off. When I first started, I replaced yoga with Cardio X for the first six weeks or so. Eventually my coach nagged me enough to try it. I've done it ever since and get better at it each time.
  • mbody1
    mbody1 Posts: 12
    Yesterday's Shoulder and Arms went well. I liked this workout a lot- especially because I'm trying to build and tone those muscles. I stayed with my 8lbs dumbells for most of the work out. A few I used 10lb and for a few I used my 5lbs. Maybe I'll stick with those for one more week then bump them up.

    Yoga will be an entire experiment for me. I've only done one yoga class ever which was my freshman year of college- about 8 years ago and my friend and I were in the front row and kept making faces at each other in the mirror and cracking up. Needless to say, I didn't do very well and never returned. Tonight will be interesting.

    Question/Comment/Observation: So I've been sticking to the portions diet plan pretty well. I eat dinner around 7 each night and feel full after. Around 9:30 my stomach feels like I haven't eaten in days- a pit feeling and growling. This never used to happen to me. Is it because I'm just overall eating a bit less than I'm used to or only after 3 days, is my metabolism that much more efficient?
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    I didn't really like teh portion plan, so I don't know how my body would have acted. I stuck to the ratios and used MFP to track my calories. I would have a snack at that point. Maybe some cottage cheese or natural peanut butter with some celery. I'm not a beleiver in the "Don't eat before bed" camp.
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    I am starting P90X classic tonight with Chest & Back. I'm also making it doubles. The doubles workout is one of the 10 minute trainer DVD's. I'm hoping to do that DVD in the morning and P90X after work. It sounds like everyone has started off very well:) Good luck to everyone!
  • manvsfood
    manvsfood Posts: 175 Member
    Day 11 - Yoga X :smokin:

    After constant hesitation to do Yoga X, mainly because of the huge time length, I decided to take the next step and do it. The first forty minutes were indeed difficult but I tried my best to hold my balance and not focus on the clock. The hardest workout at that time was definitely the Triangle Pose & Reserve Warrior Twist, but after stumping a couple times... I DID THEM! The rest of the first half was difficult... I even found myself saying "Really Tony!?" when he wanted me to do a CRAZY pose then I sucked it up and tried again.

    The last 30 minutes was great! It felt soooo great stretching places, I've never stretched before. Balance stretches were a little tough at first, but after stumbling a couple times I finally go them down. Oh, and "the frog" felt great on my hamstrings. By the final minutes, and the "Lotus (Meditation Pose)" was very needed while my mind was calm, and relaxed... then all of a sudden, it was over. What a workout!

    This will definitely be one of my favorites!

  • jdawg1105
    jdawg1105 Posts: 42 Member
    I will be starting P90X for my second time on Dec 3. So I will join this group if that is ok. My first attempt ended after 4 weeks, I ibroke my ankle at my sons soccer practice. That was Nov last year and I guess now that I am sick of feeling like crap all the time it is time to get the weight off. The hardest part ,and from what I have read, the most important part is going to be the Nutrition. With a son in soccer all year round with all the running he does he can't put on weight and eats non stop so there is always junk food of some sort around the house. With that being said I have went the last 2 weeks with no beer which I think is a record for me.

    I will repost after my first workout good luck to all
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    ralison - Let us know how Chest and Back goes! It killed me the first time I tried it. Don't worry if you have to drop to your knees on push ups or havea hard time with pull ups. You aren't the only one.

    manvsfood - Good to hear you enjoyed yoga. That is a tough workout and even I can't say I "enjoy" it.

    jdawg - You are more than welcome to join the group. I had my best weight loss with P90X when I cut out the beer too. It really is just empty calories, even if it tastes so good.
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    ralison - Let us know how Chest and Back goes! It killed me the first time I tried it. Don't worry if you have to drop to your knees on push ups or havea hard time with pull ups. You aren't the only one.

    I do modify the moves quite a bit. I decided to start off with the push ups on my knees. I can only do about 3-4 regularly and the crazy push ups they do.....there's no way I'd be able too much if I did them normally. For the pull ups.....I use a band, strap it around the leg of the couch. So I might be using some different muscles than what it's supposed to be.

    Overall though I know it works because I'm always sore. Just gotta push through it.

