P90X Grouop to Finish the Year Strong



  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 11 - Yoga X

    Yoga was good today for the most part. I felt really comfortable in Warrior poses and thought I got my front leg as low as I ever have. Balance was an issue again today. I was tipsy during Prayer Twists and the balance poses themselves were rough. I keep telling myself to clear my mind and one day it will work. The second half felt really good and I got some deep stretches with my hamstrings. I am almost ready to use the block. Plough to Shoulder Stands, once my arch-nemesis, were very good today. I like that feeling of being able to do them since I've struggled with them in the past.

    Momma - You are doing the pushups teh way I like to see. Adding one more each week is a great way to push yourself.

    Fairy - Good to hear you are in the final third of your round. It doesn go by fast once you get past Weeks One and Five.

    catepillar - Feel free to join us. There are some very supportive people here. We'll help you get through.
  • mbody1
    mbody1 Posts: 12
    Glad I found this group, I'm finishing up P90X on new years eve! Been having great results, on day 65 now ( I think) lol, got to say the time went by so much faster than I though it would so whatever day you are at just keep going and what ever you do Don't give up! You can't fail if you don't give up!

    Is this your first round of P90X? or have you done it before? What kind of results have you had? I just began my first round (in my 2nd week) and I like hearing the results- great motivation!

    I'm curious to how much weight you use for some of the exercises in the shoulders and arms workout.
  • mbody1
    mbody1 Posts: 12
    This week I did:
    Mon- Chest & Back
    Tues- Plyo (easier this week than last week. I didn't have to pause the DVD as much)
    Wed- Arms & Shoulders. This is my fav. because it's a target area for me.
    Thursday- I should do yoga but don't have time after getting off work and having to come back and work the wrestling meet. I think I might do a 30DS workout instead.

    Concern: On Chest & Back and Arms & Shoulders, I don't really feel like I'm getting that great of a workout.
    1. I haven't been sore at all this week. Last week I could barely move. (that much improvement over 1 week?)
    2. With the exception of Plyo and Kenpo, my HR isn't really that high. Sometimes I just feel like I'm standing there and doing the moves but not quite sure if I'm getting everything out of it.
    3. The weight amounts I'm choosing are: 5lbs for triceps, 8 or 10 lb. for biceps and shoulders. The last reps are always difficult for me.
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    Thank u for having me,
    P90X core synergistics day 1 completed.
    Felt great could not finish did 50 minutes, the baby woke up and my my toddler needed some food.
    Overall it was good, reminds me I have a whole lot more to do. I am so excited
  • marcil1979
    Tomorrow is day 1 for me. I took two weeks to get the new style of eating under my belt and feel really good about it. Can I ask how many people have found the diet to be hard?? I know I've cut my cals quite a bit and am no inline with what I should be eating. I just want to make sure I'm not overdoing it. I have about 75lbs to lose still but I'm down 40 already!!!!
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Goodbye legs and back! I will miss you!
    Today was my last day of legs and back. It was a great workout! I upped my weights on all the moves that I usually use weights on and I was able to complete them all! I use bands for pull-ups and I found myself doing 20 on some of them so I guess I have to move back or sit to do them when I get to chest and back! I struggled with ab ripper x today because I was tired. Crunchy Frog is frustrating I still can only do around 7 of them before I have to stop for a break, my husband can sit down with me and knock them out like they are nothing and he doesn't even work out :tongue:
    I hope you all have a great day!
  • mbody1
    mbody1 Posts: 12
    Tomorrow is day 1 for me. I took two weeks to get the new style of eating under my belt and feel really good about it. Can I ask how many people have found the diet to be hard?? I know I've cut my cals quite a bit and am no inline with what I should be eating. I just want to make sure I'm not overdoing it. I have about 75lbs to lose still but I'm down 40 already!!!!

    Congrats on the 40 lb. loss!! The hardest part for me is always beginning the diet. I'll tell myself, "I'll start tomorrow" a couple dozen times before I actually do! I've also been on the diet for two weeks. Last week, I'd eat, then feel really hungry two hours later. Then I'd eat again, and feel really hungry two hours later again. This week I don't get as hungry in between small feedings, haha! So, maybe the body just needs a little time to adjust. That was a long explanation for, Yes, I've found the diet to be hard too.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 12 - Legs and Back, ARX

    I spent a couple hours standing on a ladder yesterday hot gluing lights to the brick exterior of our porch. When I got up this morning, my calves felt like they were made of rock. Holy crap they were tight. I stretched them a bit and took the dog for his daily walk hoping that would stretch them out. They were still tight when I started my workout. Overall, it was a great workout. I did a good amount of pull ups and my lunges were nice. The Step Back Lunge followed by Alternating Side Lunges always gets my heart rate up there. I'm only using 15 lb dumbbells too. I can't imagine if I grabbed some 20's. Calf raises went well as my calves finally got a bit stretched by that point. Still it still hits me each time that I do 75 reps of calf raises.
  • pmcder10
    Yoga X is generally completed on Wednesday for me, but unfortunately I was not able to get around to completing it....so I did it last night instead. Since Saturdays are generally my rest days I figured I would just push the workouts back a day to make up for it. Last night's yoga session was much needed though. Work has been exceptionally stressful thanks to the holiday season and society's overwhelming sense of entitlement. Gotta love working in customer service this time of year!

    Anyways, the Yoga video did wonders for my mind and body last night. I felt so much better afterwards even though a lot of the moves are still difficult for me to maintain for the entire time. I am looking forward to seeing myself become more flexible and stable as the weeks continue.

    Tonight's video is Legs and Back, ARX. Should be a good one.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 13 - Kenpo X

    Kenpo is the workout that seems to get almost too easy once you've done a round of P90X. A lot of the people that I did my first round with find it's hard to get their heart rate up during it. I received my wife's TurboFire Advanced DVD's yesterday and contemplated putting HIIT 30 or Fire 60 into the DVD player this morning. However, when I woke up, the back of my left knee was hurting. Both of those TurboFire workouts would have some jumps in them, so I decided against testing out my knee. I went ahead with Kenpo.

    To get the most out of this workout, I really concentrate on keeping my back straight and throwing good punches. If you really get into it and put the effort behind your punches rather than just throw your arms around, you have a much better workout.

    The only thing that rally bothered my knee was a back kick. I just couldn't get a full extension on them without it hurting. I sill pushed though and was just careful with. Calorie burn wasn't bad, about 800 calories.
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    I decided to take a rest day yesterday with the intention of doing Kenpo today. I took my dog for a walk last night and ended up twisting my ankle pretty good so no Kenpo for me this morning :ohwell: It looks like I'm going to need a couple of days. Hopefully it will heal quickly and I can get back to it soon. I'm so disappointed because I am so close to being done....
  • mbody1
    mbody1 Posts: 12
    I was a really bad P90Xer this weekend. 1st: I skipped my Kenpo workout on Saturday. I was busy all day and couldn't fit it in. 2nd: I should have done Kenpo on Sunday since I didn't do it on Saturday but I didn't. So, I had two rest days in a row. 3rd: I ate horribly for dinner on both Saturday and Sunday nights. Argh!!

    Should I do Kenpo today and push all the other workouts back a day or just go onto Chest & Back today which is my regular scheduled workout. My inkling would to be just do Chest & Back. What would you all suggest?
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 15 - Chest and Back ARX

    I had a very good Chest and Back workout today. I pushed hard and tried to add at least one more rep to all of my exercises, each time around. My chest was killing me after the first few moves. I knew it would be a good workout. I do need to get some more dumbbells. Since they are sold by the pound, they get a bit expensive when you start buying 40's, 50's, etc. The push up stands really do give an extra workout. I'm happy to be using them this round. I may have knocked my reps back a bit, but I think it is worth it.

    mbody - If you have the time, mix it in as a double. Otherwise, just skip it. You don't need to shuffle the rest of your week.
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    My ankle is quite a bit better today, still a little swollen and stiff but I think I will be able to work out tomorrow. I think I will go ahead and do the Kenpo workout that I missed (we are going out to dinner and I need a good burn) and then Wednesday start right in with my week 8 recovery week. I'm looking forward to the yoga and stretching this week, I really need some stress relief! Have a great week all! :smile:
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Finished Kenpo today! My ankle felt fine except for during the quad stretches! On to Round 2 Recovery week tomorrow!
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 16 - Plyometrics

    Still don't like to hit play on this one, but always feel good afterwards. My hear rate monitor beeped at me several times today, so I must have been working hard. I did have to hot pause once or twice to get my hear rate down. I probably could push through, but the beeping annoys me. I set it to 100% of my max, so I probably shouldn't exceed that for too log of a period.
  • Taprunner
    Can I join the group too? I just joined MFP yesterday, but started P90X on 11/28. I'm getting married in June and have about 10 lbs to lose (I'm just trying to get back to the weight I'm comfortable with, and would like my favorite jeans to fit again!). I am surprised how my body has hung onto these 10 lbs, and wanted to kick it up a notch. I used to do a lot of running (I've done 8 marathons, but focus on the distance rather than being really speedy), but just got burned out.

    I'm doing a P90X classic/Insanity hybrid. I do the P90X strength workouts, but for phase 1, I do Insanity Pure Cardio and Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance for cardio. I love yoga, but I'm not a huge fan of P90X yoga, so I switched it for Ashtanga yoga instead (which is a great workout, but don't try it at home unless you've taken Ashtanga with a live instructor).

    I have to do the push ups on my knees and pull ups with a chair (and sometimes I feel like 99% of my weight is on the chair). But I feel really fatigued, grunt, and make hideous involuntary faces, so I hope that it's doing something? And the Insanity is so, well, insane that I can only hope that one day I'll be able to do a respectable power jump. The ab ripper is great. When I first did it months ago I felt it for days (and my first week of P90X it hurt to cough). I have very tight hamstrings from running so I can't get straight legs for most of it, but I'm working on it. V-up roll ups are getting better. My dog thinks crunchy frog means playtime and likes to crawl all over me and weave under my legs (he's a little guy, and he's a resuce- adopt don't shop! :), so my breathing gets a bit messed up as he makes me giggle :)

    I thought as soon as I started P90X, the shock to my system would make the first couple pounds fall off me (I haven't worked out on a regular basis since my last marathon in early November, and that one was an experiment in how little one can train and still cross the finish line). But thus far, I've lost nada, and my pants still feel tight. How long will it take to see results?
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Yoga today! Does anyone have any tips on doing those torso side twist things? They are SO HARD! I don't ever get better at them and I can only keep my legs up for a few seconds, maybe I'm just a wimp LOL! My ankle hurt a bit at first while doing upward dog but after a few of them it felt better, other then that it went well! It's core for me tomorrow!
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    It's a gloomy and damp day here in Houston. I have an absolute ton of stuff to get done today. This was the last Shoulders and Arms workout until Week 9. Because of that, I tried to do my best ever. I upped a couple weights, and adjusted reps on the others. It was a very good workout and my arms are all floppy now. I imagine lifting them over my head to hang things today will be tough. The change of workouts for the second phase will be nice to see though. They do get tougher, but it's good for you.

    Today will feature me baking cut out sugar cookies, and cut out oatmeal cookies. I also have to make some yummy pecan bars. I might have to mix in a double with HIIT25 or HIIT30 from TurboFire just in case i do too much "quality control". Dinner will be fajitas with grilled chicken breast and artisan blue corn and flax tortillas. You can make dinner that is healthy and tastes good too.

    Taprunner - Feel free to join! This is a very open and supportive group here.

    Momma - Just keep doing those moves. You'll eventually get the strength to hold those legs up.
  • mbody1
    mbody1 Posts: 12
    Yesterday's Plyo sucked for me! I was so over it 20 minutes in and completed 20 more before stopping. I just didn't want to do the last 10. Don't really know what the issue was.. laziness? tiredness? not into it so much?

    I'm looking forward to arms today though. Maybe I'll up my weights this week.