Cardio doesn't help you lose weight...



  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I know, so why argue? If someone is seeing results, regardless of whether they completely understand why, then there is no need to argue with them. Spread the correct information to those who don't understand and let them digest it. It's up to them to research and verify what information is correct. It's also up to them to believe.
    Cardio works just fine for me. Strength training will always be at the bottom of my list. A person has to do what they feel is right for their body.
    Haha, I don't even understand why anyone is arguing with you. Cardio works for you right? You burn more calories than you consume so you are loosing weight right? Well great job and keep doing what you are doing. People are just trying to help others understand that in the end, the caloric deficit is most imporant as you need to govern your intake vs your usage. Strength training will increase your usage, but cardio will also burn calories (which is usage also).
    The argument arose because she claims that weight training will make one "bulky" and will not burn calories.

    This happens every time. :noway:

    It's because they're obsessed with her. It happens in many threads she posts in. They just can't ignore her, they *must* respond. I find it entertaining.
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
  • I'm insanely amused by all this bickering... :blushing:
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I suggest you read Body for Life or New Rules of Lifting for Women. I believe that the New Rules is a 9 week program if I remember correctly.

    I'm not going to read the book, but thank you anyway.

    I'm in the middle of reading this and am planning to start the workouts in 4 weeks (doctor's orders after gallbladder removal--so impatient and ready to start). You are missing out on some amazing information by not reading it. Of course, it's your right to ignore scientific information in favor of your own opinion, but I guess I don't understand why you would not want to broaden your horizons and maybe learn something new. Many people have gotten excellent results from this program, so even if you ignore the scientific information, I don't get why you'd ignore something that has gotten good results.

    I do a combination of cardio (elliptical and soon, C25K) and strength training (machines at the gym, New Rules starting soon). I burn a lot more calories doing the cardio, but the strength training is also playing a huge part in reshaping my body. I see muscles developing in my legs and arms (I lose fat there first!), and I am stronger. The strength training has also helped my posture and helped my back be stronger. I personally think a well-balanced program that includes both cardio and strength training gives the most advantages. I need the cardio because I couldn't climb a set of stairs when I started without being out of breath; it doesn't bother me now. Strength training has huge benefits, too, especially for women. I can't remember where I read it, but strength training can help hold off the effects of osteoporosis in women. So there are tremendous benefits to both types of exercise.

    As others have said, though, the exercise alone won't do have to control your food intake. I am living proof that cardio does not burn fat, a calorie deficit does. Due to my gallbladder surgery the day before Thanksgiving, I can't exercise (not even allowed to lift the milk jug right now!). All I can do is watch my calorie intake. I have still managed to lose 4 pounds SINCE my surgery, without any exercise.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Cardio works just fine for me. Strength training will always be at the bottom of my list. A person has to do what they feel is right for their body.

    So how much weight have you lost recently on this cardio-only plan?

    I've lost 40 of my 60 (haven't updated my ticker yet) pounds with zero exercise. Are you disputing that a person can't lose weight without doing strength training or something?

    that comment was aimed a AZ, who claims to be a "big girl" and does cardio only and is against lifting weights, but also claims that cardio works better then strength training.

    Just because it was "aimed" at her, doesn't make that person's insinuation correct.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Cardio works just fine for me. Strength training will always be at the bottom of my list. A person has to do what they feel is right for their body.

    So how much weight have you lost recently on this cardio-only plan?

    I've lost 40 of my 60 (haven't updated my ticker yet) pounds with zero exercise. Are you disputing that a person can't lose weight without doing strength training or something?

    that comment was aimed a AZ, who claims to be a "big girl" and does cardio only and is against lifting weights, but also claims that cardio works better then strength training.

    ^^^ yes, this.

    I'm not saying cardio doesn't make you lose weight, but rather disputing the claim that strength training won't help to lose weight.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    Hey There,

    To prevent anyone else doing themselves an injury by posting stuff that violates the guidelines and earns them a strike, I'm shuttin' 'er down.

    Plenty of good information in this thread for any who care to find it, but at this point I think the horse we're beating is well past its prime.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
This discussion has been closed.