First Loves



  • ma34113
    ma34113 Posts: 93 Member
    lol ummm my first love i rlly do not remember anything about him or it ...i just remember being miserable during the whole 2 years... D:
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    My first love, is still my love. Here is my Love story.

    S and C dated for 3 years in high school.
    S and C broke up when they went to universtiy far away from each other
    C always knew S was the one and no other boy ever lived up to her one true love.
    C graduated and began working for a large company many hours away, in a large office building shared with many other companies. C was in a bad relationship and had just broken off an engagement and was selling a house.

    10 years after they last saw each other (and 2 weeks after C broke off the bad relationship) C gets in the elavator at work and guess who is there! Thats right S! He had somehow moved to this far away city and gotten a job in the same office building (different company).

    C and S went for coffee and discovered that not only did they work in the same building but C new appartment was accross the street from S's.

    After dating for two years C and S are still very happy, they bought a house this spring and will love happily ever after.

    This is 100% true, and I am 100% lucky :)

    AWWWW friggen adorable! :heart:

    Talk about providence!
  • ma34113
    ma34113 Posts: 93 Member
    so im not sure if that counts as my first love or just a first boyfriend
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I will always care for him. We had a sweet break up then a not so sweet final goodbye. He's miserable in his life now and has told me he made a mistake. He will always be my first love!
  • MrsSpratt
    MrsSpratt Posts: 200 Member
    Nope. Not even a blip on my radar.
  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    Yep, I believe in that. He will always hold a place in my heart! And I believe that my boyfriend's first love will always hold a place in his. And I'm okay with that, it's just how it works.
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    I wish they daughters dad will probably always have a tiny part of me but he was such a jerk he broke up with me when I got pregnant and had really nothing to do with my daughter for the first two years she was alive...I hated him for that to replace the love but it just hurt me to much to hate him.

    I wish first love lasted though =/ Or I wish I could find that kind of love again..
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    so im not sure if that counts as my first love or just a first boyfriend

    My first Love, though started in HS and lasted a while after, was not my first boyfriend, but not too far from it. He was number 3. LOL
  • sjcsviola85
    still with mine... he's my fiance and we've been together for nearly 8 years.... :D
  • I definitely do not still have a place in my heart for my first love. We broke up senior year because his parents told him they only pay for his college education to Texas A&M if he broke up with me, because I'm black and he is white. And he was only on the waiting list but said it was because they were letting all the black people in.

    Um...can you point me in their direction so I can punch them each in the face?! :mad: :mad: :mad: That is ridiculous! So sorry you had to deal with that!

    Can I get in line on this too?
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    i would say im sorry if i ever saw her again...i was pretty much a **** back then. now i make a point to teach my boys the right way to treat someone.
    Glad you learned from your mistake. So, it wasn't a total loss.
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    Everyone that I've "loved" and cared about has a place in mine.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Agreed..................There will always be a small place in my mind and heart for that first love........
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    Everyone that I've "loved" and cared about has a place in mine.

    Thats how I am..I just havent found better then my "first love"