

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I've been afraid to get on the scale since my holiday binge began...but was surprised to find out that I gained .2 lbs! Made me happy...but how much could I have lost if I didn't eat so many sweets???
    I don't think of it that way. This time of year is one for celebrating and I think that's good. I try to plan in some sweets and then enjoy them without guilt. I only get down on myself if I go overboard. Like if I say I'm going to have only 1 cake pop and I have 3!

    I didn't realize SuzyQ was back but I see she has a new screen name so I guess that's how I missed it. Hi Suzy!
  • mimi7grands
    Welcome to everyone who's new. There're lots of you! What a great way to start the new year. A warm welcome back to SuzyQ too. Isn't it nice to have this thread to come back to? This is an awesome bunch of women.

    I know many folks are not into New Year's resolutions but I've found it helpful in the past. I agree with not letting a slip from the resolution become the start of a slide. One day at a time truly is the way. But I am still attached to the idea of New Year's resolutions. :laugh:

    Thanks to so many of you for your thoughts and prayers for my dad. I'm sitting here now in the hospital room and he's doing pretty well. He'll be on IV antibiotics for 6-8 weeks but things are looking good. The plan is for him to go home in a couple of days. He's making me laugh and cringe at the same time - he wasn't sure he wanted a PICC line (which is a better alternative, by far, to the IV line) because he won't be able to play golf with it in. Urgh. LOL.

    I had planned to stay home and not go visiting this holiday but of course ended up coming down (from Placerville to the Bay Area) anyway due to the situation with my dad. It's been hard!!! Way too many goodies at my folks' house. I stayed last night at my sister's place and that was better. I really need to be at home.

    Speaking of home - I did get to put up Christmas decorations and I decorated 3 little Alpine Christmas trees. So good to be past the construction stage for awhile. There are some odds and ends to finish up but it's almost done. Yippeee!

    Have a Happy New Year.


  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Everyone:

    Hope you are all well. There are so many newcomers - Welcome to you all :happy:

    Mimi - I hope your Dad is doing well; my prayers are with you :flowerforyou:

    I didn't do too badly over the holidays, I gained a bit, but will work hard to get back on track and get it off and continue on my path. I need to lose 10 lbs to get to where I was in my picture here, which is my lowest in my adult life :smile: (for those who do not know me, I did weigh an all time high of 226 back in 2005 and I am only 5 ft tall)

    My DH and I have our cruise booked for March 24th so I have to be down some for then for sure :wink:

    I am off work for a few days, which has been great. I don't go back to work until Tuesday next week.

    Well, my Friends, I will run for now. Please take care of yourselves and I will talk to you soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Evening Ladies!

    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Pam...Glad you're feeling better. A UTI can be so painful and uncomfy.

    Mary.. I'm happy to hear your father's doing so well.

    Although I need to lose all over, I have quite a belly. Has anyone had good success getting rid of the belly fat doing any certain exercises? I really want a waist again.:bigsmile:

    Today was my sister-in-laws bd. I make her cake every year...whatever she wants. Today was a "death by chocolate cheesecake". It came out really good and i had only a small piece. We also made more homemade chocolates and I held myself to only tastes for quality...a couple of small tastes. I posted it as a chocolate pretzel..we made pretzel chunks in chocolate. Surprisingly, cravings didn't return. I don't feel like running into the kitchen for more! Prayer does work!

    We had planned to go to Longwood Gardens today...but hubby wasn't up to it. Nasty headcold. He's such a baby when he's not feeling well. ugh! Faye...I'll be buying him some MucinexD. The other meds he's taking aren't working very well. I keep telling him to go soak in the tub w/some eucalyptus oil. He's quiet that way:laugh:

    Since I'm exhausted, I'll be heading off to bed shortly. First I need to finish catching up on back episodes of "The Big Bang Theory". I love shows that make me laugh.:laugh:

    Have a great Saturday!
  • kathiemcn

    :flowerforyou: Lisa, do Christmas cards in Australia show warm sunny scenes or do they have snow and snowmen other cold weather stuff like the ones in the Northern Hemisphere? I am realized that I grew up with idea that Christmas and Hanukkah fell in December because it was the coldest and darkest time of the year when all the lights and candles and festivities were most welcome......that sure doesn't apply to half the world

    Hope it's Ok if I answer for Lisa here...I'm sure she won't mind (we actually live quite close).

    Yes, some Christmas cards, wrapping, tags, decorations, etc. do have snow and snowmen and snowy scenes...the traditional ones...but we have others as well, just showing trees or stars or Santa or religious scenes. Some are uniquelly (don't know how to spell that) Australian with kangaroos with Santa hats and things, but they are not as common. We seem to associate with Santa, snow, reindeer, all sorts of things like that even though they are cold-weather things....they just seem Christmassy to us, even though we don't have the cold weather.

    One downside of it being here in Summer (Sydney) is that we have daylight saving in December, so it doesn't get dark 'til about 8.30pm, which always used to make it harder when the children were little and we wanted to take them to see the Christmas lights (past their bedtimes) and made it a bit later to do all the "Santa" duties.

    Anything to add Lisa?
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning everyone

    Not quite sure what I have done, but think I've either got sciatica in my groin (can you get it there?) or somehow strained it, but going on the dog walk this morning was agony. I had it yesterday, but thought it would go away, it doesn't seem too bad when pottering about at home, but this morning we took the dogs to Strensall Common and I found it very difficult to get about. At least my head cold has gone :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Mimi glad your dad is on the mend, not sure if I told you but a few Sunday's ago, my dad called to say that he'd called the emergency out of hours doctor for my mum, because she had a sharp pain going from her back to her chest. They'd sent an ambulance so I went over straight away fearing the worst. That must have been the start of mums shingles ( I googled shingles and found out it starts off as a sharp pain along where the rash will eventually break out) Sure enough after about 3 days the rash came and mum was diagnosed with shingles. It looks awful, her back is red raw with weepy type blisters going from back to front particularly sore under her bust. The doctor has now given her some penicillin so I hope that works for her.

    :ohwell: Where has the year gone, I started quite well, lost almost 9lbs and then put them all on again. So 2012 I am going to re think my eating habits and portions.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome back SuziQ lovely to hear from you again.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie I'll say a thank you now for starting the new thread for January 2012 which will be here before we know it.

    :drinker: Happy New Year to all my friends - Let's make 2012 OUR Healthier new year, and to those celebrating tonight have a good time :heart: :heart:
  • kathiemcn
    Happy New Year everyone! 10.51pm here in Sydney now, so we're nearly there :happy:

    I'm not 100% sure what my December goal was, but I think it was to lose 1 kg before Christmas and I did that (and I actually didn't gain it all back in the past week...though most of it...lol). Not sure what I'll set for January...maybe the water drinking needs to be stepped up. Anything that's a positive would be a good goal I think.

    All the best to all of you for a happy and successful 2012! :flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning everyone

    Not quite sure what I have done, but think I've either got sciatica in my groin (can you get it there?) or somehow strained it, but going on the dog walk this morning was agony. I had it yesterday, but thought it would go away, it doesn't seem too bad when pottering about at home, but this morning we took the dogs to Strensall Common and I found it very difficult to get about. At least my head cold has gone :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    at the beginning of this year i also suffered a terrible pain in the groin area(similar to saciatica, i have also suffered from that)anyways went to the doctors and it was my hip...he recommeded surgery(with a future hip replacement)....i did some therapy(stretches)and meds....stop walking for exercise and started more pilates or yoga(i find yoga much better for me, the moves are slower)i have an appt on the 31 for a 2nd opinion.....hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Happy New Year everyone! 10.51pm here in Sydney now, so we're nearly there :happy:

    I'm not 100% sure what my December goal was, but I think it was to lose 1 kg before Christmas and I did that (and I actually didn't gain it all back in the past week...though most of it...lol). Not sure what I'll set for January...maybe the water drinking needs to be stepped up. Anything that's a positive would be a good goal I think.

    All the best to all of you for a happy and successful 2012! :flowerforyou:

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Thank you all for the welcome back. :flowerforyou: There are many new faces so it will take me awhile to get up to speed.

    I DID get that bike ride in yesterday and it revealed just how out of shape I am. My legs were like jello! But the sunshine and fresh air felt heavenly! :love: Yesterday was my first simple carb free day in way too long. Just weighed and measured and after 3 days can already see a 1/4" here and 1/2" there gone. :happy:

    Hubby is off today so we plan to start back on the remodel by finishing up the crown moulding in the living room and foyer. The goal is to be finished in time to celebrate our anniversary the end of January in front of our new hearth. Apparently he is missing the thinner me too because when I mentioned the planned bike ride at lunch he went home and dug my bike out of the garage while I was grocery shopping.

    His sugar cookies remain, but my house is now purged of all other simple carbs and filled with high fiber, healthy things to reach for instead. I'm also working on getting my water intake back up to where it needs to be.

    For the first Saturday in months and months I plan to be exercising today. I know from past experience the only way I am going to lose 20 lbs before my son's marriage blessing in March is to exercise at least an hour EVERY day.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member

    My apologizes for being absent the last few months. I blame my Ipad app as I can't figure out how to get to the forums on it. While I totally love my Ipad and don't know how I lived 58 years without one (lol), for 2012 I am going back to updating MFP on my old laptopl

    I hope everone is well and may 2012 be a successful year for all of us.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy New year everyone!!
    Gonna spend the day with family.Son`s birthday,celebrating 33 years.Spending the night with my 3 1/2 year old gran daughter.Gonna have a few tea parties.
    For the New year I just want to focus on being as healthy as I can.Do what ever exercise I can and eat the best I can.
    Try not to let the stress in my life get the best of me.
    Looking forward to 2012 with all MFP.
    Have a great day!
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Wishing everyone a healthy and a Happy New Year.
    It has been a tough 2 weeks. Can't believe I gain 5 lbs. That's what I get for not weighing in. But tomorrow is a new year. And back to watching what I eat. And push my exercise up a notch or 2. I have one more week of vacation. So it will be getting all the bad stuff out of my kitchen. And getting back my routine.
    Best of luck to everyone.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    We are aiming on an early night to see in the New Year. Neither of us are feeling on top form - chesty coughs all round here.

    Whatever you are up to, be safe. Have fun and let's all look forward to a healthy, happy 2012.

    God bless.
    Amanda x
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    I agree with "AHealthierSuz" it's time to purge the kitchen. We had guests last night and I made a tortilla torte (totally decadent), chili and corn bread. I think I consumed more calories from corn bread than from wine (my usual weakness is wine). Today I'm going to throw out the left overs and start a-new.

    It's unusually sunny here, and warm. I am going to give the little dog a treat and take him out for a walk around town. I like to turn on the Nike fitness feature on my iPod and set it to calories burned. It's probably not very accurate but I love hearing that computer voice saying, "100 calories burned....You are half way to your goal....You have reached your goal of 200 calories, press pause to end this workout!"

    Happy New Year, see you in 2012.
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    In case I don't get much time for logging in over the next day or two....Happy New Year to everyone. Please be safe, have fun, and look positively toward the new year!

    My main objective for this year is to be more consistent. I figure that will take in so much of what I'm looking forward to....better health, better bod, more exercise and better food choices....cleaner house. I have too great a tendency to go full steam over something and then fizzle after a bit. And I usually start to fizzle just when I'm beginning to see progress....WHY IS THAT???:huh:

    Not that we need a new year to start anew...but I think we might have all been conditioned to think that way...so here's to a new year full of peace, happiness, health and all the fun things in life!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi My Dear Friends:

    Just a quick note to wish you all a Happy New Year and may all your wishes and dreams for 2012 come true for you all :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you again soon,

    Love, Cathy xx
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Well today was rather odd weather wise, even for here in north Florida. I spent the afternoon outside enjoying the beautiful day. It was probably near 80 today for a high. It's 70 degrees now and it's 6pm. (Well, it was 6 when I started this...I stopped to make dinner.)

    I spent some time taking pictures of my beds and pots of flowers and also cracking out some of the black walnuts we brought back from Michigan. It was fun sitting in the yard doing that and watching the birds at the feeders.

    I want all you northern bird lovers to know that we are taking good care of "your" gold finches. It doesn't seem quite fair that they show up here with almost all their color gone and just as they are turning bright yellow and green again, they leave to go back north to you all. The robins have not arrived here yet. It seems that they come all at once and just invade the yard by the hundreds sometime in early January, stay for a few days, and travel further south. We don't see them again until the same time the next year. It seems odd to me that we don't see them on the return flight north. They must not flock up like they do on the way down.

    I'm glad DH and I got the cold frame ready to go the other day, as we are due for our first freeze on Monday. The forecast says we will have a nighttime freeze both Monday and Tuesday. Everything that I have planted can take some freezing temps except the lettuce; it will need protection.

    I am having a concoction of left over turkey with quinoa pasta, onions, ancho peppers, tomatoes and eggplant from my garden. The veggies are from the garden via the freezer of course. Maybe I'll use cumin to flavor it up. DH is having venison, brown rice and green beans.

    We aren't New Years revelers either; we never have been. DH is watching football and I will probably watch a movie on Netflix and maybe work on a cute ear flap hat pattern that I found for DGGS. Mom hinted that she would like one for him. There isn't too much need for one down here, but I will take any excuse I can get to knit something for someone.

    I am fighting the simple carb monster like many others. I usually don't have a problem with sugar; flour is a whole different subject! However, a nibble here and a bite there over the holidays has gotten me into a position that I am craving sugary stuff. What's left in the house now is not all that appealing to me and DH will have it gone shortly anyway. I have to learn how many bites and samples I can allow myself during the holidays before the carb monster kicks in. It's obviously fewer that I thought! I am fine through the day, but in the evenings the cravings start. Tonight, I plan to keep my hands busy.

    I ordered the yoga DVD that Barbie was talking about and am looking forward to getting started with it.

    I wouldn't call it a New Years resolution by any means, but this year, in addition to getting healthier by losing some more weight, I intend to work on my flexibility. I need some of improvement in that area.

    Talk to you all next year! :laugh:
  • Harmony14
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Here's to the bright New Year
    And a fond farewell to the old;
    Here's to the things that are yet to come
    And to the memories that we hold.

    Sending you all warm wishes for a safe, happy and healthy new year!!!
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193

    My main objective for this year is to be more consistent. I figure that will take in so much of what I'm looking forward to....better health, better bod, more exercise and better food choices....cleaner house. I have too great a tendency to go full steam over something and then fizzle after a bit. And I usually start to fizzle just when I'm beginning to see progress....WHY IS THAT???:huh:

    Gosh Rita this is ME!! ....and I have the same goals for the new year.... in fact I am spending the day doing some tidying up today!

    Happy New Year to everyone:drinker: ..... see you on the January thread.
