Creepy boys at the gym



  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    If a woman is on that leg spreader machine, man I have to make sure I'm looing 180 degees from that. But the cable pull down machine is right next to it.

    I guess I'm not the only guy in the gym the has to put a lot of effort into being a gentleman.:laugh:

    "not gonna look, not gonna look.......damn it....looked."
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    I have this creepy dude following me around all the time, telling me what to do. He keeps telling me I have to write down how many reps I've done and at what weight. He keeps trying to sell me this shake product he made. And when he sees me struggling he screams in my ear to bring it. I think he told me once his name was any of you know him? Is he gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  • erzsebet_1560
    I have this creepy dude following me around all the time, telling me what to do. He keeps telling me I have to write down how many reps I've done and at what weight. He keeps trying to sell me this shake product he made. And when he sees me struggling he screams in my ear to bring it. I think he told me once his name was any of you know him? Is he gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that...

  • anhancock10
    anhancock10 Posts: 148 Member
    So this one time im on the elliptical and im going hard for like 50 mins. Face is red out of breath a sweatin fool and im almost done. Then this dude comes over ..hes older has a jerry curl. Whats he do ....he hangs off the front of the other elliptical next to me and is seriously just staring at i take one earbud out and i look at him like "what..cant u see im dying" . Come to find out it was one of the personal trainers there hahahaha! I was seriously starting to freak out at one point.

    My first personal training session was the devil i was sweating so bad. My personal trainer who is beyond THE HOTTEST MAN ever has me on the leg press machine with my legs spread wide open. Talk about awkward! He looked away the whole time thank god but the three guys gathered around the machine didnt! ahhh embarassing!!! NOTHING like sweaty pants with your legs spread all open!
  • PetitePerfection
    PetitePerfection Posts: 199 Member
    at the gym I used to go to, every day when I got on the elliptical, there was this guy that would take the one right next to me even if the gym was empty. He'd go on for as long as I stayed on and he never talked to me but he'd do his workout and make noises like he was mas***bating or something! and it wasn't even like he was working out hard because I could see his settings and he was on like level 2!!! He just creeped me out.
    THen there was this other guy, he was a total oggler!!! nasty:grumble: totally staring at any a** he could see...gross
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Oh dear, I think I am totally creepy, one of the reasons I love the gym is all the hotness there. My daughter is always pulling me up for staring.

    BUT on Monday when I was in the sauna there was a woman lying in there naked, without a towel underneath her. I actually said ew that's disgusting you are meant to be sitting on something. She just ignored me. After 10 minutes she let one go and it made a horrible moist sound because the steps of the sauna are wet.

    Totally yuk, why would you want to be sitting on that step without anything under your bottom?

  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I AM the Creeper. I live on an Air Force Base and workout at the gym....I can't help but stare at the massive muscles on the paratrooper guys wearing teeny tiny shorts :smokin:

    Ah, yes, the joys of AF gyms and PJs working out.

    I, too, work out at a base gym, and between the PJs and the Fire/Rescue guys, it's a wonder I get anything done at all.

    Back in my active duty days, I used to be aircrew on rescue planes with PJs. They often had to change into their scuba gear mid-flight while we were enroute to the drop zone. And they never mentioned this on the intercom ahead of time. So there I am, casually strolling to the back of the plane to use the head, and I stumble across a dozen naked PJs squeezing themselves into their wet suits. God almighty, I love this job. Totally off-topic, but still................
  • sandislim
    Not really creepy but weird.

    I had a hot neighbor once. He was nice and buff. I hardly ever spoke to him though.. just glances here and there.

    Once we were trapped in the same gym all by ourselves. I was on elliptical, he on the treadmill. He had no music, neither did I. He starts to run and I see his lips move. He started rapping!! LOUDLY like he was in a rap battle or something. I just kept looking at him (trying to not make it obvious) because we're right across from each other and he's making feel weird. He just kept running FAST and rapping louder!!

    I would have had to leave at that point, if I was able to get myself off the eliptical without creasing up first. I know tears would be rolling down my face from trying to keep myself from laughing.
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    Not really creepy but weird.

    I had a hot neighbor once. He was nice and buff. I hardly ever spoke to him though.. just glances here and there.

    Once we were trapped in the same gym all by ourselves. I was on elliptical, he on the treadmill. He had no music, neither did I. He starts to run and I see his lips move. He started rapping!! LOUDLY like he was in a rap battle or something. I just kept looking at him (trying to not make it obvious) because we're right across from each other and he's making feel weird. He just kept running FAST and rapping louder!!

    ROFL :laugh: This cracked me up, what an *kitten*-hat
  • Wisks
    Wisks Posts: 81 Member
    That is creepy although, to play devil's advocate, the eye is drawn to beautiful things so maybe you should also take it as a compliment.