How to get lean muscles and not bulky?



  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Thank you all for replies. I will consider changing my exercise routine, yes. That is exactly why I'm asking here for advice how and what to do and not because I'm making fun of anyone or something. I thought the community section at mfp is meant to ask questions if you have any and I'm sorry if I somehow offended anyone, though that wasn't my intention.

    First let me say that yes, probably there is also still fat around the muscle, I am still losing weight. I don't want to look like Kate Moss and never wanted that, so please don't just presume things, you don't know me. I love the muscles on my legs, the thing is that with time my calves are getting even bigger than before when I weighed a lot more and it just seems weird to me, also a lot of times I feel like I have swollen calves, which almost hurts a little, I don't know how to describe the feeling (when it's really cold outside for example).

    I never said bigger is not cool. My family and a lot of people I know fall into the category of bigger (also I have a bmi of more then 25, so not the healthy range anymore) and we all look damn good. So, don't put words into my mouth that I never said.

    About my exercise routine.. I run 5 times a week 40 minutes, no incline and going about 5 mph, not that fast. I also didn't think it was too much. I love running, it started out as just an exercise to lose weight, but now I can't do without it.

    I'm just asking for an advice and to see how others are coping with that, I'm no expert, if I were I wouldn't be asking for an advice.

    Thank you again, good luck!

    Leksandra, you have a right to ask questions and not only that, everyone should respect you. No one on here is an expert. Everyone is sharing their opinion.
  • Try crosstraining! A different cardio exercise once or twice a week will work your leg muscles in a different way and might help.
  • An aerobics teacher told me that stretching after exercising is important if I didn't want bulky calves but long slender looking muscles in my calves. I do stretch my legs out quiet a bit so far no bulk.

    Does anyone know if this is myth or fact? I was wondering this myself. (articles or research on this would be very helpful)
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    I don't see things like you see them, but that doesn't mean I'm misinforming people. Because, if I am, then that means you are too.

    Your logic is flawless, as usual.
    I don't have to prove myself to you, so stop asking me to prove things to you.

    If you want people to stop asking you to prove things to them, then you need to stop making things up. It's clear that you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about, so run along and let the grown-ups talk.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member

    I don't see things like you see them, but that doesn't mean I'm misinforming people. Because, if I am, then that means you are too.

    Your logic is flawless, as usual.
    I don't have to prove myself to you, so stop asking me to prove things to you.

    If you want people to stop asking you to prove things to them, then you need to stop making things up. It's clear that you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about, so run along and let the grown-ups talk.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    personally, I'd ask people who looked like they knew what they were talking about, but that's just me...
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    An aerobics teacher told me that stretching after exercising is important if I didn't want bulky calves but long slender looking muscles in my calves. I do stretch my legs out quiet a bit so far no bulk.

    Does anyone know if this is myth or fact? I was wondering this myself. (articles or research on this would be very helpful)

    Stretching is always good after a workout. I've read that ballet dancers stretch after a workout to prevent bulkiness.

    Ballet workouts are good.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    personally, I'd ask people who looked like they knew what they were talking about, but that's just me...

    Feel free to judge the book by it's cover. I know what I'm talking about. I don't have to prove myself to you.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    personally, I'd ask people who looked like they knew what they were talking about, but that's just me...

    Feel free to judge the book by it's cover. I know what I'm talking about. I don't have to prove myself to you.

    I'm glad you think you know what you are talking about. Would you care to show me where I ever asked or told you to prove yourself to me? Not once. Ever. So, why did you even bother responding to me?
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    An aerobics teacher told me that stretching after exercising is important if I didn't want bulky calves but long slender looking muscles in my calves. I do stretch my legs out quiet a bit so far no bulk.

    Does anyone know if this is myth or fact? I was wondering this myself. (articles or research on this would be very helpful)

    Think about it critically for a minute, and you'll have your answer.
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    What you are probably actually seeing is muscle mixed with fat.I always thought my calves were HUGELY muscled when I was walking around 15lbs heavier than they are now. I couldn't wear those cut knee high boots. Currently I have stronger but SMALLER calves and fit into the boots. Really it's the body fat that makes you "bulky" not the muscles. To get your calves smaller you'll have to cut over all body fat, however where the fat comes from is not under your control (if it was I'd have skinny thighs). Your calves might not shrink until you get pretty low on the body fat and then you might be lower than you want (again, my situation with my thighs)...
    Without steroids a woman cannot get bulky.Best result is coming from light weights with high reps.
    The leaner you get the less bulky your calves are going to be.

    The first part of this statement depends on the definition of "bulky". Some women confuse "defined", "muscular" and "bulky". I completely understand that some women do not want the "muscular" and/or "defined" look, and the key to that is to maintain higher body fat percentages, anything greater than 20% or so. And yeah, I guess women CAN get "bulky" without steroids but it takes eating at a calorie surplus and many months if not years of weight lifting. I've been trying for 2 months and have gained 3 lbs.

    Light weights and high reps is pretty much bull [edit]. All it does is make you better at lifting light weights with high reps. It doesn't challenge or develop your muscles at all. It definitely doesn't make them "lean".

    I agree with a lot of this. A LOT depends on your definition of bulky.

    (I'm really not being sarcastic/rude - but I know people are coming in with very different mind sets and goals so I don't want to make any assumptions)

    In my mind, these women are not bulky. I define them as lean and toned. And honestly, to get to THIS level of strength takes YEARS and incredibly clean eating. Getting to this level does not happen by mistake - it is very difficult. (Something like this is my goal, personally.) If you want a less toned/defined look, you just hold onto more body fat and you will look 'softer'.

    Now, I had a lot of friends in college who aspired to look more like this:

    I can offer no advise on how to get this body. While some women may genetically be very thin, that is not the norm. I can only assume it takes a very low level of eating. I would also imagine she does not lift weights. (All my guesses - as I said, I cannot advise on how to achieve this body).

    EDIT: To the OP - I didn't see the last post you had written in this thread! You had already answered my question in terms of body types :) Sorry I missed that! (I had read the thread before leaving the house for the gym, and when I came home immediately responded. I forget to check for new responses.)

    I think you're onto the right idea - keep chipping away at the fat that's left in the muscles. I'm currently working on the same thing in my stomach. What sucks is that we're all genetically disposed to carry weight in certain areas. You know, the place it goes on first and comes off last :/ It sounds like that may be your legs for you, and for my, it's the tummy! I think as you get down to the end, it can just go sllllllllllllllowly. I, too, used to be a heavy runner - I actually ran my first marathon this year! I've since added weight training in, pushing my body and continually increasing how much I can lift. I'm combining this with HIIT and tabata sort of training. It seems to be working. I initially gained some weight in the first 3 months (my photos show me going from 146 to 150) - I hear that newbies to weight training are capable of putting on muscle a bit faster in the very beginning. My weight now seems to be going down again. I'm happy to keep you posted! I know that it's my stomach for me and legs for you, so it won't be exactly the same - but I'm glad to share what I find works :)
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I'm glad you think you know what you are talking about. Would you care to show me where I ever asked or told you to prove yourself to me? Not once. Ever. So, why did you even bother responding to me?

    The person you've quoted is on ignore. That person was talking to me and you were agreeing with that person and that's why you have made your statement. I'm letting you know that I don't have to prove anything to you. You can look at me and think that I don't know what I'm talking about all you want. It will never stop the fact that I do.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I'm glad you think you know what you are talking about. Would you care to show me where I ever asked or told you to prove yourself to me? Not once. Ever. So, why did you even bother responding to me?

    The person you've quoted is on ignore. That person was talking to me and you were agreeing with that person and that's why you have made your statement. I'm letting you know that I don't have to prove anything to you. You can look at me and think that I don't know what I'm talking about all you want. It will never stop the fact that I do.

    I said what I said based on what I personally think. Trust me, you are just not that important to me. Again, because you are clearly not getting it, I NEVER once asked you or anyone else to prove themselves. Ever. I could care less what you think you know.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    I'm glad you think you know what you are talking about. Would you care to show me where I ever asked or told you to prove yourself to me? Not once. Ever. So, why did you even bother responding to me?

    The person you've quoted is on ignore.

    If you keep putting everyone who disagrees with you on ignore, soon you won't see any posts at all.

    That person was talking to me and you were agreeing with that person and that's why you have made your statement. I'm letting you know that I don't have to prove anything to you. You can look at me and think that I don't know what I'm talking about all you want. It will never stop the fact that I do.

    Yes, because repeating the phrase "I know what I'm talking about" ad infinitum will magically make it true.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I'm glad you think you know what you are talking about. Would you care to show me where I ever asked or told you to prove yourself to me? Not once. Ever. So, why did you even bother responding to me?

    The person you've quoted is on ignore. That person was talking to me and you were agreeing with that person and that's why you have made your statement. I'm letting you know that I don't have to prove anything to you. You can look at me and think that I don't know what I'm talking about all you want. It will never stop the fact that I do.

    i know how much you love formulas, so do you think this formula applies to both men and women or just men?

    muscle gain in one year = 0.3 × wrist2 × 0.5(no. of years training - 1)

    and what about this one?

  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    What you are probably actually seeing is muscle mixed with fat. I always thought my calves were HUGELY muscled when I was walking around 15lbs heavier than they are now. I couldn't wear those cut knee high boots. Currently I have stronger but SMALLER calves and fit into the boots. Really it's the body fat that makes you "bulky" not the muscles. To get your calves smaller you'll have to cut over all body fat, however where the fat comes from is not under your control (if it was I'd have skinny thighs). Your calves might not shrink until you get pretty low on the body fat and then you might be lower than you want (again, my situation with my thighs).

    And lastly, muscular calves are sexy as hell.

    ETA: Unless you are already pretty lean, then it's probably genetics.

    I had the same situation as this woman. Since I lost body fat my legs have leaned out. They are still muscular and now much more defined but the overall circumference of my thighs and calves have decreased with the reduction of fat.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I said what I said based on what I personally think. Trust me, you are just not that important to me. Again, because you are clearly not getting it, I NEVER once asked you or anyone else to prove themselves. Ever. I could care less what you think you know.

    We've both made ourselves clear.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    An aerobics teacher told me that stretching after exercising is important if I didn't want bulky calves but long slender looking muscles in my calves. I do stretch my legs out quiet a bit so far no bulk.

    Does anyone know if this is myth or fact? I was wondering this myself. (articles or research on this would be very helpful)

    i don't know about preventing bulkiness, but i read in a few places (don't ask me to provide sources, sorry) that a very good static stretching routine after any type of work out can help muscles repair themselves, prevent cramps and soreness, and increase the effectiveness of your next workout.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member

    Leksandra, you have a right to ask questions and not only that, everyone should respect you. No one on here is an expert. Everyone is sharing their opinion.

    AZackery - there are, in fact, some users on this site that are experts. Some of these people have devoted their lives to the study of the human body, and to the training of those of us who have not done this study. Not everyone is on this site because they need to lose weight, or even because they have ever had to lose weight. Some are here to gain, and some are here solely to support those of us that have questions on how to do this. I, for one, appreciate their time and advice.
  • wendyw8
    wendyw8 Posts: 86 Member
    First let me say that yes, probably there is also still fat around the muscle, I am still losing weight. I don't want to look like Kate Moss and never wanted that, so please don't just presume things, you don't know me. I love the muscles on my legs, the thing is that with time my calves are getting even bigger than before when I weighed a lot more and it just seems weird to me, also a lot of times I feel like I have swollen calves, which almost hurts a little, I don't know how to describe the feeling (when it's really cold outside for example).

    You might have swelling. Is there any difference if you take a few days off? Most runners recommend running 3-4x a week. Maybe try something lower impact on the other days, like cycling, elliptical or walking.

    Also, maybe as the rest of you is shrinking, and it's making your calves seem bigger in comparison. Are you measuring them?
  • wendyw8
    wendyw8 Posts: 86 Member
    a lot of times I feel like I have swollen calves, which almost hurts a little, I don't know how to describe the feeling (when it's really cold outside for example).

    You might have swelling. Is there any difference if you take a few days off? Most runners recommend running 3-4x a week. Maybe try something lower impact on the other days, like cycling, elliptical or walking.

    My calves feel swollen alot also! What do you mean by swelling? What causes it?