Fads that you hope die before your kids are old enough to pa



  • hayskylar
    My tattoos and stretched ears have never stopped me from getting a job. I'm 18 years old and already an assistant manager. Me changing my body to my taste is no different than you changing your's. How is stretched ears any worse than a person who constantly tans? Orange skin is unattractive, and by the time your 30 your skin will look like leather. It's a lot easier to fix my ears than it is to fix your leather skin. I'm happy with my body modifications.

    By the time I have children, I hope people learn to not be so judgemental.
  • hayskylar
    Anything and everything hipster. There is nothing attractive, funny, or ironic about it. The irony that the hipster culture uses is so pathetic and trite. Everything about this stupid fad is awful. Pitchfork.com, liking bands that purposely sound like crap, and a band consisting of 5 synth players. Please, please, please, go away.

    How'd the hipster burn his mouth?

    Because he ate the pizza BEFORE it was cool.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    My tattoos and stretched ears have never stopped me from getting a job. I'm 18 years old and already an assistant manager. Me changing my body to my taste is no different than you changing your's. How is stretched ears any worse than a person who constantly tans? Orange skin is unattractive, and by the time your 30 your skin will look like leather. It's a lot easier to fix my ears than it is to fix your leather skin. I'm happy with my body modifications.

    By the time I have children, I hope people learn to not be so judgemental.

    There is a huge difference between "being judgmental" and having standards of professional appearance. As a hiring manager for a client facing software consulting firm, I would probably not hire someone with exposed neck tattoos, gauged ears, etc. I don't think it speaks negatively about their competence, potential or talent. I don't even think they're a bad person, or have poor judgement. I just dont think their look fits with the professional image I need consultants to have. In consulting, you're almost ALWAYS making a first impression. You meet new clients all the time, and need to look "interview ready" every day.

    I wouldnt hire someone with orange skin, bleached out, over-straightened hair, and way too much eyeliner either...well, maybe if I could counsel them about their appearance and provide them with standards / documentation
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    My tattoos and stretched ears have never stopped me from getting a job. I'm 18 years old and already an assistant manager. Me changing my body to my taste is no different than you changing your's. How is stretched ears any worse than a person who constantly tans? Orange skin is unattractive, and by the time your 30 your skin will look like leather. It's a lot easier to fix my ears than it is to fix your leather skin. I'm happy with my body modifications.

    By the time I have children, I hope people learn to not be so judgemental.

    There is a huge difference between "being judgmental" and having standards of professional appearance. As a hiring manager for a client facing software consulting firm, I would probably not hire someone with exposed neck tattoos, gauged ears, etc. I don't think it speaks negatively about their competence, potential or talent. I don't even think they're a bad person, or have poor judgement. I just dont think their look fits with the professional image I need consultants to have. In consulting, you're almost ALWAYS making a first impression. You meet new clients all the time, and need to look "interview ready" every day.

    I wouldnt hire someone with orange skin, bleached out, over-straightened hair, and way too much eyeliner either...well, maybe if I could counsel them about their appearance and provide them with standards / documentation

    I'd like to think that anyone going into a business like that would consider these factors before modifying their bodies. At least I know I looked at all my career options prior to doing any kind of modification to my body.
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    Emo. Anything emo.
  • JPsFunkyMojo
    My piercings and tattoos have never hindered me from getting a job.

    I work for a doctor that sees a LOT of elderly patients. When my coworker was hired 3 years ago she had 5 tattoos, a nose piercing, stretched lobes, and pink hair. Now she has more tattoos, and has another side job working for a prestigious daycare that's across the country. Just because someone doesn't look "normal" doesn't mean they can't hold their own in the workforce.

    Oh, and my votes are for Bieber, the Kardashians, that stupid "Elvira" haircut on tween girls, and pants that do not fit properly.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Oh, and my votes are for Bieber, the Kardashians, that stupid "Elvira" haircut on tween girls, and pants that do not fit properly.

    I just pretend Bieber never existed, and the Kardashians.. yeah they don't exist either lol
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    I'd like to think that anyone going into a business like that would consider these factors before modifying their bodies. At least I know I looked at all my career options prior to doing any kind of modification to my body.

    I would hope that they consider it too. For myself, however, I know that the course of my career has changed so much over the last 10 years. I could have never predicted at 18 that I would want a public life, or a political career, etc. Looking back, I have some regrets, and know that I made choices that limited my options later in life. Overall, I ended up with a career I truly love, but it would be nice to feel that I'd never limited my options in the first place.
  • JPsFunkyMojo
    I just pretend Bieber never existed, and the Kardashians.. yeah they don't exist either lol

    Oh how I wish I could. It's everywhere! Even my rock station is doing news on them CONSTANTLY. It's so aggrivating.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    And WHY did stonewashed jeans come back?! GO AWAY!!

