Sisterhood HCP Week 5



  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    So I am finnaly able to get on the site. I have not been able to get on all day! Last week I baught the Polar F11. It was $145 and I hated it. I returned it the next day. I really wanted something that would tell me how many calories I was burning the whole day. I hated the chest strap. I would never wear it all day. I wore it to do two workouts. One at the gym and one at home. It was so uncomfortable and wiggled all around. It could be the fact that as a woman you have to wear a bra and they both meet at the same place. I did see a bra made by polar that it is built in which would have been better I think but of course you have to buy that for an extra $40. Also the watch was huge and bulky and when I tried to bend my wrist it hurt. I know several people that have polar watches and love them. It just was not the watch for me. I might look into the one that Jeremy mentioned. I would love one to count my steps that way I dont have to wear the pedometer on my waist which falls off or gets reset. Anyway this is just my opinion. I hope you like yours Teressa.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I think they do make different models, and one doesn't calculate how many calories you burn. The F6 definitely does. My biggest problem is that I hate buying things without being able to try them out. Here in Soldotna, Alaska, we are kinda limited on where you can go to buy things, and the only HRM they had here was one you can wear on your wrist, and it was a brand that I really didn't trust.

    Maybe we can all compare how well the different brands are once we all get them, that way people know we have tried them out and which ones to buy and stay away from... Like our very own consumer report!!! :laugh:
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Wow, blink and I miss 2 whole pages. Hello all!

    Guess what??? I got my 30 day shred today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It really does kick your butt, but I just had to keep telling myself that was the point. There's 3 different levels and an easy and difficult in each level, so it should keep me busy for a while. The reason why it took so long, (since some of you were wondering) is because at first I was going to get it through Netflix, then the waiting list was too long for that (after waiting a week), so I bought one on Amazon. Then it took a little over a week to get here due to the holiday and the fact that we only get mail 3x's a week.:grumble: So all is well and I'm excited, even after doing it for the first day.

    I admire some of you for doing cardio 2x's a day or working out for over an hour at a time. Every once in a while I'm able to squeeze one in that long, but not very often. I think in a while I'm going to go with hubby and fling some 50 pound sacks of mineral to the good ol bovines that are now in my front yard as we are starting calving season. Do you think if I search the exercise database I'll find how many calories you burn while pulling a calf?:laugh: Not likely.:laugh:

    I'm glad we shared names, now I just have to remember them! I knew our Mister Sister was a good guy, my hubby is a Jeremy too!:wink:
    Ok so here's my take on the HRM. I have no Wal-mart near (I feel your pain Teressa) so I'm banished to surf the net for a bunch of my stuff. My extensive searching goes a little like this. I look on ebay and check out the comments from the people who have bought from that source before and go from there. But I'm cheap, so if it's not exactly what I wanted, I only spent a couple bucks on it anyway, and usually I only buy from someone who has a return policy. So having said that.......I don't know what brand mine is, but it's not fancy, it takes my pulse, how many calories I've burned and doesn't hurt like some of the chest bands do (from what I've heard -- a bunch of people complain about sores etc). Grand total with shipping, 11.75. It's better than guessing, might not be right on all the time, but it's still better than guessing. So there's my consumer report.
    PS if I did a bunch of walking then I might have looked into one with a step counter, but I figure heart rate is more important than steps when I do go for a walk (when the snow goes away:laugh: )
  • hopetobeinshape
    Tonight Im going to go to target and take a look at the different ones they have but right now I think my :heart: is set on the Polar F4.

    Ill come back afterwards and give everyone an update on my findings...
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Well, good luck all with the HRM's, and I'll update as soon as I get mine-I still haven't received it like I was expecting to today...:sad: :sad: :brokenheart: :sad: :sad:
  • hopetobeinshape
    ALright Im home and I got the Polar F4. I looked at the mio's and I really dont want to go without the strap. Especially when I start running outside (I want to do a 5 k in June) I am going to need a constant heart rate. I dont want to have to keep pressing a button to check. I didnt go with the F6 because I dont need all the extra stuff. I really just need my heart rate and calories expended. Everyone has said the Polar is trustworthy so thats what I went with.

    Good new is the Polars were onsale %20 off!

    Bad news: I was asking the clerk questions and he had no Idea! He tried talking me into a pedometer instead of a heart rate monitor :grumble: I told him I read some reviews that said the lighter colors turn yellow with age and usage. His response "well if thats what you heard then I suppose its true" Wow! Thanks thanks for your help jerk. :mad:

    So I then bought my F4 tomorrow I will try it out, since I already did my workout today :smile:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Well, I didn't get the HRM but I did get off my butt to play volleyball tonight... It felt so good to be moving, and it always seems to make me feel better when I'm still a little stuffy to be moving around. One bad thing happened... I totally jammed my thumb!!! It hurts to press my thumb and index finger together, and also to stretch it outwards... I am taking a motrin and hoping it feels better tomorrow; I have chest, shoulders, and triceps, so I need it to do push-ups!!!

    Hopetobinshape... Let me know how you like the F4 and how the chest strap feels. That is the only thing that I am worried about when it comes to this HRM...