why would people feel the need to keep their food diary priv



  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I didn't say having it public was important.

    I had a 1200 calorie burger yest. Logged it and then posted about it. Judge away folks.

    1200 calorie burger??? what the hell kind of burger is it? lol not judging just curious.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    i keep mine open for accountability sake. But can understand why people keep them private.
    I'm STILL annoyed at a comment I got a month ago. grrrrr
    Most comments I don't mind.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Too bad! I think that's the best way to learn how to eat better. I am a food diary commenter. If I'm impressed with the food intake, I say something positive. If I think it's bad choices, I try not to comment. If I think you're starving yourself, I do chime in and say so.

    In the end it's all in how you take the criticism. Most people here are just trying to help motivate healthy habits. If you hide your diary, I just assume you have dirty secrets... LOL

    P.S. I agree with the comment about "...the same reason people have sex with the lights off." It definitely has to do with SHAME. LOL!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I didn't say having it public was important.

    I had a 1200 calorie burger yest. Logged it and then posted about it. Judge away folks.

    1200 calorie burger??? what the hell kind of burger is it? lol not judging just curious.

    Probably a delicious one. :-)
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I keep mine private because I don't really want people I don't know looking at it and commenting on it. I keep my food diary for my eyes and my peers who are helping me on my journey; I really don't think it's anyone else business!

    Why do you want to look at other people's food diaries if you don't know them?

    I didn't say I wanted to look into other people's food diaries randomly. But if someone has a question, I'll click to see if their diary is open to see if the answer possibly lies in their diet choices. If it's closed, then the quality of the answer goes down IMHO. ie.. "Why aren't I losing weight?" Food diary is closed. Jeff (thinks the poster doesn't really want to know the real reason)
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I didn't say having it public was important.

    I had a 1200 calorie burger yest. Logged it and then posted about it. Judge away folks.

    1200 calorie burger??? what the hell kind of burger is it? lol not judging just curious.

    was it that macaroni one at Denny's, because I want to try that. I love macaroni...
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I didn't say having it public was important.

    I had a 1200 calorie burger yest. Logged it and then posted about it. Judge away folks.

    1200 calorie burger??? what the hell kind of burger is it? lol not judging just curious.

  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Why is it important to have it public?

    I can tell you why mine is private at the moment: I use the notes section to note certain symptoms and things that I don't necessarily want everyone to be able to see. If there was a way to make just the notes section private, I probably would have my log public. But there isn't, so I don't.

    "Tuesday, 11/29/11

    -Lamb Kebobs were delicious, need more salt.
    -Should increase fruit intake
    -Good god I can't quit farting. Seriously it smells like a mule took a dump in my living room".
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Why is it important to have it public?

    I can tell you why mine is private at the moment: I use the notes section to note certain symptoms and things that I don't necessarily want everyone to be able to see. If there was a way to make just the notes section private, I probably would have my log public. But there isn't, so I don't.

    "Tuesday, 11/29/11

    -Lamb Kebobs were delicious, need more salt.
    -Should increase fruit intake
    -Good god I can't quit farting. Seriously it smells like a mule took a dump in my living room".

    I adore you.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Mine is wide open for all to see. I invite comments but honestly, I don't think anyone has anything to say other than 'that sounds good' or 'yummy'. I like to see other diaries to get ideas on things to eat in the future.
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 787 Member
    I keep mine private because I can, and I don't want to advertise the foods I eat if there is something I want a comment on I will ask
  • Photoology
    Photoology Posts: 121 Member
    Like a few others, I keep mine private as of right now as I am going through a few medical testing which leads me to have very unusual eating habits (testing out allergies) and do not need anyone really judging what I am eating. I have been accused of being this or that due to this already and decided keeping it private would be best until I figure out what is going on and what I can eat.

    I also do not ask for any opinions for my diary and hope that people can respect my privacy. Though many people assume if you eat one way that doesn't look right or normal, then there is something wrong with you and will not be respectful about it.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Why is it important to have it public?

    I can tell you why mine is private at the moment: I use the notes section to note certain symptoms and things that I don't necessarily want everyone to be able to see. If there was a way to make just the notes section private, I probably would have my log public. But there isn't, so I don't.

    "Tuesday, 11/29/11

    -Lamb Kebobs were delicious, need more salt.
    -Should increase fruit intake
    -Good god I can't quit farting. Seriously it smells like a mule took a dump in my living room".
    Well.... Kinda, yeah. :laugh:

    I would just say that not everyone is on this site for the same reason. I'm not currently trying to lose weight, but I'm trying to figure out some health issues. I like being able to connect my eating and exercise with how I feel. I enjoy the support and community here, but I'm not looking to share all the details of my daily health with everyone all the time.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    was it that macaroni one at Denny's, because I want to try that. I love macaroni...

    Oh I want to try that macaroni one at Denny's its on the must try list actually. The OP's burger does actually sound delicious too. I wish we had a Red robin up here, I would be willing to work my *kitten* off for that burger lol
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    So that their friends complain about it in the forums.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I understand the health issues. Just want to know why. I wasn't putting a judgement on it either way.

    I dig though someone's diary to get ideas too (as mentioned)
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I keep mine private. Number 1 reason is I use the notes section for some personal info. Number 2 I'm accountable for myself, I know the difference between good and bad foods. I don't need someone to point it out to me. As for those stating "people must keep it private because they are ashamed and eating unhealthy" are very wrong and judgemental. That is not at all the case, for me anyway.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Because I'm an adult and can make my own food choices good or bad. And I don't appreciate unsolicited advice from complete strangers who are not a doctors/nutritionists/dietitians. And people do comment if your diary is open to the public. In the end I am accountable only to myself for my successes or failures.
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    Same reason why some people keep the lights off during sex...comes to down to feeling comfortable and admitting to your bad eating habits, some people take critique badly others not so much.

    WELL SAID!!!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    they eat poorly and don't want to take any crap for it, or
    they never bothered making it un-private