Nose piercing



  • HealthyJess88
    HealthyJess88 Posts: 199 Member
    thank you so much for all your help guys, it's overwhelmingly positive feedback for the most part!

    I do admit sometimes I think, "is it too 90s?" or "should i have gotten this at 15 before it mattered about jobs etc?" but most people seem to say it's not really going to matter.

    I love how most people choose the word "super-cute" haha
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    I only have ear piercings. I love the nose piercing with a small diamond stud. I probabaly won't get one though, I am seriously considering getting my navel pierced when I get to my goal weight.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    GET IT! I will live vicariously through you. At 32, I feel getting one now is "the ship has passed" material. :cry:

    The ship is still at port!

    What about at 44??? I've been wanting one for a few years now (would get a tiny diamond) but am afraid I would look like a goof if I got one now.

    I'm almost 54 and kind of feel the same way. I would love it but seems like I'm a bit old for it.
  • rastrillo
    rastrillo Posts: 28 Member
    Don't you think your face is pretty enough?
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Don't you think your face is pretty enough?

    Absolutely, that's why we choose to decorate it. :)
  • SpunkBean
    SpunkBean Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 33 and just got my nose pierced this year :) Nobody has ever asked anything about my age-- as far as they know I could have done it 15 years ago! I say go for if you want one, and if you plan on a tiny little stud, you might be surprised how many people don't even notice it (even though at first you feel like you're walking around with a giant bullseye on your nose, lol)
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    My friend has one and sometimes I have to double take because I think it's a boogie.
  • Felidae106
    Felidae106 Posts: 8 Member
    Pleasantly surprised to see the amount of people recommending needles over guns, absolutely agree!

    Nose piercings are pretty inoffensive and suit most people really.

    As long as you follow a good aftercare regime and avoid touching or knocking the piercing as much as possible it should heal just fine. I'd recommend having it pierced with a titanium nostril screw or labret stud.

    As mentioned by others already if you aren't keen on the idea you can take it out and it will close up. If there is any visible scarring you can do daily vitamin E oil massages to break down any scar tissue and help the appearance but it's unlikely the scar would be noticeable really.

    When I was first considering having my nose pierced I got some tiny silver stickers and put one each side of my nose at a time to decide which I wanted and whether I liked the look, might be an idea to help confirm how much you'd like it before you go for it?
  • GZinSea
    GZinSea Posts: 50 Member
    I think the idea is great, and nose piercings can be super sexy, however, I would say if you had initially set it as a reward once you achieved your goal then you should hold out, get it as the reward you promised yourself for your hard work!

    you've come this far, push it out, earn that jewelry!
  • KarenZenaida
    KarenZenaida Posts: 27 Member

    Start livin' that life and get it done now! It'll be like your reward for making this far, and it'll also be your motivation to keep going. Even though you wanted to make it your reward in the end, you can always find a new reward for that moment. But if you feel you deserve it now (which you do for making it to your halfway mark), than get it done. Than you won't want to go back to the person you were before it, you'll want to just keep on improving.