

  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Confession time here. About 2 years ago, I read "Younger Next Year for Women" and bought a heart rate monitor. After 4 months, I realized that every time I tried to push hard enough to sustain a faster heart rate, something broke. A knee, a hip, an ankle ... something would start to ache so much, I'd have to stop exercising for a coupe of days. So the heart rate monitor now sits forgotten in a drwaer. But that's just me,
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Confession time here. About 2 years ago, I read "Younger Next Year for Women" and bought a heart rate monitor. After 4 months, I realized that every time I tried to push hard enough to sustain a faster heart rate, something broke. A knee, a hip, an ankle ... something would start to ache so much, I'd have to stop exercising for a coupe of days. So the heart rate monitor now sits forgotten in a drwaer. But that's just me,
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Confession time here. About 2 years ago, I read "Younger Next Year for Women" and bought a heart rate monitor. After 4 months, I realized that every time I tried to push hard enough to sustain a faster heart rate, something broke. A knee, a hip, an ankle ... something would start to ache so much, I'd have to stop exercising for a couple of days. So the heart rate monitor now sits forgotten in a drawer. But that's just me.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning all,

    just a quick note about the HRM..i also have a POLAR F7....and have had one for maybe 10 years ,i did up graded to the F7, a few years ago...i agree with michele,having to send the monitor back to polar to repladce the battery was a pain, though i found a local jelwery store that i used the last time and i had my monitor back in a couple of days....also very important is to get one that has a chest strap it will be more accurate....

    i need to finish some baking(cookies), and make a guava cake for tomorrow's dinner.....have a lovely day all:flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I have the polar fT 7 too. Love it. especially the silly things like the birthday cake it displays on your birhtday. It doesn't take much to amuse me. Bodi, Doug and I are doing better today. we all miss Kiera so much but at least we have each other and Kiera was very lucky to die at home quickly so not too much suffering of pain and surrounded by those she loved. I find it apprapo that she left on the wings of the night during winter soltice. My black as night dog rode out on the wings of the darkness as we now enter the time of gaining light. she always did make an entrance so I am glad she made a notable exit. :smile: . May she have lots of doggie cookies in doggie heaven.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Been missing for most of the month as we were away on vacation.

    Now I'm back and have just started reading the thread for this month.

    I'll get back to tracking soon. No point in doing it right now as I've missed so much anyway.

    Nice sunny day at the moment, and we had some snow this morning, whether it will wait around for Christmas Day or not we'll find out in the next day or so.

    Off to do my grocery shopping soon.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Confession time here. About 2 years ago, I read "Younger Next Year for Women" and bought a heart rate monitor. After 4 months, I realized that every time I tried to push hard enough to sustain a faster heart rate, something broke. A knee, a hip, an ankle ... something would start to ache so much, I'd have to stop exercising for a coupe of days. So the heart rate monitor now sits forgotten in a drwaer. But that's just me,
    This is why I used RPE and not HR. I use the HRM to judge other things. RPE (Relative Perceived Effort) is better than HR Zones IMO for a couple of reasons. One is that most people don't know their zones. That famous formula? 220-your age? Total bunk. In many studies they've shown it doesn't work for the vast majority of people.So all over the world people are working out to random HRs that aren't even really in the zone they think they are.

    Another problem with HR is that it tends to lag. So you start biking up a hill and you are working too hard but by the time your HR goes up, you are at the top and it's too late to pick an easier gear and not work as hard.

    Finally, they are impacted by irrelevant factors. Like they always run higher in a race situation but you aren't really working harder. Lack of sleep or not drinking enough fluids can impact them as well.
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    I really really really regret putting gingerbread cookie dough in my fridge to set... the rate it's throwing itself down my throat we won't have any cookies...

    I should know better.

    But... I did work out with the trainer and my 5K time has dropped. I can run 45 minutes now before taking a walk break. I might just make that 1/2 marathon in February after all. Even if I have to crawl across the finish line. lol

    Aaannnnd how is everyone else faring with their end of year festivities?
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Just wanted to chime in about the heart rate monitor. I got one for last Christmas and it took me a while to start using it but I really, really like it. I got the Polar FT7. I like getting a read of my calories burned in my workouts. The numbers are very different than the MFP reading. I like having the information during my workout....heart rate and calories burned. I know that it can do a lot of things and I need to play with it more. Robin.....The birthday cake did crack me up this year....I can't see the display that well and I had to go get my glasses to check it out...it cracked me up!!
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Evening Ladies!

    I've been away for quite some time...but think of you all often. I just wanted to pop on and tell everyone to have the most blessed holiday season...and a wonderful new year!

    I haven't been logging or tracking my food. It's kind of impossible when my son, Patrick, is backing cheese cakes and hubby is making home made butter creams. And I have no will power when they ask me to sample their batches. But I will begin again when the the glitter of the holiday settles. I promise you and myself.

    Everyone enjoy your holidays!

  • kathiemcn
    Whoa...so many posts this time, including sad news, which is such a shame to hear.

    It sounds like everyone is very busy with the holiday season, and lots of temptation seems to be around (as it does here in my life). It is quite strange sometimes to read your posts as sometimes the USA sounds like a different world, not just a different country...I am just starting (a little) to understand some of your ways and food and things. It is very enlightening, but it seems to make us Aussies sound a bit boring..we just seem to celebrate Christmas and that's that, even though we are multicultural.

    I have been as busy as busy for the last four days getting everything ready for Christmas here (now it's 5.40pm Christmas Eve)...I haven't achieved everything I had wanted to, but what the heck?...Christmas will just be a little different this year. I'm sick of trying to be a perfectionist. There might still be dust on the mantelpiece amongst the decorations, but who will care but me? (and only if I let myself)...certainly not my mum or my two children.

    Our Australian Christmas tomorrow .... get up and open presents (we are not great Church-goers in this country), then a festive lunch of cold ham and prawns and salad and antipasto. Icecream for dessert. And to add to all that we have cashews, crisps, a gingerbread house, shortbread, Christmas (fruit) cake, lollies and chocolates. Lots of people here do have a hot turkey dinner and plum pudding, etc, while others have seafood or seafood bbqs, but we have decided to do it differently and also make it as easy as possible this year (no baking except for the cake). There are only the four of us and we can really please ourselves. At 3pm, sadly, my children go to their father's for 24 hours, but I will make the most of that by just relaxing and watching the big "Carols by Candlelight" concert held in Melbourne every year on Christmas Eve, that I will be recording tonight. It always makes me feel Christmassy. Boxing Day I will relax mostly and tidy up a bit as well.

    Then I have a week off work until after New Year (so many public holidays here at this time of year that I only needed to take a couple of day's leave, and we have our financial year at the end of June, so no pressure with that). The children have very long holidays here around Christmas to February of about 6 to 8 weeks, so I need to give them some of my time at home. No vacations for us though as it's too expensive at this time of year.

    Well, I'd best go and make our dinner...going out to look at Christmas lights on houses tonight (unlike you there a minority of people here actually decorate the outsides of their houses, so we have to drive about 20 minutes to see a street where they all go crazy with them). I have been in the USA for Christmas twice (my brother lives in Washington DC) and the USA is an entirely different experience at Christmas time.....magical! It is much more laid back here, even though it is the big celebration of our year, which is a shame....I'd like us to take a leaf out of your book, but maybe it's just too hot here to be bothered...lol.

    It's looking like it's going to be a hot one tomorrow....urk!

    All the best to everyone on this thread for the festive season, whatever you may be celebrating. And in case I don't get to it again before then, happy New Year to you all! I hope that 2012 brings you lots of happiness! :happy:
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Merry Christmas, Kathie!
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    New "here..." Just saw the tread for the first time today.... It's been a difficult December for me because a relationship that began last year at this time has not worked out & I have been letting myself fall apart over it. Can't seem to nurse myself back to health and am turning to food to comfort me.... It doesn't work, by the way, so if any of you are thinking of trying it: I wouldn't recommend it... :wink: Am going to try to keep myself from over-indulging over the next week and wll try to drag my depressed little self over to the gym when it is open. Happy Holidays, Everyone. Hope to join you in January.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Pam - thanks for mentioning that a chest strap on a HRM is important. I know there are some that are like a watch, but they aren't as accurate. Thanks, I'd forgotten about that fact. If I can't change the battery myself, I take it to a jeweler and he has the tools needed. . I can change the battery in the chest strap myself, but I need to take the reciever to the jewelr. But at least I have the HRM working that day.

