40 and older with 10lbs or less to lose



  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Good Morning All!:flowerforyou:

    Enjoyed my weekend with family visiting. Spent Saturday skiing and the big news is I fit into my daughter's old ski pants (size Small) Whoopie! The cheat day on Saturday worked well as we packed lunches to take the ski hill so I was able to make smart choices. Really only splurge was the bloody mary at the lounge.

    YOGA DVD suggestions are hard. I love a good yoga class and never really found a tape the matchees a good instructor. My favorite DVD right now is Yoga for stress relief by bodywisdom media. There are over 20 routines to choice from and a nice bonus a "how to meditate" with the Dalia Lama. Very peaceful.

    Starting the second week of the one hundred push-ups challenge. Not nearly as sore at the end of the week as I was at the beginning. I'm just really proud that I can now do good form push-ups.:drinker: I will be calorie cycling this week and waiting anxiously for my HRM to arrive. Until then I will still just use the estimates on the exercise log. Pavement is still dry and ice free for the most part so I hope to get some runs in this week. Not today though because we will be in the low teens with a strong windchill.
  • hoamai
    hoamai Posts: 76
    duffyzmom - thanks for the recommendation - I'll look for that DVD.
    alf1163 - I am jealous - going to sunny PR. I am in the snow and headed to cold-snowy Michigan this week - which is why I need some DVD programs to keep me going. Safe travels.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Singfree - Congratulations!! And your romantic dinner sounded pretty clean to me! :laugh:

    My plan for today is to run outdoors, about 4 miles. I convinced my husband to do it with me. He resisted at first and when I said "well, I am still doing it" He said ok. :laugh: It will be a nice day here, hi 74!!!! Sorry for all you guys in the East Coast Brrrr!!!! :noway:

    Have a great Monday!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Thanks alf for your kind words. Yes, it is brutal outside...blizzard conditions and 30+ mph winds and just a nasty day. That's life in the Northeast!

    Today: Twice to the gym, 600 cals intervals on treadmill (total) and 45 mins strength training (total). I'll blast these last few lbs of fat off, then post "after" pix.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    hey, does anyone else have problems with slightly swelling ankles after running?I 'm not sure if I'm taking in too much salt or if this is just normal. I've only been walk/running for about 8-9 weeks and this is the first time I've experienced this. I did up my time this weekend to 60-80 min. I'm taking today off but still feeling a bit swollen. this getting older is harder than it looks. thanks
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Count me in. lots of posts on this one. i'm 52, maybe a group for 50's with 10-15 lbs to lose would be nice. anyone?
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    I'm there with you!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Kimss: It could be a sodium thing or maybe you need to watch your hydration. Sometimes you need more than just H20 when running. Your electrolytes may be off. I get a lot of good running advice from www.runnersworld.com - you can access all their info without having a subscription to the magazine.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Well, my husband backed out on me :grumble: :grumble: but a friend of mine showed up as I was getting ready to start my workout. She had just come back from the gym and I convinced her to go and run with me. She is not in the same fitness level as I am so we walked most of the time, 6 miles total. I burned 507 cals.

    Kimss, I agree with duffy, watch your sodium and your hydration as well. Sodium is one of the things I monitor on this site. I try not to go over 2400mg. It is usually under 2000 most days of the week. I also drink a lot of water. Today so far 128oz.

    mnichol, you are welcome to stay in this group if you'd like. But if it works better for you, you may start another group. This group is not big, many have been MIA for a while :laugh:

    Oh, I forgot to say that I totally "sinned" today :grumble: I had a cinnamon sugar pretzel from auntie annes at the mall!!! When I looked it up online, 470 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still managed to stay under my calories but I know that was not the best thing to eat...it was delicious though. :laugh: No more for me for a long while!!!

  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Wolfena, good to hear from you!!!! You were MIA!! :laugh: :laugh: Glad you are doing fine.

    I'm not MIA, just lurking.... can't seem to jump back on the wagon and STAY on, so I just don't feel like I have much more to offer other than whining, so I'm just keepin' it to myself. :wink:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I like hearing from you so keep on posting...:flowerforyou:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    thanks, I'll watch the sodium.. and get some electrolites. thanks for the website, I'll check that out too.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good Tuesday morning, everyone!

    Alf, I'll bet that woman in the mirror has a big smile on her face right now! Really good work this week. Seems like the zig-zag is working, don't you?

    I've already had workout #1 for today at 5 am: 300 cals treadmill intervals and some core/ ab work. I will do another workout at noon. Now I'm ready for my oatmeal.

    To all posters on this thread, keep posting. I really like when you share your success and frustration. We are all in this together, no matter what our ultimate goals may be.

    Have a great day!

    PS- Wolfena, keep posting! We're here to kick you in the butt (gently, of course).
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,805 Member
    Morning everyone! It's been a busy few days. My DH had surgery yesterday, so that wasn't any fun. But he seems to be doing well. I'm keeping up with my workouts (so far) while trying to take care of him.

    And I STILL haven't eaten any crap since sometime in mid-January. We had a dinner out on Friday (it was a catered affair), and I was good at that to the point of even turning my back on the white bread and such. I still ate too much I think, but I tried to eat just good stuff. And it was very good stuff!

    Today I have an hour of weight lifting planned (back and triceps) and then probably some ab work and stretching. One of the things my husband is noticing right now is that my body shape is changing pretty significantly given the amount of weight I've lost. I think whatever I'm doing in terms of fitness is really having as much impact as the diet, so I'm going to continue down this course for awhile and see what more I can do.

    Hope everybody has a great day!
  • msujdak
    msujdak Posts: 141
    Hey over 40's, do any of you have info on calcium requirments? MFP shows a lower daily intake than my Dr. said I should be getting.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Stiring: Great work and I hope your DH continues to improve.

    msujdak: Follow your Dr. guidelines on your calcium intake. One of my favorite treats during the day is the 40 calories I use for my calcium chews. I love the caramel ones it is just like having candy.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!! I did the shred this morning, early start 0530, did levels 3, 2 and 1 in that order. 609cals burned!!! :drinker: I'm at work right now and just ate my snack, 60cal light and fit yogurt and a Borden cheese stick. Breakfast was 1/2 c oatmeal, .5 scoop designer whey protein, 7 chopped almonds, 1/2c skim milk, blueberries, cinnamon. Yummy!!!!!!!!!!! I'm doing pretty good but I have had "crap" from time to time :laugh: WTG StiringWendel for staying on track with your diet!!!!! :drinker:
    I really dont have any info on calcium requirements but I do eat calcium rich foods daily and take a supplement. One of the tests I want to get done this year is a bone density test to see how I'm doing. I second duffy, follow your doctor's advice.

    Singfree, thanks for your encouragement, the mirror says I'm looking pretty good these days :laugh:

    Stiring, what weight lifting program are you following?? An hr of lifting for just back and triceps? WOW!!!!!! :drinker:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,805 Member
    alf, I'm doing Cathe Friedrich's new STS DVD program. For those who don't know but might be interested in learning about it, it is a weight lifting program designed to be done over either three or six months. The program itself includes 40 disks, 39 of which are strength training and one of which is an abs DVD with six different abs workouts. Each disk represents one day for one week in the three month program (for the six month program, it is one day for two weeks). There are three cycles in the program: muscle endurance, hypertrophy (muscle building and definition), and strength.

    I've lifted weights for years now. But what I'm finding so incredibly beneficial about this program right now is that it actually forced me (okay, the better word would be 'convinced' me) to figure out my 1 rep max. And the cool thing is you can plug that into a program on Cathe's site, and it will tell you how much you should be lifting for each exercise for each week. For example, the first week is designed to lift 60% of your max (for fifteen reps). The second week, that gets bumped up to 65%, and so on until the last week in the program, you are lifting 90% of your max for eight reps. Why I have found this so helpful is that where I would normally routinely grab a 12lb weight (as an example), and the card says '13', I actually make myself do the 13 (with the help of wrist weights and such). So where I might actually plateau myself because a jump from 12 to 15 at times is tough (depending on the muscle), this is forcing me to think about ways of getting there. I know that sounds strange, but I quite honestly don't think very often about putting things like wrist weights on when I'm lifting weights.

    The other thing is that I am actually stronger than I was giving myself credit for being. When I looked at the first set of workout cards, I thought to myself 'there is no way I'm going to be doing 15 reps with THAT weight', but lo and behold I actually CAN do it and AM doing it.

    For people who might not be as lax as I am in weight training, maybe this wouldn't have such benefits. But I think I just got....bored.....with pushing myself with weights because I have been lifting weights now for about 20 years. And it really excites me to have something that is so easy that is pushing me so hard. And it is pushing me hard! Again, I've been a regular exercises for years, and a regular Cathe Friedrich exerciser for years. But I have been sore from the leg workout I did last Friday since, well, Friday. And right now, my arms are still quivering from that back/tricep workout I did a few hours ago. It feels great!!

    While the premise of this program is similar to something like P90X and such, what I like about it is NOT repeating the same workout each week. While some of the exercises are the same (about 50%), there are new exercises each week, and that should help me with my boredom issues. And I do have boredom issues when working out. :tongue: This program is quite an investment (thankfully I bought it when it was presale, so I got it for less expensive), but given that there are 39 independent workouts and a comprehensive abs disk, I actually can't really argue too much with the price. I may not do the program often as I'm doing it right now, but I think many of these workouts will find their way into my regular rotations because they are so effective.

    And, no, Cathe doesn't pay me for advertising, though it probably sounds that way. :blushing:

    So there's a VERY long answer to your question, alf!

    duffy, thanks for the good wishes for my husband, He seems to be doing well. What kind of calcium chews do you take? I've started taking Viactiv, and I tell you what, that is one of my favorite treats (as you called it!). My husband thinks I'm nuts when I say 'I'm going to have dessert' and out I pull a calcium tablet. But I do crave them!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Stiring - Usually Viactiv if I can make it to Costco - right now I have Kroger's brand and their not bad either.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Thanks for the info Stiring!! I too have been lifting for many yrs, I would say about 16-20yrs. But like yourself I usually stick to the basics and I'm very cautious how heavy I lift so I don't hurt myself, especially since I always lift by myself. I am looking into a program that will challenge me more as far as lifting is concerned. I have been thinking about getting P90X when I come back from my trip but I've heard the dvds are very long, some more than 1hr. I'm afraid it would be hard to complete them the recommended way. I've heard Chalean program is about the same but not as long as P90X. Have you used those? How about Cathe's, are they long workouts? I do work outside the home, part time, and I have an autistic son so I usually workout early in the morning before I have to get ready and get him ready for school. I prefer to leave the evenings open for hubby, housework and other things than working out. What would you recommend? How much is the program? Thanks!! :flowerforyou: