Handling someone UBER religious



  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    Why does it bother you so much? Would you be offended if a coworker or boss joked about how high they got last weekend?Are you willing to report anyone who says things that annoy you?
    It's one thing if he's ordering you to do it, but it's another thing if he's just suggesting it.

    My bet is you have a problem with religion, not the words being said. Maybe you should relax a bit.

    Why should she put up with it if it makes her uncomfortable? Would you also suggest she ignore racial slurs?

    Laws exist to protect all employees. Her manager is putting the company at risk by her behavior.

    Why would someone suggesting a person to pray about an issue make them so uncomfortable? As I said in my post, its a suggestion, not a command from her boss. All of us hear things at work that we don't agree with, but we move a long because we cannot insulate ourselves from being "offended" at ever turn. I find that most people who are "offended" by religion would not go to HR in the scenario I talked about in my last post.
    People have become way too sensitive, and now we live in a society where the diversity of thought is smothered by the PC police.
    Like I said, I think the problem the op has is with religion, not with what her boss is saying. That is her issue, not her boss'.

    Well, when the behaviour is consistent and persistent and has nothing to do with the matter at hand, it can be very uncomfortable. If someone tried handing out pentagrams to you in the workplace, would you not find that off-putting?

    I would, in fact, be offended if I had a co-worker or manager that consistently talked about being stoned. It's inappropriate for the workplace.

    And I am an un-PC champion, but there are basic etiquette rules of the workplace that need to be followed.
    I wouldn't care what a coworker/boss tried to offer me, I wouldn't be offended in the least bit.
    Would you complain if that coworker constantly talked about being high though?

    My point is, people will do things that are annoying, people need to learn that life isn't going to be fair or perfect. When someone annoys me at work, I zone out when they talk to me. It's that simple.

    this is a classic case of someone not liking religion and using the tools at hand to make sure she doesn't hear about it. Well that's great, can we all talk to HR about the coworker who chews loud or has an annoying laugh?

    If your boss kept telling you how bad he wanted to hook up with your wife or daughter, would you just zone that out too? I guess you would since that's just how things are in life. Would you chalk it up to just being annoying?
    I think not!
    Some people don't want to preached at because it really IS annoying!
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I just remembered something that may give you an idea of HOW to broach the subject without offending your manager. MAYBE!!!!! Several years ago (more like 10+) my husbands Mother was still alive. My FIL is an ordained minister and they were SUPER religious. My husband having been brought up in a house like that and living in MO for awhile was NOT interested (and still is not) in religion in any form. One Sunday morning his mother called and we were still asleep. I answered the phone and gave it to him. She started in on him about going to church and worshiping GOD. Mind you I'd put up with her giving me religious gifts, books, chats, etc. and was pretty kind about it. My husband lost his cool with her and said "I worship every weekend, I worship at the temple of the almighty pillow!" Let's just say that shut her up for good and we never heard a peep about us going to church again!

    My suggestion is to bring up something like that in a conversation when appropriate so that you get your point across without pointing directly to the issue. Hope it works if you try it!

  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    So I have to say right off the bat, I'm an atheist. I grew up Lutheran, but as I have matured and grew to be my own person, I do not believe in a higher power. I won't go into detail as to why I am an atheist or what my philosophies are, it's really not the problem at hand. So I have a hard time speaking up, especially to people at work. I don't want to step on peoples toes! I work at a bank and my direct manager is always telling me pray about issues I have and telling me to seek the lord in my everyday life. It makes me feel uncomfortable and I really don't know what to say to not make her feel incredibly awkward.

    This is discrimination, pure and simple.

    No, it isn't. Is it uncalled for in the workplace? Sure. But "discrimination" requires a different set of circumstances than "my boss keeps telling me to pray." If the issue were "My boss told me if I don't pray with her, she'll fire me," then you'd have a point.

    Thank you. I think the previous poster must have not actually READ the OP.

    I READ the OP, which is why my comments were addressed to her. I'm anticipating that the culture of her workplace may cause her to win the battle and lose the war. You can discriminate against someone and still be legally correct. "We decided to hire someone from outside the company, with more qualifications" is a legally correct move. She'd never know she was passed over behind doors unless someone tells her.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Not appropriate in the workplace IMO.
    When was the last time an atheist knocked on your door asking for money or trying to convince you to be atheist?
    Yea didn't think so.....
  • FitMissVicky
    FitMissVicky Posts: 51 Member
    I don`t suppose you have a union, do you? If so, I would ask your steward to come with you so you have some extra support when speaking with your manager. If you don't have a union and you don't feel comfortable confronting your manager alone, you should go to HR, explain the problem and how it is making you feel, and ask for them to help.

    I would consider it harassment and you need to let her know that her attempts to engage you in prayer at work is making you feel uncomfortable. I do not think you need to justify or explain your own beliefs. That is none of her business. You simply need to let her know as clearly as possible that religious discussion and invitations to prayer at work make you feel uncomfortable and you would like her to stop.

    I also agree with other posters that you need to document. Start logging the prayer references and invitations. Time, date, details. If the behaviour continues after you ask her to stop, HR needs to get involved but they will need a record.
  • applebobbrush
    applebobbrush Posts: 235 Member
    First off I am a Jesus follower, 2nd I'm not gonna pounce on you so don't worry :). I think you need to politely say I just don't believe the same way you do but I appreciate your opinion, if you think it will help I'll leave the praying to you and leave it at that. If that person still harasses you, then take it to human resources.

    I would love for every one to share my love of Jesus, I know some people don't. Me being over pushy, condescending, annoying, hypocritical and irksome isn't going to change someones beliefs or opinions on any matter.
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    While I agree that telling your manager politely that a "thanks but no thanks" tact is the way to go, I'm not sure it warrents taking it to higher levels YET. If she doesn't know how you feel now, then how can we all assume how she'll feel after you tell her? Take it one step at a time.

    Yes, this is a huge deal for you, I do not disagree with that. However taking this to DEFCON 1 may not be the best way to go. Take it one step at a time. You're being so respectful of her beliefs, I'm hoping she'll do the same. And usually most humans do that.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I'm pretty sure I'm the only atheist at work. One of my coworkers used to constantly reference Jesus and "her God" and I just secretly thought it was kinda weird but I didn't say anything. When she asked me if I was Christian I said I didn't belong to any religion. The problem with some people is that they think it's appropriate to ask more questions after that. Fortunately, she wasn't like that with me. I guess what I'm saying is, before you take some of the advice offered here, think about the further consequences of it. Some of it will lead you into an explanation of your atheism which will inevitably lead you into a debate.

    With Christianity as the dominant religion in the US, unfortunately, you have to tread lightly. I hate telling you to choose your battles because just because I'm not passionate about this doesn't mean you can't be. I hope you find a way to handle this so that you're comfortable.
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    And like many of you have commented, she has asked me to pray with her a few times. I'm not sure if any of you heard about the Valentines Day shooting at Northern Illinois University a few years ago, but my father works there. When I heard the news, I went into total shock. I went to the bathroom to get my thoughts together (and to shed a few tears for those whose lives were lost) and she followed me into the bathroom to say a prayer for me. Of course, at the time, I was in total shock and didn't feel like saying to her that the time was not right, but I feel like around this time was when I started resenting her and the way she spoke to me about her beliefs. I have tried going with the flow for 3 years now, but I'm starting to feel like I can't even tell her when I'm feeling sick or when there are things going on in my life that might interfere with me working top notch.

    I clearly know what she believes in and what she does to resolves issues in her life, maybe I should (at an appropriate time) fill her in on what I believe in and I how deal with hardships. I’m just afraid that she will think of me differently and not hold such high respect for me. =\

    All of the comments have been insightful, thank you all!

    This is a sticky question! It's so hard to know how a person will take things. I am a Christian and spiritual, sure (though I am professional always at work) but my boss, like yours could be considered UBER religious. (Ironically) This person would judge me and treat me differently if I were to change beliefs. I pretty well know this for a fact (it's not right, it just is). I know my job should be protected, but there are little ways people can make it uncomfortable for you to work if they want to. I hope your manager isn't that way, but it may be a situation where you have to choose your battles? I know I need my job and have to bite my tongue more often than I would like over issues to keep the peace. Best of luck finding a solution!
  • SooZ1138
    Again, thank you for all of the constructive advice!

    I don't feel the need to justify why I feel the way I feel to certain people who tell me to basically just "deal" with it. There is a bit of background as to why I feel the way I feel and I don't need to have a therapy session on a bulletin board to get to the nitty gritty of my feelings. Yes, life sucks and is unfair... but seriously, can't I have a little bit of PEACE at the place I am at 50+ hours a week!? I could go all day on why my job sucks, but at the end of the day I work at a bank that is actually doing really well in todays economy and I'm lucky to be where I am.

    This is the end of my rant. I think the next goodopportunity that arises I will have a nice little conversation with my boss and just explain that I do not believe in her God and that I respect her religious beliefs but that mine differ. It will be short, sweet and straight to the point. No need to drag this out any longer than I have. =)
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Again, thank you for all of the constructive advice!

    I don't feel the need to justify why I feel the way I feel to certain people who tell me to basically just "deal" with it. There is a bit of background as to why I feel the way I feel and I don't need to have a therapy session on a bulletin board to get to the nitty gritty of my feelings. Yes, life sucks and is unfair... but seriously, can't I have a little bit of PEACE at the place I am at 50+ hours a week!? I could go all day on why my job sucks, but at the end of the day I work at a bank that is actually doing really well in todays economy and I'm lucky to be where I am.

    This is the end of my rant. I think the next goodopportunity that arises I will have a nice little conversation with my boss and just explain that I do not believe in her God and that I respect her religious beliefs but that mine differ. It will be short, sweet and straight to the point. No need to drag this out any longer than I have. =)

    :drinker: Good for you. You're a grown woman and no one should make you uncomfortable in the work place like that.

    Also remember to document any subsequent antagonism. Very important.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Does it offend you somehow? i don't see the need to even say much of anything besides maybe a smile and nod? She means it in the best way I'm assuming.

    This. I consider myself agnostic. I don't go to the church, I don't pray, I don't know what I believe in. But when I go somewhere and there is a prayer said, I am respectful and listen. If someone talks about their religion, I listen. I've had several people ask to bring me to church - it's a big deal to some. You don't have to believe what she says, even though she probably shouldn't be saying it in the workplace.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Since it's been going on for three years, it's probably safe to say she probably thinks you pray too. :)
    If you haven't said anything so far I wouldn't turn her in for harassment. It sounds like she is praying for you out of the goodness of her heart. Just doesn't realize you don't care for it or believe in it.
    Depending on how often she does it, I would either let it go or politely tell her you don't believe in talking about religion at the workplace. I'm sure she would understand and you wouldn't need to tell her what your beliefs are.

    I don't think she is trying to hurt you. For a Christian to pray for someone is to show you care and love them. You wish good things for them and hope things turn out for the good. I think all she would need is just to let her know you don't wish to talk about religion at work. It will probably go over better than you think. I wish you the best! :)
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565

    Sorry to all the Christians but I equate it to talking to you about sex at work...there is a time and a place for everything and work is not the place for religious or sexual discussions!

    Unless your a nun that is doing a porn movie. :bigsmile: