P90X Grouop to Finish the Year Strong



  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Today was core, I was feeling a little sluggish this morning and didn't want to get up but I got it done and now I feel pretty good! Some of the moves felt extra hard today for some reason but I got through it! I was thinking about switching up some days, tomorrow is kenpo and Saturday is X Stretch I was thinking about switching them around so I do Kenpo on Saturday to get more of a calorie burn because we have 2 Christmas parties to attend on Saturday, do you guys think this alright?
  • Taprunner
    I did my last Shoulders & Arms of phase 1 yesterday. I upped all my weight. I have 5, 8, and 10 lb weights and 2.5lb wrist weights. For all but 2 of the exercises (on the only second set, at the end of the workout), I either went to the next higher weight, or wore the wrist weights while holding the dumbells. It was nice to see that just 2 weeks ago, the same exercise I could do only with an 8 lb weight, I could now do with 12.5 lbs. And it was my strongest ab ripper yet. I did in and outs and bicycles with my arms in the air, and felt stronger on everything else (and didn't even feel the need to let my legs drop during the scissors, and my knees are getting straighter!).

    I'm obviously getting stronger, and I'm sure I'm gaining muscle, but the belly is still doughy. How long till you looked more toned? I really want to lose a couple inches from my waist in particular, and fit into my favorite jeans (jeans I could wear last winter). Maybe I need to do a doubles type program and work in some running on weight days? Perhaps two crazy intense 40 min cardio sessions aren't enough (though those will go up to 60 minutes soon). I have a running gps watch with HRM, perhaps I will turn off the GPS function and see what the HRM tells me today. I know the Insanity workouts get me worn out like few other things ever have.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    I did the new P90X2 Yoga today instead of regular P90X Yoga. It is 30 minutes shorter and different. It is faster too, so the word "boring" probably won't be used again to describe it. I had some tough moves and I was pretty weak on them. However, I think I will continue to use it instead of the old version
  • teamfairy101
    teamfairy101 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, This is my first time doing P90X. I am using 5 pound weights for arms. The beginning was tough for me but I did the best I could even if it meant only doing 15-20 minutes. You will get great results if you just don't give up. You can see my transformation videos on YouTube(teamfairy101) I still have my 90 day video to complete on Dec 31 :)
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    I decided to switch some days around so today was X stretch for me. It was relaxing and I feel really good! Tomorrow I will do Kenpo.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 19 - Legs and Back, ARX

    Good ol' Legs and Back. You do this workout more than any other resistance workout in the program. I felt pretty good today and knocked out more pull ups than last week. My leg exercises stayed the same in terms of weights and reps. ARX was just average though.

    I have a very busy today. The wife is having an ornament party tonight for the ladies, so I get to be in charge of getting everything cleaned and put away. I'm sure I'll have several trips up and down the stairs for an additional leg workout. The dog and I get kicked out when the girls arrive. We'll be next door with beer watching tv with a neighbor.
  • Taprunner
    Wow Fairy- that is impressive! Thanks for the motivation! My wedding dress recently came in (the one I'll actually wear, not the sample they clamped me into at the salon), and I had a try-on appointment on day 2 of P90X. I sent my mom a photo of me in the dress, and when I asked her what she thought (I was surprised she didn't say anything about it on her own), she said she thought I looked fat. Around the waist, it has the wrinkes caused when fabric is pulled too tight. So I really need to loose a couple inches from the waist! I'm 5'4" and started at 130, and have a goal in the low 120s. Just going back to my weight (and jeans size) from this time last year should take care of it.

    I wore my HRM during Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance yesterday. Because of my running, my resting heart rate is pretty low (an ekg a month or so ago had it in the low 50s, and the ekg before that had it in the 40s). But when I move every so slightly, my heart rate skyrockets. I've seen a cardiologist but there's nothing wrong with me. Anywho, for much of the cardio workout my heart rate was in the high 180s. The average was 160 (including all the stretching, water breaks, and cool down, and I neglected to turn it on until 5 minutes into the workout, and Insanity's warm up is more intense than most of the P90X cardo routines). But my HRM wouldn't tell me calories burned. It actually said 0. Does anyone know how to program it to tell me? I turned the GPS function off, and obviously wasn't using it to track any distance, but you'd think if it tracks heart rate over time that it would tell me the calories like it does after a run.

    My weight was down .5 this morning, but more importantly, my waist also measured .25 smaller. Woo hoo! Of course, today is my office's dessert party and tomorrow I'm making a special dinner to celebrate my fiance's promotion. Oh well, at least it feels like it's starting to work!
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Today was kenpo for me. I will probably be taking a rest day tomorrow because we will be out late. We are going to 2 Christmas parties today so hopefully I don't eat to badly.
    Yesterday was my weight in day and I'm down 7lbs since I started! WHOO HOO!
    Have a great weekend P90X friends!
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Cardio X for me today, week 8 will be done tomorrow and then starting right in with week 9. I'm not looking forward to chest and back starting this week :tongue:
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 22 - Yoga X2

    I really was not in the mood for this workout today. I have way too much to do in the next three days. But I knew I started the group and had to lead by example. The workout did go well and I am getting the hang of Yoga X2. It is quite different and faster paced than the original version. It still has some pretty tough moves that will take me some time to get right.

    I gotta burn off the weekend calories, so much clean eating for the next few days. The in laws arrive on Thursday, so I will be a cooking fool. BBQ has been requested already. We have our seven fish deal for Christmas Eve and Standing Rib Roast for Christmas. Lots of calories to avoid. It isn't going to be easy.
  • beeblebrox82
    beeblebrox82 Posts: 578 Member
    round one recovery week for me! Perfect timing, Just hurt my knee :sad:
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Last day for Round 2 for me! Bring on Round 3!
  • Taprunner
    I started my post-phase 1 recovery week yesterday. I've lost a total of 2.5lbs. I'm hoping more will come off in phase 2 (it will help when the Christmas cookies are gone!).

    What is P90X2 yoga like? I watched previews of the P90X2 system, and all I could think was that the target audience should be people who work for the circus, as I don't see how mere mortals could do most of those things. I know I couldn't, even after 5 rounds of P90X. I do the David Swenson Ashtanga yoga DVD and like it (though I have to skip some of the inversions at the end). But it's also 90 minutues. The original yoga X had way to many runner's poses for my taste.

    Great job everyone!
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 23 - Core Synergistics

    I do wish they could figure out how to get this workout more often into the program. I feel that the six times you see it is just not enough. This is supposed to be a recovery week, yet this workout always kicks me in the butt. Those Lunge/Extend/Curl/Press moves are a killer. I am always dripping with sweat after them. I'm only using 10 lb dumbbells too.

    Additionally, Dreya just freaks me out in this one. Her pony tail thing is out of control. Add some leather armor and a sidekick and she'd be Dreya Warrior Princess.

    Taprunner - P90X2 Yoga is much improved over the original. It has a faster pace and is only an hour long or so. There are much fewer Vinyasas. There are some challenging moves, but they are optional.
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Chest and back today! This workout is soooo HARD! I was so tired by the time I got to ab ripper that I'm not sure I was even able to complete 1/2 of it. I surprised myself with how many I could actually do though. I'm glad I don't have to see this one again until week 11!
  • mstormth
    mstormth Posts: 119 Member
    tday I attempted starting - this is a difficult program.

    Does anyone knw how to record the time spent on this?

    I do not have a HRM so I need some guidance in this area - today I tried to follow along with "Ab Ripper X"
  • PetersonMatthew
    Still got room? Starting on the 26th and not sure what program Im going to follow yet.
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    I started on 12/12/2011 is it to late to join?

    Today will be P90X Week 2 day 10 classic version shoulders and arms!
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Today was scheduled to be Kenpo for me. Unfortunate, my right knee is bothering me and I don't think all those kicks would make it feel better. Since it is a recovery week. I have tomorrow as a rest day so I will swap these two days.I may feel better this afternoon and sneak it in.

    mstormth - Without an HRM, it will be difficult to calculate your calories. The workouts do vary, so the burn could be anywhere from 300-600 calories or more for women. You could estimate low until you get an HRM, which I highly recommend.

    PetersonMatth - There is plenty of room on the P90X bus. I always feel the Classic is the best program to follow.

    Time2getfit - You are welcome to join too! Starting a little later than us allows you to get a preview and know what to expect.
  • abellone7289
    abellone7289 Posts: 70 Member
    Hey there. I know I am a little late to the party, having just started the lean program today. I made through round one a few months ago but had difficulties finding time to with working and moving and such, so now I am starting over. Come January 1st, I will be re-starting with the classic edition with my boyfriend.

    I like having a group to work with. It keeps me motivated and on track, especially since I had a really hard time with the Core Synergistics today. It was kind of discouraging, not being able to do things I used to be able to do, even the very first time I did this program, but I am going to keep with it. I may just need a little bit of help.