    How was your workout?
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 5 - Legs and Back, ARX

    I was just not feeling right this morning. I walked the dog and had a couple glasses of water before starting my workout. I felt tired and dry mouthed. By the end of the workout, I was feeling worse. I guess Christmas Lights X in my front yard yesterday was more of a workout than I thought. Or, I could be coming down with something like a cold, SARS, Swine Flu, Yellow Fever, The Plague, etc.

    Legs and Back is a workout that I seem to like, but I don't know why. It has a lot of pull ups, which are tough. It has a lot of balance and isolation moves which are also tough. Maybe it's just the chance to see Sophia smack Tony in the face with her bands that keeps me going. Alternating Side Lunges always get my heart rate up there and my knees sound like a box of Rice Krispies.
  • mbody1
    mbody1 Posts: 12
    Welp, I disliked the yoga work out. After all the warrior poses/runners lunge moves I fast forwarded the DVD until I got to the frog stretch and finished from there. They say Yoga is supposed to be stress free? I felt very stressed when doing it. I miiiigght just do another workout that day, we'll see.

    I'm going to try to squeeze most of my workout in between getting off of work and going back to school to work the wrestling meet tonight. Good thing I only live 4 minutes from school. If I don't get Ab Ripper X in, I guess I'll just move that to Saturday either before or after Kenpo.

    Haha to Christmas Lights X. I love how you Xed that out! Sorry you're not feeling well! Do you usually power through workouts or just take a rest day? I'm a wuss so I'd probably just rest instead.

    On Sunday night before I began P90X on Monday I weighted 121. This morning I weighed 116.4. Seems like a big difference for just 5 days- but I have been really strict on my diet which I'm usually not!
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Give yoga another shot. It shouldn't be stressful. Just clear your mind, eliminate outside distractions and do your best. If you are going to skip anything, just skip Warrior Three and Half Moon. Do the Balance poses such as tree and royal dancer. I think you skipped just a bit too far in the video.

    I feel better now. I think it was just an empty stomach thing. I plan to go back to making some home made granola again and having it first thing before I walk the dog in the morning. I usually push though the workout if I'm not feeling well. I do not want to get into the habit of making an excuse not to workout.
  • PhiasMommy08
    I'm here too!! Started the lean version today. I completed the classic version a few months ago and am ready to give it another go!! Lets do this!!
  • PhiasMommy08
    I hated yoga through my first round of P90X! I dont think I ever finished an entire yoga workout. I substituted Kenpo or Cardio a lot! This second time around, I am going to try to get through them. Maybe we will learn to love it someday. Haha!
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    I still haven't learned to love yoga. I do it and tolerate it, but I don't love it.Maybe P90X2 yoga will be different
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 6 - Kenpo X

    Today's Kenpo workout went well considering I hadn't done it in several weeks. At first, I felt a little like I was in slow motion. Once got up to speed all was well. I was tossing my punches with authority and my kicks were pretty high. Total calorie burn was 763, right around my usual number for this workout. My glutes and hamstrings were definitely sore after Legs and Back yesterday. That Saunders Cycle at the start was a little rough. But doing the workout got me loosened up and feeling better.

    Kenpo will seem a little complicated to some of you who are seeing it for the first time. Don't worry, you will get the hang of it quickly. Tony is a little crazy in this one. He asks "what's your heart rate" while you are in the middle of throwing punches. He then mentions that he has a heart rate of 164 after Star Blocks. Never have I gotten my heart rate that high after Star Blocks.

    I hope everyone made it through the first week in good shape. I highly recommend X Stretch tomorrow. It feels really good on your tight muscles. You'll recognize a lot of the stretches too.
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Hey I just found this group! I am finishing up week 6 lean version! Today was legs and back and Ab ripper X! I skipped 5 days over the Thanksgiving holiday and started back up where I left off and I am SORE today! I looking forward to Kempo tomorrow, it's my FAVORITE! :happy:
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    Completed Shoulders and Arms today. I was a bit short on time and luckily this is the only workout I can complete without the DVD. I end up finishing the workout a bit faster in 30 minutes. Still does the trick though.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Wow! How did you cut the time in half? I didn't think the breaks were that long.
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Did kenpo today! Great workout! :happy: