

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    I am only stopping in for a moment to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and all the best wishes for you all.:love:

    I will be back soon, family will be here soon so I have to run.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kathie, thank you for sharing about Christmas in Australia.......as someone who has always lived in the Northern Hemisphere, I am accustomed to the winter themes of Christmas and Hanukkah and have found it difficult to imagine their celebrations in a place where it is summer. so much of what I know about the lights of the holidays is based on the premise that they take place during the darkest time of the year thus I guess it's not surprising that people don't light up their houses In Australia in the summer like they do in the US and Canada in the winter. At this time of year, sunset where I live is at 4:20 PM and sunrise is 8 AM......when I walk my dogs in the morning from 5:30 to 7:30 it's mostly dark and a lot of people still have their Christmas lights on.

    :bigsmile: Welcome to all the new members.....I hope you'll stay with us.......this thread will be much more active after the holidays.

    :bigsmile: I made latkes today and will make them again tomorrow.......that's the only holiday cooking I do, otherwise we eat normal food......we had lunch with a group from my line dance class yesterday and i had Chinese chicken salad without the dressing and a very yummy roll without butter.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate

  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Trying again with the picture. Merry Christmas to all!

    R<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jipsyjudy/6567041675/&quot; title="DSC00862 by jipsyjudy, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7161/6567041675_fdb3bd512a.jpg&quot; width="500" height="333" alt="DSC00862"></a>
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    OK. I haven't figured out how to post pictures here yet.
  • kathiemcn
    New "here..." Just saw the tread for the first time today.... It's been a difficult December for me because a relationship that began last year at this time has not worked out & I have been letting myself fall apart over it. Can't seem to nurse myself back to health and am turning to food to comfort me.... It doesn't work, by the way, so if any of you are thinking of trying it: I wouldn't recommend it... :wink: Am going to try to keep myself from over-indulging over the next week and wll try to drag my depressed little self over to the gym when it is open. Happy Holidays, Everyone. Hope to join you in January.

    Been there, done that...know the feeling. I feel for you. Strangely enough, I turned to food during my relationship (says something about the quality of the relationship) and started dieting when I came out of it, in order to feel better about myself, and it has worked.
    Things will get better...believe me...it just takes time. Happy Holidays to you!
  • kathiemcn
    Happy holidays everyone!

    Our Christmas day is almost over now. A beautiful day...warm and sunny and 27 degrees (81 F)....perfect for Christmas and not too hot, thank goodness.

    A very successful day at home here with Mum and the children, and now I have the evening to myself. I ate way to much...my meals were healthy but funnily enough it was those darn licorice allsorts that did me in :wink: Never mind, tomorrow is a new day!

    Fortunately there was no bad news today, although there is a cyclone (hurricane) approaching Darwin (right up North of the country) as I type, so hopefully that will be OK. In 1974 that city was completely wiped out by Cyclone Tracey on Christmas Eve. But we'll have none of that this year thank you :laugh: Just a lovely season for all :heart:

    Merry Christmas and happy Holidays!:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    OK. I haven't figured out how to post pictures here yet.

    are you using the BB code?
  • LGOllie
    LGOllie Posts: 37 Member
    Hi! I think I found the right board for me. I am 53. I am a teacher of preschool children with special needs. My job is very stressful as demands relating to paperwork and evaluations for teachers have increased tremendously in recent years. Often, I think I would like to leave the profession, but eventhough I have 30+ years in, I need to be 62 before I can retire with benefits. The children and collegues bring joy to my life, but I have been dealing with the stress by constant eating, habitually fluctuating between coffee and sweets, not to mention the weekend wine and pastas.

    I have a husband who is thin and eats healthy food. I have now shared my goal with a few women at church and a few siblings. I am determined once again to lose this weight. Like most of you, probably, I have lost several pounds many times only to gain it again. I really have never worked on maintaining weight and keeping good habits.

    My recent bloodwork results showed cholesterol and triglycerides high. I cannot wear most of my clothes. I cannot stand looking at this person in the mirror knowing it is me.

    So...I will appreciate the "motivation and support" here! Hope I can help others as well.
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Barbie, I had the html code. I just clicked the BB Code button and copied. Will see if this works now.

    DSC00862 by jipsyjudy, on Flickr
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Thank you Barbie! I finally go it right.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :bigsmile: Judy, your family looks great
    especially the furry ones :laugh:
  • beth535
    beth535 Posts: 31 Member
    Happy holidays, everyone!

    I've been missing-in-action on the board for nearly two weeks. I think the last thing I posted about was my friend having a 4-day relapse on alcohol after four years of sobriety. She's doing quite well now. The good news is that I still haven't smoked. Ten-and-a-half months! It was tough the first two days with my friend since she smokes and there was no way I was going to ask her to not smoke. But I got through it.

    What I didn't do was stick to tracking my food and sticking close to this board. I went to a lot of AA and Nicotine Anonymous meetings, but my attention to healthy eating went right out the window. I'll confess: since I didn't want my "days logged on" to stop, (although I think it did), I was coming in a putting a quick add calories for the day, just to log in. I was guesstimating either 2500 or 3000 calories! I have definitely gained weight. I'm hoping it won't be the whole 8 pounds I'd lost. I'll get honest tomorrow and get back on track. But there's another party tonight and I already had two Christmas dinners today.

    I'll admit I'm disappointed in myself since I was doing so well. I'd consistently logged my food HONESTLY for something like 60 days. That was somewhat of a miracle for me. My "healthy" habits generally don't last much longer than 2 or 3 weeks. I have 15-and-a-half years of sobriety from marijuana and alcohol. As I've mentioned, I hope to be celebrating a year of being nicotine free on February 8th. The cigarettes were a ten-year struggle to quit. I'd had 2 years and 10 months. I was a cigarette smoke for 40 years. Hardest thing I've ever done.

    Well, maybe the second hardest. We don't have a choice about eating. It's something we have to do to live. We have a choice about what, when, and how we eat. But I'm a firm believer in the concept of addiction as a disease of the brain. For me, it's one disease, many manifestations. The two remaining "compulsions" are overeating and overspending. My credit cards are now safe in blocks of ice in my freezer!

    I'm choosing to NOT participate in Overeaters Anonymous be two 12-step programs at a time is plenty! Weight Watchers is too expensive. Also, I have a big problem with feeling deprived on a strict diet. It just sets me up for failure and we know where that can take us. MFP was appealing to me because it would get me in the habit of a food journal and my "techie" nature liked being able to do it on my phone or PC. The "free" part was attractive, too, along with the community.

    There was a "discussion/debate" on this board a few weeks ago about people keeping their food diaries public or private. I'm thinking about the idea of making mine public, just so I'll have some accountability. But that means overcoming my history of shame and guilt from my mother about whatever food I put into my mouth and about being overweight. And I wasn't even grossly overweight as a child and teenager. Just about 20 pounds overweight. Boy, to have just 20 pounds to lose now!!! It's more like 80 pounds for me.

    I just need to get back to the "one day at a time" mentality with my eating and making wiser choices. I can still treat myself occasionally, but I can do that with just a taste or two instead of the whole, giant piece, and I can make it fit into my daily goals. I'm pretty generous with myself right now with a daily calorie goal of 1800. I still need to bring exercise into the mix. But I was loosing up to a pound a week, which my doctor said was the way to do it.

    OK, I know I have a tendency to do long posts, and who has time to do all that reading? But I appreciate being able to express myself in the company of women who understand me! Thanks for listening!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: The book I'm reading now ""Younger Next Year for Women
    Live Like You're 50----Strong, Fit, Sexy---Until You're 80 and Beyond" makes a good case for squats. It says "Strengthening your quads is also the best thing you can do to prevent bad knees" Strengthening your quads, the shock absorbers of your body, means you're much less likely to fall and get injured. And strengthening your quads, the biggest muscles in your body, means they will burn more calories even on"idle". So when in doubt default to quads" :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: so with that in mind, I joined a challenge to do 100 squats a day for 100 days.

    :bigsmile: Beth, I'm glad to hear from you again.:bigsmile: I have some friends in OA and FA and they tell me that a big part of their programs in planning your food for the day in advance, writing it down, and sticking to the plan.......also they use the same 12 Steps as your programs and they do the program one day at a time.......the MFP community could provide the opportunity for sharing with people with similar challenges.and making your food diary public would be a perfect place to plan your food ahead of time.

    :bigsmile: I am still fighting with the three pounds I acquired from my month long Thanksgiving celebration.:sad: :sad: :sad:
  • Harmony14
    It's been a difficult December for me because a relationship that began last year at this time has not worked out & I have been letting myself fall apart over it. Can't seem to nurse myself back to health and am turning to food to comfort me.... It doesn't work, by the way, so if any of you are thinking of trying it: I wouldn't recommend it... :wink: .

    Hi Jeneba -thanks for your post - I am new here both on the site and to this thread and I can sure relate to your comment - and completely agree - turning to food really doesn't cut it - although I too have been giving it a good run these past several days :) Thanks to reading your comment - my treadmill has been beckoning to me and I got the strength up to throw out the chocolates, so I send wishes back to you that you make it to the gym like you want to - here's to a new day and new resolve to move forward !!

    PS - I am grateful to have found this thread - it seems like just what I need :) My goals right now are just to take it moment by moment, recover from my grief over my relationship ending, and not eat myself into oblivion - and especially to not scream at the contradiction that this is all happening at a time of year when social convention says we are supposed to be joyful and celebrating :) !!
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi All!

    Busy, wonderful holiday....way too much food. But tomorrow I start logging my food again and getting some movement going. it will be nice to do something that isn't shopping or cooking or driving to go shopping.:drinker: I'm going to start from scratch and be more patient with myself this time. From reading the posts for the last couple of months...the most successful ladies are the ones that take their time. As Beth said...One Day at a Time.

    Beth....I love reading your posts. It's great you were able to be so supportive for your friend. You should be very proud of all your accomplishments....inspiring.

    Judy....wonderful family picture!

    Barbie...Everytime you mention a book...I want to run out and get it. Guess I'll be visiting the library tomorrow! I'm on vaca this week, so I'll have plenty of time to read.

    Jeneba....I hope you can find some balance. Relationships can be so hard. This is a great support group. If you read back in the posts, you'll see there are a few of us that have been a bit blue lately for a variety of reasons. We've visited the fridge for comfort, to get rid of boredom or anxiety...you name it. We're here any time you want to chat!

    Kathie....Thanks for the view from the other side of the world. I wish i could quit my job and just travel around and experience the rest of the world. Maybe in my next life!

    Robin...I am so sorry to hear of Kiera's passing. Our pets are a member of our family...and we miss them terribly.

    Harmony....Like I told Jeneba...this is a great thread for support. We've all had so many life experiences and can share what does and doesn't work for us....and cheer each other on! Congrats for jumping right in, throwing out the chocolates and hitting the treadmill!

    Anyone....There are no rules. Check in and post as often as you like. I pop in and out alot during the day and try to keep up with everyone. Sometimes I spend waaay too much time and have to remind myself that I have laundry to do:laugh:

    Welcome to all the new ladies!

    It's time for me to clean a very messy kitchen!
    Chat with everyone tomorrow...

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Pam - I'm with you. I KNOW that I went over today and I will tomorrow. I'll try to watch it, but I'll go over just the same, I know it now. But....the good thing is that I'll give Jessica, Zac, and Denise leftovers, send cookie leftovers to Bryan, and then I'm DONE, as in no more for a while at least. Had 2 glasses of wine, you know, wish I had another right about now. But I don't think we have any more of that wine left over (which is probably a good thing)

    Does anyone make pies from scratch? I will make one at Christmas time. Seems the Stayman (Wine Sap) apples I tried this time didn't get "mushy". Now for my question: How do you prevent "juice"? (which reminds me that we have apple cider, think I'll have some)

    anyonebutme - jump right on in! Post as often as you can.

    jesuslover - welcome!

    Yes, Kathy, thanks for sharing. I have a hard time imagining a christmas dinner being a barbecue. Interesting, tho..

    Welcome praisinggod...you've come to the right place for support

    Between Christmas Eve and today, I've been WAAAYYYY off on my eating. There is that little voice that is wispering over my shoulder "oh, you don't have to worry tomorrow". But I know that if I don't get right back on track, I'm doomed. I can't go to the gym since I need to be home because my oldest daughter ripped her contact. Fortunately, her eye MD is down here so she needs to go early tomorrow and hopefully, they can give her a sample contact. That's what she had, they just never sent her the prescription. Denise is anxious to leave, what else is new??? So I'm going to do a new Jari Love DVD that I got for Christmas tomorrow a.m., and I'm determined to get back to healthy eating, I've wrapped up a lot of the cookies for Jess, Zac, and Denise to take back with them. What's left is very little, along with some cookies that Vince likes that really don't appeal to me (unless I'm really stressed).

    beth - you are a real good friend, and a strong person. Long posts are just fine.

    Remember I said the other day that I was dizzy? Well, Vince mentioned that he thought it might be sinuses. I didn't feel any sinus pain, but I decided to take some Sudafed anyway. Today I'm not dizzy. Are the two related? I don't know.

    Haramony - we are so glad to have you.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening. Gotta take a shower. I'm determined that I'm going to get back on track starting tomorrow.

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good afternoon, ladies

    @jipsyjudy....what lovely family

    @beth...congrats onbeing smoke free....as for your post i love to read them...speaking for myself this time of the year, with all the goodies i cant resisted nor do i really want to...i just try to log and be more careful than i was i the past...

    @barbiecat...i got on the scale today and 2.2lb gained, but i did love eating my goodies...make to healthly eating today


    @topaz2986/rita ...glad you are back

    @anyonebut me...welcome



    we had a wonderful christmas eve and christmas day, shared with family and friends, now back to eating healthy and exercise...got on the scale this morning i put on 2.2lbs, not suprising...im not too upset about it though....had a great spinning class and now to have my lunch of greek yogurt, bluberries and some cereal for crunch.....iam happy to get back to my routine....hope all had a wonderful holiday:flowerforyou:
  • Harmony14
    Wow - I just have to say this - I have been taking a few minutes throughout the past day or so to read some of the back posts on this thread. It makes me even more grateful to have found it. You are all so amazingly supportive of one another and encouraging. And thanks to everyone who has taken a minute to be so welcoming to me. I hope I can be as supportive and motivational for you.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    made it to san diego safe and sound. didn't make the best choices yesterday other than walking to the store (about 1.5 miles round trip) today I did choose well at breakfast and then walked about 4 miles so now I won't feel so bad about other food choices I make today. It is easy to let the sunshine wash away the pain of losing Kiera. this was a great time to have the vacation.