    They never left. I hate them so much now.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I would hope that they consider it too. For myself, however, I know that the course of my career has changed so much over the last 10 years. I could have never predicted at 18 that I would want a public life, or a political career, etc. Looking back, I have some regrets, and know that I made choices that limited my options later in life. Overall, I ended up with a career I truly love, but it would be nice to feel that I'd never limited my options in the first place.

    True, in the last 10 years my life has changed pretty drastically as well, however I don't regret any of the things I ever have done. I figure I did them for a reason, they make me who I am today. I do a whole lot of thinking about things like tattoos, mine are all coverable - arms, feet and back and collar bone, I wear long sleeves pretty much all the time so uncovered tattoos are rarely an issue for me. As for my ears, they are currently at a 6g (so not super big) and I was just recently asked where I got my "studs" because one of my more conservative co-workers wanted a pair. I wear very basic silver plugs with a faux diamond in them to work every day, they just look like an oversized sparkly stud. So I tend to think that if you put thought into things you can almost always come off as classy, and make a great first impression. I do get what you are saying though, if you have your ears stretched to a ridiculous size (re: someone can put their fist through your lobe) than no, having a job where making a constant first impression on people is probably not something you would want to. As for neck/face tattoos, well I guess it depends, my tattoo artist has them on his neck BUT he is an artist and he will die a tattoo artist so I think its completely acceptable. If I was going to a lawyer who had a face or neck tattoo.. I may think differently lol

    My best friends mom actually just found out I had tattoos because she made a comment about his and when I walked upstairs I was wearing a tank and no socks she looked at me and said "Well I would have never guessed." She has known me for almost 8.5 years, and I got my first tattoo almost 6 years ago.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    The sagging skinny jeans on dudes.

  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    My best friends mom actually just found out I had tattoos because she made a comment about his and when I walked upstairs I was wearing a tank and no socks she looked at me and said "Well I would have never guessed." She has known me for almost 8.5 years, and I got my first tattoo almost 6 years ago.

    Yes, I think coverable is key. And having the wisdom to know when covered is appropriate and when it isn't. I was really just trying to offer a perspective to an 18 year old who claimed her tattoos and gauges never cost her a job. I mean...when you're only 18...

    I dont think body mods are as career-limiting today as they once were. I also know, from my travels, that opinions on this vary CONSIDERABLY by region, industry, and even company.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    I hope MTV goes back to playing music. I don't watch it but that's what they used to be know for. I wouldn't mind some of the old 80's genre music to come back.:smile:
  • Booboo78
    Booboo78 Posts: 169
    Any sort of Reality TV
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Any sort of Reality TV
    I gotta say, common sense prevails once again. I would miss biggest loser and extreme makeover home edition.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    The rule of thumb for gagued ears is that gagues less than the diameter of a pencil eraser will shrink back on pretty much anyone.

    I had mine that size for about 6 months... finally I decided I was done with them and took them out... the next day the holes were hardly bigger than a regular piercing!! I was amazed!! lol :)
  • airycha
    airycha Posts: 135 Member
    I kind of read through other posts... here is what I have to say.

    I totally agree with the sagging skinny jeans on dudes! I actually said something about this a few weeks ago! I was out with some friends and the waiter was wearing some saggy skinny jeans and I said "Dude just needs to commit. If he is going to wear skinny jeans they can't be all saggy."

    Also, I don't see piercings as a fad. Lots of people have piercings. I personally have 3 sets of piercings on my ear lobes, a conch and then 3 others that I would have to look the names up (all of them are ear... I have a total of 5 earrings in each ear... lookingat getting one more on each side, just gotta plan. they don't match but are very planned out in their non matching). I have a tongue piercing but I take that out for work. I do take the others out occasionally. I have gotten better about being able to get them out/put back in quickly since I was taking them out for my clinical on Saturday but that is done with for the semester so I don't have to worry about that for a while.

    anyway that's what i have.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    The HCG 500 calorie a day scam diet.

    I wish the FDA would take some action on this dangerous diet scam soon. They need to get ALL the HCG diet stuff off the market and close down all the so-called medical weight loss clinics that push it. I have emailed them about this, but unfortunately, they don't seem to want to make it a priority, even though people are getting sick from malnutrition on that "diet plan" every day!

    Here are a some links, for those who wish to read more about it.