    Robin - I feel so bad for you, but you have a wonderful way of making lemonade out of lemons (Kiera's passing)

    Ladies - where is the birthday cake displayed on the HRM? I will look for it this year. I probably didn't use my HRM in previous years on my birthday, so I didn't know about it displaying a cake. Is it on the screen where the time is displayed? Didn't even know it did this.

    Have a wonderful holiday, everyone. Today is Christmas Eve, I just know that I'm going to go over on the calories, so I'm not even going to be tracking. Yesterday Jessica mentioned about wanting to have a Christmas dinner, she wants a ham. I'm not big on ham, too much sodium for me. I may have a little, but I'll probably work on finishing up the christmas Eve leftovers.

    Denise is here. Last night I lost it, I went downstairs and just said to her "Denise, we only get to see you 3 days out of the year. The least you could do is spend some time with us. You can watch TV any time" and then I started crying. As expected, she's going to do what she wants to do. She wouldn't even eat dinner with us, said she wasn't hungry. She's looking so thin, Jessica said she's 99 lbs. Every time I think about it, I thanks goodness for waterless keyboards. I really don't want to put a damper on Jessica or Vince or even Zac's holidays. So I've got to get over this at least for now. Maybe what I should do is have a good cry right now and get it out jof my system.

    Welcome Jeneba!

    Well, I'll probably want Jessica to go to the store with me. Need to get the veggie try, also. Been somewhat dizzy. Couldn't do yoga today. Don't know what it is with me, this happened a while ago. I really don't like the feeling.

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    @michele, i am sorry, i agree with you though maybe a good cry and get it out of your system for now...to resolve later....

    @jeneba....welcome.....sorry about your relationship...feel better..

    we celebrate tonight(noche buena) and tomorrow Christmas day...tonight its the traditonal cuban fare of pork, rice, black beans, and yuca....along with lots of foods to nibble at and loads of dessert(i make a guava cake)tomorrow its a breakfast with my sons, before one goes to work and the other two are traveling....will try and log my foods(though i will be guessing for the dinner)but i will be going over FOR SURE, i will start to eat healthy on the 26th....

    my friends i wish you all a very happy holiday/ Merry Christmas,i hope we all have a great time and enjoy our families...big hug :flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so much to do today so no time to dwell on our loss. I am making chocolate creme brulee for our big family dinner tonight with my dad and his new family. I am also making a broccoli cauliflower cheesey casserole. I haven't even begun packing for our week in San Diego and we leave tomorrow morning. I had also bought a Groupon for Curves and it expires this year so I have to go use it today. We also have to take Bodi to the Kennel for his doggie vacation. I am not sure how it will all get done but it will. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season.
  • anyonebutmehaha
    hello women over 50! can i join? i'm 51 and getting back to being active after a bad accident couple of years ago. i joined MFP 2 months ago, the day i was allowed to throw away the horrid crutches.
    how does this work? check in once a week or something?

    ps. i posted a question in general diet forum which maybe some of you know the answer to? this dieting when over 50 thing is hard.....
  • Jesuslover59
    New to MFP and loving it! Thanks for starting this post! For me, my goal is to write everything down I eat, no matter what, and to stop eating a couple hours before bedtime. I also want to try not eating in front of the tv so much. I grew up being able to eat all I wanted and was skinny. As an adult, i was a runner. Then I got in a car accident, got married, had 4 kids and the weight just kept creeping up. At this age, I have to work so much harder to lose it; I still exercise daily too! Anyway, glad to finally find support and tools! Thanks and God bless you!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I've been rushing around all day so haven't had time to say hi. I went shopping with my DD#2 and her DH and then visited mother-in-law in the nursing home before coming home to prepare all the food for tomorrow. I then sat on the sofa and pretty much passed out for an hour! I NEVER do that. My DH didn't want to disturb me and was creeping around until the alarm on the cooker went off.

    Still quite a bit to do, but I want an early night if possible. As it is now 7pm, I'd better get a move on!

    Have a fantastic time whatever you are doing. You are my favourite bunch of ladies, even though I've met not a one of you.

    Love to you all.
    Amanda x
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hello ladies!Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays.Welcome all you new members.This is an awesome group.
    Hope santa is good to you all.
    Can`t wait to see my 2 grandkids from IN.Haven`t seen since June.
    Enjoy family and friends,don`t get too friendly with all the Christmas goodies.