

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    hi everyone!
    i just found this thread - yay! I'm kinda in a funk, trying to loose the weight, having another knee replacement done, my Mom is slipping, just a bad time of year. So glad to find a group with similar issues - but also sharing successes. I look forward to the discussions!

    Wishing one and all a great new year!

    welcome....good luck with your knee....hope mom gets better:flowerforyou:
  • marlouise
    Hello ladies, man this month is flying by. Hope everyone made it through the most yummyest time of the year.:bigsmile: I have not touched goodies in a long time so I indulged with limits.:love: No that did not work, but oh well. Snow/rain here not good for this time of year. Next month I will be saying bye to my sister and her dog ben and cat sophie, they will be moving away to their own home in another city. I will be in regular contact with her and we will be sending pictures of our "kids" regularly to. So we will not be separated fully.

    I am going to enjoy a home with my kids to myself and maybe we all will get back into a routine. I was changing the soil up in my house plants yesterday, and today my arms are saying the obvious...YOU ARE OUT OF SHAPE... they hurt. So I had better be getting back to the gym.

    Time is ticking down to the hopful start of the third job on a regular attendance. I wonder what the first six months is going to do to me. :noway:

    Miss all of you, hope to check in again when time permits. Gotta win a lottery and forget that nasty "work" world.:laugh:

    Take care all..:heart:

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'd heard that there were people who criticized peoples' diaries and I sorry it happened to you.
    I was nonplussed. But I sent him a sharply worded response and then I blocked him!

    You would probably be disappointed in my food diary. I have been enjoying the holiday goodies and rather than trying to remember how many times I licked the spoon making cake pops or ate the ones that exploded off the stick, I just put in things like "2 Starbucks Birthday Cake Pops" even though I've never had even one of their cake pops ever. But it puts in what feels like the right amount of calories and sugar so it works for me to log like that!

    I would say that my food diary from April through August would be impressive but the rest of the year not so much. :laugh:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    A quick hello to everyone...as with all of you, I've been busy with family and a house full of dirty dishes, sheets, towels and non-stop activity...all the things that go with the holidays. We now have our 2 year old grand daughter for 3-4 days while our son and DIL enjoy a little trip alone. It has been wonderful but hectic. I can't get anything done, but am trying not to worry about it since they live in chicago and my time with her is precious. (EXCEPT that this Thursday, we have DIL's family arriving to stay through the weekend and I MUST get some things done before then.)

    I quickly ready posts and glad to see old faces and new ones and realize how we all struggle with many of the same issues, especially at this time of the year. I haven't followed my "plan" as "planned", and I don't know why I do this after months of being able to???

    Oh, well. Tomorrow is a new day. Just wanted to say hello!

    Take care, All! kackie:heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    MacMadame - I've never had someone PM me and scold me for something in my diary! this is the first time I've even heard of something like this happening. I would never DREAM of scolding someone. I guess it takes all kinds to make up the world.....

    Viv - so sorry about your mum, you and your grandson. What a holiday you had! We really don't celebrate New Years other than sitting at home, watching the ball drop, calling the kids, and then going to bed....lol How I remember those days when we went out partying! Right now I'm thinking that we may have pork ribs for New Years. How many people here know why you have pork on New Years and never any foul?

    Did Jillian Michael Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD today, then made a donation at the Salvation Army (yes, I bought some things too), had to stop at the pharmacy to straighten something out, then to Wal Mart, then bowling, then Aldi's, then home to make and ice the coca-cola cake that I need to take to bowling tomorrow since the lady is leaving. You know, even tho that little voice inside my head was after me not to exercise yesterday but I didn't listen (I also didn't do as high intensity) made it much easier to exercise today. Tomorrow...water aerobics.

    Vince went bowling yesterday and today he's sore (first time in months). Well..that happens when you haven't bowled for a few months.

    mimi - so glad you're back. I've missed your posts. You know, it does hurt to see Denise making mistakes, but what hurts even more is that his family to me is "enabling" this. Cosigning for the apartment? I just saw on facebook where he bought her a diamond ring (no, not engagement). If he can afford that, why can't he afford a car? I'll tell you. Because he doesn't have to...he uses Denise's. Just wait until it craps out. Wonder what'll happen then?

    debloves - we're so happy to have ya. All the best for your mom (and you)

    kackie - welcome back! You've been missed.

    I, too, am trying to get caught up cleaning from the holidays. How did I do this when I had little kids? Well, for one thing, I had a smaller house. I'm doing only 2 loads of laundry/day so I don't overtax our septic. Vacuumed the upstairs today, except for Jessica's room and that half of the house.

    Need to take a shower. Take care everyone.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    The cooking frenzy is over. I thoroughly enjoyed cooking for a crowd but am equally glad it's now history! Thank goodness it was warm here on Christmas day and the overflow that didn't fit at the dining table and bar area had a spot to sit in our screened porch. I tried a couple new recipes and they were a success. The three layer chocolate mousse cake was a big hit. The best part was there was just enough for everyone to have a small slice. No leftovers!!! :laugh:

    Today I took the grandson and his dog back home to his Dad and we are now back to just the two of us. We three had spent this afternoon playing dealers choice poker. That was a hoot.

    So, now that the Christmas fun and madness is done, I am getting back to logging and concentrating on getting the rest of this weight off. I still have way too much me for by poor knees and feet to be carting around. I haven't been logging reliably since the Michigan trip in mid-November. Now that hunting season and cooking season are both over, it's time to re-concentrate on “getting me healthy season”.

    I have caught a darn bug of some kind - hopefully just a head cold. Fortunately it didn't hit until yesterday and didn't get very annoying until just a couple hours ago. Mucinex is now my best friend.:sick:

    Michele – About the apple pie - I always make my own pies. I used to make apple a lot for my Dad but don't make them much anymore since he passed. I cut up the apples (tart ones are best for pies) and coat them liberally with flour to thicken the juice. Then add cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar, pinch of salt and add a few dollops of butter on top of the apple mixture before putting on the top crust. Also, if you want a real flaky and crisp top crust, brush the entire top crust lightly with milk or cream and dust with granulated sugar. Have you ever had sharp cheddar cheese on top of warm apple pie? That's probably a regional thing. My childhood was spent in Michigan. Hmmm, this is NOT productive talk now is it? I do like veggies and exercise, really I do!! :bigsmile:

    As to the sinus/dizziness thing, when mine are clogged up I sure can get dizzy and I don't always have pain either.

    I would like to comment on more posts but I'm getting sleepy and am heading off to bed before my decongestants quit on me. :yawn:

    I too am grateful for this group of ladies. We are in this together working for a healthier future. I am looking forward to what the new year has in store for us all. :happy:

    Goodnight all,

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I feel myself just screaming to get back to my healthy habits. I haven't gone off the deep end but just not exercising, drinking too little water and having more carbs than I am used to is making me feel really off. Tomorrow I will get the the gym and get my water intake up. It's amazing how achy and tired I feel when I am not eating right and getting some exercise everyday.

    Mimi….. Loved your post. I will get myself to the gym tomorrow. I realized that I have only been twice in the past month! How did that ever happen. Getting back on track will feel great.

    Welcome Debloves2 ride…this is a great board,with wonderful advice.

    Macmadame…good strategy with that negative person. I view the food diary as a help for all of us. For me, it’s a great tracker and I can see my overall progress. I really love when people share their diaries because it gives me ideas when I need a change. It’s all about helping each other so if someone is not helpful, blocking is a great idea!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I got very excited about joining a challenge of 100 squats a day for 100 days.......it's a group with 75 members......I joined late so I've been doing them for only 4 days but it looks like almost everyone has disappeared....I did 20 squats this evening while the dogs were sniffing grass outside instead of walking around...I did the rest of them in the house while watching TV:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: the cleanse day yesterday went well and I followed it up today with healthy eating....Isagenix shakes with fruit and almond milk.....our big meal was steel cut oatmeal with raisins, walnuts, homemade applesauce, and a fresh pear cut in tiny pieces......we bought the raisins and nuts to have as a healthy snack and both of us have found ourselves eating them mindlessly so when we run out, we won't be buying them again except in a measured amount for a specific meal.

    :bigsmile: my friend who walks with me on Wednesday just texted me that she'll meet me tomorrow at the regular time and place in the rain.....it's raining now and rain is forecast for tomorrow.

    :bigsmile: I, too, am grateful for all of you and frequently list you on my morning gratitude list :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning all,

    well i have been back to normal eating since monday and boy does it feel good....i too was low engery, though i was doing my workouts, so i attribute that feeling to the eating i was doing, ....uping my water also does wonders for me....i am happy to report that i feel lighter(will weigh in on monday for a challenge i will be starting),,,well its very quite for me two of my sons are traveling, my youngest that lives with me is in nyc with his dad , and my oldest is in romania visiting friends,,,well i am off to the gym (i am in a biking challenge and need to get in some more miles before the end of the year)...have a lovely day all:flowerforyou:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good morning lovelies!
    Working on a monster response post, but just had to share, I'm BACK TO MY TICKER WEIGHT!!!
    Amazed to be able to say it, and at this time of year!
    So far I've only had one scotchmallow of all the boxes of See's Candies both at work and at home.
    Astonished to find myself like Sally, Pam and so many others, EAGER to get back into healthy habits.
    So much so, that I've gotten DOWN ON THE MAT for 3 days in a row. I just can't believe it!
    Oh and I broke down and ordered the Zumba DVDs, they should be here in a week. ;)

    Sorry to shout but so excited!!!
    Hugs to ALL,

    Barbara, who WILL be size 10 one day
    December 2011: dance more, bark less, hit that protein goal, HoliDAY not HoliWEEKEND and CHECK IN!!! :
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Good morning lovelies!
    Working on a monster response post, but just had to share, I'm BACK TO MY TICKER WEIGHT!!!
    Amazed to be able to say it, and at this time of year!
    So far I've only had one scotchmallow of all the boxes of See's Candies both at work and at home.
    Astonished to find myself like Sally, Pam and so many others, EAGER to get back into healthy habits.
    So much so, that I've gotten DOWN ON THE MAT for 3 days in a row. I just can't believe it!
    Oh and I broke down and ordered the Zumba DVDs, they should be here in a week. ;)

    Sorry to shout but so excited!!!
    Hugs to ALL,

    Barbara, who WILL be size 10 one day
    December 2011: dance more, bark less, hit that protein goal, HoliDAY not HoliWEEKEND and CHECK IN!!! :

  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Just love reading everyone's posts! One of the things I really like is that so many of you make comments directly to the others who've posted. That''s SO supportive.

    I'm back on track in terms of logging everything that went into my mouth today. I was still over goal, but I was honest about everything. It's a step in the right direction.

    I should have written down your names, but didn't. To the woman in OA: yes, the good thing is that we can start over at any time. One of the things I'm trying to learn and practice is that just because I have a "slip" doesn't mean that's a good reason to continue to eat badly. I'm human. Besides, I know that being completely restrictive just doesn't work for me.

    However, I definitely overdid it on the cookies and sweets at the AA meeting tonight. I was wondering what people were thinking about the fact that I had multiple cookies, since I was the chairperson, and I'd brought the cookies. Now, seriously, how many people really care about how many cookies I had? That's MY voice (or maybe my mother's??) in my head saying "Look at that fat woman, stuffing herself with cookies. She certainly doesn't need them!" How many of you have "committees" of voices in your head like that? LOL! At least today I can laugh at myself about it, instead of beating myself with a stick!

    Long past bedtime and work tomorrow. A four-day week, followed by another one. A great way to end the year!


    Beth, when you have to be in a room with people grazing on cookies (or similar temptations), you might want to try taking along your own grazing supplies. People are pretty understanding if you say you're won a diet, so you're bringing your own treats.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Love reading all the posts.Can`t believe how better I feel eating my healthy food.Wish I could do more in the lines of exercise.Dr has me limited to ex due to inflammation.
    I use to make the same resolution year after year,to loose wt.I would loose and gain over and over.This year I`m sticking to my plan and exercising as I`m able to.I know this is a lifetime commitment,not just a once a year thing,at least for me it is.
    Had a wonderful time with the grand kids on Christmas,miss them already.Going to son`s for dinner tomorrow and will see my 3 1/2 year old grand daughter.Gonna spend New Year`s eve with her.having a sleepover with a few tea parties.
    Have a good night.
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Evening All!

    I finally got back into gear....started my day w/yoga! And...I'm so happy about this....I didn't eat any of my son's truffles or creme brulee! :bigsmile: He just loves to be in the kitchen...and I'm usually his assistant and have to taste everything. For the first time in a week or so....I have no chocolate cravings! Patrick's an incredible cook for 19. He's in college for computer science cause he says it will pay more. He wants to cook for fun.

    I'm on vacation this week. Last week I had a huge list of chores I wanted to get done while I had time off from work. The reality is that as I look around at my chores...I'vd decided that I'm on vacation and don't need to go crazy in the house. I only want to do fun stuff. We're hoping to go to Longwood Gardens on Friday. That's an amazing indoor/outdoor botanical garden. And since photography is my life...we'll be bringing cameras and spending the day. Patrick won't go cause he doesn't like to watch while I take pictures of the same orchid for 20 minutes. A day just for me n hubby...a rarity!:drinker: :heart:

    The holidays are just such an emotionally charged time...happy emotions and down feelings. For me, everything seems to be exaggerated during this time. To everyone who isn't feeling well or having troubles in any other way...I hope balance returns soon and life takes a positive turn.

    Everyone have a great Thursday! Eat well and wisely...and pray my chocolate cravings stay away!

  • wannagetfit02
    wannagetfit02 Posts: 49 Member
    I just found your posts. I am 54 and have 5 grandchildren. I have just started fitness pal after doing WW. WW got too expensive. I am paying for my daughter to do WW and with two people it was too much money. I would love the support of anyone my age. I teach school and there is usually food everywhere. Sometimes I feel like they are trying to sabotage any weight loss.
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Ladies! I found this in another blog on MFP and enjoyed reading it.
    I thought you might as well!


    Newbie New Year: The Resolution Revolution
    Posted on 12/28/2011 by TheAncientMariner

    According to howstuffoworks.com, only one out of every 1,000 eggs laid by salmon survive. The New Year’s resolution rush is no different. Everyone is excited to try out their newest fitness gadgets. People are infused with a new sense of hope for the year, promising themselves that they will improve mentally, physically, and spiritually. It’s an exciting time even for us veterans because it infuses us with renewed commitment to our goals; our finish line (which is just another starting line for us).

    However, like our salmony kin, we face a few natural obstacles. We face complacency. We face stress. We face temptation. We face a whole slew of things that serve no other purpose than to derail our efforts. I once read somewhere that the universe is good at creating life, but it is absolutely masterful at ending it. So too are the obstacles we face. How easy is it to say I give up? How easy is it to blame you, and gorge yourself into a depressed stupor from overeating? It’s too easy. We are electricity. We like to take the easiest path. However, I say be water. Bruce Lee said that water can flow or it can crash. It is also the most powerful force on earth. You can be that force. Do not believe in the numbers on the scale, your watch, your gadget, your do hickey, or your thinga ma jiggy. Believe in yourself and trust in your journey.

    You are here. You have all the support and all of the friends you need to be successful. Finances got you down? Well we’re all broke. Boyfriend or girlfriend just left you? We’ve all been there and done that! The local Fried Chicken joint gave you mayo for your chicken tenders instead of honey mustard sauce? We have badges aplenty for that one. Use the resources that are given to you and make the best decision based on your situation. Running too hard for you? Slow down. Lifting weights causing pain? Reduce the weight. Workouts too long? Shorten them! Do not imagine yourself as being chased by the wolf to keep you motivated; instead, imagine yourself as the wolf doing the chasing! Now that’s BAWSS!

    Many will enter, but few will win. I encourage you to not be the ones to drop out of the race. You are racing for your life, your health, and most importantly yourself. I will not sugar coat it and say that it will be easy; I will only tell you that it will be worth it! Don’t wait until January 1st to start! As a test of your commitment to yourself, I would encourage you to drop right now, wherever you are, and give me 10 pushups! Give me 20 if you’re extra BAWSS! See? You’ve just done the hardest part ever: You have taken that first step! We’ll see you at the finish line if you don’t beat us to it! Good luck!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Rita, that was an awesome post......thank you for sharing it.

    One of the problems with New Year's Resolutions is that when people mess up or go off track, they just decide to wait until next year to get back on track........the way we do it here, is to make a decision today and if we go off track, we just start over this afternoon or tomorrow morning.

    :laugh: I recently joined a 100 squats a day challenge, so I got up and did 20 squats :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: wannagetfit, welcome to the group.....keep reading and keep posting and you'll feel like you have a bunch of supportive sisters in no time at all.:bigsmile:

    :drinker: :drinker:This is my very active day…..I’ve gotten into a routine of walking the dogs for two hours in the morning even on days when I have to be at line dance by 9:00. On Wednesdays after line dance and lunch I meet a friend for a 90 minute 4 ½ mile walk along the beautiful Olympic Discovery Trail. Usually the dogs want to go for another walk and with Jake gone to the movies and not home waiting for me, we walked for 45 minutes. Now I am relaxing after putting away the Hanukkah decorations.

    :heart: :bigsmile: Barbie from NW Washington
  • mimi7grands
    Just wanted to let you know...my dad's in the hospital with a possible infection of his knee. (He had knee replacements a few years ago.) At almost 90, it could be serious. I'd appreciate any prayers.
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Just wanted to let you know...my dad's in the hospital with a possible infection of his knee. (He had knee replacements a few years ago.) At almost 90, it could be serious. I'd appreciate any prayers.

    Prayers on the way....Praying for a quick recovery and good health!

  • nt2012
    nt2012 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a bit late to join for December, but hope to catch up in January. Just joined after gaining back a few pounds I lost last year - so just hoping for a steady healthier 2012. Not sure I can keep up with all of the posts, but will try to check in to stay motivated. Happy New Year.